Google Alerts® provided me the article about Word of Faith Fellowship (WOFF) found on The®.
“Church Accused of Beating Gay Man During ‘Deliverance’ to Remove Homosexual ‘Demons’ Posts Public Response Defending Its Members” found here. Interesting- it is posted under ‘Crime.’
The is a news site provided by Glenn Beck’s group. Mr. Beck has ties to Christians United for Israel (CUFI) as a speaker at their convention in 2013. See here. WOFF has in years past had strong ties to CUFI, though everything is subject to change. How close the ties are now has been hard to gauge.
The public response from WOFF is found here. In order to help explain the language of the response and how this statement fits with Josh Farmer’s disclaimers, we will break it down and provide context. After graduating from WOFF in 2008, I believe my experience inside will help others understand WOFF-speak.
“We are deeply saddened by the allegations being made by Matthew Fenner.” I am sure this statement is true. They are sad they are yet again being called into the public spotlight for abusive practices covered over with the label of ‘prayer.’ Another survivor has spoken out in a BIG way to expose their secret practices behind the lily white doors on their metal building.
“We love Matthew and have always been a church that loved everybody, because God is love.” Okay, let’s focus here. In WOFF to say “I ‘love’ you” to another member carries with it the understood meaning that ‘I will do whatever it takes to keep you in the will of God’- translated –‘to keep you serving God at WOFF.’ So, yes, inside the WOFF subculture, they ‘loved’ Matthew. They did WHATEVER they knew to do to keep him at WOFF. ‘Whatever’ can include physical contact and restricting departure out of the group and/or any area where you were supposed to stay “in order to get the work of the Spirit done in you.” Your access could be restricted by force or by promises for retribution and discipline or more.
I was present when Jane Whaley said this about the love of God- “Everyone loves Jane Whaley and Jane loves everyone. If they don’t (love Jane) then they are listening to devils.”
Jane takes her words seriously. She was telling us exactly what she believed about herself and others. Is it plausible to in light of this new statement by WOFF to add “(We)…have always been a church that loved everybody…” and if you don’t love us you are listening to devils? Before we move on does “Everyone love Jane Whaley…”? Say, Amen or Oh, my!
From the statement-“What Matthew claims was done to him is absolutely not true, and we would never allow something like that to happen…” It is unclear here what they are responding to since they do not restate the charges in the indictments. In WOFF think, they could be responding to something unrelated and reconstructing the events in present tense. If they had restated the exact allegations and then denied them, this would carry more weight. If this case goes to trial, they will have that opportunity through their esteemed attorneys.
“…we would never allow something like that to happen…” Now, this is simple to explain. Isn’t this statement future tense? Does this exclude the past conduct? I believe this means they would stop someone other than their members from preventing an easy exit, restraining someone or strangling them. Why? Because no one but a WOFF member has complete understanding of the depths of ‘love’ needed to “help” someone in this fashion. This explanation means they would stop someone else who was not “walking with God” from treating another person like they treated Matthew. If anyone other than a WOFF member “flowing in the Love of God” treated a person as Matthew was treated- it would be a crime. For them, it is “the love of God.”
“The outlandishness of Matthew’s story continues to grow and it is clear he has been influenced by several individuals who have vowed to destroy our church.”
This statement shows a total disconnect from the purpose of the indictments. This story has been picked up by news sources far and wide, overseas and beyond. That is to be expected in today’s news climate. However, the indictments don’t proclaim a purpose to destroy WOFF. The purpose of the indictments is for Matthew a fair opportunity for a hearing in a court of law on the charges listed. Below is a copy of one of the indictments.
The abusive practices inside the group are the target. Destroying a church is a task not addressed in this drama. If Matthew’s case brings any convictions or measure of justice for him, then, if the church folds or reorganizes, it will be the results of the actions of a few members against one of their own. If any long lasting changes come inside WOFF because of this trial, it will be the result of their own doing.
“We ask for your prayers until we are vindicated. It is a shame how people believe lies over the truth, which is causing these five precious people to have to fight to prove their innocence and clear their name. Again, we ask for your prayers.”
Well, here you have it. “It is a shame how people believe lies over the truth…” Again, this is a reflection of those “listening to devils…” Jane expresses her exasperation at her inability to administer enough spin on this drama and a failure to control the optics of this unfolding scene.
“…five precious people…” Bless their darling hearts.
“…fight to prove their innocence…” WOFF is fighting to keep every bit of the borrowed credibility and purchased influence they have within the local community and areas beyond. Yes, five members are being processed through the legal system and the outcome may not be what anyone can predict with any measure of confidence. But, this is known. The practices of blasting, loud prayer, deliverance and all measures of forceful physical contact this has evolved to include will be on display for the world to see. At some point, the world needs to see a demonstration of Matthew’s claims.
Prayers? Yes, for a graphic unveiling of the abuses inside of WOFF. If there are none and they have “nothing to hide” then rest easy, Jane. If you and all yours are totally innocent of this “complete fabrication” then rest, relax and don’t change a thing. Don’t make new rules about physical contact during deliverance prayer. Opps, you have already done that? Thank you, for telling us what we already knew.
Thank you, for taking time to visit and read this blog. Please, consume the information on this site responsibly. The author is not a licensed mental health professional and encourages those that need professional help to seek it. The intent of the material is to inform and be a resource. Be sure to tell every member that you know at WOFF about this blog. There are readers at WOFF. Jane told me and Josh confirmed it.
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Guest posts reflect the opinions of the writers. Their opinions do not necessarily reflect the opinions of John Huddle or any other persons affiliated with this blog.
Please, take time to read the Terms of Use for this personal blog. As mentioned, for posts written by John Huddle, any information about WOFF is from his memories and recollections as perfect as that may be or not be.
Scripture references are Amplified Version unless otherwise noted. (Copyright © 1954, 1958, 1962, 1964, 1965, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation ) This is post number 501.
Technorati Tags: com, Jane Whaley, Leaving a Cult, Matthew Fenner, The Blaze, WOFF, Word of Faith Fellowship
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