
In Kabbalah we study the different states of man or the effects that we are able to observe

When a Kabblalist hears or reads of someone claiming that God is not real, or that all the stories of Torah are make believe or fairy tales and feel the need to shout or ridicule those of faith one thing is certain, the person is telling the absolute truth and being true to what he really believes because of experience.

It is usually a person who was once someone who wanted to believe in a God, wanted a real relationship with Hashem maybe he went to a church, bent his knee every day for a while or studied theology or whatever. Maybe he tried to live a certain way, prayed for some signs or even changed his behavior, thinking that he will draw some type of reward, when this does not happen and it usually does not, He stops praying or asking as he feels that he is abandoned by Hashem, he begins to see that good things happen to bad people and its a fact it does and he becomes comfortable with that, He now feels a complete lack, at first it feels like rejection but after a while he sees that people find satisfaction in physical pleasures, this God thing is a Joke no God is needed to be happy, all he knows that is good or all that he suffers is caused by dumb blind nature or luck, And it seems to him that the people who buy into a God of any kind are gullible, sick minded, uncivilized, stupid, dreamers and hypocrites. and he does not mind telling you so, because that is his experience, it is his truth

He feels it in his Kli that its stupid and religion is the cause of the worlds problems and feels it necessary to tell the world it is called concealment, the English word anyway, its not really that,but it is close or what I think of But I didnt want to use Yiddish or Hebrew

It is a Good state, it means He is on to something, on the right path so to speak where everything he feels is on the physical level, where everything becomes more of an unconscious development within if you will, even though they started out by wanting to believe in Hashem they where trying to get on the path of faith but felt as though they were being Rejected and this feeling in Hebrew called Lack of faith and is a natural state

It is something every soul, every human being that ever lived goes through at one time or another, and through these unconscious changes or developments ,beyond our control, this feeling that he is alone and there is no God, he has to understand that before anything else is added, He has to Create his Adam , they work unknowingly on certain corrections that will remove one level or veil of concealment, if not now in this physical life then in its time, and each to its own understanding

It is not for us to decide, or to Judge or even Question, only to understand that the person is in this state of concealment for a God given reason and a designed purpose and this person may or may not be further along correcting his soul than most of us who claim to be good theists because we have not felt this heart wrenching rejection, in fact, truth be told ,most of us do not feel anything one way or the other, 90 % of the world or more, we all pretend we do because it strokes our Ego to do so, and tell everyone what a good and religious person we are but in fact have not been blessed with this advancement yet, the farther the decent the higher the ascension

That is what I meant by concealment and never meant to imply anything one way or the other

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