
From SSRN- U.S. Law and Legal Theory

Robert T. Miller, Dogmatic Philosophy: A Review of 'Religion Without God', (240 First Things 59 (February 2014)).

Christopher C. Lund, Rethinking the 'Religious Question' Doctrine, (Pepperdine Law Review (symposium) (2014 Forthcoming)).

Kristine Kalanges, Religious Liberty: Between Strategy and Telos, (11 Review of Faith in International Affairs 28-31 (Winter 2013)).

Caspar Behme, 'Ein furchtbares Verbrechen ward begangen' – Schuld und Sühne in der Tannhäuser-Legende ('A Fearful Crime Has Been Committed' – Guilt and Expiation in the Tannhäuser Legend), (December 17, 2013).

Brian McCall, Can a Pluralistic Commonwealth Endure? The Political Problem of Religious Pluralism and Why Philosophers Can't Solve It by Thaddeus J. Kozinski, (Georgetown Journal of Law & Public Policy, Vol. 11, 2013).

Caroline Mala Corbin, Corporate Religious Liberty, (January 24, 2014).

Malcolm J. Harkins, The Uneasy Relationship of Hobby Lobby, Conestoga Wood, the Affordable Care Act and the Corporate Person: How a Historical Myth Woven Out of Whole Cloth Has Bedeviled the Legal System for Almost 150 Years, (St. Louis University Journal of Health Law & Policy (2014)).

From SSRN- Non-US Law:

Gerry van Klinken, Religion, Politics and Class Divisions in Indonesia, (In "Dealing with Diversity," Bernard Adeney-Risakotta (ed.), Geneva: Globethics (2014)).

Hamid Harasani, The English Rule Against Perpetuities and the Mandated Perpetuity of Islamic Waqfs: Three Colonial Cases, (8 The Journal of Comparative Law 172-191 (2013)).

Clark B. Lombardi, Constitutional Provisions Making Sharia 'A' or 'The' Chief Source of Legislation: Where Did They Come from? What Do They Mean? Do They Matter?, (American University International Law Review, Vol. 28, No. 3, pp. 733-74, 2013).

Kristine Kalanges, Talking Points on Report of the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief (2013). Heiner Bielefeldt, A/HRC/22/51, Human Rights Council, UN, Geneva, (Prepared for the Caritas in Veritate Foundation, May 2013).

Roberto Perrone, Public Morals and the ECHR, (University of Leicester School of Law Research Paper No. 14-02 (Jan. 2014)).

Amna M. Qureshi, The Use of Demeanour Evidence in Credibility Assessments at Trial - A Critical Examination, (January 1, 2014).

From SmartCILP and elsewhere:

Rafat Y. Alwazna, Testing the Precision of Legal Translation: The Case of Translating Islamic Legal Terms Into English, [Abstract], 26 International Journal for the Semiotics of Law 897-907 (2013).

Benjamin P. Edwards, When Fear Rules in Law's Place: Pseudonymous Litigation As a Response To Systematic Intimidation, 20 Virginia Journal of Social Policy & Law 437-472 (2013).

William M. Janssen, Led Blindly: One Circuit's Struggle to Faithfully Apply the U.S. Supreme Court's Religious Symbols Constitutional Analysis, [Abstract], 116 West Virginia Law Review 33-107 (2013).

Irit Rosenblum, Being Fruitful and Multiplying: Legal, Philosophical, Religious, and Medical Perspectives on Assisted Reproductive Technologies in Israel and Internationally, [Abstract], 36 Suffolk Transnational Law Review 627-648 (2013).

Journal of Law and Religion, Vol. 29, Issue 1 (Feb. 2014) has recently appeared.

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