Every year, Reliance Church hosts a free Vacation Bible School that serves to teach kids about Jesus. Last year, we had the opportunity to share the Gospel with over 600 kids, 170 of which made professions of faith. This year, we are expecting that number to grow and invite you to join us in prayer for the various needs.
Take a look below for some specific areas we would like prayer in!
Pray For The Kids:
- Pray that the lost would come by the multitudes
- Pray for the safety of all the kids
- Pray for children with special needs: medically, physically, and mentally
- Salvation
- Pray for the Holy Spirit to open hearts and minds
- Pray that the children would understand the Gospel
- Pray that the children who attend VBS would minister to their parents
- Pray that the parents would be receptive to the Gospel
- Pray for God to move through the time of worship
Pray For the Volunteers:
- Pray for safety of all the volunteers
- Pray for the physical and spiritual strength of the volunteers and leaders
- Pray for sound and media teams
- Pray that the sport coaches will reinforce the teaching
- Pray for the health of all serving and attending (no sickness)
- Pray that the servants would be mindful of the way God is working so that they can
minister to the children
- Pray for the set up and tear down crews
Pray for Pastors and Leaders:
- Pray for Pastor Darius: Message preparation
- Pray for Tami Pena- Children’s Ministry Director
- Pray for “Edge” aka Keith Still: Message preparation
- Pray for small group leaders to be spiritually discerning and equipped to teach the
- Pray the Gospel to be presented clear and simple
Other things to pray for:
- Pray for the weather (no rain, not too hot)
- Pray for the Registration and administration throughout the week
- Pray for check-in and check-out procedures to works well
- Pray God will provide financially in miraculous ways
Very Important:
- Pray for God to be glorified
- Pray for Jesus to be high and lifted up