
Digestive System

Health Problems & Disorders -

How to Beat Them

Medical Researchers, Scientists and Doctors have uncovered a completely natural way to balance the digestive system, to combat malabsorption of nutrients, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, bladder infections, allergies, chronic fatigue, cancer and a whole lot more. Improvement can take days, not years!

Better health starts with better digestion. It’s pretty simple when you think about it. You eat and drink, digest the nutrients, and they spread throughout your body. But if you’re not digesting efficiently, even a nutritious diet may not provide what you need to build energy, stay fit, and bolster your immune system to fight disease, including cancer.

Years of research by noted Scientists, Medical Researchers and Doctors around the world have discovered that much of what ails us begins with poor digestion. Studies in Great Britain show that toxins in our GI tract may be behind 90% of all chronic illnesses!

But studies also show that there is good news for people who experience chronic fatigue, frequent diarrhea and gas, constipation, bloating, leaky gut syndrome, chronic bladder infections, allergies, food sensitivities, vaginal infections and even high cholesterol. These scientific breakthroughs are in an area called probiotics. Probiotics are essentially `good’ bacteria that maintain a proper balance in the digestive system, minimizing or eliminating the growth of `bad’ bacteria.

Problems in the Gastro-Intestinal Tract May Cause 90% of all Illnesses and Diseases! Now, new discoveries in the field of probiotics balance the number of `good’ and `bad’ microorganisms to keep your digestion and metabolism running at peak performance!

“Medical science now knows that when the ecology of the human gastrointestinal tract becomes disrupted, beneficial microorganisms can no longer flourish in numbers necessary for proper balance”. Devin A. Mikies. M.D.

Without drugs or hospitalization, PROBIOTICS can fortify your intestinal flora with `friendly’, all-natural microorganisms you already have!

Boost your immune system to fight disease

Attack high cholesterol to lower the risk of heart disease

Defend against colon cancer

Prevent diarrhea, constipation, flatulence and bloating

Supercharge your energy for more spunk regardless of age

Counteract yeast and fungal infections like Candida

Improve your skin condition

Defeat chronic bladder infections

The bottom line? Feel better, have more energy and less digestive problems, and maybe even live longer!

Bacteria has a bad reputation. We hear so much about bacteria in advertisements and magazines that a lot of people think we should just rid the world of it. That wouldn’t be a good idea, because many strains of bacteria are beneficial, and necessary for good health.

Right now, as you read this newsletter, there are over 400 species of bacteria in your digestive tract – thousands of billions of microorganisms, that are helping your body.

Why do we need bacteria?

There are two kinds of bacteria. Simply put, ‘good’ and ‘bad’. Good bacteria protect us from overgrowth of bad bacteria. They cling to the walls in our intestines, literally taking up the space that harmful bacteria need to settle and reproduce. But even harmful bacteria can offer benefits – digesting sugars, and releasing vital enzymes and nutrients. Things go wrong when the natural balance between good and bad bacteria gets disrupted. Serious health consequences can follow, up to 90% of illnesses and diseases.


What happens when balance gets disrupted? Study after study shows that when the ecology of the digestive tract is disrupted, beneficial organisms can no longer flourish at the numbers necessary for proper balance,

We feel tired. Or we have frequent gas, diarrhea or constipation. We get bladder or vaginal infections. We develop allergies, skin conditions, and higher cholesterol levels. It can even result in poor immune response, which opens the door to a host of more serious illnesses, even colon cancer.

“You can have a thousand different types of nutritional deficiencies or toxic states as a result of flora imbalance… Most people with immune or digestive problems, as well as some skin or mental conditions, stand to benefit from supplementation.” -Thomas L. Stone, M.D.

Intestinal and digestive disorders account for up to 90% of illnesses and diseases, so maintaining a healthy quantity of `good’ bacteria to attack the growth of `bad’ bacteria can make you feel better. Improper balance leads to failing health, discomfort, and loss of energy for millions of middle-aged and elderly people. It prevents them from leading the kind of lives they’ve worked so hard to achieve. But how do we get – and keep – that balance? One answer is supplementation.

After years of research, Scientists, Doctors and Medical Researchers have discovered the benefits of microorganism supplementation. Tremendous benefits can be achieved when we continuously replenish our bodies with good bacteria. Not only do these bacteria promote good health and a better quality of life, they also combat the growth of bad bacteria.

What disrupts the balance of good and bad bacteria?

Although most people are born with the proper balance of good and bad bacteria, daily life can be extremely disruptive to what is called our digestive flora. Everyday events and routines disrupt the natural balance of microorganisms. Consumption of sugar, yeast, processed foods, red meat, fatty foods, alcohol and even carbonated beverages can alter the acid/alkaline balance of the intestines. Disease-causing bacteria can overwhelm the friendly flora, often discharging highly toxic byproducts. Since toxins are poisonous, very serious illnesses such as colon cancer and even heart disease can result.

What about antibiotics?

Antibiotics are effective in treating everything from ear infections and strep throat to urinary tract infections, peptic ulcers, pneumonia, and even anthrax. The problem is, they work too well. Did you know that `antibiotic’ means ‘antilife’? That’s because they are so good at killing bacteria, they even kill the good microorganisms, so unfriendly strains dake over.

Travelers’ Warning

Bacteria that’s harmless somewhere else may be harmful to you, just because your system isn’t used to it. When traveling outside of the country, even ice cubes can cause infection. These infections are what cause `travelers diarrhea’, and studies show it affects up to 50% of travelers, and can last months.

Not all Probiotics are created equal! Almost any supplement that contains beneficial strains of bacteria can be classified as a Probiotic. But there are huge differences you need to be aware of.

Better probiotics will have:

More valuable strains

Move viable cells per capsule

All natural cultures

Companies on the cutting-edge of this new technology have pioneered a potent, highly effective Probiotic called iFlora.

More positive strains means more positive results! iFlora, available exclusively from Sedona Labs, contains 16 viable strains of beneficial microorganisms per capsules. Most ordinary Probiotics offer as few as two. In addition, iFlora contains up to 12 times the number of viable cells per capsules. See charts below.


Protects against rotavirus diarrhea and intestinal infections. Reported to have immune strengthening properties.


Eliminates nitrates. May also significantly inhibit development of colon, liver and breast cancers.


Helps inhibit pathogenic bacteria such as E. coli. Produces compounds with antiproliferative activity useful in prevention of solid tumors important like breast cancer.


Resists acid digestion. Helps alleviate constipation, prevent diarrhea and decrease chronic inflammation of the sigmoid colon.


First line of defense against invaders and opportunistic organisms like yeast. Helps keep heart healthy by lowering cholesterol levels. Prevent pathogens from lining intestinal walls.


Alleviates digestive problems. Enhances digestion of milk products. Helps produce natural antibiotic substances, and to clean the colon.


Protects against Listeria bacteria, which infects shellfish, birds and mammals (including cows) and is most commonly transmitted through consumption of contaminated dairy products and raw vegetables. Also being studied for use with cancerous tumors.


A natural antibiotic. Reduces the ability of pathogenic bacteria to grow and cause infection.


An excellent alternative to antibiotics. An important tool in anti-microbial defense.


Effective in prevention and treatment of certain types of diarrhea. Regulates the immune system and perhaps reduces the risk of some cancers.


Decreases intestinal permeability and has a positive effect on the immune system.


Helps alleviate lactose intolerance, viral and bacterial diarrhea. constipation, inflarnrnatory bowel disease, and food allergies. Inhibits the growth of tumors.


Has the unique ability to fight peptic ulcers by eradicating Helicobacter pylori bacteria.


Antioxidant activity scavenges the body for free radicals which increase with age, stress, use of antibiotics, sugar and chlorinated water consumption. Displays anti tumor activity, especially related to colon cancer. Effective in treating diarrhea as well as intestinal and vaginal infections.


Recent studies show this is beneficial in inflammatory bowel disease, prevents rotavirus-induced diarrhea and activates the humoral immune system.


Recent studies show this has effects on both suppressing H. Pylori and reducing gastic mucosal inflammation, and hypocholesterolemic effect.

Feedback from users of iFlora

“With the help of IFlora, members of my family and many patients have recovered from a variety of illnesses and are in excellent health now.” – Dr. James Ricks, M.D.


“This wonderful product has helped me conquer my digestive problems. The improvement has led to a total rejuvenation of my health. My immune system is better, my energy levels are up. In fact, I’m 44 but feeling like I’m only 30. The friendly bacteria in iFlora are the best amigos I have. Thanks to them, I feel wholesome again.” -A. Albarran


“I was listless, tired all the time. My fingers, hands and feet were so stiff. I visited three different doctors. They couldn’t find anything wrong except they told me I had a touch of arthritis. I have just finished my second bottle of iFlora “. My arthritis isn’t nearly as bad now. I don’t have the tired feeling all the time. Thank you very much for iFlora”.” – B. Banks


“My gums cleared up, the candidiasis yeast has almost completely cleared up, my joints have stopped aching, and I no longer suffer with allergies. Everyone I know who has used this product has experienced improved health, and a greater sense of well-being.” – E. Dune


“I was not looking forward to chronic diarrhea, plus daily bouts of vomiting. Upon the urging of a friend, I reluctantly tried iFlora. To my surprise, the diarrhea and vomiting stopped almost immediately. IFlora has convinced me that traditional medicine is not always the answer.” – N. Nardiello


“My husband does not complain about arthritic knee pain. My toenail fungus is gone. My 9-year-old son does not suffer from constipation. My 7-year-old’s candida problem due to antibiotics is cured. Luckily, my 4-year-old is feeling great. It’s a wonderful product. I buy a year’s supply for even greater savings. Thank you.” – P Geils


“iFloraT” has helped me far more than any of the more expensive (and destructive) prescription drugs I had been taking.” – M. Oshinski


“I am convinced iFlora is the one constant that helped heal me. It has completely gotten rid of my irritable bowel syndrome that I have had for many years. In fact, my overall health has improved greatly. IFlora is so great that it deserves my shouting. Thanks for a terrific product.”- L.Alford


“I have suffered GI problems for the past 7 years, seeing doctor after doctor, suffering through pain, diarrhea, bloody stools, yeast and vaginal infections. I decided to give iFlora a try and within two weeks my symptoms started to clear up. My bowels moved more easily, less bloating, decrease in pain and the yeast is completely gone. Thank you so much for iFlora. I am deeply grateful for your help.” – A. Millekas


I Flora has proven to be one of the most significant therapies a doctor can utilize to treat diseases, ranging from high blood pressure and cholesterol to low blood sugar and parasitic infections. Thank you for the finest probiotic on the market.” – Dr. James J. Lapinsky, D.C.


GMOs, Gentically modified organisms, in our food, are destroying the good bacteria in people’s digestive systems. Nearly everyone is eating GMOs, if not first hand, then second hand. Save your life – Read “GMOS – the Ultimate Killing Machine“.


DIGESTIVE HEALTH DISCOVERIES! is published by Institute for Digestive Health Research Copyright ©: 2002 Institute for Digestive Health Research, all rights reserved. The information contained within the pages of this Special Report is meant to be used to educate the reader and is in no way intended to provide individual medical advice. The information is received from sources believed to be accurate, but no guarantee can be made. The statements found within the pages of this Special Report have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. If a product is recommended, it is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Results are not typical. Individual results will vary. 211 Jennifer Lane • Cottonwood, AZ 86326 • www.sedonalabs.com

Copyright ©Stephanie Relfe 2014 – 3000

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