COMCAST Kills Customers:
Comcast turns 50,000 customers into public WiFi hotspots
By Michael Relfe
Wifi is a deadly technology. All radiation kills. The more radiation you receive, the sooner you die. So, the closer you are to an antenna, the more damage it does to you. The longer an antenna transmits, the more damage it does to you. And the stronger the signal strength, the more damage it does to you.
Unfortunately, WiFi is an adaptive technology. When a WiFi transceiver is not being used it automatically switches into passive “listening mostly” mode and the radiation it puts out is reduced. However, when a device talks to it, it becomes active and starts transmitting & receiving packets of data. If the device that it is talking to is close, then the signal strength is low. However if the device it is talking to is far away, the transceiver INCREASES its power so that it can maintain a clear channel.
This COMCAST project is a continuation of an ongoing depopulation program funded by the oligarch groups of this planet that started in the 1950′s with the transmitting of free television signals. This COMCAST project will subject millions of their customers to HIGH POWER, 24 HOURS PER DAY, electromagnetic radiation exposure in the 2.4 AND 5.0 gigahertz bands. WiFi kills people. Read more about the deadly effects of WiFi technology HERE and HERE.
“Two days ago, Comcast did something that would be inconceivable if it was any other company than Comcast: It turned 50,000 residential Xfinity modems into public WiFi hotspots. There are 50,000 paying Xfinity customers in Houston, Texas who are now broadcasting free WiFi that anyone can use. As far as Comcast is concerned, of course, this is a genius move to blanket the country in high-speed WiFi (and there are plans to hijack millions more modems by the end of 2014) — for Comcast’s customers, though, this is egregious monopolistic overreach taken to the next level… and it’s possibly illegal as well.
Xfinity WiFi Home Hotspot: Genius or madness?
First, let’s run through the technical details of Comcast’s Xfinity WiFi Home Hotspot setup. Over the last couple of years, Comcast has been distributing the Arris Touchstone Telephony Wireless Gateway Modem to new customers. Comcast remotely programmed these modems to broadcast a new wireless network SSID — “xfinitywifi” — that gives about 10 minutes of free access to anyone, or unlimited access to other Comcast customers. Comcast says the new wireless network is completely separate from your existing home network, and that public WiFi users don’t have access to any shared files or resources. Exact details of the setup aren’t yet known, but it sounds like some kind of VLAN.”
Read more at ExtremeTech
Boycott WiFi.
Remove the WiFi transmitter from your laptop computer – You cannot trust that it will not be turned on automatically.
Remove the WiFi transmitter from your desktop computer – You cannot trust that it will not be turned on automatically.
Eliminate your Smartphone – the 4G network is even more deadly than WiFi.
Turn OFF your regular cell phone and store it in a LEAD LINED POUCH (click here) when not using it. That way you will only be irradiated when you are using it. ONLY use it for emergencies.
Learn more about this DEADLY technology by visiting HERE.
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