
Well anon, usually for stuff like this I’d love to know your favourite tropes, or if longfic, AUs, certain ratings are things you like or things you avoid. What kind of angst factor do you like? Stuff like that.  If you want to send me a more detailed message so I can cater to your preferences, I can do that.

So I’m going to give you a few, but only because different people like different things.

lonely houses off the road by Etharei 17k. Bucky recovery fic. humor. Essentially Bucky meets all the Avengers before meeting Steve.

I love you like rlb by tolieawake 3k. cute, fluffy and will leave you smiling. Theme: the power of love, but not in a cheesy way.

Out of the Dead Land by emilyenrose 62k. angst. Bucky doesn’t remember right away. action fic. glorious and a must-read but only read it first if you love starting with novel-length fic.

I’ve Been Careless With a Delicate Man by Paraxdisepink 8k. kind ‘fake relationship’ but I think the summary says it best:

Steve lets SHIELD think he and Bucky were boyfriends so they’ll let him see the Winter Soldier in medical.

Uncharted by DisappointMe 14k. rated E. basically Steve exploring butt stuff with Bucky. If you’re looking for porn, this is a good launching point.

But, I mean, with all honesty if you’re asking me then it’s a valid assumption that you’ve read my fic in the past and enjoyed them, so go read:

Slide To Answer by relenafanel

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