
YouTube Live is a feature enabled for select YouTube Live Streaming channel Partners. Google Hangouts on Air is enabled for anyone with a Google+ account and YouTube channel.

There are some big differences between the two. As of this post here are some of them:

A Hangouts on Air (HoA) event is a different appearance and layout of the video – there is a white background, a large main video of who is speaking, up to 9 other G+ members’ video frames seen on the lower third, and a Google+ bug on the top left corner.

Hangouts on Air, if listed as public, can be seen on the YouTube.com/Live home page under ‘Live Now’ and ‘Recently Broadcasted’

Hangouts on Air are not promoted under ‘Next 24 hours’ or ‘Next 7 days’

HoA stream at lower bitrates and resolution than YouTube Live streaming.

The two features can be used together and especially useful for remote interviews. The Live Streaming Partner sets up a live event and another G+ member, with a YouTube channel, sets up a separate HoA event. The Live Streaming Partner can take the HoA source and switch into the live stream.Hangouts and Hangouts on Air (HOA) are very similar, but the HOA variety is auto recorded and broadcast to the world live once it starts. That live broadcast is visible on YouTube commonly on your channel & the YouTube Live area, as well as all over Google+ your stream, Events, reshares or wherever you choose to embed the code before the show starts. The Regular non-HOA hangouts are not broadcast; they are only visible to those invited into the hangout.

Hangouts and Google Plus Events – a Potent Partnership

The Google plus Events tool is a great way to tell people that you will be having a HOA at a certain date and time and tell them what it is about.

How Events can alert the Public about your Hangout on Air.

But Alerting is very different than Inviting and that is where most people are making a big mistake when using the Events Tool together with Hangouts. It is causing Mass Confusion and Late or Failed Starts to Hangouts On Air.

If your Goal is to alert the Public that you will be having a Hangout On Air (HOA) at a certain time using Google Plus Events, that’s great, just don’t use the Event Type called Hangouts to do it! Use the one called Event on Air or anything BUT Hangouts!

However, if your Goal is to simply invite a few people to join together in a Hangout at a scheduled time, everything should be working fine for you. You set up the Event, invite a few friends to join in the hangout at the scheduled time and BAM, it all works out great, up to 10 people can hangout together and they will all be alerted and offered a unique hangout to join at the scheduled time, all via the nifty Events tool.

The Hangout & Event Situation At Hand

No, what we’re talking about here is the idea that you have a HOA you want people the public to know about and you have a select number of ‘participants’ to be inside the HOA’s filmstrip or panel. You do NOT want the public to try to join into the show but you do want them to watch and comment on the show while it is live. Great, that sounds like a perfect scenario for using Google plus Events to Alert people about the HOA. its time and place and subject matter, etc.

Where Hangouts and Google Plus Events Fight

You’ve got a Live Hangout Scheduled for three days from now. You finally got your highly acclaimedpanel all scheduled and available at the same time. So you create your Google plus Event to alert the world that this once-in-a-lifetime HOA will be happening and tell them they really need to watch and enjoy the show.

The post Difference Between YouTube Live Events & Google Plus Hangouts on Air appeared first on ReelnReel.

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