With the Star Wars: Episode VII casting still has us buzzing, there’s some new Star Wars news that should also make fans quiver with excitement. So far it’s only been a rumor that Disney would make Star Wars spin-off films and today the head of the company said there will be “at least three!”
The Walt Disney Company CEO Bob Iger was talking to investors today on a conference call discussing the second quarter fiscal earnings and confirmed what we had hoped for for some time.
There’s no word as to who these films will focus on, but if we had to bet, they would be origins stories for Han Solo, Boba Fett and Yoda.
Star Wars: Episode VII co-writer Larry Kasdan and X-Men: Days of Future Past writer Simon Kinberg are known to be involved in developing the stand-alone origins movies. And now that we know they’re a reality, let the celebration begin.
Our guess is that they will arrive in between each of Abrams’ Star Wars films, so in 2016, 2018 and 2020.
Stay tuned!
9 Things That Must Be In Star Wars: Episode VII
1. Han Solo Must Have a Huge Part
We've heard that Harrison Ford's Han Solo has an enormous part in the seventh Star Wars movie. Ford would not have signed on to J.J. Abrams' film if that was not the case.
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Han Solo Must Have a Huge Part
We've heard that Harrison Ford's Han Solo has an enormous part in the seventh Star Wars movie. Ford would not have signed on to J.J. Abrams' film if that was not the case.
More Women Will Be Cast
Some had a problem with Abrams' casting in that there was a lack of female roles beyond Carrie Fisher and newcomer Daisy Ridley. Do not forget that this is just the main cast. This story is not going to solely be focused on Leia, Han, Luke AND Ridley's character. There is an opportunity to have a much vaster cast as this thing fills out. With heroes such as Ripley, Sarah Connor and others serving as strong female sci-fi idols since the original trilogy arrived, there HAS to be more Force-inhabiting female characters coming.
Now Han Solo Is In -- Kill Him Off!
Let Ford do his hero thing for 80 minutes. Then, simultaneously give fans and the legacy of Han Solo a righteous salute and knock him off at the end of Star Wars: Episode VII. That catapults his children (of which we believe Ridley is one) to seek Jedi (with Leia as mom and Luke as uncle, tell me The Force is not strong with them) justice in Episode VIII and Episode IX.
Need Villain Who Rivals Vader -- Won’t Be Easy
Adam Driver has a lot of people wondering how deeply he could channel evil as the villain of Episode VII. He's no Darth Vader. Audiences will know that going in. But that said, he has generated such hate from viewers of Girls that expanding that exponentially in Abrams' film will not be a problem. At. All.
Score Must Embrace the Old While Giving Us The New
Composer John Williams achieved music score icon status with his Star Wars score -- whether the theme song or the Darth Vader theme, it doesn't matter. You know each song by its first notes. And Williams achieved that with the operatic theme of Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace. We believe he can do it again, inspired by a new generation of Star Wars warriors.
Han & Leia's Kids Be Chip Off Old Blocks
The potential is huge. Imagine a male and female fraternal twin situation where both were part Han and part Leia? That's exactly what we expect,
Effects That Push Boundaries
Abrams gave us some impressive sci-fi landscapes in Star Trek and his other films, such as Super 8. While watching Star Wars: Episode VII, we want to have our jaws drop. With the technology available today and expectations never higher for a film in recent memory, this flick needs to be a feast for the ears, eyes and heart.
Kasdan's Power with Character
Our favorite Star Wars film is The Empire Strikes Back: Lawrence Kasdan penned that classic and to hear that he is co-writing Star Wars: Episode VII with Abrams is one of the best moves this new trilogy has made. The way he writes characters that move a story along with heart-racing action sequences... let's just say our hopes are high.
Light Sabers, The Millennium Falcon & More!
Clearly certain things will be in the new trilogy including our weapon of choice: light sabers. But, we also expect to see the Millennium Falcon, blasters, AT-ATs, land speeders and more fan favorites.