
The more a movie villain is evil, scary and downright awful, the more we pull for our hero. Hollywood has a long history of creating antagonists, but only a few can go down as the best at being bad.

Just watch Thor online or watch The Avengers online and in Loki you'll see one who personifies what we're talking about here.

He is cunning, charming and at the end of the day... awesomely evil! 

So, sit back, and prepare to have those teeth clench! Click through and see our 17 movie villains who are brilliant at their bad-assery.

17 Worst Movie Villains

1. Voldemort

If Harry Potter is one of our greatest heroes, then that can only be the case if he has the greatest foe. And there is little argument that he who shall not be named is just that.

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If Harry Potter is one of our greatest heroes, then that can only be the case if he has the greatest foe. And there is little argument that he who shall not be named is just that.


Whether in Thor, The Avengers or even Thor: The Dark World, there are few that find being bad the sport of champions like Loki. And thanks to the casting of Tom Hiddleston, this villain hits a home run every time.

Anton Chigurh in No Country For Old Men

Flip a coin and either way, Anton is one nasty bastard. He's so bad... the Academy awarded Javier Bardem an Oscar for being so awesomely evil.

General Zod

Ask any Superman fan and they'll tell you one of his greatest foes is General Zod. He's nasty because he's driven by principle, and that is one tough thing to beat. Whether played by Terrence Stamp in Superman II or Michael Shannon in Man of Steel, Zod is vengeance personified.

The Joker

The Joker can be comical in his evil, but in The Dark Knight -- with the Oscar-winning performance of Heath Ledger -- he was evil incarnate. Both psychotic and driven, joke all you want... the Joker gets the last laugh.

Darth Vader

Expecting someone else? Lord Vader is one of the great movie villains of all time. What else needs to be said? Well, don't say, "I am your father!" Because that, that will make me want to fall to my death.

Hannibal Lecter

As embodied by Anthony Hopkins, Hannibal Lecter was both eloquent and evil. And well, let's just say he liked to eat people. Yeah, that.

Frank Booth in Blue Velvet

Sucking on that drug inhaler, Dennis Hopper's Frank Booth was the unhinged kind of bad guy that truly haunts our nightmares, decades after Blue Velvet hit screens.

Norman Bates in Psycho

Just look at those eyes... is that the window into the soul of a heartless killer? Why yes, yes it is! And thanks to Alfred Hitchcock, we can never take a shower without worrying about those eyes and the rest of Norman Bates utterly ruining it!

Auric Goldfinger

Auric Goldfinger was such a fantastic Bond villain, that he got the entire movie named for him. There are many Bond villains that are fantastic, but few have made the pop culture explosion that our fan of Au did!

Michael Myers

Michael Myers has been haunting Halloween since the mid-1970s and we don't think that will stop any time soon. Something about that face, even a mother couldn't stand it!

Freddy Kruger

With a great and horrific backstory, Freddy Kruger invaded our dreams in A Nightmare on Elm Street... and frankly, has never left.

Hans Landa in Inglourious Basterds

There have been many Nazi villains in the movies over the decades, but few enjoyed their villainy as much as Christoph Waltz did in his personifying of Hans Landa. That could be why we took such joy in what Brad Pitt did to him at the end of Tarantino's movie!

Hans Gruber in Die Hard

Alan Rickman was so fantastic as Hans Gruber in Die Hard, that even though they're still making Die Hard movies, they are essentially chasing their tail because there will never be a villain as supremely sinister as Gruber!

Annie Wilkes in Misery

Few villains do a better job of using the word "cockamamy" as Annie Wilkes did in Stephen King's MIsery. Kathy Bates was haunting in her portrayal of the book fan who took it to the other side of fanatical. And please, Annie, put down the sledgehammer!

Khan in Wrath of Khan

Sure, Benedict was good in Star Trek Into Darkness, but nothing tops Ricardo Montalban as Khan in Star Trek II. He was so evil, yet charming, that we kind of pulled for him. Well, kind of. And there is no better hero uttering a villain's name than when Kirk says, "Khaaaaaan!"

Jason Voorhees in Friday the 13th

A good villain oftentimes has to wear a mask, and few nailed it quite like the hockey mask that Jason Voorhees wears in Friday the 13th. Every time we turn our calendar and see that the month has a Friday the 13th, come on... you know you think of that hockey mask!

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