This is my first and only saltwater tank, any advice would be greatly appreciated. I have a 20 gal. tank, i have 5lbs of live rocks, 5lbs of live sand, 2 anemones, 1 clown fish, 1 yellow tail damsel, 4 blue hermit crabs, 1 snail, 1 coral banded shrimp, light is a solarmax HE T5 Lighting System. 14 watts, the filter is a marineland penguin filter with the bio wheel ( i hate it!) and that's pretty much all i have right now, if i decide to get more things i will make sure i expand my tank first, from a 20 to maybe a 40 gal tall i have. i know it sounds like everything is cramped in my tank but it really isn't, there's actually plenty of room to add more, but i wont, not until i learn more about maintaining a saltwater tank. Like i said before im new to saltwater hobby and that's y I'm here to learn from people with experience on saltwater tanks.