
This is an excerpt from one of the modules of a $997 home study course I made in 2007 about Joint Ventures called the JV Bootcamp. These tactics are still incredibly powerful and used today.

Joint Ventures can be many things, but it is essentially two or more people working together for a common goal. So you can do all sorts of different types of joint ventures. You could do just an interview with someone, or you could promote somebody’s project, or they could promote your product, or you could create a website together, or some sort of product together that you guys work on for a longterm or long time type thing and it is your name and their name combined, so you succeed even more.  That is a very powerful formula of JV, but the most common one would be just promoting someone, or have them promote you.

I am going to show you the two popular joint ventures that have made all sorts of money throughout the years. In the 80’s Bill Gates went to IBM and he convinced them to put the Microsoft Operating System on all their computers; and that has made Microsoft billions of dollars, because it got them their foot in the door and it made it so they didn’t have to spend money on marketing to get established in the marketplace. They did this joint venture with IBM and that just grew and grew and grew and they really took advantage of the growth of computers.

Another one would be Beanie Babies and McDonald’s.  McDonald’s has their Happy Meal program and one of their successful campaigns was having Beanie Babies in the Happy Meal and all sorts of kids and adults would go to McDonald’s and buy Happy Meals just so they could get the Beanie Baby.  And that made Beanie Babies even more successful because you could get Beanie Babies at the stores  and they became hot collector’s items that people would pay hundreds if not thousands of dollars for certain Beanie Babies.  It was pretty crazy what some people would do to get a little toy, but it was a very successful campaign for both companies.

What are joint venture partners?

They are list owners or websites that can promote you and your products, and it is the fastest way for you to accelerate your success online. Because you are leveraging their reputation, their credibility, their contacts, everything they have in the marketplace. That stuff that they have is being transferred over to you because they are giving their list a recommendation, and it makes you seem so much more credible.  It is like, in a way, reading a newspaper story about a company that puts the company in a good light, you are more likely to buy that person’s product, than just seeing an advertisement somewhere.

And that is the same way, when someone is endorsing something to their list, people are more likely to buy it than say when they see a banner ad or an ad on Google for the product.  You are more likely to buy from someone you know, like and trust who is recommending the product.

The difference between affilates and JV partners.

I don’t think there is much of a difference, because, in a traditional promoting of a website people sign up as an affiliate and then they promote it, even if they are a JV partner, they might get a higher commission or some other benefits, because they are a bigger name. But, it is still essentially the same thing, they are still basically an affiliate, but JV partners are more established and they can bring in more business, faster. And I feel that people need both JV partners and affiliates for longterm success, because JV partners, for the most part, will promote something one time or a couple times, and they want to move on to the next thing.

Where often times affiliates, who might put up a link on their blog or something on their website, there might be traffic going to that page a few months down the road that might be a sale for you. So, you want to keep getting both and keep motivating them to market you, but the JV partners, for the most part, the bigger names, are going to make the bulk of your money.

What joint ventures can do for your business.

They can really take you from zero to hero.   I have been doing stuff online for a long time and I can tell you that no one really knew who I was until I started doing joint ventures. Whether it was exchanging links with people or letting people distribute something I wrote, or connecting with other marketers to cross promote something, or to do something with someone, nobody really knew who I was. But, once I started doing that, more and more people knew who I was and that made me somewhat into a little celebrity in this field.  And that is the great thing about joint ventures, they can really take you from a nobody to a credible expert really quickly.  You boost your credibility because all those people are lending their credibility and reputations on to you.  Which makes you much more successful in everyone’s eyes, because it is a  great way to build yourself up and make you seem like someone who knows what they are talking about. Instead of someone who just slaps together a website and has some traffic go to it from say AdWords or a link from their own website to a page to go buy their product.  You are getting someones recommendations, saying hey, this is someone I go to when I need this problem solved. It makes you the expert. When you are the expert it is a lot easier to sell your product.  Because if you are anything like me you want to go straight to the top, you want to go to the person who knows what they are talking about.  Because that person is going to be able to help you the most. They know the business inside and out, they know the topic inside and out and they can really answer your questions and share with you what you want to know on that subject, so you can be more successful.

Joint ventures help you create products because you can interview someone, or you can work along side someone and create all sorts of different products that can be either free items, or products that are going to sell for a high price. And that is going to make both of you more money.

You can crank out money on demand through a joint venture, because someone else could make a product and you could blast out a promo for that product to your list and you might make zero sales, or you might make a whole bunch of sales.  But once you establish a list and you get people to know, like and trust you,  it is a lot easier to start cranking out money on demand, by just shooting out an email.  Many times I will just write a quick E-mail and I will make hundreds if not thousands of dollars,  by just clicking the send button and I will just go out and be with my friends that day.  It doesn’t happen every day, but most days I generate several hundreds by E-mailing out to my list. And that is a nice form of revenue, because you don’t really have to lift a finger for it.

You are just copying and pasting an E-mail  or maybe re-writing an E-mail and it doesn’t take you very much time, and you have made more money that day than most people do working a “real” job. So once you establish yourself and become the person that people go to and people sign up to your list and you recommend other products and services to them, you start cranking out money on auto-pilot.

It turns you into a celebrity, because when you are leveraging all these other people that recommend you, you are getting all of this basically free publicity from all of these known gurus and that just makes you somewhat of a celebrity yourself, because you have become an expert by association.  And you are only paying with results with a joint venture. Unlike going to say, AdWords or buying an ad in an E-zine  or buying banner advertisement you are only paying for when people purchase a product, when you are doing joint ventures and affiliate marketing.   You are only paying for results, you could give a 50% commission , so say it is a hundred dollar product, fifty dollars would go to the person who is promoting the product and fifty dollars would go to you. Or, you might even want to do 100% commission and build your list, because I can tell you having a list of people is worth much more than you are ever going to get from them buying one product.  So, keep building that list. If that is the only thing you learn from this bootcamp, it is build your list. Because once you have a decent size list you can produce enough income that lets you do what you want to do the rest of the day.

On average, a list produces, at least in the Internet marketing field, about a dollar per subscriber, per month. So, if you have a thousand people on your list, you would make around a thousand dollars a month.  If you have around ten thousand people on your list, you would be making around ten thousand a month. Now, it all depends on what you are doing, but that is on average for what happens.  Some people make more, some people make less. But that gives you a ballpark  idea  of how big of a list you need to say, quit your job and start working from home whenever you want.

How a joint venture works.

You work together for a common goal. You want to make things a lot better for you and your partner and the world as a whole by doing a JV.  They can promote your product or you can promote their product. Those are really simple JV’s. I hit up people all the time to promote my products and people I know I suggest other people promote their products. That is where the JV brokering comes in. Or, people ask me to promote their product and that happens on a daily basis. You could interview someone. That is a common JV. Or, they could interview you and make you the expert by being interviewed. It is a win win for both parties, when you do a joint venture; because it helps both of you out, it helps you both gain more credibility and it makes you a decent amount of money whenever you do a joint venture.  Now some joint ventures flop. That is just how some things are. But if you just keep trying, keep plugging away, you will eventually have a very successful joint venture.  And I am going to help you along the path so we can make something successful for you.

How giving away money makes you more money.

You are basically only paying for results with a joint venture. Because you are paying people say a 50 % commission whenever they make a sale. So, they could send all sorts of traffic to your website and say if they don’t make a sale, you are not paying for anything for it.  They may have paid all sorts of money for a banner advertisement or on Google AdWords, or something and they sent a bunch of traffic but maybe your sales pages  wasn’t as good as you thought it was. And they are stuck paying the bill for that traffic, but, you only pay them for the results they bring you. And that really helps you out because you don’t really have advertising expenses. By giving away a percentage, you make a lot more income, because you can have all these people promote you, your products and your services and you are giving them a percentage of the money they make you.  You don’t otherwise have access to those people and you wouldn’t have made those sales yourself because you wouldn’t have been able to connect with them. So you might as well give out the commission to as many JV partners as you can as the more people who buy your products and the more who subscribe to your newsletter the more money you are going to make over the long haul.

So, you give that money away and you just grow your presence. Because the more established you are as the expert and the more established your list is. The bigger you make yourself online the more successful you are going to become. And that will just make you more money and give you the lifestyle that you deserve and that you crave for. It has been really incredible to see what happened since I have been doing joint ventures. It has basically allowed me to work when I want to work, it lets me do what I want to do, when I want to do it, with whom I want to do it. I just have a lot of fun all the time.  It is great to just go out and say go to the mall or go to a sporting event or just go out with friends and know that your bank account is still growing and you don’t have to work. And they are out there hanging out with you, but they don’t have that luxury and  when they spend that money it is gone because they have to work 9 to 5 at their job and they do not have the luxury to crank out money on demand. So, once you build the list and just keep succeeding with joint ventures you are going to be doing a lot better and you are going to be a lot happier. It is a lot of fun.


This is a really important thing and if you have any questions on mindset ask me, because I understand this is a very tough thing that really is a  hard thing for  people to overcome. And I want to help you guys overcome this. And if anyone has any ideas on mindset change, let me know, because I would love to share them with everyone on this.  Because I have noticed that when I have changed my mindset on things I have done a lot better.  I want you to realize that you are big enough in this world to contact anyone. Don’t be afraid to talk to anybody.  This is how you succeed. This is what successful people do. They are willing to contact anyone and you need to be able to do that too.  Because the worst someone is going to say is “no” and if they say no they are going to forget about you anyways. Because that is how things are.  People get wrapped up in their lives, in their job, in whatever they are doing and if they say no to you or they are a little nasty with you, they are not going to remember after a few days or a few months about you at all. And it really doesn’t matter because there are 6 billion plus people in the world that you can contact. And you  might as well just keep contacting and keep connecting with the successful people so you become even more successful.

I recommend that you start at the top and work your way down. When I started doing joint ventures I contacted the quote on quote “Godfather or Internet Marketing” Mark Joyner and I was able to establish a relationship with him and now he is a client of mine. And he is a really good friend of mine and we talk every once in awhile on different things.  It is a lot of fun starting at the top and working your way down. Because guess what, everyone is starting at the bottom and working their way up the ladder. They are on say, a forum like the Warrior Forum, and I am not saying that is a bad forum, because you can actually connect with certain people there and establish joint ventures but if you are spending all your day talking to people who perhaps don’t know what they are doing on the Internet. You aren’t going to go anywhere because you are just going to hear a bunvh of theory from someone who has no clue what is going on and they aren’t going to actually be able to help you. You want to keep connecting with the top people in your market place  And start at the top. You will probably get rejected but keep working your way down the ladder, because if you start at the top you might get someone who is somewhat known; maybe a mid-range marketer who can promote you.  Say, hey, so and so who is somewhat known promoted my product and they had this kind of success and you could come back to those people at the top and they might go, yeah, I saw that

E-mail that went out and if that was successful maybe I should hop on board too.

And that is going to have a snowball effect on your business.  And you are going to get a lot more partners on board. Eventually you are going to get  back to the top, because you just have to keep working on it, keep approaching people, keep coming out with new products,  and new services.  To make so you become the person in your  niche market. And become the person people go to, so you make more sales and become the expert. And your income is directly related to those you hang around most, so if you are hanging around people who don’t know what they are doing online or aren’t making a lot of money, odds are you are not going to make a lot of money on the Internet or on your own business. I want you to start hanging out with millionaires and billionaires and people who are on their way up to that level, because you are going to learn all sorts of different things from those people. And it is really going to open your eyes and make you a much more successful person, than you would hanging out with someone who doesn’t know what they are talking about.  Now I am not saying just ditch your friends, because that is not right to just choose people  by what they have, but I want you to start connecting with people that have more than you. Because that is going to make you more successful and make anything you do bigger and better.  Because you are going to learn some of the mindset strategies they have in their head that just sets them apart from the quote unquote “average” person in the world.


We have a few recommendations for everyone tonight.  Go to    register.simpleology.com and it is a free course that my friend Mark Joyner does and that will teach you a lot of the mindset things that really changed stuff for me. That I have invested thousands, maybe tens of thousands of dollars in self improvement. I am sure it is in the tens of thousands of dollars range by now in self improvement books.  I have an amazing library and I can tell you that Simpleology is the thing I would recommend anyone just start with, because that is the top self improvement thing I have gone to. And it is a free course,  it is all a bunch of videos and some audios and a few printable documents.  That is something that I really suggest you go to and that is        register.simpleology.com

Another site, this will really help you learn the basics of Internet marketing .  It is a bunch of videos on Internet Marketing. You will learn a lot  of the jargon and figure out a lot of the technical aspects of Interenet marketing and some principles behind  Internet marketing and  that is     learn-the-basics.com   that is a great site.  If you have any questions about Internet marketing I would go there and see if you can find  a video or some other information on there. Because the products that they have it as free stuff on their website  but the stuff that they have there really is what people really need. There are people that buy products that answer just one of the questions that something  on their answers and you can get that information for free at    learn-the-basics.com

Eventually, once you have your own product and your own services, you are going to want to get web hosting.  Now, a webhost I is    hostgator.com   It is like ten dollars a month and you can have as many websites as you want on there.  It is really a good deal. For the project that we can work on together, you can just go on my hosting, it is fine, I don’t care.  I have plenty of space on my account.  But eventually you are going to want to get a host gator account, or another  webhosting service. One thing that you are going to really want to get, because it pays for itself many times over, it’s very rare that I send a promotion out to my list and don’t make (technical problems). A service I recommend is aweber.com and that is one of the services I use to manage my list.  I plan on switching all of my list members over to aweber at some point.  It is like $20 a month and you can easily send out a promotion to your list and pay for a month or several months or a year, just from a single E-mail, or a few years from a single E-mail, once you have really established yourself. And you just want to keep building that list, as basically that is really the secret to the Internet marketers success.  You want to have a list. And I have only had a list for about a year. And I have come a long way in that year.  My income has really has really stabilized and really grown from having a list.   I was successful in other things before, but I can tell you, once you have your own list it is  a lot easier to be successful on the Internet.

Eventually, later on down the road, you will want to invest in Butterfly Marketing or the $7 script. Butterfly Marketing is a very powerful package that I use to run almost all of my websites. It is expensive,  like $1500 for the program that runs the websites. But it is a program that you buy once and then you can use it on all sorts of websites. And often times I will do a website and I will make at least what it costs to buy the Butterfly Marketing,  from doing a website.  So, it pays for itself.   Now the project that we are working on together,  I don’t see the need for you guys to invest in Butterfly Marketing or the Seven Dollar Script,  at all.  We shouldn’t have any issues with that as it is a joint project and I have done joint projects before with different people.  The Seven Dollar Script is a very powerful script that I use and it lets you have a basic website up. And basically you have a small report or small file that people purchase for $7 or another amount and 100% of the sale goes to your affiliate or joint venture partner.   So, you might ask yourself, why would I do that?  And the reason is you can get JV partners to promote something like this because they can make money quickly and they can make a lot of money very quickly and you build a list.  Because everyone who purchases, signs up for your list. And then you start marketing a lot of products to them and that is going to make you a lot of money down the road.

A book that I highly recommend anyone get, you can get it on Amazon probably around $10 or $15 otherwise just go to Barnes and Noble and it is probably around $20. It is the 4 Hour Work Week, by Tim Ferris. And I have been implementing some of the strategies there.  And that really lightens your work load on stuff. It is definitely worth the money.

It has really helped me out a lot and it has really helped all sorts of people that I know, who have purchased the book and have been following the advice that Tim outlines in it. It is probably, of the books I have read, that is probably in the top 5 or top10 for books that I really recommend for  people to get.  It might eventually get to number one, because it is just really powerful and really amazing, and it gets my highest recommendation for you guys.   I would go out and get it this week, if you don’t already have it.


So, I want to give you guys some homework on joint ventures, because I want to get guys going, I want to get you guys successful in this.  So, what I want you guys to do, is pick a niche in Internet marketing that  interests you.  It could be something like blogging, or eBay, or AdSense, or affiliate marketing, or joint ventures or all sorts of different things. And pick one that you’ve bought a product in, in the past, or it grabs you and you are really interested in that part of Internet marketing.  And you want to learn as much as you can about that. Go to  sites like ezinearticles.com and search for that topic on there and learn as much about that as you can. Take detailed notes, because this is going to help you create your product, and establish you as the expert in this.  And this is going to make you more money because you are going to be able to start building your list and start being more successful on the Internet by doing this.

Questions and Answers

So, with that I want to open up the lines, hopefully I can remember how to do that, OK, you guys should be unmuted.  And we can answer your questions, if anyone has any questions at the moment, let me know.

Caller              Hi Reed,

Reed                Hi

Caller:   I just have a quick question, ……..webinar software,

Reed:  Yes

Caller:   And I was able to listen to the audio on your webinar and it was awesome,  I am calling you about the recording right now

Reed:  Hopefully the recording went fine for this and I will be shooting that out to everyone, for both the audio and for the video part of the webinar.  So you should be able to have access to that, whenever that finishes compiling, determining into a video file, we should be able to send that out to anyone.

Caller:   The video will not have any sound because it dropped

Reed:  I have a back up recording device, so we should be getting the sound on that.

Caller:  Reed, I have a question

Reed;  Sure

Caller: If you have a product and you know who are the top dogs in that category and you want to reach them,  but you look for the domain  and the who is data is privacy protected, how would you go about finding a way to contact them, without being thrown into the trash can quickly?

Reed:  So, you have their contact information from, like looking up their domain name?

Caller:  I don’t know, one of the guys I haven’t been able to find an email that he responds to or a website; if I go to the website, it is under the privacy registration, so there is no information.  So, is there any other techniques that you can actually find a way to access things?  One of the ways I thought of was to buy the product and then find the help desk and try to get them that way.

Reed:  Going to the help desk, helps out a lot, that really cuts through the clutter, because they actually look at that stuff generally, some people don’t I guess, but generally people actually look at that stuff, if you can find a number somewhere on their website, or an E-mail listed on their website, contact them that way. Compliment these people.  Offer something of value to them, help them out in some way. So they are going to open your E-mails or take your phone calls, because that is going to put you ahead  of everyone else.  A lot of people will just contact someone and like hey, can you show me how to do this, or can you help me do this; and most of the times people are going to ignore you. Because, they don’t have any incentive  to do that, there is nothing in it for them to help you out.  You want to offer something of value.  Perhaps you have purchased a product of theirs  or you have reviewed something of theirs  in the past and you know about it. You can send them and E-mail or send them a postcard, something, and give them your testimonial, tell them what you really like about what they’re doing; and establish that relationship, get to know someone. If  they send out something to their list that they just went on a vacation in Hawaii or something, you could  tell them that: hey, I went there awhile ago , you know, if you have, and then tell them what you liked about it and maybe ask a few questions.  Establish a relationship and that will make you stand above the crowd.

Caller:  Hey Reed …

Reed:  Sure Caller: Reed? Reed: Yep

Caller:  It’s Todd here, how are you doing?

Reed:  Pretty good, how are you?

Caller:  Good, listen that was really good stuff. Um, I have a suggestion.

Reed:  Sure

Caller: When they  are on vacation in Hawaii

Reed:  Yep

Caller: Ask if there is anything you can do for them

Reed: Yea, that is a great idea.

Caller: I mean they may drop the ball on you, so you could do, this is a little bit outlandish, they may need you to even send out something to their list or something like that, or not, usually they would have control of that, but sometimes their wives are saying or husbands, are saying no when you are gone you have to trust someone. So you could offer to do some support work for them.

Reed:  Definitely, that is a fantastic idea, I hadn’t even thought of that before.  Thank you


Reed:  Any other questions  tonight?

Caller:  OK Reed , Paul again, I was just wondering about the …  how specialized does it have to be when it comes to …

Reed:  I would, it could be fairly broad, say someone could do blogging or eBay, and they wouldn’t have to get any more specific than that, but it would help you out in the long term if say you picked blogging and you learned how to make word press blogs more successful on the Internet. That would make you much more credible and turn you into an expert faster. Because not everyone knows, not everyone who is an expert in the blogging community knows how to use word press, so that makes you more successful and you stand out even more.

Caller: OK say I picked article marketing, how could I drill down …….

Reed:  Sure you could talk about successful strategies on using       ezinearticles.com to drive more traffic to your existing web business.  That could be one thing on article marketing or you could do another thing like how to write articles that can be turned into other information products, so you would be teaching people how to re-purpose content that they are writing or paying someone to write.  And turn that into more expensive make you stand out in that market place.

Caller:  How would you do research through Google? Just browse the web and finding out what we can?

Reed:  Yea, I would go to Google.com, I would go to ezinearticles.com , that is a site I go to a lot to learn something for free on a topic.  You can usually find free reports somewhere. You might have to join a few lists or there might be some inexpensive products that you find out there in your niche that you are interested in and you might want to invest in some of those and start building a relationship with those people. Because it is going to pay off in the long term. Because you will have a relationship with that marketer and you could maybe give them a testimonial and then later on once you do have your own product in that marketyu place, you could easily approach them and be like: hey, could you promote the product I can out with?  And that is going to help you be more successful in landing the JV’s.

Reed:  I actually have a question for everyone tonight. Does Tuesday work?  Tonight is a Tuesday and we started at 9 Eastern Time, does that work for people? Or should we pick another date?

Caller: That seems to work good for me. I can’t say what time zone.

Caller:  We need you man, we don’t care what day it is.

Reed:  (laughing)   OK,  good, I guess we will stick with Tuesdays, so Tuesdays at 9 Eastern, is what I will plan on doing, unless there is something that comes up, but, ah, that is what we will plan to do over the next several weeks.   Any other questions tonight? Anything on the homework.

Caller:  Yea, actually,  this is Rick,  Reed,  I’m looking at picking the Internet marketing niche, are we in that pretty much, cause that kind of where there is a lot of money to be thrown around in that niche in general, isn’t there?

Reed:  There is a lot of money to be made in that niche and that is where most of my contacts are.  So that is where I am going to be able to help you out the most.  Where I can kind of call in favors, ah, perhaps I could get someone like Todd to promote your product, because I know he is on the call. And, ah, you know just connect the various friends of mine and people that you might be on lists of. And I know it’s very successful in that market place so we can show you and demonstrate to you and make you successful in that and you can apply these strategies in other markets that you are interested in.

Caller:  Gotcha, yea it seemed like it’s kind of like the wild wild west, man,  it seems like it is early in the game.

Reed:  Definitely

Caller: It is?

Reed:  It’s still early

Caller:  Reed I have a question for you

Reed:    Sure

Caller: In the initial contact with someone, my little tidbit taken from you is basically show something that we know or have heard about them and compliment them and then have a very special offer for them, higher percentages or something like that. The next part would be to offer them to get a free review of the product, would you include an electronic version, would you offer them the product in the initial E-mail, or would you say if you want it please respond and I will send you a link …..a copy.

Reed:  You could, generally in my initial E-mail It’s a complimentary thing to them and then I might ask them a question, to establish some sort of connection with them and start a conversation with that person, instead of being like, hey, can you check out my product. I might ask them a question on something else of theirs or get to know them a little bit better.  Because the better you know the potential JV partner the easier it is to convince them to promote your product, because they know things about you and they feel that you are a friend because you are listening to them and that makes it a lot easier to get people on board.

Caller: How about initial testimonials, how do you go about soliciting those testimonials from well known names.

Reed:  For, asking for names for your, for getting testimonials for your product?

Caller: Yea, like getting Mark Joyner to say I love this product or thing.  Yea, how would you approach him to do that?

Reed:  Well I’d, generally you would  want to give something complimentary to them first so there is something in it for them.  But then, you could just shoot them over  a review copy where you could have them maybe sign up to a list, or just give them a direct download to your product. And then ask for their feed back on it. Tell them that you are new to this and you have really liked what they have done in the past and you have enjoyed being on their list and you might want to bring up something, maybe you have purchased something in the past from them and tell them that you really liked it. And just be really complimentary and then ask for their feedback, there are going to be people who do not respond, there are going to be people that might check it out and maybe they don’t like it or maybe they do like it and they just don’t do it, they don’t follow through. That is just how it is.  And then you are going to have testimonials from other marketers that are going to take the time to write ah, to go  through your product and write the testimonial. Going through a product and writing a testimonial takes a lot of time and a lot of these keep going after more marketers and eventually you will have enough people on youe page that will make your product stand out and make you more successful.

Caller:  OK thank you Reed:  You are welcome

Caller:  Hi Reed

Reed: Hey

Caller: Hi this is Scott. Ah, will you have this recording available………

Reed:  Yes I will, ah, as long as the recording went through fine, we went through a few technical issues with the teleseminar lines, but other than that the recording should be going through.  I have a  back up recording going on of this, so hopefully that will go through. If not I will go through the presentation again and try to hit as many of the things that I mentioned on it and send that out to everyone.

Caller: Yea, that should be pretty much standard issue for the rest of us, too Reed,  in case we miss one of the Tuesdays?

Reed:  Yah, I’d prefer if you show up every time because then I can answer your questions and help you succeed. Faster, but I plan on getting those recordings out to everyone.

Caller:  Thank you Caller:  Hello Reed?

Reed:  Hi

Caller:  Hi, how are you, this is Myra.

Reed:  Pretty good

Caller:  I have a questions, I have a niche market that I have chosen and it has nothing to do with Internet marketing, so do I have to start looking for another niche?  Or should I try to see if my market will work with your course

Reed: you  can still do other markets that you are in to.  I can’t guarantee your success in; at those other markets because I can’t call in  favors  and I don’t know if joint ventures works specifically in your market place.  If that is the best markeing stategy that it might be kind of a foreign concepot, to some of those people. But you can do that. That is perfectly fine.  I would prefer if you do both because I would like to see you succeed in Internet Marketing.   I think we talked on the phone awhile back perhaps.

Caller:That’s what we kind of exchanged messages

Reed: Yep, so ah, I definitely like to help you succeed in that area, because once you have a list that is established in the Internet marketing niche, you can get a lot of marketing products for free.  And that is going to help you further invest in your education and make your other business more successful.

Caller: Reed, it’s Paul again

Reed:  Hi Paul

Caller: Research for the ……  I know you tried to position yourself as an expert. I guess I’m kind of worried you know, how much do we need to know?  Obviously we should be doing research, but we aren’t actively marketing these things we are supposed to be experts on, so I guess I was wondering how, you know how we can position us an expert if we are really starting to learn about it right now.

Reed:  Sure there is a few things, first off an expert is really any different from you and me,  they might know a little bit more about the subject than the average person, but that is all it takes to make you an expert, you just have to know a little bit more than the average person does on that topic and you can have your own successful information product in that market place.  There is a lot of people that have just done research, and they just have basically theoretical knowledge on that topic but they are considered an expert in that area, because, of great marketing and they compiled a great resource that saves people a lot of time.  Another thing you could do is, I have a fair amount of knowledge on a lot of different topics in Internet marketing, and a lot of my friends have knowledge in different areas of Internet marketing and we could always line up some sort of interview where maybe you could come up with a bunch of questions on that topic and then ask them to answer those questions. And you are becoming somewhat of an expert

by association; by being connected to that other marketer, because that makes you stand out and makes you a credible person in other peoples eyes.

Caller:  OK, I understand. The thing I was worried about was, you know, we would be accumulating all of this theoretical knowledge, but, nothing that was actually hands-on. So, I was just wondering how that was going to come off, you know in the product that, you know, we would develop and you know, try to market?

Reed:  It’s always good to apply the knowledge that you have put together and you are selling, but you can always do, like a blogging 101 product, or a list building 101 product and not have much real world experience, but your insight and the knowledge that have picked up by reading other products could be a real time saver for someone who is just starting out.

Caller:  Hello Reed, this is Myra again

Reed:  Hi Myra

Caller:  Um, some how I couldn’t hear you, um I just had a very loud noise and I had to hang up and call back so, um, I heard until the point when you said I should probably do both and that was it, so if you don’t mind, just kind of repeat that one more time, I’d appreciate it.

Reed:  Sure, ah, you should definitely do both, I recommend you do a product in the Internet marketing field because that will give you more leverage to get free products in the Internet marketing niche and that will make both of your businesses more successful. Because you can apply the knowledge you’ve learned in other marketing products to make your Internet marketing business more successful and make your other business more successful.

Caller:  OK, I get that, I appreciate it

Reed:  Your welcome.  Any other questions for tonight? Caller: If I can answer that, Reed, about the expert? Reed:  Sure.

Caller: I’m here, so here’s the thing. What Reed is talking about is you have an Internet marketing to … of coming newcomers and while you’re and expert compared to them no matter what, if you were to actually study one of these things in Internet marketing you could really become an expert including this, you need to step down to explain to a newcomer, all of it in simple terms. So you bring this,  you learn Squidoo and you … Squidoo and you have a product on Squidoo, if you can simply explain this to a newbie, you will be an expert right off the bat.  So it does require some work, you have to work, you can’t just expect not to work, which is what Reed has mentioned to me in an E-mail. You can’t just sit around and expect this stuff to come, you are going to have to do some work. It doesn’t take that much to become an expert in various sub-niches in Internet marketing.  And the other question I came up with about applying it to other niches, yes, learn it first in Internet marketing and then it’s simple, I have an astronomy mail list and I haven’t even begun to promote to them, and whenever I do, it’s like child’s play, it’s easy, because I’m so used to it from Internet marketing. So, you learn a niche in marketing where your somewhat of a ……if you go into another niche …..should come easy, so you should learn both in real estate.

Reed:  Great, thank you Todd.

Caller:  You bet.

Reed: I’ve got ah, something else to bring up for you guys. This coming weekend, I am going to be at the Midwest Superconference and it is in Minneapolis, it’s ah this Friday, coaching program. And that lets you in to listen to all the speakers and network with people and start doing JV’s.  You will need your airfare, and your food and hotel.  But, ah, generally going to an event really pays for itself, if you  start networking with people. Because you can connect with one person and start doing  a product immediately; or convince someone to promote something you’ve got coming out, or you could promote someone else’s product, just by being at the seminar.  Ah, another option for this is for

$300 I can get you guys into the VIP program at this seminar and that will give you access to the food and other networking opportunities that are available at that event. That really pays for itself, because you are going to probably spend somewhere around that just going out to eat those three days, at local restaurants in the area and you will be, if you pay that you will have the ticket to the event and you will be connecting with successful marketers while they eat their meals.  So that’s a great way to pick someone’s

brain.  If you guys, want the link to that just E-mail me and I’ll shoot you over the link to get either the free ticket, or for $300 you can get the food. And that is this coming weekend  {September 28, 29, 30, 2007}  I highly recommend it, that is a very powerful place to go get joint ventures and to learn about Internet marketing.  I will be there, we can shake hands and meet face to face.  You can pick my brain, you know we can get to know each other a lot better.

Caller: Do you have a teleconference with … {inaudible}….and have a special two for one deal … {inaudible}… and I can’t remember  {inaudible} it’s like number four or three or something, {inaudible} how does that apply?

Reed: That’s ah, that was probably when you were on my Jeff Mill’s webinar, we had a special deal for people who bought through Jeff’s link, that they could go to the boot the JV bootcamp and they could go to the Midwest Superconference. I was able to ah, twist Jeff’s arm a little bit today, and  ah make that available for the rest of the coaching attendees, because I really want to see you guys succeed.  So if you guys can make it, ah, just let me know and I will get you guys set up with a ticket.

Caller: …{inaudible}  and what’s the city and the date again?

Reed:  That’s Minneapolis, Minnesota  and that’s this weekend, this Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, so I know that is really short notice, um, because, it’s this week but ah, if you can go, I would really recommend going.

Caller:  That’s very tempting.

Reed:  Any other questions on Internet marketing or joint ventures?

Caller:  Reed

Reed:  Yep

Caller: What is the name of the meeting, the meeting you are going to have?

Reed:  The Midwest Superconference.

Caller:  OK

Reed:  You can check out the page on that at midwestsuperconference.com   um, don’t sign up there, because I can get you a  free ticket or a reduced rate tickets for the meal plan  on there and the other networking opportunities.  Ah, but you can check it out and see who is speaking, there is a pretty big line up of great speakers there that will really help you expand your business and you can connect with other marketers.  And that is where the real magic is at an event, networking with other Internet marketers.

Caller:  And I just …{inaudible}

Reed:  I am sorry what was that last question?

Caller:  …{inaudible}… conference

Reed:  I am not sure what they have left for hotels, um there might be a few rooms left, otherwise there are a few other hotels in the area, that you might be able to get a decent rate at.

Caller: Reed I have one more quick question for you.

Reed:  Sure.

Caller:  In picking an Internet marketing niche that you first …{inaudible}, is there  a good place to see like a whole bunch of them like clickbank or …{inaudible}  to get the best view of what is available out there, sort of find our niche out of those?

Reed:  Sure, there is a few places,    clickbank.com like you suggested. You can go to clickbank.com and click on marketplace and you can find some. Go to like the business and making money types sections on there and you will see some stuff that is Internet marketing related.   Otherwise, a site I really recommend going to is ezinearticles.com and then,  I think I actually have that up, I could show what that looks like.  I will just go to it.  I assume my screen switched over for you guys.  So it should be loading up that page.  This is ezinearticles.com   And they have this tab here that is Internet and business online.  If you click on that, that will drop down and you will see a bunch of different things.  So you could talk about like, list building and auto responders, or blogging, or E-mail  marketing, using Internet marketing forums to bring traffic to  your website, or things like AdWords, Google AdWords, that’s pay per click advertising, or SEO, or product creation, podcasting.  There is a bunch of different topics on there that gives you a really good variety of things that you could try out and start marketing online to make yourself the expert.

Caller:  Cool, great. Thank you.

Reed:  Your welcome.

Caller:  You know what is really cool too is there not all big niches and therefore if you feel uncomfortable about teaching other people how to make money, you could then teach them how to do blogging, which necessarily have to do {inaudible}  or some other things, you know, like videos.  That is really cool.

Reed:  Yea, another ah, example is you could, I see web hosting as something- on there, you could  do a report on how to pick a really good web host.  And that is something  a lot of newbies to the Internet would really  like to learn.

Caller:  Yea, and how to build a web page, you know, so much like that.

Caller:  Yea, product creation it seems to me a lot of people with a lot of ideas that would expect that even to suit their egos would just how to make purple widgets, there are a ton of people out there want to do that but they have no clue how to take the idea and put it online.

Reed:  Definitely.   If you can show those people how to do that in kind of newbie terms and make it easy for people to understand that really makes you the expert and makes you stick out.    Any other questions for tonight?

Caller:  I’ll see you this weekend, this is Rick.

Caller:  This has been a really good first call, I thank you very much Reed.

Reed:  Great, thanks, glad I was able to help you guys.  Well, I guess same time, same place next week , we will plan on that, next Tuesday at 9:00 Eastern. Thank you guys for making it on this call and investing in the program.  I am sorry we had some technical issues.  But hopefully the recording went through fine.  And ah, if you guys want to go to that Internet Marketing Superconference this weekend, just shoot me an E-mail and I can set you up with that.  If not, I will see you guys next Tuesday, unless something changes with our schedule.  And ah, thank you very much.  Thanks for being here tonight.

Caller: Thank you. Caller:  Thank you Reed Caller:  {inaudible} Reed:   Night everyone. Caller:  Good job Reed

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