One of the benefits of being an AdWords Top Contributor is that we get invited to big events like I/O without having to enter the lottery. Unfortunately, I couldn’t make it this year due to a combination of workload and injury. Fortunately, there have been many neat advances in live streaming technology in the past few years with Google at the forefront of that technology. You can now watch the live stream of the Google I/O keynote and subsequent events below. I’ve also included a schedule and timetable for those who don’t have a whole two days to watch every minute. What do you hope is revealed this year? For me, I’m hoping that we get some extended Android widget functionality and some greater API access. Keynote starts at 5pm GMT.
What do you think of the announcements?
June 25
Level 3 Video
Android Studio startup station
Code Lab
Taking on accessibility challenges in complex web applications
Develop Sandbox: Accessibility
Android and cloud
Develop Sandbox: Android
NVIDIA tooling and performance
Develop Sandbox: Android NDK / Gaming Performance
Jank-free performance audits
Develop Sandbox: Chrome
Predicting the future in the Cloud
Develop Sandbox: Cloud
End-to-end testing and continuous integration with Dart
Develop Sandbox: Dart
Organizing code and managing dependencies
Develop Sandbox: Go
Developer workflow around Docker containers
Develop Sandbox: Cloud
Europe meetup
Community Lounge
Live UX review: Wearables
Design Sandbox
DevOps power tools
Develop Sandbox: Cloud
Testing techniques
Develop Sandbox: Go
Nest API startup station
Code Lab
North America meetup
Community Lounge
Accessibility developer tools in Chrome
Develop Sandbox: Accessibility
Framework for device storage and SD cards
Develop Sandbox: Android
The power tools of Chrome DevTools
Develop Sandbox: Chrome
Optimizing Dart Applications
Develop Sandbox: Dart
Intel tooling and performance
Develop Sandbox: Android NDK / Gaming Performance
Containers on Google App Engine
Develop Sandbox: Cloud
Google Developers Group women meetup
Community Lounge
Making your code faster: benchmarking and profiling
Develop Sandbox: Go
Large scale data processing in the Cloud
Develop Sandbox: Cloud
Google Cloud Platform startup station
Code Lab
South America meetup
Community Lounge
Making your cloud apps Google-fast
Room 1 Video
HTML5 everywhere: How and why YouTube uses the Web platform
Room 3
Making money on Google Play
Room 4
Perf culture
Room 5
Polymer and the Web Components revolution
Room 6 Video
Who cares about new domain names? We do. If you want happy users, then you should too.
Room 7 Video
What's new in Android
Room 8 Video
Accessible web components
Develop Sandbox: Accessibility
SDK tools for performance
Develop Sandbox: Android
Building set-top box UIs with Dart
Develop Sandbox: Dart
Keys to successful distribution of Android games
Distribute Sandbox
Open-source technologies from the Hadoop ecosystem as part of your Cloud toolkit
Develop Sandbox: Cloud
Design community panel
Design Sandbox
Google I/O first-timers meetup
Community Lounge
Unity tooling and performance
Develop Sandbox: Android NDK / Gaming Performance
10 things I learned from the Chrome OS source
Develop Sandbox: Chrome
Camlistore: Android, ARM, App Engine, everywhere
Develop Sandbox: Go
AdMob and Google Analytics office hours
Distribute Sandbox
Massively scalable backends for MMO and mobile games
Develop Sandbox: Cloud
Polymer startup station
Code Lab
Robotics meetup
Community Lounge
Google Play services Rocks!
Room 1 Video
Android power performance primer
Room 3
Google Play power session
Room 4
Making sense of online course data
Room 5
Polymer and Web Components change everything you know about Web development
Room 6 Video
Zero to hero with Google Cloud Platform
Room 7 Video
Cross-platform design
Room 8 Video
Introduction to Android accessibility
Develop Sandbox: Accessibility
SDK tools for layouts
Develop Sandbox: Android
Unlocking the potential of GoogleAnalytics logs using Google BigData services
Develop Sandbox: Cloud
Using Polymer with Dart and JavaScript
Develop Sandbox: Dart
How crashing my startup taught me to work at Y Combinator
Distribute Sandbox
Building a web app on App Engine
Develop Sandbox: Go
Scaling NoSQL performance on Google Cloud Platform
Develop Sandbox: Cloud
Meetup for Chinese speakers
Community Lounge
Enable Google Cast for your application
Develop Sandbox: Chrome
Qualcomm tooling and performance
Develop Sandbox: Android NDK / Gaming Performance
Building a Lambda Architecture in 10 minutes with BigQuery, CEP and Docker
Develop Sandbox: Cloud
Android Studio startup station
Code Lab
Build better products, not more features: UX design for developers
Workshop Room 1
Google [x] presents: Solve for X - Accelerating moonshot projects
Workshop Room 2
Biologically inspired models of intelligence
Room 1 Video
HTTPS Everywhere
Room 2
Perfectly executing the wrong plan
Room 3
Connecting Cloud and Web: Deploying end-to-end apps with Dart
Room 4
The design sprint: from Google Ventures to Google X
Room 5
Achieving more with Mobile Cloud
Room 6 Video
Big data, the Cloud way: Accelerated and simplified
Room 7 Video
Wearable computing with Google
Room 8 Video
Live UX review: Web
Design Sandbox
Accessibility for Android custom views
Develop Sandbox: Accessibility
Debugging Dart apps with WebStorm
Develop Sandbox: Dart
3 days of building useless stuff - the makings of the world's craziest makers conference
Distribute Sandbox
Sourcegraph: A code search engine in Go
Develop Sandbox: Go
Continuous integration with Google Cloud Release Pipelines
Develop Sandbox: Cloud
Build for the multi-device Web
Develop Sandbox: Chrome
Google Play office hours
Distribute Sandbox
BigQuery logs analysis
Develop Sandbox: Cloud
Google Cloud Platform startup station
Code Lab
Quantified Self meetup
Community Lounge
Bridging the gap between the web and apps
Room 2
Grow your app with Google identity: Engaging users wherever they are
Room 3
Unlock the next era of UI development with Polymer
Room 4
Containerizing the Cloud with Docker on Google Cloud Platform
Room 5
Android fireside chat
Room 6 Video
Room 7 Video
Designing for wearables
Room 8 Video
Designing for Google Cast
Design Sandbox
Android accessibility updates
Develop Sandbox: Accessibility
GC and Jank in Art
Develop Sandbox: Android
ARM tooling and performance
Develop Sandbox: Android NDK / Gaming Performance
Building end-to-end apps with Cloud, Mobile, and Dart
Develop Sandbox: Dart
Authentication and third party APIs
Develop Sandbox: Go
Silicon Valley startups and incubators vs. global ones
Distribute Sandbox
Putting out fires in your production application
Develop Sandbox: Cloud
Korean developers meetup
Community Lounge
Design Sandbox
Building App Engine with Gradle in Android Studio
Develop Sandbox: Cloud
Google Play office hours
Distribute Sandbox
June 26
Google Cloud Platform startup station
Code Lab
Glassware design sprint
Workshop Room 1
Google [x] present: Solve for X - Accelerating moonshot projects
Workshop Room 2
Going responsive with the Google Play Apps Suite
Room 1 Video
Casting to the future
Room 3
How we built Chrome Dev Editor with the Chrome platform
Room 4
The next five billion gamers
Room 5
A 3D tablet, an OSCAR, and a little cash. Tango, Spotlight, Ara. ATAP.
Room 6 Video
Going global with Google Play
Room 7 Video
What’s new in Android development tools
Room 8 Video
Introduction to Android accessibility
Develop Sandbox: Accessibility
Develop Sandbox: Android
ARM tooling and performance
Develop Sandbox: Android NDK / Gaming Performance
Predicting the future in the Cloud
Develop Sandbox: Cloud
Tips and tricks for upgrading business critical web apps to Dart
Develop Sandbox: Dart
Building a web app on App Engine
Develop Sandbox: Go
Don't Listen to Users, Sample Their Experience!
Distribute Sandbox
Live UX review: Android
Design Sandbox
Optimizing for the user experience with WebPagetest
Develop Sandbox: Chrome
Developer workflow around Docker containers
Develop Sandbox: Cloud
Driving login velocity across multiple platforms with Google+ Sign-In
Distribute Sandbox
Polymer startup station
Code Lab
Android Wear: The developer's perspective
Room 1 Video
Field of view
Room 2
Instant Buy everywhere
Room 3
The ART runtime
Room 5
Making the mobile web fast, feature-rich, and beautiful
Room 6 Video
The dawn of "Fast Data"
Room 7 Video
Cross-platform interaction design
Room 8 Video
Accessibility for Android custom views
Develop Sandbox: Accessibility
SDK tools for performance
Develop Sandbox: Android
DevOps power tools
Develop Sandbox: Cloud
Server-side Dart programming in Google Cloud
Develop Sandbox: Dart
Making Google Cast apps discoverable
Distribute Sandbox
Sourcegraph: A code search engine in Go
Develop Sandbox: Go
Nordics meetup
Community Lounge
Optimizing the mobile experience with PageSpeed insights
Develop Sandbox: Chrome
Google Play flipped panel
Distribute Sandbox
Qualcomm tooling and performance
Develop Sandbox: Android NDK / Gaming Performance
Containers on Google App Engine
Develop Sandbox: Cloud
Authentication and third party APIs
Develop Sandbox: Go
Android Studio startup station
Code Lab
Middle East meetup
Community Lounge
Design sprints with Google Ventures
Workshop Room 1
Inspirational design
Room 1 Video
Transforming democracy and disasters with APIs
Room 2
Upgrading the engine mid-flight: How Google improves its web apps without downtime
Room 3
The future of Apps and Search
Room 4
Less code, more services, better Android apps
Room 5
Mobile Web performance auditing
Room 6 Video
Views from Everywhere: Bringing developers the world's largest geo photo library
Room 7 Video
Advanced Android UI
Room 8 Video
Android accessibility updates
Develop Sandbox: Accessibility
SDK tools for layouts
Develop Sandbox: Android
All-in: Using Dart for everything
Develop Sandbox: Dart
How to distribute on Chrome Web Store
Distribute Sandbox
Francophone meetup
Community Lounge
10 things I learned from the Chrome OS source
Develop Sandbox: Chrome
Large scale data processing in the Cloud
Develop Sandbox: Cloud
Distributing Native Code on the web using PNaCl
Distribute Sandbox
Camlistore: Android, ARM, App Engine, everywhere
Develop Sandbox: Go
Nest API startup station
Code Lab
Meetup en Español
Community Lounge
Prototyping with Polymer
Design Sandbox
Taking on accessibility challenges in complex web applications
Develop Sandbox: Accessibility
Android and cloud
Develop Sandbox: Android
Request quest: Test your knowledge of obscure browser behavior
Develop Sandbox: Chrome
Open-source technologies from the Hadoop ecosystem as part of your Cloud toolkit
Develop Sandbox: Cloud
Building composable server-side Dart apps with Shelf
Develop Sandbox: Dart
Our favorite prototyping tools
Design Sandbox
Nippon meetup
Community Lounge
Intel tooling and performance
Develop Sandbox: Android NDK / Gaming Performance
Massively scalable backends for MMO and mobile games
Develop Sandbox: Cloud
Go compilation complexities
Develop Sandbox: Go
Google Cloud Platform startup station
Code Lab
Africa meetup
Community Lounge
You want me to measure what?! Turning qualitative information into quantitative data
Workshop Room 1
Accessibility developer tools in Chrome
Develop Sandbox: Accessibility
Framework for device storage and SD cards
Develop Sandbox: Android
5 Chrome DevTool tricks for a faster mobile website
Develop Sandbox: Chrome
Mobile Dart workflows in Chrome Dev Editor
Develop Sandbox: Dart
Saving time and money with Google Wallet office hours
Distribute Sandbox
Cross-platform design panel
Design Sandbox
Unlocking the potential of GoogleAnalytics logs using Google BigData services
Develop Sandbox: Cloud
Organizing code and managing dependencies
Develop Sandbox: Go
Asia meetup
Community Lounge
Integrating your app with the Knowledge Graph office hours
Distribute Sandbox
Scaling NoSQL performance on Google Cloud Platform
Develop Sandbox: Cloud
Android Studio startup station
Code Lab
Australia and New Zealand meetup
Community Lounge
Nest for developers
Room 1 Video
Google Play Games: A developer perspective
Room 2
How 20% engineers built Santa Tracker
Room 3
Making music mobile with the Web
Room 5
Taming your cloud applications with intelligent monitoring
Room 6 Video
Maximize app engagement, monetization and distribution
Room 7 Video
Graphical Android: Rich effects for great user interfaces
Room 8 Video
Faster mockups with design resources
Design Sandbox
Accessible web components
Develop Sandbox: Accessibility
Frameworks for enterprise and device management
Develop Sandbox: Android
Using JavaScript libraries with Dart
Develop Sandbox: Dart
Distributing your Glassware
Distribute Sandbox
Unity tooling and performance
Develop Sandbox: Android NDK / Gaming Performance
Building a Lambda Architecture in 10 minutes with BigQuery, CEP and Docker
Develop Sandbox: Cloud
Testing techniques
Develop Sandbox: Go
Smartphone websites: UX review
Design Sandbox
Your first look at Polymer
Develop Sandbox: Chrome
Google Play office hours
Distribute Sandbox
Nest API startup station
Code Lab
Deconstructing the user journey
Workshop Room 1
Cross-platform visual design and imagery
Room 1 Video
Security at scale at Google
Room 2
Building great multi-media experiences on Android
Room 3
Play Games: Evolution of our beloved form of entertainment
Room 4
Developing across Devices - DevTools in 2014
Room 5
DevOps at the speed of Google
Room 6 Video
Maps for good: Saving trees and saving lives with petapixel-scale computing
Room 7 Video
Innovate with the Glass Platform
Room 8 Video
Live UX review: Android
Design Sandbox
API case study from IDEAL Group
Develop Sandbox: Accessibility
Continuous integration with Google Cloud Release Pipelines
Develop Sandbox: Cloud
Accessing Cloud Datastore from Dart
Develop Sandbox: Dart
How to get, keep and monetize users on Google Play
Distribute Sandbox
Making your code faster: benchmarking and profiling
Develop Sandbox: Go
Best practices and common mistakes in SEO
Develop Sandbox: Chrome
BigQuery logs analysis
Develop Sandbox: Cloud
AdMob and Google Analytics office hours
Distribute Sandbox
Google Cloud Platform startup station
Code Lab
Maker meetup
Community Lounge
Redesigning Google Maps
Room 1 Video
Strengthening communities with technology: A discussion with Bay Area Impact Challenge finalists
Room 2
Design principles for a better mobile web
Room 5
Robotics in a new world - Presented by Women Techmakers
Room 6 Video
Predicting the future with the Google Cloud Platform
Room 7 Video
Cross-platform motion design
Room 8 Video
Accessibility Q&A, consulting, and demos
Develop Sandbox: Accessibility
GC and Jank in Art
Develop Sandbox: Android
NVIDIA tooling and performance
Develop Sandbox: Android NDK / Gaming Performance
Putting out fires in your production application
Develop Sandbox: Cloud
Distributing appealing apps: How to make them love your apps
Distribute Sandbox
Building App Engine with Gradle in Android Studio
Develop Sandbox: Cloud