Want to get your book published? Do you have a manuscript and are seeking a publisher, or are thinking of writing a book, but don’t know where to begin?
Let me introduce you to Redeeming Press!
Redeeming Press is publishing the way it was meant to be. It is publishing with generosity and grace. It is publishing that focuses on the author rather than on profits.
Almost exactly one year ago, I decided to start a publishing company.
I saw then, and am even more convinced now, that the publishing industry was rapidly changing, and that most publishing companies in the world were not properly adapting to these changes. In fact, most of the publishing companies were actively fighting against and trying to hinder the changes!
So I started brainstorming about how a publishing company could operate which would take advantage of some of the publishing methods in a way that would:
Allow new and undiscovered authors to get published
Allow books to get into print more quickly
Allow authors to receive a larger royalty payment than normal
After several months of brainstorming, talking with others in the publishing industry, doing hundreds of research on publishing methods, and reading dozens of books about publishing, I ended up with a process for book publishing which accomplished all three of my goals.
Benefits of Redeeming Press
Through my brainstorming, I think I found a way to “redeem the press,” that is, to remove some of the negative elements of the publishing industry, and add in some elements and principles of the Kingdom of God, specifically, elements of truth, generosity, and grace.
While most publishing companies want authors who have a big “platform,” Redeeming Press primarily cares about big ideas. If you have a book which presents truth in a fresh way, we might be interested in publishing it.
While most publishing companies take a year or more to get your book into print, we can get your book into print within a few months.
While most publishing companies pay their authors 10% royalties, we created a payment structure that allowed authors to make 30% royalty payments on their book (and even up to 45% in certain circumstances).
Redeeming Press Projects
Currently, Redeeming Press is working with three authors, and we are talking with about a dozen more. Updates on who these three authors are and what books they will be publishing will be announced soon over at Redeeming Press.com
If you are an author (or want to be one), I invite you to consider publishing your book with Redeeming Press.
Head on over to Redeeming Press.com to get started.
Oh, and while you are there, sign up for the Redeeming Press newsletter. The newsletter will give you updates about authors, newly published books, and some tips and suggestions for writing and preparing your own book for publication. Besides that, in a week or two, newsletter subscribers will get a shortened and condensed version of my Book Publishing Instructions.
This post is part of the January 2014 Synchroblog, in which we were invited to share some sort of “New Beginning.” One of the options was to share about starting something new, so I chose to share about this new company. Here are the other participants to this month’s synchroblog:
Jen Bradbury – Enough
Abbie Watters – New Beginnings
Cara Strickland – Bursting
Carol Kuniholm – Acorns, King, Beloved Community
Done With Religion – A New Year, A New Beginning
Kelly Stanley – A Blank Canvas
Glenn Hager – Overcoming The Biggest Obstacle To Reaching Your Goals
Dave Criddle – Get Some New Thinking
David Derbyshire – Changed Priorities Ahead
J A Carter – The Year of Reading Scripture for the First Time
Damon – New Beginnings: Consider These 5 Questions Before Tying The Knot
Jeffrey Kranz – Where To Start Reading The Bible
Joanna990 – On survival – my one word for 2014
K W Leslie – Atonement
Happy – my One Word 365 surprise
Michelle Moseley – Ends and Beginnings
Matthew Bryant – A New Creation
Liz Dyer – It’s a new year and time to make some new mistakes
Edwin Pastor Fedex Aldrich – Foreclosed: The beginning of a new dream
Jennifer Clark Tinker – Starting a New Year Presently
Loveday Anyim – New Year New Resolutions
Loveday Anyim – New Year Resolution Dreamers
Loveday Anyim – New Year Resolution Specialists
Loveday Anyin – New Year Resolution Planners and Achievers
Amy Hetland – New Beginnings
Phil Lancaster – New Beginnings
Mallory Pickering – Something Old, Something New
Margaret Boelman – The Other Side of Grief