
Hello Reddit,

we're two 19 year old college students from Stanford University in California and University of Zurich in Switzerland. We've never met each other, and we live across the world. But we've been working our asses off on this product together for a while, and today we finally launched it!


(Here’s a couple of screenshots: http://imgur.com/a/jmKRy)

OneTune is an open, free music streaming platform. You can browse millions of catalogued songs and albums from any artist and stream it on-demand, as well as build a personal music library on the cloud, make playlists, view lyrics to songs, and access independent, original content that's not listed on iTunes or Spotify. Our software finds and plays the best video match on YouTube as the audio source (taking in factors such as title relevancy, video length, video rating, etc.) and finds best alternatives in countries with certain video restrictions. We wrapped everything in a simple, easy-to-use interface with incredible focus on user experience. Think of OneTune as the organization and cleanliness of Spotify, married with the massive, unparalleled collection of music on YouTube.

Yes, there are quite a few YouTube-powered music streaming services out there. But OneTune is very different. Here's how:

It's a full-featured, on-demand music streaming platform (like Spotify, Rdio, Google Music), not just a discovery or playlist curation tool. Search and browse artists’ entire discographies and full albums, discover new music, and organize your music – all in one platform.

It's incredibly organized. Each song is attributed to its proper artist, album, and has a high quality album cover. If you add a YouTube video directly, you can tag it with metadata to keep it clean. No more messy titles like "the Eagles Hotel California [Remastered] 01 Hotel California".

It's got more songs than Spotify. Access covers, remixes, live recordings, independent releases, or international songs (so many foreign songs/artists!) that simply aren't available on Spotify or iTunes.

It's community powered. We rely on users to report and fix wrong video matches and tag new videos with proper metadata (song title, artist, etc.). The platform naturally grows with its users.

It's completely open and free. No downloads, no signups required - just listen to music right away, no matter how old you are or where you live.

It's all about your personal music listening experience. OneTune is modeled directly after the iTunes experience of "owning" songs and having a music collection. Add an unlimited number of songs to your Library and play or shuffle it anytime. We don't force social aspects. It's there if you want it, but mostly out of the way to focus on you and your music.

With OneTune, our vision is to create a genuinely great music platform where users aren’t simply customers but members of a community who are themselves part of the complete product.

Help us reach this vision. Starting today, OneTune is available in all countries without restrictions, and open to simply everyone who has access to the Internet. Give it a whirl and let us know what you think! Any feedback, support, or criticism (we know there’s lots to improve) will help us tremendously at this nascent stage.

Side Notes:

Works best in Chrome – Internet Explorer 9 and below aren’t officially supported.

Mobile apps (iOS & Android) and Radio feature are coming real soon!

You can always purchase any song directly (it's actually encouraged).

Protip: Right-click on any track for options.

Cheers, Jack & Jonny

EDIT: Our servers are slightly struggling to keep up - hold on tight, we're spinning up a few more servers to keep up!

submitted by jonnyburger to Music
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