
Bec from Style by Bec is the latest member of the 30+ club!! Not only is Bec a Stylist and Personal Shopper, she is a mum to three littlies and a Plumber!

30 Plus Style and Beauty Link up featuring Styled by Bec

Why did you start blogging? And has it changed from when you first started?

I started my blog on Styled by Bec as a way to build my personal styling business in 2010. My day job was a plumber during the week and I would style clients or give colour analysis reports to clients on the weekends. I didn’t maintain the blog on Styled by Bec regularly mainly because I was busy being a plumber. At the end of 2011, I had finished writing my book on how I became a plumber and decided to start a plumbing blog called The Plumbette, to build readers who would be interested in reading my book. The book is still sitting on my computer waiting to be edited!! I focused a lot more attention to this blog as opposed to Styled by Bec. It wasn’t until I went to Problogger Conference last year that I was inspired to restart my Styled by Bec blog. A couple of months later I found out that my husband and I were expecting our third child and I just didn’t have the energy to devote myself to two blogs so I chose to still blog at The Plumbette which had started to earn an income, and I blogged haphazardly on Styled by Bec when I could. Now that I have had my third baby Phoebe, I have started to get into a routine of blogging weekly on Styled by Bec.

The way I blog on both The Plumbette and Styled by Bec has changed since I started as I write more personal posts as opposed to just giving advice. Readers love the personal posts because they can relate to them. When I think about the blogs that I love to read, it’s the ones that share their lives to the online world, so it made sense for me to write this way too on my blogs.

How would your friends or family describe your style?

I’m a classic dresser but I like to have a go at trends. I am very girly which may seem unusual for a female plumber who would wear cotton drills and steel caps during the week. These days with three daughters, including a newborn, my style is relaxed, yet stylish and put together.

When dressing up I wear clothing from Review, Veronica Maine & Cue.

When dressing during the week I mix labels like Witchery, Sass & Bide and Erin Louise with basics from Target and Big W. I like to keep an open mind when I go shopping so I don’t have a loyalty to any one brand.

Through-out my pregnancy I did the same but also wore a lot of dresses from ASOS maternity and general maternity brands like Ripe Maternity and Soon.

How do you think someone that didn’t really like you would describe your style?

Gosh, what a hard question to answer. If someone didn’t really like me, I wouldn’t listen to what they thought of my style because I don’t care what they think. But if they did describe my style it would be feminine and nice.

Who inspires your style and why?

I’m inspired by bloggers and friends. I enjoy watching what other women wear and if I love a look, I think about how I can imitate it using what I already own in my wardrobe or I go shopping. I also love window shopping. I can get inspired by how a mannequin is dressed at the front of a shop.

When it comes to celebrities, I love Kate Middleton’s style and anything worn by Nicole Kidman and Cate Blanchett – more for colours, because I share their fair skin.

Describe your biggest beauty disaster and do you have photographic evidence you are willing to share?

The biggest beauty disaster which I didn’t think was a disaster at the time was when I was little (I was probably mid primary school) and I got my fringe permed because I liked how the style looked on my Barbie doll and wanted to look just like her. Worst move ever!! It went boofy and I was living in the 90’s, not the 80’s!!

A couple of years ago I also cut my fringe with tin snips because I didn’t have time to go to a hairdresser and my fringe kept falling in my eyes as I was working. The frustration was taken out on my fringe and I wished I hadn’t cut my fringe because I cut it way too short! Thank goodness hair grows!

Worst fashion disaster was when I was 21 and went to a wedding wearing a halter neck dress that required some sort of strapless and backless bra. I found these nipple stickers which were meant to keep my boobies contained but when the night breeze flew in, those nipple stickers stood out like full beam headlights on a semi-trailer! You could see the full outline of the stickers AND my nipples. Thank goodness I had a wrap which I tied across my chest to hide my embarrassing fashion faux pas!!

Because you are a new mum and have toddlers, what are your best ‘get ready in 10 minutes’ tips?

Wash your hair the night before and straighten it so that in the morning you just need to do a quick straighten to get any night time kinks out.

Use a BB cream.

Work out what to wear the night before, but if you forget, think about what to wear as you shower so you don’t waste time trying to work out what to wear.

If you have a well-functioning wardrobe with all basics covered and a selection of intermixing accessories and show pony pieces, putting an outfit together should be fairly simple. When in doubt, jeans a white tee and accessory or show pony piece always looks the goods.

About Bec

Bec is a plumber and stylist. She writes a plumbing blog called The Plumbette which unplugs her life as a plumber and mother of three daughters. She runs a styling business called Styled by Bec where she also blogs about fashion including what she wore throughout her pregnancy and how to look stylish post baby.

You can find Bec: Styled By Bec | Instagram | Facebook |

or The Plumbette | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram

Would you like to feature on the 30 Plus Style and Beauty linkup! Men, women, bloggers, non-bloggers are all welcome.
Email me at rachel(at)redcliffestyle.com.

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