
Imagine being able to come into the office and have your computer handle the recruitment process for you. Sounds impossible right? But that is very possible when you understand what to do. The secret is marketing automation.

While it may seem like a brand new concept, marketing automation has been around for decades. Software has been around since the 1980s to handle the process. At the time, it was simple things like inserting names and addresses onto documents and envelopes. Today, the process looks a little different.

Our computers still auto populate fields based on the information customers input online. This allows us to ship packages to the right address. It also allows customer service computers to auto populate when customers call in over the phone.

Websites now do this to help expand marketing to your customers. Take Google Ads for example. The search engine monitors your viewing habits and creates advertising that it believes will interest you. These ads then appear on websites that feature Google Ads on them.

Amazon has a similar feature. Based on your viewing habits on their website, they send you an e-mail about products you might be interested in. As you browse certain items, Google begins to gain a better understanding of the things that interest you. The result is a targeted e-mail that is likely to leave you making an additional purchase.

Marketing automation works the same way in recruitment. In this case, potential recruits begin to have standard viewing habits on your website. The system can recommend specific jobs based on their interests when they log on to the system. When they are offline, the recruitment software will send them an e-mail that makes suggestions based on their habits. This allows candidates to discover new job postings immediately and helps you to fill a position faster.

The result is that you save time. Potential candidates are matched to positions they’ll be passionate about. The result is better interviews from qualified individuals that possess the proper skill sets. Saving you precious time that is better used in other areas of your business.

There is also the benefit of data collection. As candidates browse the system, check interests and skills, you are able to begin the shift through the data and quickly match them to open positions when they become available.

If you aren’t already using automated marketing software for  your recruitment agency, you need to begin. When fully setup, this powerful tool will help to make your recruitment efforts faster and more effective.

To discover how to apply the following 3 shifts in your agency before your competitors do.

Shift 1 – From Outbound to Inbound Clients

Shift 2 – From One To One Chasing To One To Many Authority Lead Gen

Shift 3 – From Being ‘Just Another Agency’ To Being The Goto Person / Expert In Your Niche/Market

Viist www.recruitmentmarketinginternational.com/ to see how you can apply the 3 shifts in modern recruitment:

Or if are hungry for this now and want to get started immediately schedule a 10 minute discovery call at www.rmi.acuityscheduling.com/schedule.php to see how you can apply the 3 RMI shifts in the next 30-90 days.

Andy Whitehead

The post Why You Need Automated Marketing in Your Recruitment Agency appeared first on Recruitment Marketing International.

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