
-Gun Control Documentary: There Are ‘Limits to Every Right Articulated in the Constitution’
-Military chopper keeps tabs on family at gun range in Utah

November 14, 2014 by Paul Joseph Watson

Video footage shot near Salt Lake City shows a military Apache helicopter harassing gun owners by performing low fly overs.

A family visiting co-workers in Salt Lake City was taken out to a gun range in the Utah desert to shoot pistols and shotguns but their day was interrupted on two separate occasions by the chopper.

According to the wife of the man who uploaded the video to YouTube, “you could see the gun under the nose waving at us.”

The video shows the Apache swooping across barely 30 feet above the heads of the family, while a subsequent clip shot later in the day shows the chopper hovering nearby as it appears to be keeping tabs on the gun owners.

The helicopter violently kicks up scrub brush as it passes in front of the individuals. The first flyover occurred just after noon while the second incident took place around five hours later.

“Low flybys are one thing, but lingering and waving machine guns at people? Perhaps they were showing off,” writes the individual who uploaded the video.

As we reported last year, authorities in the United States have shown interest in using aerial surveillance to spy on gun owners.

The Shadowhawk drone, a 50lb mini helicopter that can be fitted with an XREP taser, was approved by the Department of Homeland Security in 2012 and has since been acquired by numerous different law enforcement bodies.

Promotional video for the drone shows it being used to spy on an outdoor gun sale. The footage shows two men driving to meet clandestinely in a remote area, before they exit their vehicles and proceed to conduct a transaction for a handgun and a semi-automatic rifle, before driving off at high speed.

During the commentary over the clip, which features dramatic music, role players run the license plates of both vehicles before describing the transaction as the spy drone hovers above.


NRA warns of Obama-fueled ‘end-run around Congress’ on gun rights

November 14, 2014 By Cheryl K. Chumley – The Washington Times

The National Rifle Association issued a stark warning that a U.N. Arms Trade treaty set to take effect on Christmas Eve could lead to a U.S. crackdown on Second Amendment rights — not via a Senate ratification, but rather an “end-run around Congress,” a spokesperson said.

“We are worried about an end-run around Congress,” NRA spokeswoman Catherine Mortensen told The Blaze. “Barack Obama or a future anti-gun president could use ATT and international norms compliance to rationalize enacting gun control politics through executive actions, especially in the import and export realms.”

The U.S. delegation to the United Nations supports the treaty, but the Senate, soon to be controlled by Republicans, is less than likely to ratify. But the current White House is publicly touting support for the treaty, and the NRA fears that support could eventually weave into the halls of Congress — or result in yet another one of President Obama’s executive orders.

“Even now, with an existing appropriations rider prohibiting action to implement the treaty unless it is approved by Congress, administration officials are publicly professing support for international efforts to bring the treaty into effect,” Ms. Mortensen told The Blaze. “That’s outrageous.”

She described the treaty as an “attempt by other countries, including some despotic regimes, to try and infringe on our constitutional rights.”

“This treaty is a very real threat,” she said.

Under the terms of the treaty, participating nations are required to set up export and import controls for combat vehicles, aircraft and small arms. The text of the treaty also requires that participating member states “establish and maintain a national control system, including a national control list, in order to implement the provisions.”

And the NRA isn’t alone in its worry about U.S. embrace of the provisions.

Investor’s Business Daily opined: “All treaties must be ratified by two-thirds of the Senate, and that’s not about to happen in the case of the unratified Arms Trade Treaty. … Yet a president who pays no attention to Congress or the Constitution has through Environmental Protection Agency regulations sought to impose Kyoto and cap-and-trade through regulation and fiat.”

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Gun Control Documentary: There Are ‘Limits to Every Right Articulated in the Constitution’

“The whole country… [has] a gun problem.”

November 16, 2014 by Breitbart | AWR HAWKINS |

Director Jessica Solce’s new documentary, No Control, premieres November 15 and carries a clear message: “There [are] limits to every right… articulated in the Constitution,” and gun rights should be no exception.

And while the Huffington Post claims No Control offers a balanced look at the pro-Second Amendment versus gun control debate–”giving voice to advocates from both sides”–the documentary’s trailer makes clear that “gun violence is a public health issue” and this, of course, sets up guns and gun ownership as issues to be dealt with in the same way as swine flu, bird flu, chicken pox, or Ebola. It opens the door for Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and other groups to infringe on Second Amendment rights via agency-issued orders that bypass Congress and the people at large.

The No Control trailer features ousted Colorado state senator John Morse (D-Colo. Springs) pressing for more gun control, and New Yorkers Against Gun Violence’s Shaina Harrison declaring, “The whole country… [has] a gun problem.”

Interspersed between the calls for gun control are quick, non-contextualized pro-gun clips like the one of Pueblo Freedom and Rights’ Victor Head holding pieces of unfinished gun parts saying, “We can make an AK-47 or an AR-15. What do you want to make today?” Head’s quote on “assault rifles” is spliced in right behind artist Greg Bokor’s statement that “It’s so easy to kill a person with a gun.”

Of course, the trailer does not point out FBI statistics showing more people are killed with hammers and clubs each year than with any kind of rifle–”assault rifles” included. Breitbart News reported these statistics on January 3, 2013.

No Control premieres November 15 at DOC NYC.


Tagged: abortion, al-Qaida, “Muslim Mafia, benghazi, Caliphate, Chemical Weapons, Christian, collapse of America, Constitution, dictator, Ebola, foreclosure, Hamas, immigration, IRS, Islam, Islamist, Israel, jihad, Muslim Brotherhood, Nazi, NSA, Obama, obamacare, radical Islam, rights, Second Amendment, Syria, Tea Party, Tyrannical Government, voter fraud, White House

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