November 4, 2014 by: Kevin Shipp
President Barack Hussein Obama has publicly claimed he is a “Christian.” He originally made this statement during his campaign for president of the United States, and continues to make it as president, although rarely. But is he really a Christian? It is well known that a politician has little chance of winning an election in the United States if he is anti-Christian or espouses anti-Christian policies. Polls show about 80% of Americans claim to belong to the religion of Christianity, although it is not known if this percentage represents practicing Christians. But, it is certain no politician will win high election in America if he or she publicly disparages Christianity.
As we know, modern politics is full of deceit and manipulation. Why has Barack Obama claimed he is a Christian during his political campaigns? Is this a truthful statement? Is he bending the truth for power, or is there a more sinister reason? In the paragraphs that follow, I will demonstrate that the majority of Barack Obama’s actions, both publicly and covertly – are hostile to Christianity. Whether you espouse Christianity as your faith or not, it is important to know why it is so critical if he is lying, and how this may directly tie into his personal connection to radical Islam. If the most powerful man in the world practices deception in the most basic bedrock of his character, it does not bode well for his truthfulness in matters of national importance.
In this article I will analyze, not just the statements Barack Obama has made, but his political and presidential actions. Sadly, it appears most journalists will not touch this subject. This is a reality of the erosion of freedom of the press in America, which used to be founded on courageous and free speech. Journalists today, especially in the conglomerate news media, are restricted from reporting freely on certain issues, like this one. But, that is the subject of another article. As a former federal agent, who swore an oath to uphold the Constitution, I feel duty bound to expose this information. As the saying goes, “It’s a dirty job, but someone has to do it.”
The burning question many in the national media avoid is this: Is Barack Obama a sincere Christian, a deceptive politician – or actually a covert Muslim? The answer to this question will reveal the political, financial and cultural path, on which Obama is leading America. It will remove the curtain from the wealthy political, financial and social institutions that surround him – and have placed him in power.
What you are about to read may shock you.
Who is Barack Obama?
Let’s begin with this question: Who is Barack Obama? Is he merely a typical politician, at heart a political activist or a “liberal” ideologue? Some members of major news outlets, entertainment figures and political activists have painted him as a kind of political messiah. He is the first recipient of the Nobel Peace prize, without having accomplished anything warranting the award, other than writing a book – containing content that is dubious at best. Even in Hollywood, during a public performance actor Jamie Fox portrayed Obama as a kind of world savior. In his speech, Fox said this to a group of adoring Obama fans:
“It’s like church over here. It’s like church in here. First of all, give an honor to God and our Lord and Savior Barack Obama.”
During an interview with Chris Matthews on Hardball, Newsweek Editor Evan Thomas said this:
“I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God.”
Barack Obama’s friend, religious ideologue and supporter, Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam said this:
“Barack Obama to me, is herald of the Messiah. Barack Obama is like the trumpet that alerts you to something new, something better.”
Barack Obama, the savior and sort of God? When talking about a world leader – this is chilling. And even more chilling is Obama’s silence on these remarks, when any other politician would distance himself from these bizarre statements. In most world religions, this is called blasphemy, i.e., portraying a man as God, even indirectly. Setting aside all the whacky conspiracy theories, this is at the least mildly frightening. Of course, the news media passed it by and many Americans are not aware the statements were made.
Since being elected as President, Obama’s actions have been both alarming and extremely destructive to the Constitutional fabric of America, and the traditional underpinnings of our founding documents. His foreign policy, although favoring Islamic regimes, has been anything but peaceful. In fact, under the reign of Obama, the US has engaged in serious foreign policy missteps, allowed weapons to fall into the hands of Al Qaeda and other jihadist groups, armed Syrian jihadists and sponsored a guerilla war against the government of Syria, resulting in the deaths of tens of thousands of Syrians, the torture of Christians and burning of churches. He has expanded the massive NSA surveillance program, spying on US citizens and used the powerful federal agency, the IRS, to silence opposition to his policies. This makes Richard Nixon look like a Sunday school teacher. History will show Obama’s presidency is the most tyrannical in modern times.
The corruption in the Obama administration has been mind boggling, from running guns to drug cartels in “Fast and Furious,” to targeting journalists investigating the actions of his administration and the deception and cover up of the deaths of an ambassador and three other Americans in Benghazi, Libya. Obama’s reluctance to condemn the actions of radical Islam, both within and without the United states, his refusal to acknowledge the connection of Islam to acts of terrorism, including the murder, rape and torture of Christians in the Middle East, and his actual participation in what appears to be a kind of cultural covert action aimed at undermining traditional America, paints a shocking picture of a man who is more Muslim than the Christian he claims to be, more Marxist in his ideology than the Constitutional scholar the news media has made him out to be and as corrupt in his use of federal agencies as any Chicago-style mafia boss.
The damage done to America’s Constitutional, political and cultural fabric may be irreparable. Welcome to “transformation.” The cabal of international financiers, globally focused one-world Marxist political groups and Obama’s shadowy involvement with Islamic regimes such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Iran threaten US sovereignty at its core.
Are these extreme statements? Is this just another “conspiracy theory,” a popular label used to shut down any examination of suspicious activity by government? Or are they true? I ask you to read on and examine the analytical facts documented in this article; then reach your own conclusion.
My goal here is to list the voluminous amounts of evidence revealing Barack Obama’s actions, before and during his presidency, in as short and easily digestible form as possible. We are all busy, just trying to survive in today’s economy and complex system of living, so I want to provide you with information you can use, without the massive amount of research necessary to dig it out and sparing you from reading an entire volume of information; enabling you to filter through the deceptive twist put on the facts by willing members of the news media and Obama’s political and “national security” advisors.
In this format, let’s look at Barack Obama’s actions, not what he claims in pubic:
– In 2014, Obama announced his plans to override the Constitutional Congress at will with “a pen and a phone.” His use of executive orders and executive privilege has been beyond the pale.
– During his election, he refused to disclose who donated large amounts of money to his election. It was later discovered that multi-billionaire, George Soros, a Marxist and one-world government proponent, quietly contributed a large sum of money to his campaign. The sources of millions in donations that helped place him in power have been concealed
– Prior to election as Senator, Obama had no political experience. He was a “Community Organizer,” a neo-socialist position bent on overturning capitalism. I will address that later.
-His election was endorsed by Nation of Islam, anti-white, anti-Christian founder Louis Farrakhan and Marxist groups in America and abroad. A person is known by the company he keeps.
– His voting record in the Illinois Senate and the US Senate demonstrated his leftist “Progressive,” ideology and opposition to Christian principles, including abortion and same sex marriage.
– When elected president, he refused to wear the American flag lapel pin and placed his hands over his groin area during the National Anthem and the Pledge of Allegiance.
– His personal background was hidden and information surrounding his past education and activities were blocked from being released.
– His supporters in leftist movements and liberal commentators in the news media treated him as a kind of Messiah and savior of the world.
– He pushed for sex education as early as kindergarten and promotion of homosexual indoctrination in early childhood education.
– Despite the controversy over his birth certificate, he refused to make it public. Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio initiated an investigation of the birth certificate claiming “New information confirms the document presented to the American public in April 2011 is undoubtedly fraudulent.” Experts had concluded the document finally released was a layered PDF file, with information inserted. Arpaio was brutally attacked by “Progressives” and the liberal news media, which labeled anyone who demanded a copy of the document “Birthers.” Legitimate journalism will investigate and determine whether these allegations, made by an elected official, are true or not. An important point is the certificate was concealed during Obama’s entire campaign for president. Why? The point here is not whether Arpaio’s allegations are true or not, but why the American people had to fight to get it released, considering it is the fundamental document in his eligibility.
– He appointed several White House advisers who are openly pro-homosexual marriage, pro-abortion and pro-gun control. At least two of these ideologies are far from “Christian” teachings.
– He appointed government “Czars,” some of which are avowed Marxist/Communists. His “Science Czar,” John Holdren supports forced abortions, mass sterilizations and confiscating infants from teenage mothers. His “Regulatory Czar,” Cass Sunstein supports “Explicit Consent” for the harvesting of human organs with no consent from the family and representation of animals in court. Sunstein also teaches the First Amendment needs to be rewritten. He attempted to ban the sport of hunting in the US. Obama appointed Kevin Jennings as his “Safe School Czar.” Jennings is a homosexual organizer from the group “Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network,” His “Diversity Czar,” was Mark Lloyed, a proponent of curtailing free speech, wealth redistribution and a supporter of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez.
– He appointed Valerie Jarrett, an avowed Socialist, born in Iran as his Senior Advisor. Jarrett is called, “The night stalker,” because she is the only advisor with 24/7 access to the president and first lady. Jarrett is an admirer of Communist ideologue Van Jones and pushed for his appointment in the Obama administration. Jarrett is believed to be behind the military purges in the pentagon and is secretly running foreign policy, while Obama plays golf and attends fund raisers. Obama appointed Carol Browner, a known Socialist as the “Global Warming Czar,” overseeing the largest US tax; Cap and Trade. His appointment for White House Communications Director, Anita Dunn had previously stated Chinese Communist dictator Mao Tse Tung was her favorite philosopher and primary inspiration. He appointed Van Jones, an ex-convict and rabid Communist as the “Green Energy Czar.” Jones was subsequently forced to resign when his background was revealed. Obama’s chief presidential campaign architect, David Axelrod, an administration media darling and spokesperson, was mentored by avowed Communists David Cantor and Don Rose, a member of the National Mobilization Committee, who engaged in news media work for the Communist organization Students for a Democratic Society (SDS).
– Once elected, Obama promised to “Fundamentally transform this Nation,” a chilling statement missed by the majority of Americans. This article exposes that “transformation.”
– Just after his election Obama went on a world tour criticizing America and portraying it as the cause of global oppression, another Marxist ideology.
– He caused the largest US budget deficit in world history. US debt now totals $17.5 TRILLION dollars and is impossible to pay off. The interest on this debt is growing so rapidly it will be impossible to pay, sending the US into default and financial crisis, paving the way for the US to desperately consider joining a global financial system headed by the privately held International Monetary Fund (IMF). If you doubt that plans for a global financial system exist, just “Google” the subject and read the credible articles that have been written, especially those surrounding the IMF and Special Drawing Rights (SDRs).
– Used the 2008 US financial crisis to initiate a government takeover of banks, insurance companies, and automobile manufacturers and filed huge lawsuits against major US financial institutions, while overlooking corporations with executives who were large campaign donors. Then, he initiated the government takeover of the student loan program, forcefully taking it from private banks.
– He appointed Eric Holder as Attorney General. Holder was a major campaign contributor and proponent of Obama’s leftist political ideology. Holder proceeded to use the Department of Justice to target corporations and file criminal charges against the CEOs who opposed Obama’s “transformation,” and was the first Attorney General to be held in contempt of Congress for concealing documents related to the criminal enterprise, “Fast and Furious.”
– Pushed through a mammoth spending bill, labeling it as “stimulus,” used as a payoff to organizations and unions that enabled his election.
– Moved to take over control of all energy production in the US through “Cap and Trade” and shut down the coal industry, hamstringing the US economy and costing thousands of jobs.
– Radically took over the US healthcare system, which was the most efficient system in the world, placing American’s most sensitive personal information, and their very lives, under government control, then placed authority over the system in the hands of the IRS official who oversaw the criminal targeting of Conservative and Christian groups.
– Obama’s IRS specifically targeted Christian, Constitutional, Tea Party and conservative groups for harassment, intimidation and fines. This amounted to criminal activity. Documents revealed the IRS official in charge of this targeting visited the White House one hundred and fifty-seven times, the most visits by the IRS in US history. White House visitor logs have since been made secret.
-The Obama administration passed the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), Section 1021B, the Indefinite Detention Clause – which mandates the US government can detain US citizens with no due process, giving the US military the right to arrest and detain Americans.
Barack Obama’s Political Ideology
If this does not send chills down your spine, let’s look at Obama’s background.
We’ll examine his deep cultural and political upbringing and his personal radical ideology – missed by over half of the voters in America, and concealed by news networks.
I will examine his direct connections to Islam later.
Three of Barack Obama’s primary mentors in Chicago (known for its political corruption) were avowed Marxists. All three of these mentors were trained at the Industrial Areas Foundation, founded by avowed Marxist, Saul Alinsky. Alinsky’s goal was to destroy capitalism and establish Socialist/Marxist principles, not through violent revolution, but through slow, aggressive cultural takeover. His design was to accomplish this through “Community Organizing,” a silent revolution designed to overtake power in the US democracy, much like radical Islamic cultural jihad. Community organizing was designed to implement widespread public discontent, moral and cultural confusion and spark social uprising. The goal was penetration of political parties, churches and private and government institutions and place strategic Marxist/Socialist operatives in these organizations, including the news media. Sound familiar? Barack Obama became a proponent of the Alinsky techniques and taught the Alinsky method for several years. He eventually wrote the essay titled, After Alinsky: Community Organizing in Illinois.
When Barack Obama ran for the US Senate, his only “political” experience was that of a “Community Organizer,” which was never explored by major news outlets and several major news media and entertainment figures were major contributors to his campaign. But, where did the millions of dollars in contributions necessary for his election come from? That remains concealed, at least for now.
In his teenage years, Obama was mentored by writer and poet Frank Marshall Davis, a long time member of the Communist Party, under FBI investigation, and member of the American Peace Mobilization organization, decried by Congress as, “One of the most notorious and blatant Communist fronts.” Obama then joined the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) organization. As part of its goal of the political and social takeover of America, the DSA veiled itself using the terms, “Liberalism,” “Progressivism,” and “Social Justice.” The DSA’s political ideology could best be termed “Western Marxism,” and “Cultural Communism.” This is why Obama cannot be labeled a pure Marxist/Socialist. For him to be labeled as such would be the end of his political career. So, as covert, cultural Marxist movements often do, these organizations invent terms and craft speeches concealing the roots of their ideology. Then, once in power, they aggressively implement their goal of overturning western political structure.
Americans bought the deception hook, line and sinker. As a former CIA officer who watched the propaganda campaign of the Soviet Union, I was shocked to see this being implemented in my own country. I was fully aware of Soviet penetrations of the news media, dating back decades. The Soviets played on Marxist sympathizers in US political circles, inserting agents and unwitting ideologues in agencies like the Department of State. Shocking, unless you understand this is a common, basic operational tactic in the world of espionage. The US uses the same tactic in other countries.
It is well known that Obama has close personal and political ties with Bill Ayers and his wife Bernadine Dohrn, both self described Communist revolutionaries and previous leaders of the Weather Underground, a domestic terrorist group responsible for bombing public buildings such as the US Capitol and the Pentagon. Both Ayers and Dohrn spent time in prison for their crimes and were released after serving their sentences. What is noteworthy regarding Barack Obama’s personal political ideology is his close friend and political ally, Bill Ayers, has never renounced his Marxist ideology and continues to hold these deep seated beliefs.
Examination of Barack Obama’s famous book Dreams of my Father, which rocketed him into political notoriety around the world, reveals the book contains several fabrications. Two extreme examples of this are his description of his grandfather, Hussein Onyango, being imprisoned and tortured by British troops, which never happened, and his tale of his stepfather, Soewamo Martodihardjo, being killed by Dutch soldiers during Indonesia’s independence, which is also false. Several characters in the book simply did not exist. Accounts of Obama being racially discriminated against simply did not happen, such as his high school basketball coach not allowing him playing time because he was black, which in reality was simply because he was not a good player. Some experts have alleged the writing style of the book is that of Bill Ayers and not Barack Obama. But, apparently to a fawning global community the truth does not matter – only the perfect candidate necessary to carry out a shadowy global agenda, while occupying the most powerful position in the world.
In the 1990’s Obama worked tirelessly for the “Community organization,” ACORN and its “Voter-mobilization,” branch. Shrouding itself under the Marxist technique of labeling, ACORN professed itself as an organization dedicated to the “Poor and powerless.” Racial resentment was its primary tool to divide and conquer, instilling a feeling of revenge in its followers. In reality, ACORN was covertly spreading anti-capitalism, centralized government control, intentionally divisive “Victimology,” and social handouts to non-workers. ACORN’s goal was to incrementally force government control of the US economy and redistribution of wealth. Redistribution of wealth and government control of an economy has historically been the primary step in Communist takeover of a system.
Even today, Barack Obama’s strain of “Identity Politics,” intentionally works to divide Americans along racial, ethnical, class and gender lines. This has been the goal of the radical, Marxist, so-called “Multicultural Diversity” movement since the early 90s, which began a social takeover of the US government, using threats of lawsuits – a favorite tactic in cultural takeover, appropriately termed, “Lawfare.” Remember the term, “Multicultural Diversity.” You will see it again. I stood against this movement’s attempt to take over the CIA in 1994 and an internal article I wrote on the subject was leaked to the Internet, titled “Will the Real Multicultural Diversity Please stand Up.”
It is important to remember this is not a movement of equal opportunity, cultural acceptance and national unity. It is entirely the opposite – and has little tolerance for Christianity, the biggest obstacle to cultural takeover. In the CIA, in 1995, we were given the order we could not say, “Merry Christmas,” in any CIA office space. Manger scenes were to be removed from desks and door displays. Personal Bibles on desks were out of the question. After the mandate was given, after much thought, I decided this is where we draw the Constitutional line. So, as I walked out on Christmas Eve, I publicly wished my co-workers, “Merry Christmas!” Tyranny will not touch my freedom of speech. It will not touch my freedom of religion. As long as we tolerate the deceptive stealth of our most basic freedoms, our country is in serious danger of cultural overthrow. Nineteen years later, this is at our doorstep.
Of course, there is more.
I want to conclude this section with Obama’s true character. He sought to hide this during his election for president, and the major media assisted in the deception. Americans who get all of their information from the couch, entertainment or the TV news, missed it entirely.
For twenty years, Barack Obama sat under the teaching of Chicago’s Trinity United Church of Christ and had a deeply close relationship with his mentor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, Jr. Wright was and is known for his disdain for the United States and its cultural and religious traditions.
Reverend Wright is a rabid proponent of “Black Liberation Theology.” This movement promotes Marxist revolutionary ideology founded on racial division rather than traditional Marxism. In this theology, the teachings of the New Testament gospels – meaning the teachings of Jesus himself – are calls for racial political and social activism aimed at cultural, social and political revolution, not peace among men. The goal: Overturning the white-dominated Western system, capitalism, and installing socialism. Black Americans are taught their ultimate goal is to overthrow their white “Oppressors.” Wright lauded the socialist magazine Monthly Review calling it “no-nonsense Marxism,” congratulating it for its content. Wake up my fellow black Americans, examine the true teachings of this movement and compare them to the real teachings of Jesus in the New Testament. My (unpleasant) duty is to sound the alarm. Your duty is to research this for yourself and stand up for your country. Only together can we protect the freedoms we still have left.
Reverend Wright is a close friend and supporter of Nation of Islam leader, Louis Farrakhan. Wright’s church even presented Farrakhan with a distinguished award. As I will discuss later, Marxism and Islam have been bedfellows for centuries. This may sound bizarre, but Communist countries, and even Nazi Germany, used Muslim organizations to further their global conquest. Hitler even had an all Muslim SS. The CIA has used Muslim groups to support covert operations worldwide.
Let me stress again, Jeremiah Wright was Barack Obama’s close mentor for twenty years. One would have to reach the simple conclusion that Obama was deeply influenced, if not indoctrinated, by this ideology, despite his deceptive statements to the contrary. Obama was so close to Wright and his teachings, he selected him to perform his wedding to Michelle Robinson – former employee of Valerie Jarrett – and baptize their two daughters.
Why Did Obama Change His Name?
In his early years, Obama changed to his formal African name to “Barack” instead of Barry. This joined him more closely with his African father. Obama was trying to remake himself for his political career. His Pastor and mentor, Reverend Wright, taught him paranoid delusions about the conspiracy of white people to spread HIV to eliminate the black race. Obama changed his persona to convey his rebellion to white controlled society. In his White House years he has fostered racial division in America, bringing in advisors with the same ideology, such as the race-baiting activist, the Reverend Al Sharpton. This destructive political and cultural division of America should cause both black and white Americans great concern because of its ignition of racial discord and stoking the embers of a brewing racial civil war in America.
Obama’s adopted name was Barry Soetoro, which came from the marriage of his mother, Ann Dunham to his Indonesian step-father, Lolo Soetoro. In Indonesia, Obama was known as “Barry Soetoro.” A 1958 law passed in Indonesia does not permit dual citizenship. The Indonesian schools Barry Soetoro attended, the Fransiskus Assisi Catholic School, which accepted students of all faiths, and Menteng Elementary – only accepted Indonesian citizens.
Aaron Klein of World Net Daily uncovered an image of Obama’s Fransiskus Assisi school registration card showing his step-father, Lolo Soetoro, registered Obama as Barry Soetoro, a citizen of Indonesia born, August 4, 1961, in Honolulu, Hawaii. His religion was listed as Muslim. So, it is apparent President Obama’s name, while being raised in Indonesia, was Barry Soetoro, he was listed as a Muslim and his citizenship was Indonesian. No information can be found showing Obama’s conversion from being a Muslim to a New Testament Christian, an action that would have branded him an apostate by the Muslim world, and investigative reporters have not been able to determine when Obama regained his US citizenship.
Documentation of Soetoro’s legal name being changed to Barack Hussein Obama is missing, much of his early years remain a mystery and the identity of his true father is unknown. While being sworn in as an Illinois attorney Barack Hussein Obama denied, under oath, he had used any other names, but foreign student exchange records showed a foreign educational grant had been given to a “Soetoro” from Indonesia. All of his school records have been – sealed. In addition, Obama made a mysterious trip to Pakistan, which he did not mention in either of his books. During his campaign, to justify his foreign experience and to silence Hillary Clinton he stated:
“I traveled to Pakistan when I was in college. I knew what Sunni and Shia was [sic] before I joined the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.” Let me note an aside here, seats on Senate and House committees are routinely not based on the candidate’s experience in the field, but on a “contribution” they pay to gain the seat and their ability to raise money using that position.
Obama never mentioned this trip to Pakistan during his years of campaigning and did not admit it until 2008 after his election. Why the silence? Revelations of this mysterious trip surfaced after Obama’s travel documents were leaked by two contract employees of the Department of State, who worked for Analysis Corporation, whose CEO was none other than, John Brennan, a thirty year veteran of the CIA, who allegedly converted to Islam while CIA station chief in Saudi Arabia, donated $2,300.00 to Obama’s campaign and was a close political advisor to Obama for years. After his appointment as Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism and Assistant to the president, Brennan was appointed Director of the CIA, during the fallout from Benghazi scandal.
He was also behind orders to remove the terms Jihad, radical Islam, Islamic terrorism and all connections of Islam to terrorism from all government training programs. During the Benghazi scandal, under acting Director Mike Morell, the CIA omitted information documenting the terrorist connection to the attacks, protecting Obama’s deception that the attack was caused by an Internet video. This makes one wonder if John Brennan had access to information on Obama’s past and his connections to Islam that enabled him to enter Obama’s inner circle and rocket him to one of the highest intelligence positions in government, now overseeing the arming and supporting Islamic rebel factions in the Middle East and managing the hacking into Senate computers containing the Senate investigation of the CIA interrogation program. Two other people involved in Obama’s passport search worked for Stanley, Inc., who’s CEO was a Clinton campaign donor. Stanley, Inc., is a major contractor supporting the CIA and the intelligence community. What a coincidence. Whatever was found by these employees in Obama’s travel records was immediately sequestered.
Obama was to rise to the position of Illinois US Senator, and then to the most powerful position in the world, President of the United States, a mere ten years after he began his political career. Perhaps only the global financial magnates that groomed him, such as George Soros and his deep connections in the US State Department, know Obama’s true parental lineage and place of birth.
Is Barack Obama simply the puppet of global financial handlers that orchestrated his election? Is this one of the reasons he leaves critical leadership to others in Washington, such as Valerie Jarrett, during global crises, while he routinely departs to play golf or attend fund raisers, gathering millions for his ideological political elite? Why would a president depart during or immediately after serious global crises, some of which could lead to war, to play golf or raise money? His actions reveal something Americans need to investigate.
Just when we thought it was safe to go out at night.
Many Americans think the powerful cabal that surrounds Obama and his administration will simply disappear after the next election and the end of his presidency. We need to think again. This movement has been engaged in social, cultural and political takeover for several decades. They now have the money, power and influence – even internationally – to control the political process in the United States. We need to come out of denial and face what is now plainly coming out in the open. I have to admit, it took me years to do so.
Let’s examine the next aspect of Barack Obama’s identity. He has publicly claimed he is a “Christian.” He made this statement repeatedly during his campaign and has made it, albeit rarely, during his presidency. He appears uncomfortable when making this statement and scratches his nose and face repeatedly during comments about Christian holidays, which he does not support publicly (watch the video). You polygraph examiners out there know what that means. Is he being truthful with us? Or – let’s just lay it out in plain view – is he lying? This is not a minor question, because Christianity and Judaism are the bedrock of our democracy and our founding documents. Even more importantly, to lie about such a fundamental aspect of personal character shows a shameful willingness to do anything for power.
Attacks on Christianity
Let’s look at the most telling information regarding Barack Obama’s position on Christianity – his actions. What Obama does, not what he says, reveals his true position on the Christian faith. Here, we find a significant amount of very concerning activities that are clearly – anti-Christian. As I noted above, it is important to remember recent polls indicate 80% of Americans claim to be Christians, so it is clear to all politicians that they either have to claim they are also, or at least tolerate it, if they ever expect to be elected in American politics. It is important to note that, based on the teachings of Islam, through the doctrine called “Taqiyya,” a Muslim is allowed to lie or even deny his faith to a “heathen” if it furthers Allah’s cause. I would encourage you to “Google” this Islamic teaching.
Rather than write a long, multi-paragraph description of Obama’s activities, I will simply provide a list of his actions and statements, to make it very clear to the reader what Barack Obama has done to undermine Christianity in the United States. My thanks go to the organization WallBuilders for their extensive research on this subject. Let’s begin with a list of Barack Obama’s public statements; then we will move on to his actions, behind the scenes.
Barack Obama’s statements on Christianity:
“In our household, the Bible, the Koran and the Bhagavad Gita sat on the shelf alongside books of Greek and Norse and African mythology.”
“Even those who claim the Bible’s inerrancy make distinctions between Scriptural edicts, sensing that some passages – the Ten Commandments, say, or a belief in Christ’s divinity – are central to Christian faith, while others are more culturally specific and may be modified to accommodate modern life.”
“Those opposed to abortion cannot simply invoke God’s will–they have to explain why abortion violates some principle that is accessible to people of all faiths.”
“Whatever we once were, we are no longer a Christian nation.“
“The American people intuitively understand this, which is why the majority of Catholics practice birth control and some of those opposed to gay marriage nevertheless are opposed to a Constitutional amendment to ban it. Religious leadership need not accept such wisdom in counseling their flocks, but they should recognize this wisdom in their politics.”
“We do not consider ourselves a Christian nation.”
“I am not willing to have the state deny American citizens a civil union that confers equivalent rights on such basic matters as hospital visitation or health insurance coverage simply because the people they love are of the same sex—nor am I willing to accept a reading of the Bible that considers an obscure line in Romans to be more defining of Christianity than the Sermon on the Mount.” The Audacity of Hope, Barack Obama
Obama describes his definition of sin as, “Being out of alignment with my values.”
“This is something that I’m sure I’d have serious debates with my fellow Christians about. I think that the difficult thing about any religion, including Christianity, is that at some level there is a call to evangelize and proselytize. There’s the belief, certainly in some quarters, that people haven’t embraced Jesus Christ as their personal savior that they’re going to hell.”
“If all it took was someone proclaiming I believe Jesus Christ and that he died for my sins, and that was all there was to it, people wouldn’t have to keep coming to church, would they.”
“And it’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”
“I believe that there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people.”
“All of us have a responsibility to work for the day when the mothers of Israelis and Palestinians can see their children grow up without fear; when the Holy Land of the three great faiths is the place of peace that God intended it to be; when Jerusalem is a secure and lasting home for Jews and Christians and Muslims, and a place for all of the children of Abraham to mingle peacefully together as in the story of Isra, as in the story of Isra, when Moses, Jesus, and Mohammed, peace be upon them, joined in prayer” (A Muslim teaching).
“We have Jews, Muslims, Hindus, atheists, agnostics, Buddhists, and their own path to grace is one that we have to revere and respect as much as our own.”
“Whether or not one believes that Jesus Christ was the Messiah, the Son of God and only way to the Father, teachings which originated from Jesus himself, an objective person must conclude these are not statements based on Christian belief.”
Alright, let me state here, this list of quotes is not designed to cast aspersion on any other religious faith. The purpose of documenting Obama’s quotes here is to analyze whether he is being truthful or not when he calls himself a practicing Christian.
After Obama’s election, audio tapes were discovered recording Obama speaking to a Muslim group. During his speech he stated, he was raised a Muslim, was educated a Muslim and is still a Muslim. So which is it? Does it really matter? I will show later his truthfulness or deception in this area matters greatly, because it is being reflected in his domestic and foreign policy decisions.
Now, let me present a list of Barack Obama’s actions, which speak louder than anything he has said – and amount to evidence of his disdain for New Testament Christianity:
– In April 2009, Obama ordered a monogram symbolizing Jesus’ name be covered, or he would refuse to speak. This is an Islamic mandate. Muslims cannot pray or speak in the presence of Christian crosses or symbols.
– In March of 2009, Obama ordered the federal government to send $50 million to the UN Population Agency – A major promoter of global abortion.
– In May 2009 Obama nominated three pro-abortion US ambassadors to the Roman Catholic Vatican.
– Obama publicly criticized other nations who oppose special homosexual rights based on that country’s Christian beliefs.
– In October 2009, he intentionally omitted the phrase “by our Creator,” when quoting the Declaration of Independence. He has done this seven times.
– He blocked the re-erection of a WWI Christian cross, after the reestablishment was ordered by a court.
– Obama ordered the federal terrorism dictionary to include pro-life activists, labeling them as “violent,” and “racist,” engaging in criminal activity.
– He has avoided celebrating all Biblical holidays, but recognized and attended all Muslim holidays.
– He avoided all reference to Christianity in Thanksgiving speeches.
– Obama refused to fill the Department of State post of Religious Freedom Ambassador, the position that works against religious persecution around the world, while filling other vacant posts. Christian persecution, some amounting to a holocaust, was ignored in speeches and policy decisions. The position was filled only after pressure from Congress.
– He ignored the murder, rape and decapitation of Christian women and children at the hands of radical Islamicists.
– He mandated the forgiveness of student loan debts for all students except those in public service related to religion.
– Obama removed Christian faith from White House Christmas cards. White House Christmas ornaments included figures such as Chinese dictator Mao Tse-Tung. Reports also indicated the Christmas tree contained a figure of a drag queen.
– He removed the Christian Pastor designated to pray at the presidential inauguration because he preached a sermon on the Biblical definition of marriage.
– He pushed passage of a “non-discrimination law,” that left out protections for Christian and Jewish groups, forcing these groups to hire according to mandates by the government that deny their faith.
– Obama stated the First Amendment does not protect churches and synagogues in hiring pastors and rabbis.
– Obama mandated that new Obama Care rules override the religious conscience of health care workers in the area of abortion and contraception.
– He sought funding for all versions of sex-education, except those that reflect traditional, moral values.
– He ordered the Justice Department to stop defending the federal Defense of Marriage Act.
– He cut funding for one hundred seventy-six abstinence education programs.
– Obama lifted restrictions on US government funding of groups that provide abortion services overseas. This is forcing American taxpayers to fund pro-abortion groups promoting or performing abortions in other countries, even those which disapprove of abortion in their culture and government.
– Under Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder ordered the Department of Justice to defund a chapter of the “Young Marines” because their oath mentions God.
– Obama Care mandates the rights of religious conscience of Christian Americans will not be protected.
– The Obama administration appointed EEOC Commissioner Chai Feldblum. Feldblum issued a statement that society should “not tolerate” any “private beliefs,” which includes religious beliefs, if they negatively affect homosexual “equality.”
– The Obama administration through the USAID’s use of tax payer dollars runs programs to train homosexual activists, in foreign countries, including Latin and Central America – countries with Christian heritages – how to overturn traditional marriage.
– The Obama administration used tax payer federal funds, violating federal law, to force Kenya to change its Constitution to include abortion.
– He prevented pro-life groups from attending a White House summit.
– The Obama administration eliminated federal grants for extensive programs to assist victims of human trafficking because the US Conference of Catholic Bishops is anti-abortion.
– Despite protection by federal courts, Obama Care legislation mandated that employers with religious objections provide abortion drugs to their employees.
– Obama’s nominee for deputy secretary of state demanded that taxpayers be required to pay for abortions and state limits on abortion funding are unconstitutional.
– In direct violation of the Defense of Marriage Act, Obama illegally extended federal benefits to same-sex partners of Foreign Service and Executive Branch employees
– He ordered a USAID conference in South Korea be cancelled because some presentations did not directly promote abortion.
– Obama refused to investigate credible videos showing Planned Parenthood assisting alleged sex traffickers in getting abortions for underage girls.
– The Obama White House stopped all funding for abstinence-only sex education programs included with other “comprehensive” sex education and continues to delete it in federal budgets.
– He removed President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s D-Day prayer from the WWII memorial.
Obama Administration Uses the IRS to Target Opposition
Also telling regarding his religious claims is Barack Obama’s use of the most powerful of government agencies, the IRS, to silence civilian groups which oppose his “transforming America.” Take a look at the groups he targeted.
Groups targeted by IRS:
– Tea Party Patriots
– Constitution Groups
– Christian Groups
– Jewish Groups
Groups ignored by the IRS:
– Islamic CAIR
– Islamic ISNA
– Islamic MSA
– Islamic Mosques and Charities
-Barack Obama’s brother (approved in 3 months)
-The vast majority of “progressive” groups, which openly oppose Christian morality
Again, the purpose of presenting this evidence is not political, or even religious. It is to determine if the American people have been submitted to a campaign of deception.
A Pattern of Behavior
Are you seeing a pattern here? It is becoming clear that all of what amounts to tyrannical actions by Obama are targeted at eliminating Christianity, Judaism and their teachings from government and American society, while propagating the deception he is a “Christian.” Why? Judeo/Christian principles are the foundation of our democracy, the template of the Constitution and the model for our entire judicial system which runs diametrically opposed to the tenets of Islamic Sharia Law.
These foundational Judeo/Christian beliefs were the only obstacle that stood in the way of Communism under Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse-tung, Adolf Hitler (who claimed to be a Christian) and other world tyrants. They are the only obstacles that stand in the way of Barack Obama – and the “progressive” globalists who put him in office. Is this an extreme statement? Once again, I encourage you to do some Google research for credible articles on this subject. Many journalists, under pressure from their editors, will not touch this subject out of fear of losing their jobs or being smeared as a “Conspiracy theorist.”
Yes, there are nuts out there that pull accusations out of the air to gain notoriety, or just have too much time on their hands, and make wild accusations with no accurate evidence. And, progressives and Obama supporters aggressively point them out to increase the fog around their actual activities. I am convinced, as some well-known news commentators are, that Marxist ideologues in the media intentionally seed extremist articles into the Internet to snare patriotic Americans into believing they are true – then publish articles disproving the information, and label those who bought it as “extremists,” “alarmists,” or “ignorant fanatics.”
What a brilliant propaganda strategy. Remember, the propaganda machine has been well developed and perfected over the past several decades – and it works well. Even the CIA has exerted influence over the US news media in the past. Of course, the press is always the target of any covert strategy because it has the greatest influence over the minds of the populace. Just ask any politician.
For now, let me conclude my analysis of Barack Obama’s religious identity by quoting passages from the document he faithfully embraces, the Qur’an:
“O you who believe! Do not take the Jews and Christians for friends; for they are friends but for each other; and whoever among you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people” (Q 5:51)
“Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which has been forbidden by Allah and his apostle, nor acknowledge the religion of truth, even if they be of the People of the Book [Christians and Jews], until they pay the Jizya [tax] with willing submission and feel themselves subdued” (Q 9:29)
Purging the US Military
Evidence pouring in shows the Obama administration is engaged in an aggressive purge of the US military. What is alarming about this purge is it is directly targeted at any influence of Christianity or Judaism in the military, it pushes mandatory support for progressive, politically correct, or “Multicultural Diversity” agendas, it sternly promotes Islam and it silences freedom of speech and all criticism of the gutting of US military capability. Again, it is worth noting the first action of Communist dictator Joseph Stalin was to purge the Soviet military of any dissent, removing the primary threat of resistance to civil takeover. Makes sense doesn’t it? To usurp a government you must overtake its military, eliminating any members who resist, so it cannot oppose you.
To illustrate what is occurring in the pentagon, below is a list of Barack Obama’s hostile actions against the US military.
Under the Obama administration, high ranking military officers have been abruptly removed from their positions at a never before seen rate in US history. The situation has become so grim several retired generals are speaking out against an apparent “purge” of the military. Here are some quotes from these generals:
“Over the past three years, it is unprecedented for the number of four-star generals to be relieved of duty, and not necessarily relieved for cause.” Retired Army Lt. General William G. Jerry Boykin
“The White House protects their own. That’s why they stalled on the investigation into Fast and Furious, Benghazi and Obama Care. He’s intentionally weakening and gutting our military, Pentagon and reducing us as a superpower, and anyone in the ranks who disagrees or speaks out is being purged.” Retired Army Major General Paul Vallely
“I believe there are more than 137 officers who have been forced out or given bad evaluation reports so they will never make Flag (officer), because of their failure to comply to certain views.” Retired Navy Captain Joseph John
“There is no doubt he (Obama) is intent on emasculating the military and will fire anyone who disagrees with him” Retired Army Major General Patrick Brady
According to sources in the Pentagon, who will not reveal their identity for fear of retribution, military officers have been ordered not to talk about Obama’s actions in the military or the administration’s political actions. If they do not keep quiet, they will lose their job, their retirement and their ability to provide for their families. More covertly, this purge is also occurring in the intelligence agencies. I witnessed this same political excising during my later years in the CIA.
Since Obama took office, nine decorated Generals have been fired, three of whom expressed concern about Benghazi – and two were in charge of the US nuclear program. One hundred ninety-seven senior military officers, among them generals, lieutenant generals, colonels and lieutenant colonels, have been fired in the last five years, and the pace is accelerating.
All terms linking Islam with terrorism have been banned and Christianity has been targeted as a “threat” to the military. Military personnel are being aggressively indoctrinated (remember Multicultural Diversity) to espouse favorable views of Islam that are historically false, Christian military chaplains are pressured to perform homosexual marriages against their religious vows, crosses have been ordered removed from chapels on military bases and administration officials have demanded that proselytizing by Christians be outlawed. No prohibition on the practice of Islam has been issued. Air Force academy graduate swearing in ceremonies have removed any reference to God and officers have been ordered to remove Bibles from their desks so they would not “offend” anyone.
The following are actions of the Obama administration and its senior advisors directed at purging the US military:
– Aided by now CIA director John Brennan, alleged by an FBI witness to have been converted to Islam while stationed in Saudi Arabia, Obama ordered the removal of Islam’s connection to terrorism and all terms linking Islam to terrorist attacks. Terms such as Jihad, Jihadists, terrorist, radical Islam, etc. were removed.
– A Fort Hood counter-intelligence briefing lectured soldiers that evangelical Christians are a “threat” to Americans. The briefing stated that a soldier who donated to these groups “was punishable under military regulations.”
– An official briefing to US Army soldiers added “Evangelical Christianity” and “Catholicism” to a list that included Al-Qaeda and Hamas as examples of “religious extremism.”
– For the first time in history, the Pentagon approved service members to wear their uniforms while marching in gay pride parades.
– A US Navy office commanded that two nativity scenes be removed from the base dining hall, banning open celebration of the basis for the federal Christmas holiday.
– A Department of Defense training manual instructed soldiers that Americans who talk about “individual liberties, states’ rights, and how to make the world a better place” are “extremists.” The manual listed the Founding Fathers as “colonists who sought to free themselves from British rule,” and portrayed them as examples of people involved in “extremist ideologies and movements.”
– US government personnel on active duty, both civilian and military, in Bahrain (an Arabic nation) are commanded to wear clothing that supports the religious observance of the Islamic holy month of Ramadan.
-Checklists for Air Force Inns were changed to delete Bibles in rooms of customers who wanted them.
-The Air Force, while attacking personnel for expressing traditional moral views invited a drag queen group to perform at a military base.
– The US military prohibits heterosexual couples from receiving paid leave to travel to a state for the purpose of getting married, but extends paid leave to homosexual couples planning to get married. Air Force regulations have begun to favor homosexual couples over heterosexual couples.
-The US Air Force, under pressure from the Pentagon, removed a painting that hung for years at Mountain Home Air Force Base because of the title, “Blessed Are the Peacemakers.” This is a passage from Matthew 5:9 in the Bible.
– An Army Master Sergeant was reprimanded, threatened with legal action, given a poor efficiency report and told he was “no longer a team player” – because he voiced his own personal support of traditional marriage during his own promotion party.
– The Obama administration “strongly objects” to a Defense Authorization amendment drafted to protect the Constitutional religious rights of soldiers and chaplains. The administration claimed it would have an “adverse effect on good order, discipline, morale, and mission accomplishment.”
– An Air Force chaplain posted a website article on the importance of faith and mentioned the phrase “There are no atheists in foxholes.” He was officially ordered to remove this post, because some were offended by the use of the famous phrase.
– The Pentagon announced if “Proselytizing” (preaching to someone to convert to a faith) makes someone feel uncomfortable, it could be a court-marital offense, the military’s equivalent of a felony in civil court.
– The Air Force drafted a policy of “religious tolerance,” through consulting a militant atheist group. The group’s leader described religious military personnel as ‘spiritual rapists’ and ‘human monsters,’ stating soldiers who proselytize their faith are guilty of treason and sedition. These soldiers should be punished to stop a “tidal wave of fundamentalists.”
– The Obama administration blocked a long standing military practice of placing military emblems on Bibles – a practice done since the American Revolution
– The Air Force Academy rescinded support for “Operation Christmas Child,” a charity program that sends holiday gifts to impoverished children around the world – because it is a Christian charity.
– President Obama publicly stated his opposition to a section in the 2013 National Defense Authorization Act drafted to protect the rights of conscience for military chaplains, attempting to control the right of religious conscience.
– Under the Obama administration, the Air Force restricts and defunds Christian religious expressions, but pays $80,000 to construct a pagan Stonehenge-like worship center for druids, witches and Wiccans – at the Air Force Academy.
– The Obama administration blocked legislation protecting the rights of conscience for military chaplains who prefer not to perform same-sex marriages, violating the chaplain’s religious beliefs.
– The US Department of Veterans Affairs commanded that references to God and Jesus during burial ceremonies at Houston National Cemetery be eliminated.
– The US Army issued orders to Walter Reed Medical Center stating that “No religious items (i.e. Bibles, reading materials and/or facts) are allowed to be given away or used during a visit.”
– The Air Force ceased teaching the “Just War theory” to officers because it is taught by chaplains, and is based on St. Augustine’s third century philosophy. The theory is taught by civilized societies worldwide.
Upon orders, an Air Force Chief of Staff prohibited commanders from advising airmen of programs and services provided to them by chaplains.
– An Air Force ranking officer was ordered to remove his personal Bible from his own desk because “it might appear” that he was approving of his personal religion – Christianity.
– The Pentagon is now forcing military chaplains to perform same-sex marriages at military facilities. This is a violation of the federal Defense of Marriage Act.
– Obama ordered the Pentagon to allow homosexuals to serve openly in the military. This reversed a policy originally instituted by George Washington in 1778.
– The US Air Force banned the Gideons from giving Bibles to recruits who want them, a common military practice for decades.
– A Senior military Master Sergeant was fired from his position, then reassigned, because he advised his activist lesbian squadron commander she should refrain from punishing a staff sergeant who expressed his view that favored traditional marriage.
– An Air Force sergeant with long military service questioned a same-sex marriage ceremony performed on the base at the Air Force Academy’s chapel. The officer received a hostile letter of reprimand. The letter stated that if he disagreed, he needed to leave the military. The sergeant’s current six-year reenlistment was reduced to only one-year and he was given notification to “be prepared to retire at the end of this year.”
And there are several more cases just like these.
It is pretty clear. This is overt and shocking evidence of the “Christian” President Barack Obama and his handler’s organized operation to remove Christianity from American culture, aggressively promote radical homosexuality to silence teachings from the Bible and force Islamic doctrine into the military. Why? This is an old fascist tactic designed to eliminate the teachings of Christianity, which clearly stand in the way of Marxist and Islamic thought. Just like radical Islamic groups are using threats of lawsuits to prevent exposure of their connection to terrorist groups like Hamas (which has been defended by the Obama administration, and government controlled news media outlets), homosexuality is being used as a useful tool of “Lawfare” to eliminate Christianity and Biblical teaching in the United States. Someone has to write it, and someone has to say it.
Is Barack Obama a Muslim?
Now, let’s examine the final, and most alarming, aspect of the political and religious leanings of Barack Obama. The question that has been arising among many Americans, who are not part of the government’s media establishment or willing political flock, is this: Is Barack Obama a Muslim? Even many conservative talk show hosts will not touch this question. All we have to do is look at the actions of Barack Obama, analyze the pieces of the puzzle consisting of documented facts, and then piece these together in an objective analysis. Using this analytical model, we will gain a full picture of who Barack Obama really is.
We have seen Obama’s hostile acts against Christianity, both within and without the government. I wrote about the purge of the US military and the censorship of radical Islam’s connection to terrorism in the Pentagon and other agencies of the government. Below, we will see Obama’s disdain for the nation of Israel and his direct actions that have affected the security of that nation. I will document his covert support of Islamic Jihadist groups and the arming of some of those groups, through the CIA, that turned out to be Al Qaeda – and even factions of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria – ISIS. I will expose Barack Obama’s not-so-covert promotion of Islam in America and his participation, both direct and indirect, in the planned Islamic cultural jihad taking place in America as I write the article.
So, here we go. Let’s look Barack Obama’s activities that could not have been done by a true practicing Christian – but would be done by a practicing Muslim. Once again, I will save the reader a lengthy narration of these actions and document them below in a succinct list.
Here are some quotes from members of radical Islamic organizations, one of which (the Muslim Brotherhood) has members appointed by Barack Obama – to sensitive positions as national security advisors:
“The Ikhwan (brotherhood) must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ it’s miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God’s religion is made victorious over all other religions.” -Muslim Brotherhood Mohammed Akram – Senior member of Hamas
“A settlement process to build a Muslim population in America. Once settled, undertake a “grand jihad” aimed at “eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within.” -FBI Raid: Muslim Brotherhood Explanatory Memorandum
“You can’t say that Islam is a religion of peace. Because Islam does not mean peace. Islam means submission. So the Muslim is one who submits. There is a place for violence in Islam. There is a place for Jihad in Islam.” -Islamic spokesman Anjem Choudry, CNN interview, March 2, 2010
Barack Obama is a direct supporter of the Islamic Muslim Brotherhood, the oldest jihadist terrorist group in the world. Five personally chosen members of his national security advisory council are active members of the Muslim Brotherhood. The Obama White House, including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, trained, groomed and coached the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood to win the election in Egypt. Once elected, the Brotherhood began to institute Sharia Law in Egypt and persecute Christians. When the Egyptian people res