
-The Democrats’ Degradation of Women
-Rand Paul Says Obama Thinks He Can ‘Act Like a King’
-8 Desperation Moves from Democrats That Show They’ll Be Crushed on Tuesday
Cartoon courtesy of A. F. Branco

October 30, 2014 by Allen West

By this time next week, we’ll know for certain the outcome of the 2014 midterm elections — however, will there be a side story? I have firsthand experience of voter fraud from the 2012 election and amazingly enough, the St. Lucie County Supervisor of Elections Gertrude Walker who admittedly submitted results with discrepancies to the State of Florida, remains in position.

We’ve already reported about issues with some voting machines in America that are changing Republican votes to Democrat – I’m quite sure that’s not widely in progressive media outlets. With all these very close races and the control of the U.S. Senate at stake – it appears candidates must win outside the “margin of cheating” or else suffer the consequences — as former Minnesota Senator Norm Coleman experienced.

As Hans von Spakvosky writes in the Wall Street Journal, the specter of voter fraud is looming over the 2014 elections already, saying “In the past few months, a former police chief in Pennsylvania pleaded guilty to voter fraud in a town-council election. That fraud had flipped the outcome of a primary election. Former Connecticut legislator Christina Ayala has been indicted on 19 charges of voter fraud, including voting in districts where she didn’t reside. (She hasn’t entered a plea.) A Mississippi grand jury indicted seven individuals for voter fraud in the 2013 Hattiesburg mayoral contest, which featured voting by ineligible felons and impersonation fraud. A woman in Polk County, Tenn., was indicted on a charge of vote-buying—a practice that the local district attorney said had too long “been accepted as part of life” there.

You have to wonder if on November 4th if your vote won’t count? That your vote will, in effect, be canceled or stolen as a consequence of mistakes by election officials or fraudulent votes cast by campaign workers or ineligible voters like felons and non citizens?”

We’ve seen reports of illegal immigrants who have participated in the voting process in America — and the concern is that they will do so in this election cycle as well.

Von Spakovsky points out, “Voting by noncitizens alone could swing such races. A new study by two Old Dominion University professors, based on survey data from the Cooperative Congressional Election Study, found that 6.4 person of all noncitizens voted illegally in the 2008 presidential election, and 2.2 percent voted in the 2010 midterms. Since 80 percent of noncitizens vote Democratic, according to the survey, the authors concluded that these illegal votes were “large enough to plausibly account for Democratic victories in a few close elections.” Those that might have been skewed by noncitizen votes included Al Franken ’s 312-vote win in the Minnesota race for the U.S. Senate.”

“Kansas and Arizona have put in place new proof-of-citizenship requirements for registration to prevent illegal voting. It’s commonsense and needed reform. In recent weeks North Carolina found more than 100 illegal aliens, still in the country thanks to the Obama administration’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, registered to vote. Yet opponents including the League of Women Voters and Common Cause are challenging citizenship requirements in the courts.”

We’ve also read reports of the potential for nefarious actions in the state of Colorado where there is a very critical, close Senate race. And oh by the way, Colorado has gone to a total mail-in ballot system — as if the integrity of that system is fail safe.

And how far are some liberals progressives willing to go in undermining ballot integrity? Von Spakvosky writes, “This month, conservative guerrilla filmmaker James O’Keefe caught a director of the “social change” organization Work for Progress and an employee for the Greenpeace environmental group voicing their approval of absentee-ballot theft and fraudulent voting in Colorado. Recent polls indicate that the state’s governor and U.S. Senate races are statistical ties. Greenpeace fired the worker who was caught approving voter fraud, but too many on the left shrug at the prospect of tainted elections.”

We continue to face the inane challenges of U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder and groups like the NAACP that casts voter picture ID as some form of racism. If that be the case, there are countless entities in America that are racist for requiring picture ID, such as the 2012 Democrat National Convention held in Charlotte North Carolina — a state with another close senatorial race – not to mention every single airline.

But what is actually being done to assuage the fears and concerns of Americans over voter fraud?

Von Spakovsky wites, “too many groups and individuals—including the NAACP, the American Civil Liberties Union and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder —are doing everything they can to prevent states from improving the integrity of the election process. Their refrain is that voter fraud either doesn’t exist or is so insignificant that nothing needs to be done to improve ballot security. Yet in the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2008 ruling that upheld Indiana’s voter ID law, Justice John Paul Stevens acknowledged “flagrant examples of such fraud” throughout the nation’s history and observed that “not only is the risk of voter fraud real” but also that “it could affect the outcome of a close election.”

So how helpful has the admitted social activist U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder been in supporting actions against voter fraud? Not at all.

As Spakovsky brings to light, “South Carolina’s voter ID law will be in place in the November election, but it cost the state $3.5 million in 2012 to beat Eric Holder’s Justice Department in court. The U.S. Supreme Court just upheld a decision throwing out an injunction against a Texas voter ID law, which was in place in state elections in 2013 and primary elections this year. North Carolina, Ohio and Wisconsin are still battling progressives and the Justice Department in court over their election rules, although North Carolina and Ohio also got favorable decisions from the Supreme Court, allowing them to implement their rules for this election cycle. As John Fund and I outline in our new book on Attorney General Holder, the Justice Department refuses to enforce the federal law requiring states to keep accurate voter rolls—even though a 2012 Pew study found that the rolls are riddled with errors and ineligible voters.”

I’ve hosted several tele-town hall conference calls in support of candidates this election cycle, and the recurring question I get is, “how do we prevent voter fraud?” It is a major concern. How many of you remember the Hamilton County (Ohio) poll worker Melowese Richardson? She admitted to voting several times and doing so for countless relatives. Ms. Richardson was proud of what she did in the 2012 election, saying that she was doing it for Obama. There were no federal charges brought against Ms. Richardson, just like no federal charges were brought against the New Black Panther Party in 2008 for their actions in Philadelphia — Attorney General Holder stated they showed no hostile intent and did not obstruct any voting procedures. But back to Ms. Richardson, what happened?

At a Cincinnati “voting rights” rally in March of this year, Rev. Al Sharpton and other liberal activists celebrated Melowese Richardson, who was convicted last year of voter fraud by using her position as a poll worker to vote more than once in the 2012 presidential election. Her five-year prison sentence was amended to five years of probation earlier this year—a delayed wrist-slap that further erodes respect for the ballot box. The reduction of sentence was exacted due to the pressure imposed by Sharpton’s National Action Network — and we all know the close relationship Sharpton has with President Obama and NYC Mayor Bill DeBlasio, an avowed socialist. Move along, nothing to see here, the progressive socialist excuse on the topic of voter fraud.

So, what will be the story of next week after the ballots are counted? We had to fight for two weeks against Palm Beach and St. Lucie Counties here in South Florida, all to no avail. I still run into people who are discouraged and no longer believe in the democratic process of free elections in America. They know what they saw occur here and how they were treated as citizens who wanted answers.

The only course of action is to get out and vote, and not allow these elections to be decided by votes found in the trunks of cars — or in the case of Gertrude Walker, hiding boxes of ballots. We need eyes on the target at all these voting precincts and rapid response teams that can immediately report illegal actions.

It is a time for choosing — and that means are we a Constitutional Republic upholding the principle of one person, one vote — with that person being an American? Or have we just devolved into some third world joke manipulated by the forces of tyranny who realize that power must be retained — by any means necessary, and that the ends justify their means?


It’s the Socialist Democrat Party on Tuesday’s ballot

October 30, 2014 By Judi McLeod

It’s the Socialist Democrat Party on Tuesday’s ballot

Universal Free Press.com ran it it under “Satire”, but their suggestion that the Democrat Party would be making a name change starting in January 2015, is at heart, a capital idea.

“The Executive Committee of the National Democratic Committee announced today that starting in January 2015, the organization would be known as the Socialist Democratic Committee. Spokesperson and Chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Shultz said, “this was a change that has been a long time in the making.” “We have been considering changing the name to better reflect our goals and show solidarity with our brothers in Europe and it seemed like the time was right to implement the change.” (Universal Free Press, Sept. 15, 2014)

Wasserman Shultlz, of course, never said this, but if she ever had it would have been be the most truthful comment ever made by a usually lying ‘Democrat’.

For the truth is, in all but name, the Democrat Party is the Socialist Democrat Party that is giddily well on its way to completion of the Fundamental Transformation of America.

Even though half the country did not vote for him, this is what millions of Americans, promised Hope & Change by Obama back in 2008 got to date: a vulnerable borderless country, an all-but-gutted military, increased threats of Islamic terrorism and an Ebola pandemic.

But the biggest change notwithstanding all of the above in Obama’s promise of change is that millions of Americans no longer have jobs and little hope of ever finding a new one.

Quintessentially, Barack Hussein Obama is not so much a Democrat President as he is a Socialist President:

“In fact, empirical proof that Obama is a socialist/marxist exists in the plain English, gloating of the Progressive Populist magazine of November 1996: (Canada Free Press, Feb 5, 2014)

“New Party members and supported candidates won 16 of 23 races, including an at-large race for the Little Rock, Ark. City Council, a seat on the country board for Little Rock and the school board for Prince George’s County, Md. Chicago is sending the first New Party Member to Congress, as Danny Davis, who ran as Democrat, won an overwhelming 85% victory. New Party member Barack Obama was uncontested for a State Senate seat from Chicago.”

This is what The Democratic Socialist Party of America published in their July/August Editor of New Ground 47 Newsletter:

“The Chicago New Party is increasingly becoming a viable political organization that can make a different (sic) in Chicago politics. It is crucial for a political organization to have a solid infrastructure and visible results in its political program. The New Party has continued to solidify this base…

“The NP’s ’96 Political Program has been enormously successful with 3 of 4 endorsed candidates winning electoral primaries. All four candidates attended the NP membership meeting on April 11th to express their gratitude. Danny Davis, winner in the 7th Congressional District, invited NPers to join the Campaign Steering Committee. Patricia Martin who won the race for Judge in the 7th Sub-circuit Court, explained that due to the NP she was able to network and get experienced advice from progressives like Davis. Barack Obama, victor in the 13th State Senate District, encouraged NPers to join in his task force on Voter and Education and Voter Registration.”

In other words, Obama’s well-touted 2008 presidential platform of Hope & Change is not even his own. Change is what Socialists wanted for America for decades and change is what the Socialists got on November 4, 2008.

“Obama is the programmed robot of the global elite, working to usher in what some call a pre-orchestrated financially challenged world, the United Socialist States of America.”

(Canada Free Press, Oct. 18, 2008).

“Interesting to note that all three candidates pushed by the Socialist New Party back in 1996 are still in public office today. Davis is still US representative for the Illinois 7th Congressional District. Martin is still Judge of the Cook County 7th Sub-circuit in Illinois.

For sure, Obama’s not the only activist trying to bring America under the brutal heel of Socialism.

In writing about how Big Government is rooted in Marx’s Ten Planks of Communism, Robert Rohlfing wrote in Canada Free Press back in December 2012, “Let’s be honest and call the modern Democrat Party the Socialist Party.

“ We need to start being honest and have the modern day Democrat Party relabeled and call it the Social Democrat Party. There is no shame in doing so and those that have supported the party because it has a “D” next to it need not feel shame in doing so either.”

Meanwhile, universalfreepress.com’s last month satirical reminder that the Democrat Party will change its name by January 2015 may be far more prophetic than satirical.

Given that folk will be heading for midterm voting polls on Tuesday, the reminder that the Democrat Party is the Socialist Democrat Party of America in everything but name couldn’t have come at a better time.

Copyright © Canada Free Press

Judi McLeod is an award-winning journalist with 30 years’ experience in the print media. A former Toronto Sun columnist, she also worked for the Kingston Whig Standard. Her work has appeared on Rush Limbaugh, Newsmax.com, Drudge Report, Foxnews.com, and Glenn Beck. Judi can be emailed at: judi@canadafreepress.com


Rand Paul Says Obama Thinks He Can ‘Act Like a King’

October 31, 2014 by Jackie Anderson

Taking a break from campaign stops for fellow Republicans, Sen. Rand Paul was back in Washington, D.C., yesterday to deliver a keynote address at The Heritage Foundation’s annual President’s Club meeting.

Afterward, in an exclusive interview with The Daily Signal, the Kentucky Republican answered questions on President Obama’s plans to implement administrative amnesty following the election, the religious liberty debate playing out in Houston, the government’s response to Ebola and the fallout in Ferguson, Mo., where Paul recently visited.

The video was produced by Steve Weyrich.


8 Desperation Moves from Democrats That Show They’ll Be Crushed on Tuesday

31 Oct 2014 by Ben Shapiro

On Friday, Senator Mary Landrieu (D-LA), in an act of pure political desperation, has now labeled her own constituency racist and sexist. “I’ll be very, very honest with you,” Landrieu said. “The South has not always been the friendliest place for African-Americans. It’s been a difficult time for the president to present himself in a very positive light as leader.” The goal: drive out the black vote, the same way President Obama did in 2012.

Landrieu then added that the South is “more of a conservative place” and said that women have a problem “presenting ourselves.” The goal: driving out the female vote, the same way President Obama did in 2012.

Mary Landrieu has been in office since 1979. So for three decades, the people of Louisiana weren’t sexist enough to oust her, but now, apparently, their latent woman-hatred has come to the fore.

But Landrieu isn’t the only desperate Democrat pulling out all the stops in the late stages of a failing campaign. Here are seven others:

Charlie Rangel. On Thursday, the Democratic representative from New York performed his act at a rally for New York Governor:

We have to win!…Everything we believe in – everything we believe in – they hate. They don’t disagree – they hate! They think if you didn’t come from Europe 30 years ago, you didn’t even make it. Some of them believe that slavery isn’t over and they think they won the Civil War!

Rangel added that Democrats are doing “God’s work.”

Maryland Democratic Party. Earlier this month, the Maryland Democratic Party issued fliers on behalf of Anthony Brown, reading “Vote for Anthony Brown as Maryland’s first African-American Governor. History is watching to see if we vote.” The mailer shows a sign reading “Colored Waiting Room” and another one reading “Must Show ID to Vote.” And, just for good measure, a sign that reads “Go Back to Africa Negroes.” Another flier shows Ferguson, Missouri.

Georgia Democratic Party. Backers of Democrat Michelle Nunn put out a mailer showing two black kids holding signs that read, “Don’t Shoot.” The caption to the mailer: “If You Want to Prevent Another Ferguson In The Future…VOTE.”

Wendy Davis. The Texas gubernatorial candidate whose sole qualification for higher office is her stellar love story with abortion has issued a series of attack ads against her opponent, Greg Abbott. First, she ran an ad with an empty wheelchair suggesting that Abbott, who is wheelchair-bound, has sold out disabled people. Second, she ran a Twitter campaign stating that Abbott, who is married to a Hispanic woman, opposed interracial marriage. Finally, she ran an ad saying that Abbott wants to stop black people from voting.

Wisconsin League of Conservation Voters. They ran an ad against Governor Scott Walker today stating that Walker wants to poison children. “Clean, clear drinking water,” the narrator intones as pictures of small children frolicking in H20 flit across the screen. “They thrive on it. Our lives depend on it. Why would anyone put our water at risk? Scott Walker risked contaminating our drinking water with arsenic and lead…You can’t put a price on clean water. But it looks like Scott Walker just did.”

National Abortion Rights Action League. NARAL in Colorado has now issued an ad targeting Republican Cory Gardner, who is leading in his race against incumbent Senator Mark Udall. The ad shows a man searching for condoms – but, horror of horrors, he’s all out! Why? Because of Cory Gardner, of course. “Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, if Cory Gardner gets his way, you better stock up on condoms,” a woman says. Then the screen: “Gardner: Ban Birth Control.” Gardner does not oppose birth control.

Harry Reid’s Super PAC. In North Carolina, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) has a super PAC running ads against Republican Senatorial candidate Thom Tillis, suggesting he wants to pass the sort of laws that “caused the shooting death of Trayvon Martin.” Even the Washington Post gave this ad four Pinnochios.

Democrats are going to lose on Tuesday, and lose big. Their desperation is the tell-tale sign.

Ben Shapiro is Senior Editor-At-Large of Breitbart News and author of the new book, The People vs. Barack Obama: The Criminal Case Against The Obama Administration (Threshold Editions, June 10, 2014). He is also Editor-in-Chief of TruthRevolt.org. Follow Ben Shapiro on Twitter @benshapiro.


The Democrats’ Degradation of Women

October 31st, 2014 By: Dan Spencer (Diary)

I’m so tired of Obama and his Democrats continually getting away with their hypocritical “war on women” campaign. They raise this tired and false meme over and over. And with the help of the biased media wing of the Democrats’ party you seldom hear about the real war against women — the Democrats’ barrage of demeaning comments about female Republican candidates.

So I was thrilled this morning to see that the good folks at the Republican National Committee (RNC) released a new video, “Democrats Degrade Women,” highlighting how Democrats have insulted Republican female candidates during this election cycle.

It’s good to see the RNC call out Democrats for their war against Republican ladies.

South Carolina Democrat gubernatorial candidate Vincet Sheheen called Gov. Nikki Haley a “whore” at a campaign event. As you see in the video, Sheheen appeared gleeful, rather remorseful about the insult. Like Sheheen said, “Think about it y’all”

In New York 21st Congressional District millionaire Democratic Aaron Woolf attacked Republican Elise Stefanik for never having worked a manual labor job, “I don’t know if you have ever worked manually for a living like I have.“

In Northern Virginia’s 10th Congressional District, Democrat John W. Foust revealed his insensitive, sexist self when questioned whether Republican state Del. Barbara J. Comstock had, “Even had a real job.” Comstock has been a congressional aide, lobbyist and Justice Department spokeswoman.

In Iowa Democrat Senate candidate Bruce Braley, also revealed his inner sexist self when he likened his Republican opponent, Joni Ernst, to a “chick.” Ernst is a Lieutenant Colonel in the Iowa Army National Guard.

And Alsaka Democrat Sen. Mark Begich, after Sen. Lisa Murkowski told him to stop using her likeness in his ads, Begich said that Murkowski protested because she “didn’t like the photo.”

As RNC Co-Chairman Sharon Day puts it, Americans are tired of Democrats insults:

“Democrat candidates are getting increasingly desperate in the final days before the midterm election as they continue to attack female candidates with misleading stereotypes. The American people are tired of the Democrats’ deceitful and misleading insults.

And as Mitt Romney asked, “Where is EMILY’s List? Where is N.O.W.? Where are they?”


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