-Big Labor’s Servants, Democrats Landrieu, Pryor, Warner, Hagan, Udall, Braley, Orman, Weiland, and Grimes
-Jeanne Shaheen Forgets Testimony That ‘Gang of 8′ Bill Would Make Illegal Immigration Worse
-#IASen: While Campaigning for Braley, Biden Admits Obama Economy Bad for Middle Class
-Democrats Unload: ‘Obama Has Stepped In It’
-New Radio Ad Responds Dem Ad Blaming Thom Tillis for Trayvon Martin Shooting
October 28, 2014 BY: Bill McMorris
A top labor watchdog is telling voters that Democrats in some of the nation’s most competitive Senate races are servants of labor unions.
The National Right to Work Foundation (NRWF) doled out its Union Brass awards on Wednesday to Democratic Sens. Mary Landrieu (La.), Mark Pryor (Ark.), Mark Warner (Va.), Kay Hagan (N.C.), and Mark Udall (Colo.), as well as Democratic Senate candidates Bruce Braley (Iowa), Rick Weiland (S.D.), and Alison Lundergan Grimes (Ky.). “Independent” Kansas Senate candidate Greg Orman, who has received donations from Democratic mega-donors, also received the award.
The awards are meant to inform voters that these nine candidates are guaranteed union votes on issues, such as coercive unionism and forced dues payments for workers, the organization said in a release.
“The incumbents among these candidates have been in Big Labor’s corner for their entire careers. And the newcomers are clearly starting out there,” NRTW vice president Greg Mourad said in a statement.
The foundation pointed to Pryor, Landrieu, and Braley’s support for national card check legislation as a sign of their devotion to unions. Card check would eliminate secret ballot union elections by allowing labor groups to use signed cards from workers to unionize, a process open to corruption and intimidation, the group said.
“These three incumbents also voted for a bill to force all 50 states to set up forced unionization schemes for every police officer and firefighter in the country—a first step toward putting all state and local public employees under union control,” foundation vice president Matthew Leen said.
The 2014 cycle is especially important with regard to labor issues.
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has used his position to block the passage of legislation that would institute right to work laws on the federal level. The proposal would end forced dues collections in all 50 states and allow workers to opt into or out of unions as individuals. The foundations said that these nine candidates would ensure that the legislation will not pass in the next Senate term.
Mourad said that union campaign cash is to blame for lawmakers’ resistance to labor reforms that would empower individuals.
“Public records show these candidates have received hundreds of thousands of forced-dues dollars in contributions, support and endorsements from AFL-CIO-affiliated unions,” he said. “When AFL-CIO boss Richard Trumka spends that kind of money, he knows what he’s buying—politicians’ help in keeping rank-and-file workers under his monopoly control.”
Economic Illiterates
Democrats’ language likely appealing to late South American political figure
October 28, 2014 BY: David Rutz
Likely presidential candidate Hillary Clinton made headlines she did not want last week when she told a Massachusetts rally it is not corporations and businesses that create jobs.
Part of a broader critique of trickle-down economics, comments meant to appeal to the left wing of the Democratic Party drew scorn and ridicule, with one liberal columnist even calling them “a stupid thing” to say on the campaign trail. In the grand tradition of having just said something ridiculous, Clinton clarified those remarks this week.
But Clinton joined a tradition among Democratic powerhouse figures to make economically illiterate statements disguised as populist appeals to the base. President Obama infamously said, “You didn’t build that” in 2012 to remind enterprising capitalists know they would be lost without the help of the government. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) made a landmark speech in someone’s house, where she said no one in this country ever got rich on their own and revealed that taxpayer money goes toward building roads.
Obama and Biden have stated it is “patriotic” for wealthy Americans to pay higher taxes. In 2008, Obama, despite Charlie Gibson’s reminder that higher capital gains taxes have historically garnered smaller revenues, said he would raise them anyway in the name of “fairness” and told a crowd that “when you spread the wealth around” it’s “good for everybody.”
That kind of language might appeal to at least one late South American political figure.
Elizabeth Warren Fail: Shaheen Is ‘Out There Working for the People of Vermont’
October 28, 2014
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) gave an impassioned endorsement of senator Jeanne Shaheen (D., N.H.) on Tuesday’s The View.
The only problem was, she forgot which state Shaheen was from.
Warren touted Shaheen’s historical significance, but made a crucial slip up when trying to sell her case to Whoopi Goldberg and Rosie O’Donnell (as if they needed convincing):
“The only woman in the history of the United States who has been both a governor and a senator,” Warren said. “Independent, out there working for the people of Vermont.”
Unfortunately, Shaheen is running for re-election in New Hampshire.
Both New Hampshire and Vermont border Warren’s home state of Massachusetts, but Warren is too busy blaming Republicans for the Ebola outbreak to pay attention to geographical nuances.
New Hampshire, Vermont: look, all those states look alike to Elizabeth Warren.
October 28th, 2014 By: Moe Lane (Diary)
You really don’t expect Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)6% to care about New Hampshire, can you? The Senator can barely muster up enough energy to care about Massachusetts. So it’s not really surprising to hear that the woman apparently can’t be bothered to remember which state Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)6% pretends to be from:
I mean, let’s face it: Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)6% is not so much a creature of the DC Beltway as she is a happy convert to it. And she will never, ever leave this place permanently. And those darling people of Vermont New Hampshire should learn to understand her place… and, of course, theirs.
‘Populist,’ my eye.
Moe Lane (crosspost)
PS: Scott Brown for Senate.
PPS: By the way… I don’t think that Vermont would actually want Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)6% as Senator, unless of course Bernie Sanders died or retired or something. She’s downright awful when it comes to gun rights; and they’ve already got one of those Senators, thanks.
Jeanne Shaheen Forgets Testimony That ‘Gang of 8′ Bill Would Make Illegal Immigration Worse
28 Oct 2014 by Matthew Boyle
AMHERST, New Hampshire — On the campaign trail, incumbent Democrat Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) forgot about all the testimony from federal immigration agents and law enforcement personnel warning Senators not to vote for the “Gang of Eight” bill.
When asked by Breitbart News at a press conference here if she read the letters from immigration agents to Senators before she voted for the bill warning it would make illegal immigration worse, she denied ever having received such testimony.
”Um, that was not the testimony that we had,” Shaheen said. “This is a bill that had strong bipartisan support from Sen. [Kelly] Ayotte, from John McCain, and in fact the Chamber of Commerce and labor groups. It had a broad coalition all suggesting that it would not only improve border security but that it would address our broken immigration system.”
What Shaheen said is not true. In fact, immigration agents from several different agencies of the federal government warned every single U.S. Senator—including Shaheen—that voting for the Gang of Eight bill would make illegal immigration in America worse.
“I write you today in both my capacity as an ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] officer and as the President of the National ICE Council representing approximately 7,600 immigration officers, agents and support staff to urge you to vote on the cloture vote today on the 1,200 page substitute immigration bill,” Chris Crane, the president of the ICE council, wrote to every U.S. Senator, including Shaheen, on June 24, 2013. “I urge you to vote no as this bill fails to address the problems which have led to the nation’s broken immigration system and in fact will only serve to worsen current immigration problems.”
In the letter, Crane specifically noted that the immigration bill that Shaheen ended up voting for shortly thereafter “drastically undermine the ability of ICE officers to perform their enforcement duties,” something that ends up “threatening public safety and the integrity of our immigration system.”
Crane said that this warning was given to the sponsors of the amended bill, and they made “private acknowledgements that these extreme flaws were present” but “no action was taken to correct them due to the influence of anti-enforcement special interest groups” like the Chamber of Commerce.
“The 1,200 page proposal today not only extends legal status to a large number of criminal aliens, but also radically restricts the ability of ICE officers to remove criminal aliens and other immigration violators in the future,” Crane wrote. He added that, among other concerns, the bill “provides legalization to gang members, child abusers, domestic abusers, drunk drivers, sex offenders, and many other convicted criminals,” and it “provides legalization to future visa overstays, creating a further national security threat.”
Crane’s warning is hardly the only one from law enforcement to senators that the immigration bill would make immigration problems worse.
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services union head Kenneth Palinkas, a USCIS officer who speaks for thousands of the agency’s employees, also warned Senators against voting for it.
“It will further expose the agency USCIS as inept with an already proposed massive increase in case flow that the agency is ill prepared to handle,” Palinkas said in statement before the cloture vote. “The bill does not address the needs of the USCIS workforce as it fails to fix the institutional problems in our agency, such as the need for newly-hired permanent employees versus term employees to perform the work, and the lack of training and manpower and manageable time to adjudicate for its current staff.”
Palinkas added that the bill “will lead to the rubber stamping of millions of applications for both amnesty and future admissions” and it would “allow immigrants to break the law in the future and still be eligible for citizenship, as it absolves prospective behavior, not simply past mistakes.”
In a joint statement right before senators voted for final passage of the bill, Palinkas and Crane said it “will make Americans less safe and it will ensure more illegal immigration—especially visa overstays—in the future.”
“It provides legalization for thousands of dangerous criminals while making it more difficult for our officers to identity public safety and national security threats,” they said.
Crane had also testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee against the bill, several local law enforcement and retired Border Patrol officers came out publicly alongside him against the bill in a letter that was distributed to every single member of Congress in May 2013.
In the letter, they noted that Shaheen’s and other senators’ support for amnesty caused a spike in illegal immigration—something that eventually turned into what this summer became known as the “Border Crisis.”
“Driven by mere speculation that S. 744 may be enacted by Congress, illegal border crossings have spiked dramatically,” the law enforcement officials wrote to every member of Congress in May 2013. “Thousands of unaccompanied children, runaways and families now attempt to illegally enter the United States in hopes of receiving legalization. This trend will surely continue after enactment as S. 744 provides no commitment of stronger border enforcement for at least five to ten years following the initial legalization phase. Thousands will be victimized or perish as they attempt the treacherous crossing into the United States in hopes of attaining legal status. Cut off dates established in S. 744 will mean little to those in other countries who are unfamiliar with the 867 page bill. Without a strategy of border security first, S. 744 will only draw more illegal immigrants into the United States resulting in unnecessary harm to many.”
Crane signed that letter, as did National Association of Former Border Patrol Officers chairman Zack Taylor and several sheriffs nationwide, including some from the Northeastern region of the U.S.
Shaheen on Monday night joked about border security, launching an attack on her opponent, former Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown, who has moved to New Hampshire since losing his re-election bid in Massachusetts. Brown has been extraordinary successful in debunking the carpetbagger attack leveled against him since he’s been running on his record as a U.S. Senator from Massachusetts.
“We sorta let this guy sneak over the border,” Shaheen joked Monday evening. “You’ve probably noticed that we’ve been debating border security a little bit in this campaign. Clearly, we didn’t do enough to secure the southern border of New Hampshire.”
When asked by a reporter here at her press conference on Tuesday if that joke was “appropriate” given “the serious nature of border security,” Shaheen defended it.
“That was in a room full of my supporters,” Shaheen said. “They appreciate the humor in that joke.”
Shaheen then jumped into a full-throated defense of the Gang of Eight immigration bill.
“But the serious nature of immigration reform is real and the fact is I supported immigration reform that would significantly improve our border security between the United States and Mexico,” Shaheen said. “If we had actually passed that over a year ago when the Senate voted with a strong bipartisan vote—if the House had taken it up, and there were the votes there in the House to pass it—we would already be starting to improve our border security with a 700-mile fence, with an almost doubling of border agents, with additional funds for surveillance and interdiction. It’s very disappointing that my opponent has refused to support that legislation.”
Shaheen’s press conference was at a winery, where Amy LaBelle of LaBelle Winery in Amherst endorsed her. LaBelle noted she is a registered Republican and small business owner.
But Scott Brown’s campaign did one better than Shaheen on Tuesday morning on the bipartisan endorsement front, as Brown’s campaign announced the endorsement of former Democratic state Sen. Bob Preston, who served eight years as the Democratic leader in the state senate.
“With all due respect to Senator Shaheen, she has not been able to address these problem and has gone along to get along with President Obama increasing the budget deficit until each American family is not in debt nationally in excess of $150,000,” Preston wrote in an open letter urging New Hampshire citizens to vote for Brown next Tuesday, mentioning Brown’s tough positions on immigration, foreign policy, veterans’ issues, and healthcare.
#IASen: While Campaigning for Braley, Biden Admits Obama Economy Bad for Middle Class
October 28th, 2014 By: Jake (Diary)
We can add another one to the long list of Joe Biden’s gaffes. While on a campaign stop at a rally for Senate candidate Rep. Bruce Braley (D-IA)4% in Iowa yesterday, Joe Biden admitted what most of us on the Right already know: the Obama economy has been horrible for the middle class. The Washington Free Beacon caught it, and here’s the most important part:
“But you know the truth: The middle class is still in trouble,” Biden said. “You don’t have to know the numbers, you can feel it. You can feel it in your bones.”
“According to all the statistics, all the economic policy institutes, and all these groups that are outside experts in the economy, the gross domestic product means the nation grew over the last ten years by over 25 percent, and productivity went up over 30 percent,” Biden said. “But middle class wages went up by only 14 cents. Hear me? 14 cents. You know it. You don’t have to know the number, but you know. The middle class has been left behind.”
As the Daily Caller notes, the Vice President appears to be referring to this study from the Economic Policy Institute. Two key findings from the study:
During the Great Recession and its aftermath (i.e., between 2007 and 2012), wages fell for the entire bottom 70 percent of the wage distribution, despite productivity growth of 7.7 percent.
The weak wage growth over 2000–2007, combined with the wage losses for most workers from 2007 to 2012, mean that between 2000 and 2012, wages were flat or declined for the entire bottom 60 percent of the wage distribution (despite productivity growing by nearly 25 percent over this period).
Joe Biden told the crowd more than this, though, and fortunately for us, the WFB has video of the full gaffe:
The irony here is that he told us all this while campaigning to get Democrat Rep. Bruce Braley (D-IA)4% elected. Iowans should take note that Joe Biden is asking them to send a member of the same party as the administration that has presided over all these troubles for the middle class. It’s also worth reminding people that Braley is of the same party that has essentially shut down the Senate these last four years, especially since control of the chamber could hinge on the results of this race.
Instead of electing more of the same, Iowans have a chance to send conservative Republican Joni Ernst to Washington this November. She needs all the help she can get to win this fight.
New Radio Ad Responds Dem Ad Blaming Thom Tillis for Trayvon Martin Shooting
28 Oct 2014 by Caroline May
The conservative group American Commitment is responding to a recent radio ad from the Democratic Senate Majority PAC that attempts to tie North Carolina Speaker of the House Thom Tillis to the death of Florida teen Trayvon Martin.
American Commitment announced Tuesday it has launched its own radio ad taking Tillis opponents to task for race-baiting in the closing days of the tight U.S. Senate election between Tillis and incumbent Sen. Kay Hagan (D-NC).
“Have you heard this race-hustling Kay Hagan ad paid for by Harry Reid’s super PAC? Probably not. Because they’re not running it on this station,” the radio voiceover says in the ad.
The ad then plays part of Senate Majority PAC ad dealing with Martin, which claims “Tillis even led the effort to pass the type of stand your ground laws that caused the shooting death of Trayvon Martin.”
“Desperate to hold on to power, Obama, Reid, and Hagan are shamelessly race-baiting, and it’s only going to get worse this weekend,” the American Commitment voice over adds, going on to praise Tillis as “bold, strong, unafraid.”
“As senator, Thom Tillis will undo the Obama agenda. Don’t let the race hustlers win, vote Thom Tillis on Tuesday,” the voiceover says.
According to American Commitment the ad is running across the state.
Democrats Unload: ‘Obama Has Stepped In It’
28 Oct 2014 by Wynton Hall
Top Democratic strategists are blasting President Barack Obama for putting the Democratic Party in a precarious position heading into the midterm elections.
“It’s puzzling–and to the Kay Hagans of the world, infuriating–the number of times President Obama has stepped in it, repeatedly reminding voters that a vote for Hagan is a vote for Obama’s policies,” Democratic strategist Christy Setzer told The Hill.
Another individual whom The Hill describes as a “top Democratic strategist” groused about Obama golfing this past weekend instead of helping Democrats.
“He and his team could have made it clear a long time ago that there’s nothing more important than the Senate remaining in Democratic hands in 2014,” said the Democratic strategist. The strategist said the Obama White House has “already set up their defense” and is “laying the predicate down for the blame to come. It’s really obvious.”
The internecine rancor within Democratic ranks has grown so intense that at least one Democratic candidate says his own party is torpedoing his candidacy.
“My national party–that I’m a member of–(was) trying to drive votes to Larry Pressler [the Independent candidate] and trying to drive up my negatives,” Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Rick Weiland told the Argus Leader.
Democrats’ angst is eclipsed only by an angry voting electorate fed up with an unpopular president and Congress.
A new ABC News/Washington Post poll finds that seven out of ten Americans rate the Obama economy negatively.
Voters head to the polls in seven days.
WFB’s Ellison Barber Discusses Midterms on Fox News
October 28, 2014
Free Beacon staff writer Ellison Barber appeared on Fox News on Tuesday to discuss a new CNN poll indicating that 68 percent of Americans are “angry” with the direction of the country.
“I feel like I should be [angry] if that many are,” Barber said. “That does show you what a big problem Democrats have in this election cycle, because they are trying to combat this general sentiment where a lot of people are incredibly frustrated, with the government, with this administration in particular, as well as congress as a whole.”
Barber said the public’s frustration with Washington has been growing for some time and is not just due to the administration’s failure to handle crises with the Islamic State and Ebola.
“There has been this growing anti-establishment, anti-Washington sentiment across the country, and I don’t think that has changed,” Barber said. “But, what we’ve seen with President Obama, of late, is that his approval rating has worsened and it is particularly bad in states where you do have some of the biggest and most vulnerable Democratic incumbents running for Senate this election.”
Barber also noted that although Republicans are “well positioned” to take the Senate, it will not be a “walk away” election for the GOP.
“I think most people think it is likely Republicans will be able to take control of the Senate,” Barber said. “The question is how will they get there?”
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