The Ebola/Rabies Vaccine Agenda Fully Exposed
-The best way to help your body protect itself against Ebola (or any virus or bacteria)
-Liberty, Not Government, is Key to Containing Ebola
October 13th, 2014 By: streiff (Diary)
As the Ebola crisis continues, many in the public health community have expressed a belief that this current outbreak is driven by an “evolution” of the virus that makes it easier to spread.
That does not seem to be the case. While numerous mutations have occurred in the virus there is no evidence that either its method of transmission or general mode of infection have changed at all. In fact, the current variety shows less variation from the past than do the changes in the flu virus from year to year. A recent study on changes in the Ebola virus since the current epidemic broke out found the virus is not evolving:
The majority of mutations either render the virus useless at doing its job, or have no effect. Its “job” being to make more copies of the virus and occasionally to infect another host.
So the mutations that do get passed on are usually the very few that succeed at improving the rate of virus replication, or the rate of infection. Exactly how many of the mutations alter the effectiveness of the virus at replicating and being transmitted, and how they do so, remains to be established.
If the virus is, as shown, unchanged in virulence and transmissability since it was first discovered, what, then accounts tor the number of cases as well as the divergent impacts depending upon the nation involved?
There is strong anecdotal evidence that the culprit is foreign aid.
Foreign aid has long been known to have a corrosive effect on the nations it is visited upon. Large influxes of free or very low cost food reduce local farmers to penury. Food, as we saw in Somalia in the late 1980s/early 1990s is used by warlords and rival militias to punish people trying to remain neutral in conflicts. Infusions of cash enrich the well connected, and real estate agents in Switzerland and southern France, while destroying fragile economies. While using it to buy influence with the regime du jour in various Third World crapholes has an upside, the most usual form it takes, particularly when the United States and its armada of non-profits swing into action, is one of allowing white liberals to do penance for being white and living in the United States. Or, as the Cato Institute study linked to above concludes:
Our foreign aid has made life more pleasant and entertaining for government bureaucrats in poor countries. However, it has done little to promote the production of wealth, or to breed political responsibility, or to encourage people to help themselves. American foreign aid usually only strengthens oppressive regimes, allows governments to avoid correcting their mistakes, and bails out bankrupt state-owned enterprises around the world.
Regardless of our future good intentions, American foreign aid programs will still be controlled by politicians anxious to buy goodwill and administered by bureaucrats anxious to meet their quota of loans, and they will still be received by foreign governments careless of the use of free gifts. As long as the same political, bureaucratic, and economic incentives govern international welfare, the same mistakes will be repeated.
There is no reason to think it will not have the same impact on public health. From a doctor serving on a religious mission in Liberia:
Losing a fight
Liberia is losing the fight against Ebola because they are depending on NGOs and an influx of Western money instead of traditional ways of dealing with epidemics. The first few Ebola epidemics were in remote villages where the villages touched by Ebola were self-quarantined according to ancient traditions of dealing with plagues. No one went in and out, and the surrounding communities brought them food. The caregivers washed themselves and their clothes rapidly and frequently after each contact with the patient, just using simple soap and water. Very few ever got sick, and the disease was controlled in a few months.
Here in Liberia, everyone is excited about the millions of US dollars being poured in to “fight Ebola,” and everyone wants a piece of the pie. A certain NGO out in rural Liberia quarantined a village, claiming they’d tested and found three cases. They applied for and received US$ 250,000 to fight Ebola in this village. They brought in a few sacks of rice and some chlorine. The villagers mobbed the trucks and carried off the plunder. And, miracle of miracles, not a single person died in the village.
Great effort at treating and controlling Ebola? Or pretending there’s Ebola in order to pocket some easy cash? I’ve never heard of a 0% fatality rate for Ebola, but you make the call.
Dozens of Land Cruisers
NGO’s spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to level earth with heavy equipment over a month in order to build tent cities capable of isolating and treating Ebola, but then not even giving them IV fluids or food, so that the Ebola patients sneak out of the tents and cross the street looking for food.
Dozens if not hundreds of US$70,000 Land Cruisers are taking foreigners around town to hotels, bars, clubs, and fancy guest houses so they can feel comfortable while they fight Ebola, and yet they can’t even collect the dead bodies that could expose so many more!
We’ve had bodies left for up to three days. Others have stayed in the open for up to five days before being collected. Patients are often turned away from the Ebola centers, and some have even refused to take anyone who doesn’t come in an ambulance. How many of the poor in West Point slum can afford an ambulance, even if there were enough available to take them?
As they say, the plural of anecdote is not data, but this rings true from what we know of the effects of huge infusions of foreign aid in response to emergencies. Traditional methods and systems are discarded, people become reliant upon others to do for them what they used to do for themselves, and the Obama-esque grifters you find in any political class get rich.
This is not a call to cut off aid to stricken countries but rather to apply the aid gently and reinforce the existing social structure so we don’t have to do this again next year or the year after.
The Ebola/Rabies Vaccine Agenda Fully Exposed
Oct 9, 2014
Untested Ebola/Rabies Vaccine To Be Unleashed On The Public
The best way to help your body protect itself against Ebola (or any virus or bacteria)
October 13, 2014 by: Derek Henry
(NaturalNews) With the threat of the Ebola virus spreading, there is a need to understand what natural options are readily available to you in case you don’t want to be subjected to conventional medical treatments and infected patients in hospitals. The only proven system to help eradicate the Ebola virus is your body’s immune system, and it is of primary importance to start strengthening its response now to give yourself the best chance of successfully fighting off an infection.
Work with your body’s natural defenses
The only way to work with your body’s natural defenses is to give it what it requires in order to function at optimal performance. Conventional medical wisdom claims that man-made remedies such as vaccines are superior to those provided by nature, but it doesn’t take a scientist to understand that the toxic chemicals and preservatives injected into the body along with antigens is not a legitimate way to improve immunity.
To improve your immunity, you must improve your relationship with nature and the medicine it provides, which has been proven to keep people healthy for thousands of years. In this case, a focus on healing foods and herbs that have strong antibacterial and antiviral properties is of primary importance, along with improving immune system function and eliminating foods that suppress it.
Antibacterial foods, herbs, and solutions to begin consuming regularly
Even though Ebola is a virus, it only makes sense to start clearing out any harmful bacteria in your digestive system in order for your immune system to function properly. This will allow it to do its job more efficiently, which is a must have when dealing with more deadly infections such as Ebola.
Antibacterial foods and herbs to consider, include:
– Garlic
– Onion
– Turmeric (curcumin)
– Ginger
– Lemon
– Cayenne
– Peppermint
– Cinnamon
– Clove
– Cranberry
– Echinacea
– Oregon grape root
– Goldenseal
– Marshmallow root
– Uva Ursi
– Yarrow
– Colloidal silver
Most of these foods and herbs can be used in many different ways in every day meal preparation, but the most potent way to receive their benefits in through tinctures, capsules, teas, essential oils, and freshly pressed juices. A few of them are antiviral as well (like ginger, garlic, cranberry, colloidal silver, and Echinacea).
Stock up on antiviral herbs
In the event that Ebola is found in your region, or you suspect you may have an infection, you may want to consider the following as part of your natural defense:
– Una de Gato (Cat’s Claw)
– Pau D’Arco
– Astragalus
– Elderberry
– Lemon balm
– Licorice root
– Olive leaf
– Oregano oil
These proven virus fighters will provide another layer of protection to your overall immune support plan.
Consume immune strengthening foods, herbs, and nutrients
Along with these foods and herbs, it’s also important to consider those things that help solidify a strong immune system, such as:
– Adaptogenic herbs (reishi, siberian ginseng, astragalus, gynostemma, una de gato, pau d’arco)
– Liver supporting herbs (milk thistle, dandelion root, yellow dock root, burdock root, artichoke, turmeric)
– Vitamin C (camu camu, acerola cherry, guava, peppers, kale, oranges)
– Vitamin D (sunlight and/or fermented cod liver oil)
– Zinc (supplement or pumpkin seeds)
– Probiotics (supplement or consider sauerkraut, coconut kefir, apple cider vinegar, and kombucha)
The foods, herbs, and ingestible nutrients listed will provide your immune system with exceptional benefits, and can be consumed in whole food, capsules, tinctures, and tea. Grounding is helpful as well.
Ditch foods and behaviors that suppress the immune system
Another very important factor to unleash your immune system is to stop consuming foods and engaging in behaviors that depress it. The biggest culprits in immune suppression are:
– Sugar (especially refined)
– Alcohol
– Dairy
– Corn, soy, and wheat (gluten)
– Hydrogenated foods
– Excess animal protein
– Excess flour intake
– Highly processed foods
– Chronic stress
– Excessive EMF exposure
– Limited sunshine or vitamin D supplementation
Improve in all of these areas, and your immune system and energy will reciprocate nicely, both which help your body protect itself against Ebola (and any other viruses or bacteria).
As always, consult with a qualified herbal practitioner or naturopath to determine which herbs and solutions are best for your individual situation. At this time, there is no proven remedy for Ebola, but investing in your immune system and using nature’s medicine quite possibly gives you the best route of action.
For an antibacterial and antiviral juice recipe, check out the Antibiotic Tonic. For more info on the top adaptogenic herbs and sources of vitamin C, visit the first two sources below. Also checkout Make Your Immune System Bulletproof.
Learn all these details and more at the FREE online Pandemic Preparedness course at
About the author:
Derek Henry, B.Kin, is a highly revered holistic health coach and world renowned natural health blogger and educator who created Healing the Body to help people understand the fundamental principles to exceptional health so they can overcome their own health challenges.
In this pursuit he created proven protocols and guides in the Ultimate Reset personal coaching program, the THRIVE online holistic health program, and the Wellness Transformation E-Guide.
Liberty, Not Government, is Key to Containing Ebola
Limiting government at home and abroad is the best way to protect health and freedom
October 13, 2014 by Ron Paul
According to Forbes magazine, at least 5,000 Americans contacted healthcare providers fearful they had contracted Ebola after the media reported that someone with Ebola had entered the United States. All 5,000 cases turned out to be false alarms. In fact, despite all the hype about Ebola generated by the media and government officials, as of this writing there has only been one preliminarily identified case of someone contracting Ebola within the United States.
Ebola is a dangerous disease, but it is very difficult to contract. Ebola spreads via direct contact with the virus. This usually occurs though contact with bodily fluids. While the Ebola virus may remain on dry surfaces for several hours, it can be destroyed by common disinfectants. So common-sense precautions should be able to prevent Ebola from spreading.
It is no coincidence that many of those countries suffering from mass Ebola outbreaks have also suffered from the plagues of dictatorship and war. The devastation wrought by years of war has made it impossible for these countries to develop modern healthcare infrastructure. For example, the 14-year civil war in Liberia left that country with almost no trained doctors. Those who could leave the war-torn country were quick to depart. Sadly, American foreign aid props up dictators and encourages militarism in these countries.
President Obama’s response to the Ebola crisis has been to send 3,000 troops to West African countries to help with treatment and containment. Obama did not bother to seek congressional authorization for this overseas military deployment. Nor did he bother to tell the American people how long the mission would last, how much it would cost, or what section of the Constitution authorizes him to send US troops on “humanitarian” missions.
The people of Liberia and other countries would be better off if the US government left them alone. Leave it to private citizens to invest in African business and trade with the African people. Private investment and trade would help these countries develop thriving free-market economies capable of sustaining a modern healthcare infrastructure.
Legitimate concerns about protecting airline passengers from those with Ebola or other infectious diseases can best be addressed by returning responsibility for passenger safety to the airlines. After all, private airlines have a greater incentive than does government to protect their passengers from contagious diseases. They can do so while providing a safe means of travel for those seeking medical treatment in the United States. This would remove the incentive to lie about exposure to the virus among those seeking to come here for treatment.
Ebola patients in the US have received permission from the Food and Drug Administration to use “unapproved” drugs. This is a positive development. But why should those suffering from potentially lethal diseases have to seek special permission from federal bureaucrats to use treatments their physicians think might help? And does anyone doubt that the FDA’s cumbersome approval process has slowed down the development of treatments for Ebola?
Firestone Tire and Rubber Company has successfully contained the spread of Ebola among 80,000 people living in Harbel, the Liberian town housing employees of Firestone’s Liberian plant and their families. In March, after the wife of a Firestone employee developed Ebola symptoms, Firestone constructed its own treatment center and implemented a program of quarantine and treatment. Firestone has successfully kept the Ebola virus from spreading among its employees. As of this writing, there are only three Ebola patients at Firestone’s treatment facility.
Firestone’s success in containing Ebola shows that, far from justifying new state action, the Ebola crises demonstrates that individuals acting in the free market can do a better job of containing Ebola than can governments. The Ebola crisis is also another example of how US foreign aid harms the very people we are claiming to help. Limiting government at home and abroad is the best way to protect health and freedom.
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