-White House Sends ‘Thank You’ to Beheader’s Oklahoma Mosque Congregation
-CAIR’s Rally Against ISIS, eight to ten people showed up
-Muslim Immigrants Attack non-Muslim Girl
-Imam at U.S. Mosque Connected to Terrorists Refuses to Criticize ISIS
-CAIR anti-Human Rights and Political agenda Exposed by FOX’s Megan Kelly
-CAIR caught selling Jihadist & anti-Judeo-Christian books to public
6 Oct 2014 by Jordan Schachtel
The White House has reportedly sent a top Department of Homeland Security (DHS) official to the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City (ISGOC) to “present a special thank you to the Muslim congregation,” Oklahoma’s KFOR reports.
The beheader’s mosque, the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City, was founded by a sibling of a U.S.-designated Hamas terrorist, and in the past has welcomed an Imam who was a close confidant to al-Qaeda mastermind Anwar al-Awlaki.
David L. Myers, who serves as director of the DHS Center for Faith-based & Neighborhood Partnerships, was tasked with presenting a personal message from President Barack Obama. It read, “Your service is a powerful example of the powerful roots of the Abrahamic faiths and how our communities can come together with shared peace with dignity and a sense of justice.”
Two days before proud ISGOC congregation member Alton Nolen (AKA Jahkeem Yisrael) ruthlessly beheaded an innocent woman while reportedly shouting Islamic slogans, ISGOC Imam Imad Enchassi made unproven claims about multiple death threats, specifically beheadings, against Muslims and their children in Oklahoma. Breitbart News investigated Oklahoma state hate crime databases and found no record of widespread anti-Muslim persecution in the state. Over the past five years, a total of seven anti-Islamic hate crimes have been documented in the state of Oklahoma.
Breitbart News found that Suhaib Webb, the former Imam of the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City had been a close confidant of al-Qaeda terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki. Breitbart News also discovered that other radical Islamists, such as convicted terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui, had attended the same mosque. In addition, it was discovered that the mosque was founded by Mufid Abdulqader, the half-brother of the chairman of Gaza Strip terror group Hamas. In 2009, the mosque’s founder was sentenced to 20 years in prison. According to the Department of Justice, Abdulqader was “convicted on one count of conspiracy to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization, one count of conspiracy to provide goods, funds, and services to a specially designated terrorist, and one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering.”
Breitbart News learned that shortly after ISGOC congregation member Alton Nolen executed his jihadi attack, the mosque responded by removing its two most-recent sermons from its website. The first sermon, dated September 19th, revealed the mosque’s close connection with the Muslim Brotherhood-founded Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). Additionally, the Breitbart investigation found that the current ISGOC Imam, Imad Enchassi, falsely claimed that a Republican Oklahoma state representative had said that “American Muslims are a cancer that need to be eliminated.” The second sermon, dated September 26th, showed that the mosque had tasked CAIR with handling the damage control.
In the past, Imad Enchassi has accused America of “creating more terrorists” with its foreign policy. Enchassi, who considers himself a perpetual “3rd generation refugee” of Palestine, although he grew up in Beirut, Lebanon, has wildly accused Israel of “ethnic cleansing” during its recent 50-day war with terror group Hamas.
OK State Rep Bennett Critical of Islam NOT Backing Down
October 5, 2014
Oklahoma State Representative John Bennett still not silent about Islam. Just days prior to the beheading of an Oklahoma woman by a man who attended a Muslim Brotherhood-connected mosque, Bennett had been making some strong comments against Islam. Since the beheading, he is just a strong.
One day after Bennett referred to 90% of the Qur’an as being violent while speaking at a town hall, Soltani held a press conference denouncing Bennett. Within days, Alton Nolen, a man who attended the Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City (ISGOC) mosque, beheaded one woman after repeatedly stabbing her before stabbing another woman.
In the days that followed, Breitbart reported on videos of sermons at the mosque. In one of the sermons, just six days before the beheading, the Imam made a very curious and telling reference to Soltani.
To prove the inextricable link between CAIR and the ISGOC, Imam Imad Enchassi was recorded on September 19th telling his congregation that CAIR’s Adam Soltani “doesn’t do anything without consulting me.”
Breitbart also found that the Imam misrepresented the comments made by Oklahoma State Representative John Bennett in his criticism of Islamist ideologies. Enchassi falsely claimed that Bennett had said “American Muslims” were “a cancer that need to be eliminated.”
Bennett spoke at a Tea Party event on the night of October 2nd and did NOT back down. In fact, he mentioned Alton Nolen and CAIR specifically while saying there is no difference between moderate and radical Islam.
The ISGOC refused to talk to the media after the beheading. During a segment on the Kelly File on Fox News Channel, a spokesman for the mosque told a reporter that no one from the mosque would grant an interview. There is also a reference to a spokesman from CAIR – presumably Soltani – who said no interviews as well.
The video below is cued up to start at the exchange between a Fox reporter and a mosque spokesman:
Part of the problem has been finding Bennett’s recent comments with Google News. Below is a screen shot of a Google News search for “John Bennett” taken on October 5th. Every headline is from prior to the September 25th beheading in Moore. Thanks again to Lou for finding the story.
CAIR’s Rally Against ISIS, eight to ten people showed up
October 3, 2014 by David Wood
The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) has posted a video of their rally against ISIS. As far as I can tell from the video, somewhere between eight and ten people showed up.
If someone even mentions Israel, or draws a cartoon of Muhammad, thousands of Muslims flood the streets in protest. But when ISIS is openly slaughtering unbelievers, Muslims just don’t seem very upset. Starting to see the problem?
This reminds me of the “Not in the Name of Islam!” rally I attended back in 2010:
On January 8th, 2010, Majed Moughni and other Muslims gathered in Detroit, Michigan, to protest violence in the name of Islam. Only a handful of Muslims showed up to condemn terrorism.
Muslim Immigrants Attack non-Muslim Girl
October 6, 2014 By Ben Barrack
In the micro, these despicable Muslim immigrant thugs smacked, beat, punched, and kicked a non-Muslim girl who is a citizen of the Netherlands. As the video points out, this is an ever growing problem in that country.
In the macro, the one politician who sees the problem clearly and is trying to get something done about it – Geert Wilders – is still having to spend his time fighting his intransigent colleagues. A bit later in the video below, you will see Wilders doing battle with his country’s Prime Minister Mark Rutte.
If ever there were an example that demonstrates Churchill vs. Chamberlain, it’s Wilders vs. Rutte. It never ceases to amaze the extent to which the vast majority of politicians will live in denial without realizing they’re ultimately on the menu. The denial exhibited by Rutte is on full display in the U.S. as well.
As is the case in the Netherlands, politicians who see the problem and are willing to confront it are rare:
This blog posted Wilders’ fiery speech on the floor of Parliament that clearly had to make Rutte’s denial more difficult. http://reclaimourrepublic.wordpress.com/2014/10/06/video-the-idiocy-of-islams-great-defenders-geert-wilders-calls-out-mb-obama-as-one-of-gullible-souls-and-false-guides-on-isis/
Imam at U.S. Mosque Connected to Terrorists Refuses to Criticize ISIS
October 6, 2014 By Ben Barrack
Imam Johari Abdul-Malik is the outreach director for Dar al-Hijrah, a mosque with quite a disturbing history that includes the attendance of three 9/11 hijackers; Anwar al-Awlaki as the Imam; unindicted co-conspirator in the first World Trade Center attack Mohammed al-Hanooti as an Imam; a current Imam and colleague named Shaker Elsayed who founded a Muslim Brotherhood front organization; and was attended by Muslim Brotherhood spiritual leader Yusuf al-Qaradawi before the latter was banned form the U.S. in 1999.
Imam Johari Abdul-Malik speaks at Dar al-Hijrah.
Despite all that, Abdul-Malik is openly encouraging Muslims not to condemn ISIS. Why? Well, if you can follow the (il)logic, it’s the fault of everyone who thinks Muslims should condemn ISIS in the first place; somehow it must be racist:
American Muslim leaders gathered at Washington’s National Press Club late last month to release a scathing 17-page letter to the Islamic State that distanced mainstream Muslims from the militant group’s actions. But one prominent imam from Northern Virginia refused to give his endorsement.
“It sounded like they were apologizing for something they haven’t done, like they were running for cover,” Imam Johari Abdul-Malik said in an interview with The Huffington Post.
President Barack Obama has called on the world’s Muslims to “explicitly, forcefully and consistently reject” the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, while Secretary of State John Kerry recently said that Muslims need to “reclaim Islam.” In response, some of the largest Muslim organizations have issued sweeping condemnations of the militant group’s extremism. The letter unveiled at the National Press Club had the signatures of 126 prominent Islamic scholars, including the grand muftis of Egypt, Jerusalem, Bulgaria and Kosovo.
But not all Muslims have engaged in these condemnations. Many have written blog posts and created social media campaigns to criticize what they see as Muslim institutions’ knee-jerk instinct to decry faraway atrocities that are unconnected to their communities.
“Dr. King said we are all caught up in a network of mutuality — whatever affects one directly will indirectly affect the other,” Abdul-Malik said. “If I speak up against ISIS, it’s because I’m a human being, not because I’m a Muslim.”
Abdul-Malik has spoken frequently of the Islamic State in his Friday sermons at Dar Al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, Virginia. His mosque is one of the largest Islamic prayer centers in the Washington, D.C. area, serving 3,000 worshippers each Friday.
“I talk about it because I want to tell our community to keep their heads up,” he said. “I talk about it so young people don’t get caught up in any false theology.”
Abdul-Malik is one of many Muslims who have found themselves in an ongoing debate as global concern grows over the Islamist movement in Syria and Iraq. They’re having lively conversations at mosques and universities, in living rooms and on social media about how much Muslims should condemn the Islamic State — or if they should do so at all.
Again, a huge problem for Abdul-Malik is the mosque he serves. Consider one of his fellow Imams at Dar al-Hijrah. His name is Shaker Elsayed, founder of the Muslim American Society (MAS). Elsayed admitted that the organization is Muslim Brotherhood. In a 2013 video, Elsayed also promoted armed Jihad and suggested Muslims pick up arms:
As Shoebat.com reported, Abdul-Malik also has a connection to the Imam / Resident Islamic Scholar of the Islamic Society of Boston (ISB), Suhaib Webb. The ISB was attended by the Tsarnaev brothers and founded by a convicted terrorist.
Prior to studying in Cairo’s al-Azhar University beginning in 2004, Webb was the Imam at the same Islamic Society of Greater Oklahoma City (ISGOC) mosque attended by Alton Nolen, who beheaded a woman in Moore, OK on September 25th of this year. Two days prior to 9/11, Webb joined then Dar al-Hijrah mosque Imam Anwar al-Awlaki for a fundraiser.
In light of the similarities between ISIS and how Nolen carried out his beheading, perhaps Abdul-Malik’s refusal to condemn ISIS is even a bit more ill-advised.
Sohaib Webb (L) and Dar al-Hijrah’s Johari Abdul Malik.
Below is audio from what purports to be the 2010 Muslim Public Affairs Council’s annual convention at the Adams Center. The voice of Abdul-Malik can be heard at the beginning during which he heaps praise on Mohamed Magid, who has been identified by the Investigative Project on Terrorism as a Muslim Brotherhood infiltrator of the Obama administration, as has the founder of MPAC, Salam al-Marayati.
At about the 4:30 mark, Webb can be heard speaking:
Last year, Hussam Ayloush, the Executive Director of a Muslim Brotherhood front group seemed to employ the same strategy as Abdul-Malik when asked if his group would condemn Hamas. The argument falls apart, especially because Ayloush’s group is a front for Hamas:
CAIR anti-Human Rights and Political agenda Exposed by FOX’s Megan Kelly
CAIR caught selling Jihadist & anti-Judeo-Christian books to public
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