
RINO John McCain: It’ll Take an Open Borders GOP to Defeat Hillary
-FEMA Sets Up Camp At New Illegal Alien Detention Facility

July 18, 2014 By Roger Aronoff

The situation at America’s southern border is a “manufactured crisis,” one perpetuated—if not started—by the Obama administration. After all, the administration put out an ad in January 2014 asking for contractors to handle an influx of 65,000 children. “The surge to 60,000 or so children seen this year was said to catch many off guard, especially since just 6,500 children entered the U.S. as early as 2011,” reported Pete Kasperowicz for The Blaze. “But [Republican Representative Jeff] Sessions [R-AL] said the advertisement showed that the administration knew the surge would happen.” And in reality, the 60,000 children represent only about 20 percent of the total illegal immigrants who have come into this country since April.

In addition, a series of new revelations this week further demolish the administration’s narrative about whether or not this is, indeed, a manufactured crisis, and if it is being handled responsibly. For example, thanks to a report by Breitbart News, we learned that the Obama administration is using organizations to find prospective foster homes for some of the unaccompanied children coming across the border, and offering to pay the foster parents more than $6,000 per month, tax free, to house them. What could possibly go wrong?

If that doesn’t work out, the federal government has plans for temporary housing at a Texas resort, with tennis courts, swimming pools, a steam room and sauna, all for the bargain rate of $50 million a year. At least they did until the public became aware of it, at which time they thought better of it. As Washington, D.C. radio talk-show host Chris Plante said, As Washington, D.C. radio talk-show host Chris Plante said, maybe they should have thought to offer that first to homeless or disabled vets. Did anyone consider that?

Breitbart also disclosed material in a leaked report from the El Paso Intelligence Center, which combines information from Homeland Security and the Drug Enforcement Administration, among a number of other government agencies. The report states, “Of the 230 total migrants interviewed, 219 cited the primary reason for migrating to the United States was the perception of U.S. immigration laws granting free passes or permisos…” In other words, it isn’t, as the administration and its allies in the media argue, an uptick in violence back home in Central America that is driving this wave of illegal immigrants into this country.

As recently as last year, President Barack Obama and then-Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano assured the American public that the border was secure. “The amount of manpower, technology, everything else that we have put on that border is simply amazing,” Secretary Napolitano told ABC News. “This is not the same border that was.”

“We’re putting mobile surveillance so that we can move around and watch, and we have increased boots on the ground,” she continued.

As for President Obama, he assured the public in 2011 that “Under Secretary Napolitano’s leadership, we have strengthened border security beyond what many believed was possible.”

Both Secretary Napolitano and President Obama attacked border control advocates as just looking to follow an impossible standard. “I suspect there will be those who will try to move the goal posts one more time,” President Obama said in 2011. “They’ll say we need to triple the border patrol. Or quadruple the border patrol.”

The problem is, however, even that increase in numbers wouldn’t help if the additional staff is only assigned to “processing duties,” instead of patrolling the border and sending illegal immigrants back home. A National Border Patrol Council spokesman, Hector Garza, recently told CNN, “At this point about 70 percent of our border patrol agents in this area are being reassigned for processing duties,” adding, “What that means is that we’re leaving approximately 30 percent of our Border Patrol agents to actually do field work, to actually patrol our border, and what that creates is a very porous border where dangerous criminals, dangerous drugs are entering our country undetected, and they’re making their way to our communities.”

He later told Fox News’ Sean Hannity that the federal government is “aiding and abetting” the illegal aliens, and that he’s been told not to speak out. He said he is speaking for the agents: “The federal government is actually completing the smuggling cycle by having a parent sending their child to the U.S. border, having them smuggled. That is only part of the smuggling cycle. Then the federal government steps in. We apprehend them. We process [inaudible] them and release them to their family members in the U.S. We just completed that smuggling cycle. Why would anybody want to hire a smuggler when the U.S. government is actually doing it for free?”

Garza is just the kind of public servant that America badly needs more of these days. He won’t be intimidated into keeping quiet about a disastrous situation that he sees and deals with directly on a daily basis. He said that their agents are constantly under attack by the drug cartels, including having shots fired at them, and they’ve even had the Mexican military attack their agents.

Added Garza: “Our border patrol agents come to work every day with their head up high. They’re very good at what they do. We are trained very well. However, at this point our resources are running dry and morale is at a very low level. But our agents continue to do their job as best as they can.”

Also making their way to our communities are unaccompanied children and women with children who are being smuggled in by “coyotes.” Many of these children become victims of sex or criminal abuse during the journey. Facilities are becoming overrun with immigrants suffering from mental, emotional, and physical illnesses such lice, scabies, tuberculosis and chicken pox. In order to keep this information from the public, the Department of Health and Human Services imposed a gag order so that the staff at one facility couldn’t tell the press anything. Even a Congressman was initially not allowed to enter a different facility, until he repeatedly pushed for it.

Continuing their strong-arm tactics with the press, the administration issued a series of rules for the media visiting Fort Sill: don’t record anything, ask questions, or, in general, do the investigative work of good journalism. In addition, pictures were to be provided afterwards for the media’s use. One wonders how the media would have reacted had the Bush administration put such restrictions on them during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

If history foretells the future, the administration is again offering thin promises on immigration. “If those children do not have a legal basis for remaining in this country, as I mentioned, it’s unlikely those children will be found to qualify for humanitarian relief, they’ll be sent back,” said press secretary Josh Earnest. Really? As we reported earlier, “If you’re an unaccompanied minor, or in legalese an unaccompanied alien child (UAC), you can count on social services and pro-bono legal support to help you stay in the country and reunite with relatives who already live here.” More specifically, Safe Passage Project Director Lenni Benson told The New York Times in May that 90 percent of UACs “qualify for immigration relief, allowing them to remain in the United States legally.”

In addition, “The vast majority of 50,000 unaccompanied youths and children who have illegally crossed the Texas border during the last few months have been successfully delivered by federal agencies to their relatives living in the United States..,” reports The Daily Caller. “A second New York Times article report revealed that officials have caught an additional 240,000 Central American migrants since April, and are transporting many of them to their destinations throughout the United States.” Mothers and children are caught by the Border Patrol, safely picked up, and then bused throughout the United States with the thin requirement that they later appear at a deportation court proceeding.

President Obama would like Americans to believe that his latest initiative in requesting additional funding from Congress and the power to expedite the deportation of Central American illegal alien children means that he truly is getting tough on immigration, and that he’s not ignoring what’s happening south of the border. He has chosen to conveniently blame this on a 2008 law that was passed by a bipartisan vote under President Bush. This law forbids the government from sending back non-Mexican illegal alien children “rapidly,” according to The New York Times.

To this, we must ask “why the crisis now?” The influx of immigrants has been blamed on increasing violence in three countries—El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala. Honduras has had the highest murder rate of any nation for years, with 85.5 of 100,000 people murdered in 2012, 79 of 100,000 in 2013, and 90.4 of 100,000 in 2014, according to Reuters and CNN. Permissive immigration policies by President Obama have allowed the influx of immigrants, wooed by rumors that they may get to stay in the United States, providing the impetus to begin their long journey. For example, the Daily Caller reports, “Top immigration officials choose to not check if the relatives or parents who pick up the children are in the country legally.”

Mexico, which has much stricter immigration enforcement on its southern border than we do, announced last week in a joint press conference with its president and the president of Guatemala that it would be facilitating a 72-hour safe passage permit to move through Mexico to the U.S. border, including providing “financial assistance” and emergency medical care for people crossing their border from Guatemala or Belize.

But amidst all of this we have another longstanding crisis: a journalistic crisis. The media establishment is simply unable to describe the manufactured crisis that is happening because journalists are muzzled by AP Stylebook standards. As National Review recounts:

“In 2013, the Associated Press Stylebook, a guidebook used by newspapers nationwide, eliminated the term ‘illegal immigrant’ from its pages. ‘People who were brought into the country as children should not be described as having immigrated illegally,’ the stylebook for news reporters reads. ‘For people granted a temporary right to remain in the U.S. under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, use temporary resident status, with details on the program lower in the story.’ The guide also gives this direction: ‘Except in direct quotations, do not use the terms illegal alien, an illegal, illegals or undocumented’” (emphasis in original).

In other words, papers such as The New York Times freely refer to illegal immigrants as just “immigrants,” and other news outlets such as CNN allow their sources to equate anti-illegal immigrant sentiments with “anti-immigrant” hatred. The Times even argues that “The besieged border is a myth, and the arrival of a few thousand weary refugee children on buses does not make the myth true.” This type of confusion and distortion should not continue, for the good of the country.

Roger Aronoff is the Editor of Accuracy in Media, and a member of the Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi. He can be contacted at roger.aronoff@aim.org.



Dick Morris: Border Crisis Could ‘Wipe Out’ Democrats in Midterms

17 Jul 2014 By Sean Piccoli

The flood of undocumented migrants into the United States might become an electoral tsunami that sweeps away Democrats in the November elections, handing control of the Senate to the GOP, political analyst Dick Morris told Newsmax TV on Thursday.

The border crisis that has now spilled over into U.S. communities is creating political conditions that could produce Republican majorities in both houses next January, Newsmax contributor Morris told “MidPoint” host Ed Berliner.

Morris laid out a scenario for Senate realignment that connects developments in Washington to growing national anxiety over the immigration crisis:

- As protests multiply in communities where the federal government had hoped to shelter the new arrivals, pressure will grow on the president to deal with, and to repatriate, thousands of the children from Central America who crossed the border alone in recent weeks and months.

– Republicans in Congress, sensing opinion on their side, will demand concessions from the president in exchange for his $3.7 billion emergency aid request: a reversal of the president’s 2012 policy easing child deportations; and his consent to changes in a 2008 law that also prevents rapid repatriation of children from certain countries.

– As the president considers the GOP offer, the Senate as a whole under Majority Leader Harry Reid will object to concessions that anger Hispanic voters who want amnesty and a path toward citizenship for the new arrivals.

– The resulting stalemate will leave a group of Reid’s Democratic colleagues up for re-election this fall in a difficult position: facing a backlash from voters who are increasingly troubled by the crisis.

“They are out there, vulnerable, because when Obama is sending out this [emergency] funding bill, the Republicans are going to say… ‘We won’t give it to you unless you repeal the statutory protections these kids have so that we can send them right back.’

“At that point, the Senate Democrats will say, ‘No, we don’t want to send them right back,’ and that could wipe them out in the midterm elections,” said Morris.

Morris said the crisis is already opening a rift between Democrats who support deportations and those who want undocumented immigrants to resettle here. But he said the larger dynamic at work is public outrage fueled in part by horror stories of Americans being harmed by illegal immigrants.

“All of those stories will have legs and ultimately come to dominate the debate,” Morris said.

Morris also questioned the underlying rationale for the exodus of children who are said to be fleeing drug gang violence in countries such as Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. He called that story a “myth”

“I’ve done a bunch of campaigns in Guatemala, in El Salvador, and in Honduras, and those countries right now are safer than they’ve normally been,” he said. “There’s no civil war going on — there was for 30 or 40 years. There are no death squads. … The idea that these kids are fleeing violence is really irrational.”

He said Americans are more concerned about crises at home.

“There’s nothing about northern Guatemala that has the north side of Chicago beat: the crime rate, the murder rate, the death rate isn’t all that different,” he said. “There, it’s, ‘Let’s protect our own kids and our own neighborhoods first.’ “


RINO John McCain: It’ll Take an Open Borders GOP to Defeat Hillary

17 Jul 2014 by Dan Riehl

Along with citing a list of ‘moderate’ GOP governors with last names like Bush and Christie as potential 2016 GOP presidential candidates, “Arizona Sen. John McCain said Thursday that he believes Republicans can defeat former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in 2016, but only if they pass immigration reform.”

Calling Hillary Clinton the “odds-on favorite right now“ to win the White House in 2016, McCain added, “I expect it to be very competitive, except if we don’t enact some kind of comprehensive immigration reform, I do not see a way for us to really win a general election.”

McCain also said he would continue to “hope and pray and work” to get comprehensive immigration reform through the GOP controlled House.

Passing immigration reform was the sole policy recommendation of the 2013 Republican Party autopsy into its 2012 rout, but the House Republican conference has repeatedly blocked any action on the measure since the Senate passed a reform bill last year.

“Hopefully my colleagues in the House will realize the same demographics that I am referring to and that they will at least in some way bring up immigration reform, whether it’s piecemeal, whether it’s one-at-a-time,” he said. “I think as the 2016 campaign gets closer that my colleagues will recognize … that we are marginalizing the Republican Party,” McCain added.

RINO McCain also supports and meets with Islamic Terrorist. With open borders the terrorists would continue to flow into our country.


FEMA Sets Up Camp At New Illegal Alien Detention Facility

Agency likely using border collapse to determine how to construct detention camps for government-declared emergencies

July 18, 2014 by Kit Daniels & Adan Salazar

Federal Emergency Management Agency vehicles were spotted outside a new illegal alien shelter in McAllen, Texas, raising concerns that FEMA is using the border collapse to determine how to construct and manage detention centers for Americans during a government-declared crisis.

Both FEMA and the Border Patrol were present during construction of the new 55,000 square foot shelter, which is expected to house up to 1,000 immigrant children just three miles north of the border, and subcontractors were moving quickly to erect privacy fences to keep the controversial facility out of public view.

Nestled in a manufacturing complex less than a mile from the McAllen Border Patrol station, the revamped warehouse features benches, sleeping mats, laundry facilities, a recreational area, a mess hall and isolation units.

The shelter is divided into four sections, which each section containing holding cells for 252 detainees guarded by raised observation towers.

But the fact that FEMA is becoming more involved in detention facilities for illegal aliens is definitely stroking fears that the design of these shelters will later be used to build centers for housing citizens during civil unrest or an economic crisis.

FEMA has already been developing a network of emergency detention camps across the United States for the past several years.

In a 2011 document entitled “Project Overview and Anticipated Project Requirements,” Kellogg, Brown & Root (KBR) Services, a FEMA contractor, sought out subcontractors to provide temporary camp services “as part of its current and future emergency services contracts for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).”

Subcontractors sought included fencing companies for temporary barricades, laundry services, medical care and catering companies that could provide meals for up to 1,000 people.

Two years before, Congress passed the National Emergency Centers Act (HR 645) which mandated the establishment of “national emergency centers” on military installations to provide “temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster.”

But the legislation was written to also “meet other appropriate needs, as determined by the Secretary of Homeland Security,” a broad mandate which many have feared could lead to the forced detention of Americans during a government-declared crisis.

These fears are valid considering how KBR began its partnership with FEMA on the planning of potential illegal alien shelters, which have now been implemented across the country, and since demand for the U.S. dollar is faltering across the globe, there is a real risk of a domestic economic collapse to which FEMA will respond by corralling protestors inside detention facilities similar to this one being built in McAllen, Texas.


The United States is COLLAPSING — And the American Public DOESN’T CARE

July 15, 2014

Former CIA officer Kevin Shipp, author of From the Company of Shadows, brings forth the frightening possibility that President Barack Obama is secretly aiding Islamic radicals who seek to impose Sharia law throughout the world.




Tagged: abortion, al-Qaida, “Muslim Mafia, benghazi, Caliphate, Chemical Weapons, Christian, collapse of America, Constitution, dictator, foreclosure, Hamas, immigration, IRS, Islam, Islamist, Israel, jihad, Muslim Brotherhood, Nazi, NSA, Obama, obamacare, radical Islam, rights, Second Amendment, Syria, Tea Party, Tyrannical Government, voter fraud, White House

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