
-Here’s How We Can Slay The Liberal Racism Monster…Once And For All
-Democrats Refuse to Back Rockefeller’s Racial Attack Against GOP
-Mark Cuban, Stephen A. Smith and the dirty little secret about blacks and racism

I am sick and tired of the fake, manufactured racism of the race-haters.

This 4th of July at Gettysburg, PA, Americans of all colors will come together to proclaim the USA is one nation under God…and to destroy the manufactured racism of the left.


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Democrats Refuse to Back Rockefeller’s Racial Attack Against GOP

23 May 2014 by John Nolte

After accusing Republicans of opposing President Obama’s agenda because he’s the “wrong color,” retiring Senator Jay Rockefeller (R-WV) found no support among his fellow Democrats. Politico reports that “On Thursday, no Democrats publicly rushed to back Rockefeller’s assertion[.]“

Even Harry Reid, the radical and unbalanced Democrat leader of the Senate refused to back his colleague.

“Between the two of them. I’m staying out of it,” Reid said. “I mean, it’s something I should stay out of and I’m going to.”

Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI), the only Republican in the room when Rockefeller made the remark, did comment. He fired back immediately:

“It was regrettable and I would say it was offensive … that you would play the race card.”

“That you would say that opposition to Obamacare necessarily must stream from some inherent racism? Very offensive. Listen, my opposition to health care has nothing to do with the race of President Obama,” Johnson said. “It is the greatest assault on our freedom in my lifetime.”

Senator Tim Scott, a black Republican from South Carolina who opposes Obama’s agenda as vigorously as any white Republican, told Politico that Rockefeller’s comments were about appealing to the “lowest common denominator” and were “inconsistent with the truth.”

“The president in my presence has said himself that Obamacare is a name that he likes. So to think that somehow there is a racial component to the name of Obamacare, is just ridiculous. And to think that we don’t like the health care law because of race is ridiculous,” Scott said. “Obviously, I have no ill will toward the president because of his race.”

Scott wasn’t sure whether offering his opinion to Rockefeller would make much difference and seemed to harbor no anger toward Rockefeller, regardless of how strongly he disagreed with him.

“You know I just think it’s unfortunate that we find a way to try to divide and conquer,” Scott said. But, he added, “I can’t judge another man’s heart.”

Rockefeller was elected to the United States Senate in 1985 and until 2010 was the junior West Virginia Senator to Democrat Robert Byrd, who for nine years was a high-ranking member in the Ku Klux Klan. Less than a year ago, Rockefeller posted this tribute to “his great friend.”

Follow John Nolte on Twitter @NolteNC


Mark Cuban, Stephen A. Smith and the dirty little secret about blacks and racism

May 24, 2014 by Allen West

Let me state this up front, I stand with ESPN commentator Stephen A. Smith. I am sick and tired of race-baiting pimps in the black community always attacking other blacks because they speak the honest truth. I know what it means to be called an Uncle Tom, sellout, Oreo, white man’s porch monkey, and house Negro. Mr. Smith’s response to his ignorant accusers was spot on. Here it is if you’ve missed it.

This entire episode began with Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban’s reference to crossing the street to avoid a young black kid in a hoodie or a bald white male with tattoos all over his neck and face — relating to a sense of fear for his personal security.

It’s a funny thing –civil rights icon and race hustler entrepreneur, Reverend Jesse Jackson Sr. admitted 20 years ago, “There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. Then look around and see somebody white and feel relieved… After all we have been through. Just to think we can’t walk down our own streets, how humiliating.”

So the dirty little secret is that blacks get upset when they’re called out for their abhorrent behavior and then lash out at those who are just as black for doing the same. We’re at a point in America where the term racism means little to nothing. It has become a political battering ram and a growing number are just simply tired of hearing about it. The fateful result will be that when it actually presents itself, no one will pay attention.

Mark Cuban succumbed to the pressure and apologized, but he had no reason to, and Stephen A. Smith was right to step in and “cover his six.” And you detractors all know that I stand with Smith when he says, “I don’t give a damn” what you say about me. The truth prevails, and name-calling just confirms a lack of intellectual rigor.

Welcome to the club, Brother Stephen!


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