
Welcome to my deconstructed ice cream maker lemon biscuits.

If you have been reading my food blog for a while you’ll know that I am absolutely addicted to Masterchef and love the idea of deconstructed recipes. The idea that you could take a simple recipe that everyone knows and loves and using the same ingredients turns it into something different.

Well this is what you have here.

We have traditional lemon biscuits that I make all the time and have become a tradition especially over the Christmas months. Add to this the fact that our lemon tree seems to have more lemons than we can physically use, it makes a perfect summer treat.

It features homemade lemon ice cream in the ice cream maker with a layer of lemon biscuit and lemon biscuits in the ice cream itself. Place it in the oven on sticks and you have delicious summer lollies. Or alternative freeze in nice little containers and you have individual ice creams for you and the kids this summer.

You also don’t need many lemon biscuits so you could simply make some lemon biscuits to take to a barbeque and then freeze the rest for your ice cream.

Deconstructed Ice Cream Maker Lemon Biscuits via @recipe_this
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Deconstructed Ice Cream Maker Lemon Biscuits



Serves: 10 lollies

Prep time:
20 mins

Cook time:
60 mins

Total time:
1 hour 20 mins

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For The Ice Cream:

250ml Whole Milk

250ml Single Cream

4 Medium Egg Yolks

125g Caster Sugar

1 Large Lemon (juice and rind)

For The Lemon Biscuits:

60g Butter

60g Caster Sugar

135g Self Raising Flour

1 Small Egg

1 Small Lemon (rind and juice)


Start by making your lemon biscuits – In a large bowl mix your flour and sugar together and then mix in the butter until it resembles breadcrumbs. Add the egg and lemon and mix well. Knead well until you have a biscuit dough. Make into biscuits and cook in the oven on a 180c heat for 10 minutes or until your biscuits are soft but not too hard. Put them to one side and allow to cool.

Make your ice cream while your biscuits are in the oven – whisk together the egg yolks with the sugar until they are nice and fluffy and light. Heat the milk and cream in a saucepan and add the lemon. Add the egg mixture to the pan and cook on a high heat stirring constantly. After 5 minutes place your pan in the fridge and allow to cool.

When your biscuits have cooled take 3 of your biscuits and make them into breadcrumbs and fill the bottom of your pots with them. Put them to one side.

In your ice cream maker add your cold partly made ice cream. Allow to whisk for 5 minutes and then add the rest of your lemon biscuits. Break them up into ⅕ of a biscuit at a time and allow it to mix up your ingredients.

Leave the ice cream maker to carry on doing its magic for 45 minutes.

Then place in your pots on top of the crumble and finally finish by placing a lolly stick in the top.

Freeze for 2 hours and then serve as you want them.


You could also alter this and make a chocolate ice cream with a cookie dough crumble. But I love the freshness of the lemons.


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