Hi everybody,
here you can find the current information about my "PENetwork"-manager project - primary for LiveXP, Win7PE, Win8PE and Win10PE systems.
The current version you can always download from 'my' personal website (http://penetwork.bplaced.net).
At the moment the most time I'm writing on PENM itself.
However, some older WinBuilder scripts for LiveXP and VistaPE you can still find there.
If you have any questions, suggestions or problems just let me know.
Tested by others and me with Win10, Win8.1, Win7 / Vista / XP / W2K3-source and VMWare / VirtualBox / QEmu / RealWorld - thank you all very much
Latest beta:
27.12.2015 (PENM 0.59 Beta 3)
Latest stable:
31.01.2014 (PENM 0.58.2):
- Changed: Recompiled with AutoIt3.3.0.0 to better work with virus scanners
No functional change!
Note!: network browsing doesn't work in QEMU by default cause of the buildin firewall
27.12.2015 (v0.59.B3):
- Fixed: Connection name not displayed if using WMI
- Fixed: Clicking and displaying of tray info window misbehavior during creating process
- Changed: TrayInfo sorted by connection name (first entry, then device name and network infos)
- Changed: WiFi physical type display to letters instead of letter icons to make it easier to add new types
- Changed: Better dynamic tray info window size
- Changed: Icons in shares GUI to same like in network browsing
- Changed: Device names in tray info window sorted
- Changed: Detection of installed network, tcpip and workstation services are checked if running
- Added: Connection name to TrayInfo
- Added: Tray icon activity is splitted to send/receive actions (all adapters)
- Added: New icons and sizes for different DPI sizes
- Added: Win10 detection
- Added: Show only connected devices in tray info window
- Added: Tray info colors (text, background, transparency) can be changed via ini color scheme/editor
- Added: Firewall tab
26.06.2015 (v0.59.B2):
- Fixed: Checkbox text display was truncated
- Fixed: Wrong display for radio boxes in advanced device tab
- Fixed: Wrong decryption for accounts/password with more than 56 characters
- Fixed: Profile applying via cmdline or on first startup if network already is installed
- Fixed: Wrong declined variable
- Fixed: Wrong ini patching routine caused corrupt inf files for PE1.X systems
- Fixed: Wrong tab display with using small tabs
- Changed: "Wpeinit" replaced with "Wpeutil InitializeNetwork" to install and start only needed network services
- Changed: Network adapter is disabled and enabled again instead of restarted after applying changes
- Added: GUI font selection (OS/selfdefined) in PENM/-editor
24.06.2014 (v0.59.B1)
- Fixed: /GUIDisable parameter doesn't work from cmdline
- Fixed: PENM profile editor did not load ini file if opened from PENM/profiles
- Fixed: Missed countdown finish in editor preview window
- Fixed: Wrong icons in editor preview window
- Fixed: Missing translation for WiFi preferred network list header
- Fixed: Driver copying routine rewritten
- Fixed: PENM don't open the specified page if selected
- Changed: Better DPI depended size
- Changed: GUIs now uses Windows system default message/dialog font
- Changed: If text expands button size, text is truncated and dots are added automatically
- Added: PENM profile editor can now used with /ini= and /profile= parameters
- Added: Check device interface type additional to detect wireless network adapter, works only in PE>=2.X
- Added: MAC address filter for ini
- Added: 'UseIniIcons' option
- Added: Disable OS font using in PENM ini ('UseOsFont'=No) and editor via preferences (MS Sans Serif is used instead like in older versions)
- Added: 'GlobalFont' entry for PENM ini to use an alternate font only if 'UseOSFont' is set to 'No'
- Added: Disable OS font in PENM -> Other tab
31.01.2014 (v0.58.2):
- Changed: Recompiled with AutoIt3.3.0.0
08.10.2013 (PENM v0.58.1):
- Fixed: GUIDisable mask option missing
07.10.2013 (PENM v0.58):
- Fixed: Missing translation applying after language change for connect menuitem in network browser
- Fixed: After saving new color scheme in profile editor it was not applied to the list of the existing schemes
- Fixed: Window focus on profile deleting in profile editor
- Fixed: Profile deleting in profile editor
- Fixed: Wrong label length calculation in network startup dialog
- Fixed: IP address was not deleted if last item in network browser window was removed
- Fixed: Missing color scheme apply on checkboxes if Windows styles are enabled
- Changed: Profile editor reworked
- Changed: Detailed PE version in debug log
- Changed: Position of tray info window now near the tray icon
- Added: Cmdline parameters /ini= for loading a specified ini file
- Added: Cmdline parameters /profile= for loading a specified profile directly from file
- Added: 'GUIDisable' mask parameter (ini, reg, cmdline) to show only some specific tabs ("Config"/"IP" & "About" are always shown)
- Added: Version infos for WIN_8.1/WIN_2012R2 (WinPE5.0)
- Added: Icon for AC wireless networks in available wireless networks
- Added: More ini options are changable via profile editor
- Added: Simple preview window in profile editor
- Added: Simple check for entered addresses (IP, SM, DG, DNS, WINS) in profile editor
- Added: Simple check for entered MAC address
- Added: Some more visible options to color schemes tab in profile editor
- Added: Key accelerators for profile editor
- Added: Tooltip for profiles file cause file path can be larger to display
- Added: Frame color for diabled buttons now changable via schemes/profile editor
02.01.2013 (PENM 0.58.B11):
- Fixed: Wrong button text for 'No' button if 'FocusNo' option is used
- Fixed: Wrong listing in profile selection dialog
- Fixed: Another drawing problem with tabs if no other program is open and another tab is selected
- Fixed: Profile description field not deleted when selected another ini file
- Fixed: Missing line for clipboard network adapters summary after WINS entry
- Changed: renamed cmdline parameter /autostart to /startprompt because autostart is already set to 'True' by default
- Changed: If a network card is deleted in profile editor the following adapter numbers are decreased automatically
- Added: Right click in network browser for direct connect network
- Added: Experimental simple filter for specific network adapter settings applying
- Added: Some more global ini options to profile editor
01.01.2012 (PENM 0.58.B10):
- Fixed: Problem with version string for driver copying process
31.12.2012 (PENM 0.58.B9):
- Fixed: Value "FirstRun" not being set correctly after first run
- Fixed: 63 chars limitation of DNS suffix -> 240 chars maximum
- Fixed: Error in subfunction to stop a service
- Fixed: Profiles: computername, workgroup and DNS suffix are not applied on first start under WinPE2.X/3.X (backchanged from Beta 1)
- Fixed: Description field in network browsing not clear on resetting
- Fixed: Wrong subnet mask automatically applied if no IP address was entered
- Fixed: CMDs executing after IP change were the same like after starting network, CMDs for executing after changes were ignored
- Fixed: Tab selected drawing problem if open last page option is used
- Changed: DrvCopy params, OS is ignored by default and used only if one of the CMD parameters is XP, /XP, 2003, /2003, Vista, /Vista, Win7, /Win7, Win8, /Win8
- Added: Keypressing 'Ctrl' + 'Alt' + 'c' OR 'a' in "IP settings GUI" -> copies infos of the selected OR all network adapter(s) (Device, MAC, IP, etc.) to clipboard
- Added: 'StartMode' to hide/show startup procedure - numeric value (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) -> 0 - Don't show, 1 - Center (default), 2 - TopLeft, 3 - TopRight, 4 - BottomLeft, 5 - BottomRight, 6 - Depends on systray position
- Added: Optional setting to save the last position of the main window on the Desktop
- Added: Version string to PENMDrvCopy.log, profile editor and wifi exporter for better detect which version is used in case of problems
- Added: Optional parameter /focusno or 'HKLM\SW\PENetwork\FocusNo' or in .ini to set the focus to the 'No' button on network startup dialog
- Added: Start 'Browser' service if not started for network browsing (needed for)
05.01.2012 (PENM 0.58.B8):
- Fixed: Problem with tray info window while reading DNS server string
- Fixed: 15 chars limitation of DNS suffix -> 63 chars maximum
15.04.2012 (PENM 0.58.B7):
- Fixed: Crash on 64bit while switching to 'Other' GUI
- Fixed: Missing internal change of an numeric value
14.04.2012 (PENM 0.58.B6):
- Fixed: Network adapter state icon not updated correctly if adapter selection was changed and state was the same like for the previous one
- Fixed: Language code detection problem cause of wrong comparing mode
- Fixed: Missing color applying for trace label/checkbox, hops label and result checkbox in Ident GUI
- Fixed: More than 1 DNS servers not shown correctly in different lines in Tray info window
- Fixed: Missing translations
- Changed: Maximum username length to UNLEN (256) and password length to PWLEN (256) in Shares GUI
- Changed: If a 'sharing' user could be added successfully then the password field is always filled with dots, on password input the dots are removed
- Removed: Unused stuff in 'Other' GUI (not finished cmdline things - will be maybe return in 'Profiles' GUI in a later version)
- Added: "LastPage" value to open specific or last used tab on startup
- Added: Using of WMI for applying IP settings (Experimental, needs working WMI under WinPE)
04.04.2012 (PENM 0.58.B5):
- Fixed: Wrong Subnetmask generating while changing directly IP in Properties GUI
- Fixed: Language file reading "MainTitle"
- Fixed: Again some more misbehaviour while using tray icon options
- Changed: Info dialog in tray replaced tooltip
- Changed: Old misbehaviour while changing IP adress in adress field
- Added: Network browsing items are now sorted
- Added: Network credentials dialog in network browsing if access to a resource item is restricted
- Added: Network browsing: workgroup/domain name is automatically added on first tab open
- Added: Deleting of created user for share access is possible now
- Added: Trace in 'Computer' tab
- Added: Last used ping/trace address is saved in registry and list is loaded on ping combo click
18.03.2012 (PENM 0.58.B4):
- Fixed: Empty IP address return if APIPA is set
- Fixed: Redraw error in editor for button frame color, was always reset to zero
- Fixed: Some misbehaviour while using tray icon options
- Fixed: Network drives tab: wrong connection display in list (state, count)
- Fixed: Network drives tab: connect to longer UNC paths failed
- Changed: WiFi services are only installed/started automatically if 1 wireless network card was detected
- Changed: Tray info, only 1st address on an interface is shown
- Added: Auto importing of WiFi XML files with preferred networks if min. 1 WiFi card was installed sucessfully
- Added: WiFi services are installed/started automatically if not installed yet and a new wireless network card
was inserted/detected (ie. USB adapter), also WiFi profiles are loaded if a network profile was loaded or WiFi XML files exist
- Added: Change WiFi profile position in preferred network list
24.01.2012 (PENM 0.58.B3):
- Fixed: Wrong detection of 'NDIS User I/O' driver installation state
22.01.2012 (PENM 0.58.B2):
- Fixed: Auto adding of WiFi WEP profile
- Fixed: Wrong profile reading/adding of WiFi autoconnect, hiddenconnect and adhoc type
- Changed: Internal WiFi start/end/install routine
- Removed: Debugging of changed network activity cause of too much lines in debug log file
05.01.2012 (PENM 0.58.B1 -> Beta 1):
A new beta version was published.
- Fixed: PE2.X/3.X - computername/workgroup was not set before starting 'wpeinit'
- Fixed: 'Ping' not stopped if you want to change the tab
- Fixed: Re-Applying of nonchanged WiFi profile under WinVista/7/PE2.X/3.X failed
- Fixed: Missing WiFi profile delete function in profile editor
- Fixed: 'NLA' service name now 'NLASVC' in newer OS
- Changed: Internal OS detection and debug infos for OS
- Added: Pressing 'ENTER' in Ping address input field starts/stops pinging and small info whil trying to ping
- Added: OS >= Win7/PE3.X allows showing of local saved WiFi keys
- Added: Logfile can be deleted easily now in 'Other' tab
- Added: 1 line for using bartpe.exe if used standalone under BartPE
- Added: Open profile file with PENM editor in 'Profiles' tab
- Added: Option to choose internal PENM or OS WiFi profile UI (reactivated) for editing
- Added: Some tooltips in 'Profiles' tab for small buttons
- Added: Doubleclick on shares or network drives list open folder with default file manager
06.01.2012 (PENM 0.57.2):
- Fixed: Alignment bug in structure SP_DRVINFO_DATA and SP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA
05.01.2012 (PENM 0.57.1):
- Fixed: Only first DNS/WINS/DG address is shown DHCP info dialog
- Fixed: Wrong size of structure SP_DRVINFO_DATA and SP_DRVINFO_DETAIL_DATA
- Changed: Some small cosmetic changes (ie. input fields positions in Shares tab)
- Changed: 'Silver' scheme is default scheme and old grey one is 'Classic' now
03.01.2012 (PENM 0.57):
After a long time a new version arrived.
- Fixed: 64bit - current WiFi connection mark
- Fixed: Missing Adhoc profile in available WiFi network list
- Fixed: Listview column font misbehaviour
- Fixed: Missing non-broadcast flag on adding WiFi profile
- Fixed: Wrong type saving on adding WiFi adhoc profile
- Fixed: Wrong speed menu items on speed button for some network adapters
- Fixed: Wrong background color on MAC change dialog for current address
- Fixed: Network card detection/install on 64bit
- Fixed: Run commands after initializing network
- Fixed: 64bit - bug in shares GUI, user query
- Fixed: Autoloading of WiFi profiles
- Fixed: File sharing tab wrong type detection of special shares like IPC$, ADMIN$, etc.
- Fixed: GUI size while switching between full and small tabs
- Changed: WiFi profile changing behaviour
- Changed: Tab item behaviour on click
- Changed: Profile editor now saves last used config files
- Changed: Start of main GUI
- Changed: DHCP info dialog
- Changed: GUI refreshing to reduce a little bit only flickering
- Changed: Language strings are set to english defaults before loading another language
- Changed: Small changes for GUI frame colors (Main, Properties, WiFi)
- Changed: Language string now saved in HKCU
- Added: Profile copying in editor
- Added: Profile editor loading file with external editor
- Added: Network browsing in network drives tab
- Added: Profile loading file with external editor
- Added: Profile editor: possiblity to change the GUI frame colors (Main, Properties, WiFi)
05.08.2009 (PENM 0.56 / internal 0.55 was unpublished):
- Fixed: WiFi key - now '&', '<', '>' characters will be stored correctly
- Fixed: Internal script bug with some disabled controls - bug not in compiled mode
- Fixed: Missing 'Then' on StartWiFi function
- Added: Window position will be saved and loaded on GUI start
- Removed: Some unused not finished stuff
15.07.2009 (PENM 0.54):
- Changed: Internal handling of .icl-file - now using of "PENetwork.icl" in script dir
- Added: Registering of rsaenh.dll after WiFi service installing to connect to
WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK networks
11.07.2009 - v36 (PENM 0.53):
- Fixed: Wrong color values in profile editor
- Fixed: Missing color scheme elements combo in profile editor
- Fixed: Error while connecting to nonsecured wireless adhoc network
- Fixed: Case sensitive bug in WiFi available/prefered connections list
- Fixed: Wrong color value for WiFi connected list entry save
- Fixed: Case sensitive bug in WiFi direct connect
- Fixed: Wrong DNS/WINS button text after language switching
- Changed: Removed limitation for wireless adhoc network to only connect manually
- Changed: Some internal color handling if controls are disabled
- Changed: Internal color handling for some static controls
- Changed: Sub open/save dialogs parents
- Changed: Now more instances of profile editor/wifi exporter are allowed, also if editor/exporter is still opened WB script will run normally
- Added: Possibility of updating PENM itself in the script directly (similar to script for VPE/W7PE)
- Added: Sample profile ini file included with 2 profiles (DHCP, static) and 2 color schemes (Silver, Dark)
12.01.2009 (v34 - PENM 0.45):
- Changed: RegDelete command changed to RegWrite empty value
11.01.2009 (v33 - PENM 0.45):
- Fixed: Wrong close button text on main GUI after starting network
- Fixed: Missing status label on after minimizing main GUI
- Fixed: Missing icons under Win2003 based PE
- Fixed: Wrong parameter in driver copying process
- Fixed: GUI won't come up if minimized to tray and should restart by shortcut clicking- Fixed: Missing language string in computer ident GUI
- Changed: GUI- Added: GUI colors
16.11.2008 (v32 - PENM 0.44):
- Fixed: double function call with source XPSP3
- Fixed: fonts error after changing IP settings
- Fixed: wrong speed info sometimes in config GUI and wrong DNS in DHCP info GUI
- Changed: APIPA mode back to old behaviour (will later include an option in the profile editor)
- Added: profile reloading/changing GUI
- Added: option to set startup prompt to OnTop window
12.10.2008 (v30 - PENM 0.43):
- Fixed/Changed/Added: a lot of things since v25 (thanks to all for reporting bugs, suggestions and ideas )
01.10.2008 (v29 beta):
- Bugfixing release
20.08.2008 (v01 for VistaPE v11):
With VistaPEv12beta there are some problems I still try to solve so it just takes a little bit to make it also run with the new version.
So cause there are some internal changes there could be some other errors.
Also the WiFi-functions are again in developement - so they not much functional (it should be however possible to connect to aWEP/WPA-PSK private network - tried with Realtek USB stick).
For now you have to create at first a Wifi profile in the 'Prefered networks' tab.
After that you can also change it - in PE20 there is used then the Vista config dialog.
- Changed: again the driver copy function to work better now with VistaPE.
- Added: debug function now also available in the 'Others' tab to view easier the logfile.
12.08.2008 (v28 beta):
- Changed: some internal stuff to copy drivers (now using of SetupXXXXX-functions from setupapi.dll)
11.08.2008 (v28 beta):
- Fixed: Some things- Changed: Some internal things
- Added: Adapter advanced settings tab
26.07.2008 (v27 beta):
- Fixed: Some things
- Added:additional commands after starting network
- Added: network device speed setting
- Added: network drive mapping
- Added: starting of services even if not network card was found
09.03.2008 (v26 beta):
- Added: XP SP3 support
- Added: MAC changing
- Added: possibility to start sharing and adding users/accounts after starting network (only with using profiles)
18.11.2007 (v0.39):
- Fixed/Changed/Added: some things
18.07.2007 (v0.37):
- Changed: Only a few internal changes
- Added: Network startup countdown
- Added: IP Auto configuration - not set by default, you can set it in the script
-> if "IP Auto configuration" is enabled then if the network adapter could not getan IP from DHCP server the adapter will get the address from the class B network: infos here)
27.06.2007 (v0.36):
- Fixed: Stop service error
- Fixed: False service state after language switching
- Added: Logfile for processing driver copy -> a logfile is created as "%Temp%\PENMDrvCpy.txt"
22.06.2007 (v0.36):
- Fixed: Missing TABSTOP in profile selector dialog
- Fixed: Profile applying not working if TCP/IP is autostarted while installing
- Fixed: Some device detecting problems (no more other devices than network devices are tried to install)
- Changed: Some internal changes
- Changed: Removed blank password limitation for folder sharing
- Added: Autostart File Sharing- Added: Predefined network drive paths
31.05.2007 (v0.36):
- Fixed: Missed error string in folder sharing
- Fixed: Last selected language not reused after closing
- Changed: Font to DEFAULT_GUI_FONT
- Added: driver files are now also copied from subdirs of the selected driver folder
(- Added: WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW-Exstyle to inf-patching/drv-copying GUI to prevent taskbar entry)
26.05.2007 (v0.36):
- Fixed: IP changing/renewing - Unicode problems
- Fixed: Profile setting if more than 1 available network devices
- Fixed: Starting PENetwork Manager if TCPIP is already installed (i.e. manually or by other tool)
- Fixed: Language not rightly applied to adapter speed string
- Fixed: Removed initest.txt from creating while ini-patching (was just for debugging)
- Changed: Tab order in network drives dialog
- Changed: Some internal GUI stuff
- Added: Simple debug mode - file written to %Temp%\PENMDebug.txt
- Added: Buildin driver copy (cause of missing some additional driver files)
08.05.2007 (still v0.35):
- Fixed: "Profile Creator" Unicode support (also for Profile Selector on startup)
-> best is to create a new profile ini then it's automatically saved as Unicode
- Fixed: Countdown timer on profile selection doesn't stop
- Fixed: Adding of an address deletes 'Other'-tab
- Changed: DHCP-Info-GUI server entries layout- Changed: Some default values from inifile to registry cause of missing WB-unicode ini writing
- Open: "Workgroup" is not used from profile - will solve this bug later in the evening...
06.05.2007 - 2.Upd.:
- Fixed: MessageBox ANSI -> Unicode (i.e. DHCP-Info)
- Fixed: ListView controls with Unicode (tooks me half of the day;))
- Fixed: Error while shuttingdown Windows (enum network adapters false return) (thanks to thunn)
- Changed: Network drive lettes always A-Z
06.05.2007 (v0.35):
- Fixed: Missing network (dis)connect dialog in Explorer (WB-script)
- Fixed: Some missing translation
- Fixed: Missing error messages for network drive connect
- Fixed: Wrong GUI resizing while language changing
- Fixed: Wrong MRU-list number (changed from 16 to 30 max.)
- Fixed: Tray tooltip not updated on just minimizing to tray
- Fixed: Wrong limitation of username length for network drives connect
- Fixed: Profile selection countdown timer in QEMU (timer now using WM_TIMER)
- Open: String placement in DHCP-info dialog in other languages
03.05.2007 (v0.34):
- New: compiled in Unicode-Beta-Autoit-version
- Fixed: Some language depended control settings (GUI title, size, etc.)
- Fixed: Some missing translation
- Changed: Some language dependent control settings
- Added: inf-patching now buildin cause of Unicode-Autoit-version
01.05.2007 (v0.33):
- Fixed: Some wrong IP settings changings effects
- Changed: Main selection from Listview to Tabcontrol for better language support
- Added: Simple language support for the PENM (English/German included - inifiles with ".lng" extension);not profile editor yet
27.04.2007 (v0.32):
- Fixed: Selection of static DNS/WINS/DG with DHCP and static DNS/WINS/DG
- Fixed: False speed detection on disconnected device
- Fixed: Static IP selection in DHCP mode and false device restarting
- Fixed: Network drives MRU
- Changed: Share username inputbox to combobox
- Changed: GUI-redesign
- Changed: Replaced NetUserEnum by NetLocalGroupGetMembers
- Changed: Replaced selfcreated MRU procedure with CreateMRUListW, AddMRUStringW, etc.
- Changed: Profile Editor: Countdown/Default profile
- Added: Network drives used history
- Added: Mouse cursor wait icon while refreshing something (devices, shares, etc.)
- Added: Profile Editor/Profile Selector
- Added: GUI is restored if running in tray or mimized to taskbar - and starting another instance
- Open: Countdown timer doesnt work correctly in QEMU
14.02.2007 (v0.28):
- Fixed: stopping service only stopped dependend services (thanks to TheHive for info)
- Fixed: forcing/checking if "Computer Browser" is running- Removed: Msgbox for starting file sharing (username/password)
- Added: a label with info about username/password to use file sharing
11.02.2007 (v0.27):
- Fixed: missing listbox constants (exe)
- Fixed: shares -> autohiding of input fields (exe)
- Fixed: tray activities item -> checked state
- Changed: if starting "File Sharing" only just one info for putting in username/password (exe)
- Changed: server service stop message
- Changed: closing GUI with OK will not exit PENetwork if "activities showing" is activated/used
- Changed: rechanged tray icon on activities to look more like network activities icon;)
- Added: simple connection activity in tray (only 1 icon - same - like in vista) (exe/script)
- Added: small icon in shares list for reflecting hidden/normal visible shares (idea by "TheHive" - thanks )
- Added: optional "closing to tray" (not fully per script)
- Open: direct network browsing from ie. start -> run
07.02.2007 (v0.25):
- Fixed: network drives path limitation
- Fixed: network drives list too few entries
- Added: sharing of additional folders
- Added: small contextmenu to shares/drives-lists
- Added: browsing network
- Changed: automatically minimize to tray after loading
04.02.2007 (v0.23):
- Fixed: like everytime some small things, you know there is always something to fix;)
- Added: Listing of local shared drives (sharing of additional folders is in progress)
- Added: Network drives dialog (adding/deleting of network drive connections)
- Added: some ini-cmds (like i.e. enable minimizing to tray on GUI-start
31.01.2007 (v0.22):
- fast bugfix release
- Fixed: device detection should now work with LiveXP (only testes with XPSP2, W2K3SP1 crashes here)
- Fixed: registering of netcfgx.dll only if it is not registered (did the registering every time)
- Changed: only 1 instance of the GUI will be running
30.01.2007 (v0.22):- Fixed: some;)
- Fixed: only applying changes to the system if there are some
- Fixed: "workgroup" was reseted to "workgroup" on every start
- Added (script): extract-button to only extract the exe;for the future if there are more changes to the exe than the script itself
- Changed (script): moved automatically starting of PENetwork to Startmenu/Autostart-group- Added (exe): setting computername/workgroup should now work
27.01.2007 (v0.21):
- Published new version
- Fixed some bugs- Added File sharing and simple ping
22./23.01.2007 (v0.21):
- File sharing is finished, needs some minimal optimization but works.
21.01.2007 (v0.21):
- File sharing is working so far 'standalone' - ready to implement
20.01.2007 (v0.21):
- File sharing is in progress
- Ping() is finished so far
Screenshots of PENM at work:
Latest beta:
Latest stable:
Dark color scheme: