When we are on the ball in our house, the girls have and use our version of a Dave Ramsey commission chart* aka a chore chart for kids that we created for their various jobs around the house. We sat down and discussed the various things that they were capable (we started it at ages 6 and 4) put it on a chart and discussed with the girls. We don’t call them “chores”, but jobs to earn a commission (based on Dave Ramsey’s teachings). Some people differentiate here and have chores that are required things around the house and jobs that are for commission. It really depends how you want your job charts for kids set up. And, if you want to scroll down, I’ve got a plethora of other chore charts for kids that you can grab as well.
We were definitely late to jump on the band wagon to get the girls helping around the house. But, with four kids living here, they needed to help out so we could help them out. And as my mom always taught me, better late than never.
Of course, your mileage will vary with these jobs and the list, but maybe it will add an idea for you and your family and getting the kids involved.
1. (Wash and) Put clean clothes away and hang up necessary clothes.
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It took a while, but we can give the older two their clothes to be put into their dressers. And, we can give them hangers and shirts and dresses to be hung up in the closet. The key here is they can’t argue or boss each other around! As they get older, you can start teaching them how to put their laundry in the washing machine, set the machine and transfer the clothes the dryer. There are steps here that can be added as your child gets older and you feel they are ready to handle them.
One thing that really helps with them doing their own laundry is getting them their own pre-measured laundry pods. This way, they don’t have to worry about measuring out the right amount of detergent for their laundry. Of course, this is after having a conversation about laundry detergent and pods and how they are to keep them far away from their siblings and wash their hands after using them.
2. Set the table.
Starting at a very early age, they can put placemats, napkins, plates and utensils on the table at every seat. Sometimes this is the most challenging job! Sometimes it’s because siblings fight each other over it!
3. Clear and wipe the kitchen table after dinner.
They have started to appreciate a clean and tidy table more now that they see what has to be done after every meal. They are also more likely to do a better job of trying not to make a mess. Of course, they are just trying, but trying is better than nothing when it comes to jobs around the house for kids. Trying is like 99% of it!
4. Vacuum the kitchen floor after dinner.
Shark Rotator Powered Lift-Away TruePet (NV752)
I don’t know how they eat sometimes but the floor is a mess. They are very capable of vacuuming the floor and getting everything up. Since we were sent the Shark Rotator Powered Lift-Away Vacuum they actually argue over who gets to vacuum the floor. In fact I’ve seen them take the vacuum into their play room and bedroom just to vacuum the floor. The fact that the canister lifts off the wand and comes with a caddy means they can push/pull it around and use it without carrying the weight of the vacuum. In fact the Shark Rotator Powered Lift-Away Vacuum really has made job time easier for all of us. Even though it works like a traditional stand up vacuum cleaner (which we find a little heavy), we use it mostly in the lift away mode to easily vacuum under couches, tables and chairs.
This is the completely unrequested carpet cleaning on her own. I really like that they will grab the vacuum and clean the floors whenever they don’t look as good as they should. Of course, the paid on the floor isn’t going to come up with the vacuum, but it’s definitely a start.
5. Feed the pet/s (and possibly walk and clean up after them).
Our cat gets fed twice a day, so each of our oldest two children gets a feeding. One does morning and one does evening. This is one that they often ask their younger sisters to help out with because they can scoop food into a bowl. Start them young! If you have a dog, there’s a good chance your child can take them for a walk and / or scoop their waste up outside.
6. Clear and clean the living room floor.
The living room is where we spend most of our time. At the end of the day, it’s pretty obvious that we spend most of our time there, so the girls put away toys, books, blankets and anything else that needs to be put away. This is another one that you can start very early on. Signing the “Clean Up” song helps to encourage even the youngest of chore-doers.
7. Clean the toilets.
Yes, seriously. I mean, look at the oldest. She seriously spent 15 minutes in the bathroom cleaning the toilets. Cleaning that they love? It’s like a double bonus!
8. Empty the trashcans.
Not the big kitchen one, heck that’s hard for me. But, they can remove the bags from the bathroom trashcans and replace with new empty bags. We reserve this one for once a week, but if they notice one overflowing, they can change it out sooner!
9. Take the curb-side trashcans and recycling cans into the house.
When the cans have been emptied by our sanitation workers, the girls bring them back into the garage. They’ve been found racing to the garage with them many times! The trash cans get put away and the kids get some exercise. That’s definitely a win!
Job charts for kids really help get those kids helping out around the house! Feel free to go grab the commission chart I created if you’d like. The squares are colored in on the days that job is their responsibility. The oldest two sisters alternate some days and jobs. Make sure to save it yourself and then you can edit it as you see fit.
We have our chore charts for children hung up on a wall in the kitchen. Once they are printed out, I place them inside a transparent sheet protector and placed a dry erase marker near by. This way, the same chore chart could be used repeatedly until we changed the chores or something else happened.
While I do like our commission chart, there are a ton of other great kids chore charts out there that you can grab for free.
These printable chore charts for kids are great for little kids. They feature images in circles, velcro and a “needs to be done” and “done” column.
For smaller children, this Where Do Toys Sleep Sticker Chart allows children to earn a sticker once they have cleaned up their toys without whining.
This list of Spring Cleaning Jobs for Kids has chores broken down by age appropriateness from 3-10+.
Do your kids like Minions? Maybe this Daily Minion Chore Chart will work for them. This one has blanks for chores and a spot for each day of the week to mark of its completion.
This is definitely a twist on traditional chore charts…LEGOs build to make chore charts and show completion. It’s like they get to play after doing chores. Total genius.
A kids job chart that involves moving parts is great for more tactile learners. Plus this one is super cute.
This Responsibility and Chore Chart is a great culmination of all of the things; responsibilities, commissions, fines and bonuses.
Here is a great daily check list of Kitchen Clean-Up chores that can be divided up amongst family members.
This printable chore chart for boys is super hero themed, but honestly, I think it would work well for my girls, too.
Finding Dory and her friends make an appearance in this Chore Chart.
A super simple DIY chore chart makes for a great easy visual if a chore has been completed or not.
Chore charts are great for kids and with so many options, you are sure to find a method and chart that works well in your house.
Thank you to Shark for sending the vacuum. All thoughts are my own.
How do your children help around the house?