October 8, 2013
You listen for yourself, the final blow to take out all private health care and bring the one world health care plan that has been a plan since 1945.
What the Health & Human Services Secretary is basically saying in her interview with Jon Stewart...is the poor are going to get fucked whether they have money or not!
Selling and Shilling for corporate power and wealth, worked pretty well in 1945.
Will it work again? Will Americans fall for the ads instead of the truth?
Jon Stewart grills Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius on Obamacare:
'Incompetence Is Larger Than What It Should Be'
Jon Stewart accuses Kathleen Sebelius of lying
Obamacare The Shadow of the 1945 President Truman Act For A One Health Care System Still Trying To Get Passed
President Truman’s Commission on Health Needs of the Nation, established in 1951, noted striking health disparities based on economic, racial, and geographic factors.
Truman made repeated, unsuccessful efforts between 1945 and 1949 to establish compulsory health insurance coverage for all Americans.
Speaking a month after V-J Day, he said that every American has “the right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health.”
The Act that continues to fund research, and if cures were found money would stop...and the beat goes on suppressing cures for disease, because there's just to much money to be made when people are sick.
Federally supported research on children’s psychological well-being was inaugurated with the
passage of the National Mental Health Act of 1946, which created the National Institute of
Mental Health (NIMH).
NIMH, like other institutes of NIH, established both an intramural research program at its Bethesda, Md., campus and a much larger extramural program to support research by scientists at universities and elsewhere throughout the country.
The Cold War also increased federal educational activity by the creation of a system of schools for children of U.S. military personnel stationed at bases around the world.
The Department of Defense Dependent Schools overseas network was launched in 1946, and President Truman added a school system for domestic military bases in 1949,
partially intended to give service members’ children an alternative to the racially segregated
schools of the South.
There were no public schools in the U.S. at this time that were of mixed races, except for military bases. The Military Industrial Complex making its own rules and governing most of the world.
Demonstration grants to fund research on child welfare, to be administered by the Children’s
Bureau, were authorized under the Social Security Amendments of 1960.
These grants to university based scholars and social-welfare agencies were for research to determine the efficacy of programs ranging from services for neglected, abused, and mentally retarded children to ones relating to adoption, foster care, and unmarried mothers.
For the first time, the federal government intervened to require states to cooperate in
enforcement of child-support orders under the Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement of Support Act of 1950, which was amended in 1952, 1958, and 1968.
Creating laws that required states to comply whether they wanted to or not.
The 1961 Social Security Amendments established the “Flemming Rule,” creating a foster
care component to ADC.
Johnson’s presidency and the 88th and 89th Congresses—were a watershed in the expansion of federal support for initiatives to advance children’s health, education, and rights, as well as to ameliorate poverty among low-income children and families.
Although President Johnson launched his “Great Society” in 1964, in many ways, the flurry of social programs enacted under Presidents Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon can be subsumed under the rubric of the Great Society.
In 2001, Urban Institute study found that federal expenditures on children in real (1997) dollars grew 246 percent between 1960 and 1997, from $48.6 billion to $168.5 billion, with spending on poor children rising 23-fold from $5.1 billion to $117.3 billion.
What happened to this money!!!
It is clear to see that nothing has changed, but there is "NO" money!
Funds for wars under the guise of something else?
In 1962, 13 years after a National Institutes of Health (NIH) was established under the Truman Administration as part of the U.S. Public Health Service, President Kennedy successfully called on Congress to create a National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD).
The new NIH institute was to conduct and coordinate national biomedical and social science research on child and maternal health and on physical, intellectual, and emotional development. NICHD has supported research on birth defects and mental retardation, stimulated the expansion of pediatrics as a medical specialty, and provided an official
imprimatur to the idea that that adult health and behavior is shaped during childhood.
Since its founding, NICHD-sponsored research has contributed to significant declines in rates of infant mortality, mental retardation, respiratory distress syndrome, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, HIV transmission from mother to child, and infertility,
and has vastly expanded knowledge of psychosocial factors contributing to child and
family well-being.
And now Americans can have a better understanding, that they have been ruled under by the New World Order and used like Africans to be tested on for new drugs.
Now they want all the money and a One American Health Care System to legitimize the theft of money of a country that believed they were free.
As a result, the Congress authorized grants to states and communities for research and prevention as an amendment to the Social Security Act.
In order to better protect children against poliomyelitis, diphtheria, whooping cough, and
tetanus, the 1962 Vaccination Assistance Act provided funding to purchase and administer
vaccines to children under 5. Federally funded measles vaccines were added in 1965.
The National Immunization Program at the Centers for Disease Control came into being in 1963 The most dramatic Great Society legislation intended to improve the health and access to medical care among poor children and low-income adults was the establishment of Medicaid under the 1965 Social Security Amendments, which also established Medicare.
Medicaid was created as a means-tested social-welfare program to help low income children, pregnant women, people with disabilities, the elderly, and other vulnerable.
Expanded federal support for pregnancy, postpartum, and infant care, child health, and
dental care also was enabled by the Child Health Act of 1967, enacted as part of the Social Security Amendments of 1967.
Modifying Title V of Social Security, formula grants administered by HEW’s Maternal and Child Health Service (to which authority was transferred from the Children’s Bureau) were extended to state and local health departments for maternity clinics, family planning, well-child and pediatric clinics, “crippled” children’s clinics, dental health projects, and a variety of special projects.
The 1967 amendments also made it mandatory that all states provide foster care under AFDC where appropriate.
Creating ways through government control to create organizations to pull money out of American hands and into the NIH.
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance, or Food Stamps, program became law in 1964, providing federal vouchers to low-income Americans to buy groceries.
Keeping corporate money going...
Building on the federally subsidized school lunch program created 20 years earlier, the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 required the Department of Agriculture to disburse funds to states to serve breakfasts in school to low-income children.
Congress established the Summer Food Service Program in 1969.
The Child Nutrition Act was amended in 1972 to create the Supplemental Food Programs for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) to provide food vouchers, commodities, and nutrition programs to pregnant and postpartum mothers and children up to the age of 5; about 8 million Americans per month were served in 2007.
THE 1970S
One nation under fraud continue with fraudulent Acts to steal money by way of medical research an helping the poor for decades and only failed results, but want more money!
No one wants these programs to work...they are about the money.
Regime change...Americans need a new start and a president who isn't bought and sold!
Obamacare complete sellout for corporate reign and all the money!
No Justice...No Peace
Friendship/Love/Respect for all living things...