A few weeks ago I shared my broken hand menu plan. That week Joe helped me do a bunch of cooking on Sunday afternoon and I was able to easily heat meals at supper time each week. This was wonderful! It was super helpful since things like cutting and slicing is challenging with a cast on and it was also great because I didn’t have to think about meals until about 15 minutes before Joe was due home. I loved that. This week we’re doing something similar. We cooked up a few things on Sunday but plan to cook again on Wednesday since Joe has that day off.
We ring in the New Year this week. When I was a very young child we lived with my Grandpa after my Grandma unexpectedly died (heart attack at the age of 54). Every New Year’s Eve we had Oyster Stew. It was made with canned oysters (we lived in Kansas) but was absolutely delicious. In my family we don’t have any specific traditional food but I do try to make a special dinner on New Year’s Eve. This year we’ll have steaks since I got a few nice looking ones in December’s CSA order.
Recently I shared that I’m changing my diet a bit. On the advice from a Nutrition Counselor I’m doing what is essentially an elimination diet. I’ll mostly be following the Whole30 plan (but for more like 90 days) but can have a couple of dairy items (sour cream and ghee). I sort of started doing this before Christmas but wasn’t super diligent about it. I did notice an improvement in the tummy troubles I’ve been experiencing but know that I’ve still a long ways to go to find full relief.
You’ll notice quite a bit of game on this weeks menu. We’re running low on beef until our next CSA order and we only have a few chickens and skinny ducks in the freezer but we’ve quite a bit of antelope and venison. We’ll try a few different recipes this week to cook them since our usual favorite (chicken fry) doesn’t work for me right now. Does anyone have a grain-free chicken fry recipe to share?
Sunday – Chipolte Paleo Chicken Thighs, butternut squash rounds, sauteed greens
Monday- Little Boy turns 5! Spaghetti with meatballs, broccoli, green salad (spaghetti squash for me, brown rice pasta for rest), grain-free cupcakes for dessert (not Whole30 legal but I’ll leave one unfrosted for me)
Tuesday – Steaks with sauteed mushrooms, french fries and carrot fries (those are for me), green salad
Wednesday – Roast beef with roasted vegetables, sauteed greens
Thursday – Slow Cooker Venison Barbecue (something like this but adapted to work for Whole30), Cauliflower rice, Cole slaw
Friday – Chocolate chili (made with antelope or venison instead of beef), cauliflower rice and cole slaw
Saturday – Venison steaks, sides tbd
What’s on your menu?
New Year photo from freedigitalphotos.net
Shared at Menu Plan Monday