
The North Yorkshire Police web-site has announced an appeal to Scarborough residents to assist historic sexual abuse investigation

Appeal to Scarborough residents to assist historic sexual abuse investigation

North Yorkshire Police are asking people from the Scarborough area to come forward with any information about the late Peter Jaconelli – a prominent local businessman and former Mayor of Scarborough – as part of an ongoing investigation into historic sexual abuse.

The request for information, be it from potential victims or those with knowledge relating to allegations about Mr Jaconelli, follows last week’s announcement by North Yorkshire Police and the Police and Crime Commissioner that it has referred itself to the Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC).

Recent publicity has identified a number of people who say they were victims of Mr Jaconelli when they were younger.

North Yorkshire Police is keen to identify possible other victims and is also appealing for any information that could assist the inquiry.

A police spokesman said: “Anyone who believes they have been a victim of Peter Jaconelli, or has relevant information and who has not recently contacted North Yorkshire Police, are asked to do so as soon as possible.

“It is important that victims are able to access the specialist support services that are readily available, and that we gather all the evidence in respect of this matter. ”

Victims and people with information are urged to call North Yorkshire Police 101, select option 1, and pass details to the Force Control Roomquoting “Operation Hibiscus”.

Information can also be emailed to MajorCrimeUnit@northyorkshire.pnn.police.uk using the title “Operation Hibiscus”.

Alternatively, if you would prefer to remain anonymous, please pass information to the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111, again quoting “Operation Hibiscus”.

As outlined last week, the referral to the IPCC relates to how North Yorkshire Police responded to an allegation it received over a decade ago about Jimmy Savile (who died in October 2011) and about several allegations made recently about Savile’s friend, Mr Jaconelli, who died in 1999.

It also relates to whether any information it held on record about Savile or his known associates was properly and comprehensively disclosed to Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary (HMIC) when it, and other police forces in England and Wales, were asked to do so by HMIC in December 2012 and again by the IPCC in May last year.

8 April 2014

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