
Contention Ratio (or over subscription ratio) is the number of users sharing the same data capacity. The lower the contention ratio the higher the quality of service. A 50:1 contention ratio means that up to 50 broadband customers are sharing the same bandwidth at any one time.

A contention ratio is used in both fixed and mobile broadband wireless access. The use of a contention ratio makes the quality and speed of a broadband connection dependent on the number of users online at any given time. Business broadband services will often have much lower contention ratios to enable the internet server provider (ISP) to give business users a more consistent quality of service. The average contention ratio for a home user internet access connection is 50:1 and 20:1 for a business connection.

The lower the contention ratio the higher the quality of service. A 50:1 contention ratio would mean that up to 50 broadband customers are sharing the same bandwidth at any one time. The quality and speed of your broadband connection is dependent on the number of users online at any given time.

At ReadySpace, we provide broadband service through high quality fibre network at a 50:1 contention ratio. While usual service providers didn’t state their contention ratio, its common to have contention ratio to be as high as 4000:1 in many cases. So do check in further details before you decide on your broadband provider.

The post What is Contention ratio? is fed from ReadySpace Cloud and Managed Hosting. Contents strictly belongs to ReadySpace and its respective partners.

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