
Name of Book: Girls Rule!

Author: Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

ISBN: 0-385-73139-6

Publisher: Delacorte Press

Part of a Series: This is the tenth book of the series, the previous books being The Boys Start the War, The Girls Get Even, Boys Against Girls, The Girls’ Revenge, A Traitor Among the Boys, A Spy Among the Girls, The Boys Return, The Girls Take Over and Boys in Control, all written by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

Type of book: Boy vs Girl, pranks, humor

Year it was published: 2004


The characters do grow up somewhat, or at least their personalities are a bit more distinct, in Girls Rule!. Peter continues to say the wrong thing at the wrong time, or reveals everything he shouldn’t.  He also continues to like the girls’ company, at least when it comes to endless sweets.  Wally starts to show a sense of humor and grows up  a bit.  He also learns that he doesn’t have to end up with tasks he never wanted. Jake continues with the pranks, but they tend to backfire rather than succeed, and Josh continues to be a painter and sort of a mediator. The girls, Edie in particular, continue to be a bit conniving and come up with some interesting ideas while Beth is okay with the boys, and Caroline continues to be a drama queen. There is more of a friendship and standing up element and sharing than before.


It’s best to join forces instead of working alone.


Girls Rule! is written in the third person narrative from Wally and Caroline’s alternative points of view. I think Girls Rule! is more plot focused, although it’s obvious that these two feuding clans are beginning to see one another as friends rather than enemies. They do work together and some of the characters’ dreams do come true in unusual fashions, but don’t worry, there are pranks between the two groups, although it’s obvious that pranks aren’t succeeding as well as before.

Author Information:

Phyllis Reynolds Naylor was born on January 4th, 1933.  She is most well known for her Shiloh trilogy about a boy and his determination to keep the dog named Shiloh along with her Alice series which is more suited for teenagers. Today she lives in Bethshesda Maryland and has two grown sons along with three grandchildren.


It’s June, or almost June, and school is soon to be over in Buckman West Virginia, the home of the Hatford brothers and Malloy sisters. Along with school being over, there is the Strawberry Festival Parade, a chance to ride with the Queen, raise money for a hospital wing, and think up a perfect place to survive in, at least when it comes to Wally and Caroline. But wait, that’s not all! There’s a big chance that the Malloy sisters will be staying in Buckman instead of leaving West Virginia, and oh man, the family is considering renting a house next door to the Hatford brothers. Girls Rule! has very unexpected twists when it comes to characters and the way things could potentially end up between them. There is some character growth along with friendship, but don’t worry, this is a war after all, the pranks do continue with unexpected and hilarious consequences, my favorite scenes being the survivor scene and termite scene. I would recommend that you read the books in order.

3 out of 5

(0: Stay away unless a masochist 1: Good for insomnia 2: Horrible but readable; 3: Readable and quickly forgettable, 4: Good, enjoyable 5: Buy it, keep it and never let it go.)

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