
When this digital marketing company puts on a live event summit, you best get your kisser there if you care about growing a business.

Over the past 36 months, Digital Marketer:

Invested over $15 million on marketing tests

Attracted tens of millions of unique website visitors

Sent over 1 billion permission-based* emails

(*The keyword here is permission-based. People requested to receive emails sent from their businesses.)

From February 17-19, I joined 3,000+ people in listening to the brightest minds speak on stage about Internet marketing.

While they were sharing their valuable nuggets of wisdom, I took notes.

Lots, and lots of notes.

While I could scan the pages for you... my chicken scratch would likely make you scratch your head and say, "HUH?!"

So what I'll do instead is go through my reports right now and share my biggest takeaways.

But before I share them, I want you to watch this video:

Funny stuff, right?!

I'll tell you why I shared this video at the end of this post.

Do me a favor and do not skip ahead to see the reason why

(You'll get more value from the info here if you wait).

Let's get to the takeaways now.

Here are my key "ah-ha" moments from Traffic and Conversion 2015, enjoy.

1. Focus on growing media, not just products

Picture source: KRT Marketing

Apple, Facebook, and Google don't focus on selling one thing. Building a brand is more valuable than selling a product. The first stages of your market should acquire your customer at breakeven or less.

Disney is also a major media brand. Disney doesn't focus on products -- they build brands. Check out this list of assets owned by Disney to see what I mean.

2. Why You Probably don't need new products

You remarket your existing products by selling their features individually. For example, Shopify here sells their Facebook integration as a standalone concept. Genius.

3. But what You do need is entry level offers

Break your deliverables into "bite-sized" chunks, so your prospects can get a taste of your value. For example, sell business card logos and upsell to a new website.

4. Traffic is a commodity

Photo Credit: w4nd3rl0st

We're at a point now where there's a "traffic store". If you want traffic, you can go and buy it. Traffic is abundant. To generate traffic, and lower your acquisition cost, focus on growing into a media company. Media generates traffic.

5. Stop making ads for Other advertisers

Customers are not advertisers. Prospects rarely see the "value" in a promotion. Instead of driving traffic to a landing page, drive traffic to useful, non-add information (like a blog post) instead.

How do you turn them into customers? You...

6. Pixel everything

A tracking pixel is a small piece of code you place on your site that "follows" users around the web. Ever visited a page then seen an ad for that page on Facebook? That's remarketing. Hardly anyone does it. It's one of the most powerful things you can do for your business right now. Read this post for more info about Facebook pixel remarketing.

7. SEO is winnable...

...but only if you do what Google wants.

Short term "hacks" will only hurt your business. Focusing on things like scroll depth and time on page will improve your SEO.

I now use this tool called Hotjar to generate unlimited heatmaps and user videos for my site. It's grrreeeat.

8. Study the data before you write

There are hundreds of tools available that tell you exactly what people want. Use tools like this and this to understand your market before you write a word of copy.

9. You don't need to create 100% of your content

Each blog post should take 30-60 minutes. Use Other Peoples' Content (YouTube videos and Infographics) to help you. This is great for SEO because it keeps people on your page longer.

If you've noticed, I've linked a video to my major points in this post. The purpose of this is to get you to watch them and stay on this page.

10. Your job as a business is someone Who's Struggling to a positively desired state

Think of the worst state your customer can be in. Now make them happy. That transition -- the gap between the customer's two states -- is your business.

What do they not have or feel?

What's is their average day like?

How can you elevate their status?

There were more takeaways from Traffic and Conversion 2015, but these were the top 10. There was a MEGA takeaway for me, but it will be the subject of an entire post.

I have some questions for you:

Now that you've read my 10 takeaways...

can you guess why I...

shared that funny video earlier?

gave you specific instructions to scroll slowly?

These are reason why

Keep your browser tab opened on this page.

Get you to scroll through all my info.

What I've also done on this page is optimize it for specific keywords.

Why? Because now when people search for the keywords I targeted, they come to a post with engaging (i.e., time-consuming) media that keeps a reader (i.e., you) on the page.

It's a strategy that works very well.

Just be sure to link to relevant and useful media, of course.

Expect to see more of this strategy in upcoming posts.

Until then, be sure to get on my email list if you're not already on it.

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I'm off to eat pasta for breakfast now. :-)

We (my girlfriend and I) bought too much of it, and now we have to finish it before we check-out of our Airbnb location.

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