
This is our first guest post on Raw Juice Cleanse Recipes! Ray Whitney is someone we found by chance while surfing the internet one day. After we personally read Ray's blog and got to know his story more, we just had to let him share it with you. These are the kinds of stories of healing and persistence that we come across daily while doing our research for this website/blog. Without further ado here is Ray's inspiring story of transformation!

First, Thanks to Sean and Liisa at Raw Juice Cleanse Recipes for inviting me to share my story here, we love your brand, and the way you have paid it forward to the community.

I recently underwent a 70 day Juice Cleanse. Within the first 30 days I was taken off Type II Diabetes medications, and ever since I operate in the normal, non-diabetic blood sugar range. My blood pressure, cholesterol, and overall health are perfect. This was a life changing experience that I have found every reason to share with others so that they may find the same freedom.

Background; For Lent this year my wife and I decided we were going to give up soda. As a Diabetic I was not doing very well at maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. I'd recently read an article condemning the consumption of diet soda, so this was a no-brainer. As we talked about the decision to give up soda, I started to reflect on my lack of attention to my own personal health. There was a movie in our Netflix cue called "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead". The movie, as many of you know, outlined the experience of a man who went on a 60 day juice fast and cured his chronic illness. My wife and I talked about it for a couple of days, and decided to go for broke. Two days later we bought a juicer, loaded up on produce, and were on our way to better health.

At first we decided to try a 10 day juice fast. Around Day 7 we had both lost 7 pounds and we were feeling wonderful. At day 7 we decided to go for 15, at 15 days (and 13 pounds) I realized that this was the first thing that has ever worked for me. My blood sugar had been under control since day 3, I was feeling and looking better and I just couldn't stop. I made the jump to 30 days and promised that I was going to visit the doctor on day 30 around my birthday to learn the full and actual health benefits of juicing.

After 30 days of juicing, just juicing, for every meal… my doctor conducted a full physical. We were both blown off of our feet by the results. My blood sugar was perfect, and in the non-diabetic range. He tapered me off of my meds. Today 3 months later I am still off of my medication and continue doing well, with some minor slip ups from time to time. My blood pressure is perfect, my cholesterol is perfect,  my weight loss continues, and I feel better than I have in years, although it is a constant struggle.

While I was on the juice cleanse I also began going the gym. Quite a few people asked if I had enough energy for full workouts (aerobic and anaerobic). Truth is I had more energy than even I had believed possible. I developed solid core strength, endurance, and confidence. What a fantastic feeling, and amazing results in just a few months.

I set out to share my story because I am a "regular Joe" who followed a simple plan, and it has changed my life. IT CAN change yours! This wasn't some fitness and nutrition infomercial. This was, REAL, life changing information, and it worked. This is simply a change of lifestyle that works.

In June of this year I ended the juice cleanse. I have replaced the juice with a healthy, vegan/vegetarian/processed carb free lifestyle. Juicing was a great way to gain control over my life, and it worked. I often remind people however, that juicing is not the only way, it is A way. We are all unique and have different approaches to life, diet, health, and fitness. My only advice is to find something that works for you, and employ some sticktoitiveness!

There is so much information available through commercial vendors who want your money, and could care less about your health! We are often naive, and willing to believe the easiest thing that comes along. Don't buy it! There are natural solutions, vegan, vegetarian, pescatarian, juicing, or just plain eliminating processed junk from your diet.

The key is accepting that our perception of the word DIET is misleading. We have to understand that the real secret to success is in making a complete lifestyle change. We see dieting as a quick way to lose weight. It has a beginning, middle, and end, with a set number of days. This is unhealthy, and unproductive. Until we find the truth in ourselves, that weight loss, nutrition, and fitness are our personal infinite RESPONSIBILITY, we will never find true freedom, success, weight loss, or overall health.

Finally, I have learned that those in the food industry have no incentive to help us weed through the propaganda and misinformation regarding our daily diet, and I can't blame them. We have made ourselves easy targets. It's time to take charge of our lives. Don't blame the food industry, doctors, misinformation, our terrible childhood, or the price and availability of healthy options. Make a stand for yourself, get up and fight that growing level of apathy in the community around us. Take charge of your life and make a simple lifestyle change that can and will have lasting effects on you and your family.

This was not a diet for me, this was a true transformation. This was a wake up call and a lifestyle change combined. Scientists state that the human body's cell structure transforms, on average, every 6 months. I've spent four months, transforming my body with positive results. Why not continue to give my cells the proper nutrition they need to truly transform and completely heal?

It's now June, I started this process in February this year. My life continues to change, my fitness level continues to grow, and my desire to beat Diabetes and other associated illnesses continue to fan the flames of my need to survive for myself, and my family.

As I write this I am struggling. My daily routine with work, and family activities has me on the move from 4:30 in the morning until 11 to 12 at night. Time to prepare healthy meals, exercise, rest, and recovery are all out the window. I've fallen victim to my own exhaustion/frustration in recent weeks. Last night, after a family emergency that left my youngest son in the ER room for several hours following an unexpected seizure, I ran out and had a few drinks, and an unhealthy meal.

It was a moment of weakness. But guess what folks… they happen! The important thing is that I took it for what it was, a mistake. Here's the key, BOUNCE BACK! Make your mistake… but don't contiue to pay for it through shame and frustration. Bounce Back! Jump back on your feet, and make it right, down wallow in self pity, or shame…. BOUNCE BACK! Soon, this crazy 3 month schedule will be behind me. I'm already making plans on how to spring back 100%, AND YES… I will Be Juicing again to get myself rebalanced!

As a result of our success my wife and I felt that it was important to share our story. Not to brag, or say "look at me", but to help others sort through the overwhelming amount of health and fitness related information available in media. It was overwhelming for us, but taking one step in the right direction was all it took! We started blogging at www.juiceavenger.blogspot.com and opened a facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Juice-Avenger/431093830309436?ref=hl. We'd love to have you join us to learn more about our journey and to share yours! One day and a lifetime to go!

                        Ray Whitney: Before and After Juice Cleansing.

Thanks again to Sean and Liisa at Raw Juice Cleanse Recipes, for sharing our story, and for paying it forward with such an awesome website!

Ray we seriously want to thank you for sharing your story on our site and are so glad that you took the time out of your busy schedule to do so! Hearing stories like yours not only inspires us to live healthier, but also drives us to continue to get the message out there! As you say, One day and a lifetime to go!


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