
I’m finally getting around to a book that I’ve had for some time now and here is the first half of my File Preview of it so far and see the next Post for the second half:

…File Preview…


• The Story of the Medical Conspiracy Against America

• Contents
1. The Medical Monopoly 1

2. Quacks on Quackery 13

3. The Profits of Cancer 59

4. Death and Vaccination 129

5. The Fluoridation Conspiracy .148

6. Whither AIDS 169

7. The Action of Fertilizers 187

8. Contamination of the Food Supply 204

9. The Drug Trust 226

10. The Rockefeller Syndicate 310

• Foreword

• The present work, the result of some forty years of investigative research, is a logical progression from my previous books: the expose of the international control of monetary issue and banking practices in the United States; a later work revealing the secret network of organizations through which these alien forces wield political power—the secret committees, foundations, and political parties through which their hidden plans are implemented; and now; to the most vital issue of all, the manner in which these depredations affect the daily lives and health of American citizens. Despite the great power of the hidden rulers, I found that only one group has the power to issue life or death sentences to any American—our nation's physicians.

• I discovered that these physicians, despite their great power, were themselves subjected to very strict controls over every aspect of their professional lives. These controls, surprisingly enough, were not wielded by any state or federal agency, although almost every other aspect of American life is now under the absolute control of the bureaucracy. The physicians have their own autocracy, a private trade association, the American Medical Association. This group, which is headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, had gradually built up its power until it assumed total control over medical schools and the accreditation of physicians.

• The trail of these manipulators led me straight to the same lairs of the international conspirators whom I had exposed in previous books. I knew that they had already looted America, reduced its military power to a dangerously low level, and imposed bureaucratic controls on every American. I now discovered that their conspiracies also directly affected the health of every American. This conspiracy has resulted in a documented decline in the health of our citizens. We now rank far down the list of civilized nations in infant mortality and other significant medical statistics. I was able to document the shocking record of these cold-blooded tycoons who not only plan and carry out famines, economic depressions, revolutions and wars, but who also find their greatest profits in their manipulations of our medical care. The cynicism and malice of these conspirators is something beyond the imagination of most Americans. They deliberately mulct our people of millions of dollars each year through "charitable" organizations and then use

• these same organizations as key groups to bolster their Medical Monopoly. Fear and intimidation are the basic techniques by which the conspirators maintain their control over all aspects of our health care, as they ruthlessly crush any competitor who challenges their profits. As in other aspects of their "behavioural control" over the American people, their most constantly used weapon against us is their employment of federal agents and federal agencies to carry out their intrigues. The proof of this operation may be the most disturbing revelation of my work.

• Chapter 1 The Medical Monopoly

• The practice of medicine may not be the world's oldest profession, but it is often seen to be operating on much the same principles. Not only does the client wonder if he is getting what he is paying for, but in many instances, he is dismayed to find that he has actually gotten something he had not bargained for. An examination of the record shows that the actual methods of medical practice have not changed that much through the eons. The recently discovered Ebers papyrus shows that as early as 1600 B.C., more than nine hundred prescriptions were available to the physician, including opium as a pain-killing drug. As late as 1700, commonly used medications included cathartics such as senna, aloe, figs and castor oil. Intestinal worms were treated by aspidium roots (the male fern), pomegranate bark, or wormseed oil. In the East this was obtained from the flowers of santonin; in the Western Hemisphere it was pressed from the fruit and leaves of chenopodium.

• Analgesics or pain relievers were alcohol, hyoscyamus leaves, and opium. Hyoscyamus contains scopolamine, used to induce "twilight sleep'' in modern medicine. In the sixteenth century, Arabs used colchicum, a saffron derivative, for rheumatic pains and gout. Cinchona bark, the source of quinine, was used to treat malaria; chaulmoogra oil was used for leprosy, and ipecac for amoebic dysentery. Burned sponge at one time was used as a treatment for goiter; its content of iodine provided the cure. Midwives used ergot to contract the uterus. Some two hundred years ago, the era of modern medicine was ushered in by Sir Humphry Davy's discovery of the anaesthetic properties of nitrous oxide. Michael Faraday discovered ether, and Wilhelm Surtner isolated morphine from opium.


• This advertisement appeared in the Lincoln, Nebraska, newspapers years before be obtained his mail order diploma from Rush Medical College. In this license "Doc" Simmons represents himself as a homeopath. He grew more ambitious in his later advertisements and claimed to be a "licentiate of Gynecology and Obstetrics from the Rotuuda Hospitals, Dublin. Ireland". Note the humbug "Compound Oxygen" Cure. Despite the AMA's frenetic claims of improving medical care, records show that the state of American health is declining. During the nineteenth century, it had shown steady improvement, probably because of the ministrations of the homeopaths. A typical disease of the period was tuberculosis. In 1812, the death rate from tuberculosis in New York was 700 per 100,000. When Koch isolated the bacillus in 1882, this death rate had already declined to 370. In 1910, when the first TB sanatarium was opened, this rate had further declined to 180 per 100,000. By 1950, this death rate had dropped to 50 per 100,000. Medical records prove that a 90% decline in child mortality from scarlet fever, diptheria, whooping cough and measles occurred before the introduction of antibiotics and immunization, from 1860-1896. This was also well before the Food and Drug Act was passed in 1905, which set up governmental control of interstate commerce in drugs. In 1900, there was only one doctor for every 750 Americans. They had usually served a two year apprenticeship, after which they could look forward to earning about the same salary as a good mechanic. In 1900, the AMA Journal, which was already under the editorship of Dr. George H. Simmons, sounded the call to arms. "The growth of the profession must be stemmed if individual members are to find the practice of medicine a lucrative profession." One would find difficulty in reading in the literature of any profession a more determined demand for monopoly. But how was this goal to be achieved? The Merlin who was to wave his magic wand and bring about this dramatic development in the medical profession turned out to be none other than the richest man in the world, the insatiable monopolist, John D. Rockefeller. Fresh from his triumph of organizing his gigantic oil monopoly, a victory as well-blooded as any ancient Roman triumph, Rockefeller, the creature of the House of Rothschild and its Wall Street emissary, Jacob Schiff, realized that a medical monopoly might bring him even greater profits than his oil trust. In 1892, Rockefeller appointed Frederick T. Gates as his agent, conferring upon him the title of "head of all his philanthropic endeavors." As it turned out, each of Rockefeller's well-publicized "philanthropies" was specifically designed to increase not only his wealth and power, but also the wealth and power of the hidden figures whom he so ably represented.

• Frederick T. Gates' first present to Rockefeller was a plan to dominate the entire medical education system in the United States. The initial step was taken by the organization of the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research. In 1907, the AMA "requested" the Carnegie Foundation to conduct a survey of all the medical schools of the nation. Even at this early date, the Rockefeller interests had already achieved substantial working control of the Carnegie Foundations which has been maintained ever since. It is well known in the foundation world that the Carnegie Foundations (there are several), are merely feeble adjuncts of the Rockefeller Foundation. The Carnegie Foundation named one Abraham Flexner to head up its study of medical schools. Coincidentally, his brother Simon was the head of the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research. The Flexner Report was completed in 1910, after many months of travel and study. It was heavily influenced by the German-trained allopathic representation in the American medical profession. It was later revealed that the primary influence on Flexner had been his trip to Baltimore. He had been a graduate of Johns Hopkins University. This school had been established by Daniel Coit Gilman (1831-1908). Gilman had been one of the three original incorporators of the Russell Trust at Yale University (now known as the Brotherhood of Death). Its Yale headquarters had a letter in German authorizing Gilman to set up this branch of the Illuminati in the United States.

• Gilman incorporated the Peabody Fund and the John Slater Fund, which later became the Rockefeller Foundation. Gilman also became an original incorporator of Rockefeller's General Education Board, which was to take over the United States system of medical education; the Carnegie Foundation and the Russell Sage Foundation. At Johns Hopkins University. Gilman also taught Richard Ely, who became the evil genius of Woodrow Wilson's education. Gil man's final achievement in the last year of his life was to advise Herbert Hoover on the advisability of setting up a think tank. Hoover later followed Gilman's plan in setting up the Hoover Institution after the First World War. This institution furnished the movers and shapers of the "Reagan Revolution" in Washington. Not surprisingly, the American people found themselves saddled with even more debt and an even more oppressive federal bureaucracy, all the result of Daniel Coit Gilman's Illuminati prospectus.

• Flexner spent much of his time at Johns Hopkins University finalizing his report. The medical school, which had only been established in 1893, was considered to be very up-to-date. It was also the headquarters of the German allopathic school of medicine in the United States. Flexner, born in Louisville, Ky., had studied at the University of Berlin. The president of the Zionist Organization of America, Louis Brandies, also from Louisville, was an old friend of the Flexner family. After Woodrow Wilson appointed Brandeis to the Supreme Court, Brandeis appointed himself a delegate to Paris to attend the Versailles Peace Conference in 1918. His purpose was to advance the goals of the Zionist movement at this conference. Bernard Flexner, who was then an attorney in New York, was asked to accompany Brandeis as the official legal counsel to the Zionist delegation in Paris. Bernard Flexner later became a founding member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and a trustee of the Rockefeller Foundation with his brother Simon.

• Simon Flexner had been appointed the first director of the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research at its organization in 1903. Abraham Flexner joined the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching in 1908, serving there until his retirement in 1928. He also served for years as a member of Rockefeller's General Education Board. He was awarded a Rhodes Memorial lectureship at Oxford University. His definitive work was published in 1913, "Prostitution in Europe."

• Abraham Flexner submitted a final report to Rockefeller which apparently was satisfactory in every way. Its first point was an emphatic agreement with the AMA's lament that there were too many doctors. The Flexner solution was a simple one; to make medical education so elitist and expensive, and so drawn out, that most students would be prohibited from even considering a medical career. The Flexner program set up requirements for four years of undergraduate college, and a further four years of medical school. His report also set up complex requirements for the medical schools; they must have expensive laboratories and other equipment. As the requirements of the Flexner Report became effective, the number of medical schools was rapidly reduced. By the end of World War I, the number of medical schools had been reduced from 650to a mere 50 in number. The number of annual graduates had been reduced from 7500 to 2500. The enactment of the Flexner restrictions virtually guaranteed that the Medical Monopoly in the United States would result in a small group of elitist students from well to do families, and that this small group would be subjected to intense controls.

• What has the Flexner Report cost the average American citizen? Some recent statistics throw light on the situation. The New York Times reported that in 1985, the cost of health care per person in the United States was $1800 per year; in England, $800 per year; in Japan, $600 per year. Yet both England and Japan rank higher on the scale of quality of medical care than the United States. Compared to Japan, for instance, which has a higher living standard than the United States, but which furnished its citizens with quality medical care for $600 per person each year, comparative medical care in the United States cannot be valued higher than $500 per year per person. What is the $1300 per person difference? It is the $300 billion per year looting of the American public by the Medical Monopoly, in overcharges, criminal syndicalist activities, and the operations of the Drug Trust.

• Chapter 2 Quacks on Quackery

• Quack—an ignorant pretender to medical or surgical skill. Quackery—charlatanry. 1783, Crabbe, Village 1, "A potent quack, long versed in human ills, who first insults the victim whom he kills." Oxford English Dictionary

• The first significant figure in American medicine, according to Geoffrey Marks, was the theologian Cotton Mather (1663-1728). The son of Increase Mather, the President of Harvard University, Cotton Mather wrote many theological works, but also wrote a full length medical work, "The Angel of Bethesda" on which he wrote from 1720 to 1724. His medical letters drew heavily on local Indian lore; he also pondered the mental factor in illness, noting that "A cheerful Heart does Good like a Medicine, but a broken Spirit dries the Bones."

• Mather seems to have been the first and last theologian to be interested in the practice of American medicine. The next figure of importance in American medicine was a Dr. Nathan Smith Davis (1817-1904). After apprenticing under Dr. Daniel Clark in upstate New York, Davis moved to New York in 1847. As early as 1845, he had demanded that the Medical Society of the State of New York correct the more flagrant abuses in medical education, insisting that the four months of instruction then in vogue be increased to a period of six months. On May 11, 1846, he convened a group of physicians in New York to form the nucleus of the American Medical Association. The organization took on formal status the following year in Philadelphia, on May 5, 1847, the official date the American Medical Association came into being. The hundred delegates to the New York meeting had swelled to over two hundred and fifty at Philadelphia. They soon formed state organizations in a number of states. Smith later moved to Chicago, where he joined the faculty of Rush Medical School. In 1883, when the AMA founded its Journal, he became the first editor, serving until 1889.

• With the advent of Fishbein, the American Medical Association was now firmly in the hands of the nation's two most aggressive quacks, Simmons, who had practised medicine for years, unembarrassed by the fact that he had no medical degree which would hold up under the light of day, and Morris Fishbein, who admitted under oath in 1938 that he had never practised medicine a day in his life. Because "Doc'' Simmons, as he was genially known, had never shown any motivation in his career except greed, he soon realized that the enormous power of which the AMA was capable had in effect launched him into a gold mine. He was not slow to request certain considerations in return for the favor or the goodwill of the AMA. First and foremost was its "Seal of Approval" for new products. Since the AMA early on had virtually no laboratory, testing equipment or research staff, the Seal of Approval was obtained by "green research," that is, the laborious determination of how much the supplicant could afford to pay, and how much it might be worth to him. At first, some pharmaceutical manufacturers resented this arrangement, and refused to pay. The leader of this opposition was one Dr. Wallace C. Abbott, who had founded Abbott Laboratories in 1900. Simmons met him head on by refusing to approve a single product of Abbott Laboratories, no matter how many were submitted. This standoff continued for some time, until one morning, "Doc" Simmons was visibly shaken to see Dr. Abbott towering over him in his office.

• "Well, sir," he stammered, "and just what can I do for you?"

• "I just came down to hear from you personally" Dr. Abbott replied, "why not one of my products has ever been approved by the AMA."

• "That's not really my department, sir," "Doc" Simmons replied, "I'll be glad to check with our research department and find out what the problem is."

• "Is there any way I could speed up your inquiry?" asked Dr. Abbott.

• Simmons was overjoyed. At last the stubborn chemist was beginning to see things his way. "I'll be glad to do whatever I can," he said. "There is something you can do," said Dr. Abbott, "if you would be so good as to look over these documents, it might help you to make up your mind."

• He spread a number of papers out on "Doc" Simmons' desk. Simmons immediately realized that he was looking at a complete record of his career, carefully garnered by private detectives who had been hired by Dr. Abbott. There were the full details of the so-called "diplomas'; records of sex charges brought against Simmons by former patients in Lincoln, and other titillating items, such as charges of medical negligence resulting in the deaths of patients. He knew that he was trapped.

• "All right," said Simmons, "just what is it you want?"

• "All I want is to have the AMA grant approval of my products," said Dr. Abbott. "Do you think that is possible, now?"

• "You've got it," said Simmons. From that day, the products from Abbott's firm, which was still called Abbott Biologicals at that time, were rushed through the AMA process and marked "Approved." Dr. Abbott never paid one cent for this special treatment.

• Through the years, various versions of the Abbott-Simmons conflict were repeated. A whitewashed version appears in Tom Mahoney's "Merchants of Life," which claims that Simmons objected to Dr. Abbott's "commercialization" of the medical profession, and wished to teach him a lesson. The Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry not only refused to approve any of Abbott's drugs, but also turned down his requests to advertise in the journal of the American Medical Association, and later refused to print his letters of protest. Simmons then launched personal attacks on Dr. Abbott in the Journal in the issues of December 1907 and March 1908. Simmons' pious claim that he did not wish to see Dr. Abbott commercializing the medical profession rings hollow; Abbott was manufacturing pharmaceutical products for sale. The rub was that he refused to pay the usual shakedown to Simmons. After the imbroglio was settled, S. DeWitt Clough, Abbott's advertising manager, became a bridge playing crony of Morris Fishbein.

• A spirited critic of the AMA during its Simmons-Fishbein period, Dr. Emanuel Josephson of New York, wrote, "The methods which Simmons and his crew used in their battle for a monopoly of medical publications and of advertisements to the profession were often crude and illegitimate . . . The AMA has openly threatened firms that advertise in media other than their own journals with withdrawal of 'acceptance' of their products." Dr. Josephson described Simmons' practices as "conspiracy in restraint of trade, and extortion." He further charged, again correctly, that "almost every branch of the Federal Government active in the field of medicine was completely dominated by the Association." This was borne out by the present writer, who cites many instances later of government agencies actively implementing the most horrendous cases of racketeering by the Drug Trust. So exhaustive were the controls set in place by Simmons that the President of the AMA, Dr. Nathan B. van Etten, later filed a sworn affidavit in the New York District Court that he, as President of the American Medical Association, had no authority to accept any moneys or enter into any contracts. All such deals were the province of the Chicago headquarters staff. It was later noted that AMA "focuses on protecting physicians' incomes against government intrusion in the practice of medicine." This was a case of having their cake and eating it too. While steadfastly opposing any government supervision of the Medical Monopoly, the monopolists frequently forced various government agencies to act against anyone who posed a threat to their monopoly, having them arrested, prosecuted, and sent to prison.

• "Doc" Simmons' lucrative dominance of the American Medical Association led him into numerous sidelines. In 1921, he established the Institute of Medicine in Chicago. This apparently was nothing more than a holding company for his bribes. He had also been enjoying the perquisites of the American success story, a buxom mistress installed in a luxurious Gold Coast apartment. Scoundrel that he was, Simmons was not content to flaunt this liason to his wife; he also became increasingly cruel in his determination to get rid of her. He then embarked on a classic ploy, the physician attempting to dispose of an unwanted wife by plying her with narcotics, trying to convince her that she is going insane, and hopefully, driving her to suicide. After some months of this treatment, his wife fought back by filing suit against him. A highly publicized trial in 1924 ended in his wife's testimony that he had given her heavy doses of narcotics, prescribed on the strength of his "medical experience," and then began proceedings to have her declared insane. This was not such an unusual procedure during that period; it had happened to literally hundreds of wives. However, his wife proved to be tougher than most victims. She testified in court that he had tried to have her framed on a charge of insanity. This trial inspired more than a dozen subsequent books, plays, and movies based on the story of a physician who tries to drive his wife insane through a campaign of ministration of drugs and psychological terrorism. The most famous was "Gaslight," in which Charles Boyer played the role of "Doc" Simmons to perfection, the luckless wife being played by Ingrid Bergman.

• The trial brought Simmons a torrent of unpleasant publicity, and forced his retirement as head of the AMA. However, he retained the title of "general editor emeritus," absenting himself in 1924 until his death in 1937. Morris Fishbein, still operating under his lucky star, was now moved into total dominance of the AMA. Between the two of them, they controlled the AMA for more than a half century, perfecting their techniques for using this organization to raise money, exercise political clout, and maintain dominance over physicians, hospitals, drug companies and concerned government agencies. Simmons moved to Hollywood, Florida, where he lived until 1937. His New York Times obituary was headlined "Noted for War on Quacks.'' His longtime critic, Dr. Emanuel Josephson, noted that this was an odd memorial for a man who had long been known as "the Prince of Quacks."

• Morris Fishbein also inherited Simmons' able assistant at the AMA, Dr. Olin West (1874-1952). West had been state director in Tennessee for the Rockefeller Sanitary Commission from 1910 to 1918. Thus he had the requisite credentials as a representative of the Rockefeller connection at the AMA headquarters. Dr. Josephson later termed Fishbein "the Hitler of the medical profession" and West as "his Goering." Fishbein remained aware of the AMA's ability to "use" government employees for AMA purposes. Of the first fifteen members of the Council on Pharmacy and Chemistry, three had been members of the federal government.

• Under the leadership of the nation's two most notorious quacks, Simmons and Fishbein, a gigantic nationwide drug operation was perfected which today poses a serious threat to the health of every American citizen. The fixed prices of these drugs has been a contributing factor to the meteroric rise in the cost of health care. In 1976, the national bill was 95 billion dollars, which was 8.4% of the Gross National Product, a figure which had risen from 4.5% in 1962. From 1955-1975, the price index rose 74%, while the cost of medical care rose 300%. Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn, an independent health practitioner, estimates that 30% of Xrays taken in the United States, some 300 million a year, are ordered when there is no valid medical need. A federal expert reports that if we would reduce the unnecessary Xrays by one/third, we could save the lives of one thousand cancer patients each year. Yet the responsible organization, the American Cancer Society, has consistently ignored this problem. The genetic effect of Xrays on the population in a single year has been predicted to cause as many as thirty thousand deaths per year in future years. In 1976, doctors wrote one billion doses for sleeping pills, some twenty-seven million prescriptions which resulted in twenty-five thousand trips to emergency rooms for adverse drug reactions, and some fifteen hundred emergency room deaths from tranquilizers. Ninety per cent of these victims are women. By 1978, five billion tranquilizer pills were being prescribed; the most notorious of these, Valium, produces five hundred million dollars per year income for Hoffman LaRoche Co.; it is the epitome of the mythical "soma" described by Aldous Huxley in his "Brave New World," "the perfect drug, narcotic, pleasantly hallucinant."

• Another dissident, Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn, noted that in 1975, 787,000 women had hysterectomies, and that 1,700 of them died as a result of this surgery. He believes that half of these women could have been saved, as their surgery was needless. The Washington Post noted on January 21, 1988 that "Most heart pacemakers may be unneeded; more than half are not clearly beneficial." The story noted that one American in 500 now has a pacemaker. This business is only twenty years old, but there are now 120,000 implants each year, a business taking in one and a half billion dollars a year. Greenspan complained that "many internists are ordering them without consulting a heart specialist." Dr. Mendelsohn has also complained that terramycin was an ineffective antibiotic, its major result being that it left children with yellow-greenish teeth and tetracyclin deposits in their bones. He quotes the Boston Collaborative Drug Surveillance Program, which found that the risk of being killed by drug therapy in an American hospital was one in a thousand, and that 30,000 Americans died each year from adverse reactions to drugs prescribed for them by their doctors. Mendelsohn minces no words in his opinion of modern medicine. He calls it the Church of Death, whose Four Holy Waters are 1) immunizations; 2) fluoridated water; 3) intravenous fluids; and 4) silver nitrate. Mendelsohn dismisses all four as being "of questionable safety."

• It is noteworthy that the insignia of the medical profession is two snakes entwined on a staff. However, the University of Rochester, deciding that this was excessive, recently reduced the two snakes to one. The caduceus is the mythological symbol of the Roman god Mercury. He was the patron of messengers, but he also had a somewhat unsavory reputation as the associate of outlaws, merchants and thieves. In the ancient world, merchants were synonymous with the other two categories.

• Chapter 3 The Profits of Cancer

• In 400 B.C., Hippocrates assigned the name of Cancer or crab to a disease encountered during his time, because of its crab-like spread through the body. Its Greek name was "karkinos." In 164 A.D., the physician Galen in Rome used the name of "tumour" to describe this disease, from the Greek "tymbos" meaning a sepulchral mound, and the Latin tumore, "to swell." The disease could not have been very prevalent; it is not mentioned in the Bible, nor is it included in the ancient medical book of China, the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine. Unknown in most traditional societies, it spread with the rise of the Industrial Revolution. In the 1830s, cancer was responsible for two per cent of the deaths around Paris; cancer caused four per cent of deaths in the United States in 1900. [JR Insert: 1 out of 30 - see page 8 in Udo’s book.]

• With the rise of cancer came "modern" methods of coping with it. A leading critic of the medical establishment, Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn, comments that "Modern cancer surgery someday will be regarded with the same kind of horror that we now regard the use of leeches in George Washington's time." The surgery of which he spoke is the widely accepted and imposed method of cancer treatment now in vogue throughout the United States. It is called the "cut, slash and burn" technique. This method of cancer treatment actually represents the highwater mark of the German allopathic school of medicine in the United States. It relies almost exclusively on surgery, bleeding and heavy use of drugs, with the exotic addition of radium treatment. The Temple of the modern method of cancer treatment in the United States is the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Institute in New York. Its high priests are the surgeons and researchers at this center.

• Originally known as Memorial Hospital, this cancer establishment was presided over during its early years by two physicians who were stereotypes of the Hollywood caricatures of "the mad doctor." If Hollywood planned to make a movie about this hospital, they would be stymied by the fact that only the late Bela Lugosi would be appropriate to play not one, but each of these two doctors. The first of these "mad" doctors was Dr. J. Marion Sims. Son of a South Carolina sheriff and tavern owner, Sims (1813-1883) was a nineteenth century "women's doctor." For years he dabbled in "experimental surgery" by performing experiments on slave women in the South. According to his biographer, these operations were "little short of murderous." When plantation owners refused to allow him to conduct further experiments on their slaves, he was forced to purchase a seventeen year old slave girl for $500. Within a few months he had performed some thirty operations on this unfortunate, a girl named Anarcha. Because there was no anesthesia at that time, he had to ask friends to hold Anarcha down while he performed his surgery. After one or two such experiences, they usually refused to have anything further to do with him. He continued to experiment on Anarcha for four years, and in 1853, he decided to move to New York. Whether his little negro hospital in South Carolina was surrounded by screaming villagers one night as they brandished torches, as in an old Frankenstein movie, is not known. However, his decision to move seems to have come rather suddenly. Dr. Sims bought a house on Madison Avenue, where he found a supporter in the heiress of the Phelps empire, Mrs. Melissa Phelps Dodge. This family has continued to be prominent supporters of the present cancer center. With her financial assistance, Sims founded Women's Hospital, a 30 bed, all charity hospital which opened on May 1, 1855.

• Like a later quack, "Doc" Simmons, Sims advertised himself as a women's specialist, particularly in "vesico-vaginal fistula," an abnormal passage between the bladder and the vagina. It is now known that this condition has always been "iatrogenic," that is, caused by the ministrations of doctors. In the 1870s, Sims began to specialize in the treatment of cancer. Rumors began to circulate in New York of barbarous operations being performed at Women's Hospital. The "mad doctor" was at it again. The trustees of the institution reported that "the lives of all the patients were being threatened by mysterious experiments." Dr. Sims was fired from Women's Hospital. However, because of his powerful financial supporters, he was soon reinstated. He was then contacted by members of the Astor family, whose fortune was founded on old John Jacob Astor's ties with the East India Company, the British Secret Intelligence Service, and the international opium trade. One of the Astors had recently died of cancer, and the family wished to establish a cancer hospital in New York. They first approached the trustees of Women's Hospital with an offer of a donation of $150,000 if they would turn it into a cancer hospital. Smarting from his recent firing, Sims double-crossed the trustees by private negotiations with the Astors. He persuaded them to back him in a new hospital, which he called the New York Cancer Hospital. It opened in 1884. Dr. Sims later went to Paris, where he attended the Empress Eugenie. He was later awarded the Order of Leopold from the King of the Belgians. Apparently he had lost none of his chutzpah. He returned to New York, where he died shortly before the opening of his new hospital.

• In the 1890s, after receiving gifts from other benefactors, the hospital was renamed Memorial Hospital. In the mid-twentieth century, the names of Sloan and Kettering were added. Despite these names, this cancer center has for many years been a major appendage of the Rockefeller Medical Monopoly. During the 1930s, a block of land on the fashionable Upper East Side was donated by the Rockefellers to build its new building. Rockefeller henchmen have dominated the board ever since the building was opened. In 1913, a group of doctors and laymen met in May at the Harvard Club in New York City to establish a national cancer organization. Not unnaturally, it was named the American Society for the Control of Cancer. Note that it was not called a society for the cure of cancer, or the prevention of cancer, nor have these ever been primary goals of this organization. 1913, of course, was a very significant year in American history. During that fateful year, President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act, which was set up to provide funding for the forthcoming World War; a national progressive income tax, taken directly from Marx's Communist Manifesto of 1848, was imposed upon the American people; and legislatures had their constitutional duty of appointing Senators removed, they being henceforth elected by popular Senators; they all now had to compete for the popular vote. It was in this heady era of socialist planning that the cancer society originated. Naturally enough, it was funded by John D. Rockefeller, Jr. His attorneys, Debevoise and Plimpton, remained dominant in the administration of the new society throughout the 1920s. Its funding came from the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Foundation, and from J. P. Morgan.

• From its inception, the American Cancer Society has followed the pattern set up by the American Cancer Society. ACS also had a board of trustees, a House of Delegates, and in the 1950s, it also established a Committee on Quackery. This Committee later changed its name to the Committee on Unproven Methods of Cancer Management (note that it was called management, not cure), but the society still used to term "quackery" freely in referring to any methods not sanctioned by its trustees, or deviating from the "cut, slash and burn" method of cancer treatment

• In 1909, the railroad magnate, E. H. Harriman (whose fortune, like that of the Rockefellers, had been funded entirely with Rothschild money funnelled to him by Jacob Schiff of Kuhn, Loeb Co.) died of cancer. His family then formed the Harriman Research Institute. In 1917, the scion of the family, W. Averell Harriman, abruptly decided to go into politics, or rather, to manage our political parties from behind the scenes. The Institute was suddenly shut down. Its financial backing was then transferred to Memorial Hospital. The principal backer of the hospital at that time was James Douglas, (1837-1918) [JR Insert: 1st mention of Douglas.]. He was chairman of the Phelps Dodge Corporation, whose heiress in 1853, Melissa Phelps Dodge, had been the initial backer of what eventually became Memorial Hospital. She had married a dry goods merchant named William Dodge, who used the Phelps fortune to become a giant in copper production.

• The Dictionary of National Biography describes James Douglas as "the dean of mining and metallurgical properties." He owned the richest copper mine in the world, the Copper Queen Lode. Born in Canada, he was the son of Dr. James Douglas, a surgeon who became head of the Quebec Lunatic Asylum. His son joined the Phelps-Dodge Company in 1910, later becoming its chairman. Because he had discovered extensive pitchblende deposits on his Western mining properties, he became fascinated with radium. In collaboration with the Bureau of Mines, a government agency which he, for all practical purposes, controlled, he founded the National Radium Institute. His personal physician was a Dr. James Ewing (1866-1943). Douglas offered to give Memorial Hospital $100,000, but there were several conditions. One was that the hospital must hire Dr. Ewing as its chief pathologist; the second was that the hospital must commit itself to treating nothing but cancer, and that it would routinely use radium in its cancer treatments. The hospital accepted these conditions.

• With Douglas' money behind him, Ewing soon became head of the entire hospital. Douglas was so convinced of the benefits of radium therapy that he used it frequently on his daughter, who was then dying of cancer; on his wife; and on himself, exposing his family to radium therapy for the most trivial ailments. Because of Douglas' prominence, the New York Times gave a great deal of publicity to the new radium treatment for cancer. The journalist headlined his story with a page one headline, "Radium Cure Free for All." The claim was made that "not one cents worth of radium will be for sale," Douglas was greatly annoyed by this statement, and on October 24, 1913, he had the Times run a correction. He was quoted as follows, "All this story about humanity and philanthropy is foolish. I want it understood that I shall do what I like with the radium that belongs to me." This was a rare glimpse of the true nature of the "philanthropist." His rivals in this field, Rockefeller and Carnegie, always give away their money with no strings attached. [JR Insert: Rockefeller only gave away $1 knowing he would get back $2.] With this assurance, they were able to stealthily establish their secret power over the nation. Douglas had revealed the true nature of our "philanthropists."

• The original press releases from Memorial Hospital had in fact intimated that the radium treatments would be free. They apparently believed that the great philanthropist James Douglas would donate his supply. The Memorial Hospital Rules and Regulations were immediately changed to stipulate that "an extra charge would be made for Radium Emanations used in the treatment of patients." In 1924, the Radium Department at Memorial Hospital gave $18,000 radium treatments to patients, for which it charged $70,000 its largest single source of income for that year. Meanwhile, James Douglas, who had boasted that he would do what he liked with his radium, continued to give himself frequent treatments. A few weeks after the New York Times story in 1913, he died of aplastic anemia. Medical authorities now believe that he was but one of a number of personalities associated with the early development of radium who died from its effects, the most famous being Marie Curie, wife of its discoverer, and her daughter, Irene Joliot-Curie. By 1922, more than one hundred radiologists had died from X ray induced cancer.

• Douglas' protege, Dr. Ewing, remained at Memorial Hospital several more years. He developed a number of ailments, the most annoying being tic doloreux, which made it embarrassing for him to meet or talk with anyone. He withdrew from the hospital, becoming a recluse on Long Island, where he finally died of cancer of the bladder in 1943.

• Douglas' son and heir, Lewis Douglas, inherited one of the largest American fortunes of that time. He married Peggy Zinsser, daughter of a partner of J. P. Morgan Co. Peggy's two sisters also married well; one married John J. McCloy, who became the chief lawyer for the Rockefeller interests; the other married Konrad Adenauer, who became Chancellor of postwar Germany. Lewis Douglas became chairman of Mutual Life of New York, a Morgan controlled company. Early in World War II, he became a protege of W. Averell Harriman in the Lend Lease Administration. Douglas was then named chairman of the War Shipping Board, one of the famous "dollar a year" men of the Roosevelt administration. Later in the war, he succeeded Harriman as U.S. Ambassador to England. After Hitler's fall, Douglas was slated to become High Commissioner of Germany, but he stepped aside to allow his brother-in-law, John J. McCloy, to take this post. The two Americans were pleasantly surprised when their brother-in-law, Konrad Adenauer, was named Chancellor. The family interests of the J. P. Morgan firm were firmly in control. In fact, Adenauer's earlier political activities in wartime Germany had centered around a small group of J. P. Morgan cohorts in Germany. They were ready to take over when Hitler died.

• The role of nutrition in cancer has yet to be seriously researched by the billion dollar boondoggles of the National Cancer Institute and the Rockefeller. Yet in 1887, an Albany, New York physician, Ephraim Cutter, M.D. wrote a book called "Diet in Cancer," in which he stated, "Cancer is a disease of nutrition." Hippocrates coined the word diaitia, meaning "a way of life" which is what a diet is. In the classical world, "meat" meant the daily fare, and referred to oats, barley, rye, wheat, fruit and nuts.

• The confusion as to the meaning of the word meat occurs in translations of the Bible. In Genesis, it is stated, "Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat." Hippocrates' advice to physicians was that they should first find out what food is given to a patient, and who gives it.

• The ongoing controversy over laetrile revolves around the fact that it is a substance called a nitriloside. In 1952, Dr. Ernest A. Krebs, Jr., a biochemist, discovered that cancer is caused by a deficiency of nitrilosides, which occur naturally in over twelve hundred foods and plants. Animals usually instinctively seek out grasses and other plants which contain nitrilosides, yet when humans do the same thing they are attacked by federal agents. Some researchers believe that the adverse effects of carcinogens, radiation and sunburn on humans is caused by the fact that they are suffering from poor nutrition. These nutrition experts argue that coal tar does not cause cancer; and that the sun does not cause skin cancer. Rather, these conditions arise from the sun's effect upon the skin of a person who is consuming too many sugars, fats and dairy products. The sun's rays create an acidic condition which causes these substances to rise to the surface of the skin, causing an irritation which can then become catalyst. It is noted that people in tropical countries, who are exposed to strong sunlight, rarely get skin cancer because they eat little meat and fats. It was also discovered after the atomic bombing of Japanese civilians that those who were still eating their traditional diet of brown rice, sea salt and miso vegetables, were little damaged by the same amount of atomic radiation which killed those who were eating a more modern diet of fats and meat.

• Some experts note that they can detect cancer by the peculiar smell of a person in its early stages, the smell of decomposition. Others note that cancer can be detected by a greenish cast to the skin. The epidemic of prostate cancer among American men seems to be the result of a diet of rich foods, with frequent ingestion of eggs, meat and dairy products, and baked goods made with refined flour. A suggested remedy is a diet of fruit and rice, the same diet which is recommended to lower blood pressure and which has been featured at Duke University for many years. Beef is said to be particularly dangerous for prostate and colon cancer. Nutritionists believe that cancer represents a reverse evolutionary process, in which cells decompose or change back to a more primordial vegetable type of life. This corresponds in some ways with the theories of Morley Roberts.

• It is notable that only four percent of the nation’s medical schools offer a course in nutrition. This reflects the Rockefeller Medical Monopoly's obsession with drugs and its commitment to the allopathic school of medicine, as opposed to homeopathic or holistic medicine.

• After Dr. Ralph Moss had been fired from Sloan Kettering for revealing the positive results of laetrile experiments, he made public the fact that the Institute was sitting on many other results of successful treatment of cancer, including more than one thousand positive cases of response to the Coley treatment since 1906. Moss reported that Dr. James Ewing, "Coley's nemesis and arch rival, turned Memorial Hospital into a medical branch of the radium trust." Dr. William E. Koch, professor of physiology at Detroit Medical College and the University of Michigan, presaged free-radical pathology treatment with the development of Glyoxylide, which stimulated the body to oxidate toxins. Although his treatment was never scientifically refuted, Koch, who began oxidation studies in 1915 and used this treatment since 1918, was persecuted for sixteen years by the Medical Monopoly. He was finally driven out of the country, and died in Brazil in 1967. The FDA had started to harass him in 1920; the Wayne County Medical Society formed a "Cancer Committee" of doctors in 1923 who condemned Koch's treatment. His stimulation of cell oxidation treatment is by carefully planned diet which cleansed the system, yet this proven treatment is still denounced today by the cancer profiteers as "quackery." Koch tried to continue his work in Mexico and Brazil, but the FDA refused to abandon their pursuit. He was prosecuted in 1942 and 1946; the FDA finally obtained a permanent junction against the Koch treatment in 1950. Several physicians who had successfully treated cancer with the Koch treatment were expelled from the medical society. It was still allowable to kill a patient, but it was unforgivable to cure him.

• Another independent physician, Dr. Max Gerson, discovered that a vegetarian diet, with raw fruits and vegetables, and no salt, cured migraine and lupus. He continued his studies until he found that detoxification of the body could cure cancer. In 1958, he published his findings in his book, "A Cancer Therapy," emphasizing a low fat diet, no salt and a minimum of protein. In 1964, he was invited to testify before a Senate Subcommittee, which produced a 227 page report, document number 89471. [JR Insert: Gerson was murdered in 1959 - Dr. Max Gerson (1881-1959)] The copies of this report were never distributed by the Senate; it received no coverage in medical journals, and Dr. Gerson never received one cent from any charitable organization such as the American Cancer Society to either prove or disprove his findings, even though these groups claimed they were "researching" a cure for cancer.

• Another famous case was that of Harry Hoxsey, who used a herbal treatment, based upon Indian remedies, for cancer for thirty five years. [JR Insert: Harry Hoxsey's grandfather devised the formula after watching a cancerous horse cure itself by grazing on various herbs, among which are licorice, cascara, burdock root, stillingia root, and red clover.] In a well-publicized court battle, Hoxsey won a libel suit against Morris Fishbein; the good doctor was forced to admit under cross examination that he, the most famous doctor in the United States, had never practiced medicine one day in his life.

• In February, 1988, the National Cancer Institute released its definitive report, summarizing the "war against cancer." It reported that over the past thirty-five years, both the overall incidence and death rates from cancer have increased, despite "advances" in detection and treatment." Washington Post, February 9, 1988. The problem may be that, just as in other wars we have engaged in the twentieth century, too many of those "on our side" are actually working for the enemy.

• Chapter 4 Vaccination

• One of the few doctors who has dared to speak out against the Medical Monopoly, Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn, dramatized his stand against Modern Medicine by defining it as a Church which has Four Holy Waters. The first of these, he listed as Vaccination. Dr. Mendelsohn termed vaccination "of questionable safety." However, other doctors have been more explicit. It is notable that the Rockefeller interests have fought throughout the nineteenth century to make these Four Holy Waters compulsory throughout the United States, ignoring all the protests and warnings of their dangers. Of these four items, which might well be termed the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, because they too are known to bring death and destruction in their wake, the most pernicious in its long-term effects may well be the practice of immunization. This practice goes directly against the discovery of modern holistic medical experts that the body has a natural immune defense against illness. The Church of Modern Medicine claims that we can only be absolved from the peril of infection by the Holy Water of vaccination, injecting into the system a foreign body of infection, which will then perform a Medical Miracle, and will confer life-long immunity, hence the term, "immunization." The greatest heresy any physician can commit is to voice publicly any doubt of any one of the Four Holy Waters, but the most deeply entrenched in modern medical practice is undoubtedly the numerous vaccination programs. They are also the most consistently profitable operations of the Medical Monopoly. Yet one physician, Dr. Henry R. Bybee, of Norfolk, Virginia, has publicly stated, "My honest opinion is that vaccine is the cause of more disease and suffering than anything I could name. I believe that such diseases as cancer, syphilis, cold sores and many other disease conditions are the direct results of vaccination. Yet, in the state of Virginia, and in many other states, parents are compelled to submit their children to this procedure while the medical profession not only receives its pay for this service, but also makes splendid and prospective patients for the future."

• The present writer well remembers the 1920s, as a child in Virginia, going to school for some weeks without having submitted to the compulsory vaccination ordered by the state authorities. Each morning, the teacher would begin the day's classes by asking, "Clarence, did you bring your vaccination certificate today?" Obviously, this was the most urgent business of the educational system, taking priority over such matters as lessons and studying. Each morning, I would have to reply, "No, I didn't bring it today." The other children would turn and stare at this dangerous classmate, who might infect them all with some terrible disease. My mother had been a registered nurse, and she never urged me to go ahead with my vaccination. I suspect she knew more than the doctors about its possible effects. After postponing the dreaded ordeal for some weeks, I was finally led to the doctor like an animal being led up the plank to be stunned, and I received my injection. Of course it made me extremely ill, as my body fought the infection, but the class was delivered from peril, and I was accepted as a duly branded member of society. In "The Curse of Canaan," I wrote of the deliverance of our children up for ritual sacrifice, a practice which seemingly ended with the destruction of the Baal cult some five thousand years ago. Unfortunately, the Cult of Baal seems to be firmly entrenched in the present Establishment, which is often known by the sobriquet, the Brotherhood of Death. It is disturbing to see how the educationists eagerly embrace each new offense against children in our schools, railing against any mention of morality or religion, while solemnly indoctrinating six year olds in the advantages of "an alternative life style" in their sexual preferences. The present goal of the National Education Association seems to be that teachers should hand out condoms to the class before beginning each day's activities.

• The urgency of my vaccination was not that there was any epidemic then raging in the city of Roanoke, nor has there been one in the ensuing sixty years. The urgency was that no child shall be spared the ministrations of the Cult of Baal, or forego sacrifice on the altar of the child molesters. The Medical Monopoly cannot afford to have a single pupil escape the monetary offering to be paid for the compulsory vaccination, the tribute of the enslaved to their masters.

• Edward Jenner (1796-1839) "discovered" that cowpox vaccine would supposedly inoculate persons against the eighteenth century scourge of smallpox. In fact, smallpox was already on the wane, and some authorities believe it would have vanished by the end of the century, due to a number of contributing factors. After the use of cowpox vaccine became widespread in England, a smallpox epidemic broke out which killed 22,081 people. The smallpox epidemics became worse each year that the vaccine was used. In 1872, 44,480 people were killed by it. England finally banned the vaccine in 1948, despite the fact that it was one of the most widely heralded "contributions" which that country had made to modern medicine. This action came after many years of compulsory vaccination, during which period those who refused to submit to its dangers were hurried off to jail.

• Japan initiated compulsory vaccine in 1872. In 1892, there were 165,774 cases of smallpox there, which resulted in 29,979 deaths. Japan still enforces compulsory vaccination; however, since it is a militarily occupied nation, its present government can hardly be blamed for submitting to the Rockefeller Medical Monopoly. Germany also instituted compulsory vaccination. In 1939 (this during the Nazi regime), the diptheria rate increased astronomically to 150,000 cases. Norway, which never instituted compulsory vaccination, had only fifty cases during the same period. Polio has increased 700% in states which have compulsory vaccination. The much quoted writer on medical problems, Morris Beale, who for years edited his informative publication, Capsule News Digest, from Capitol Hill, offered a standing reward during the years from 1954 to 1960 of $30,000, which he would pay to anyone who could prove that the polio vaccine was not a killer and a fraud. There were no takers.

• Medical historians have finally come to the reluctant conclusion that the great flu "epidemic" of 1918 was solely attributable to the widespread use of vaccines. It was the first war in which vaccination was compulsory for all servicemen. The Boston Herald reported that forty-seven soldiers had been killed by vaccination in one month. As a result, the military hospitals were filled, not with wounded combat casualties, but with casualties of the vaccine. The epidemic was called "the Spanish Influenza," a deliberately misleading appellation, which was intended to conceal its origin. This flu epidemic claimed twenty million victims; those who survived it were the ones who had refused the vaccine. In recent years, annual recurring epidemics of flu are called "the Russian Flu." For some reason, the Russians never protest, perhaps because the Rockefellers make regular trips to Moscow to lay down the party line.

• The perils of vaccination were already known. Plain Talk magazine notes that "during the Franco-Prussian War, every German soldier was vaccinated. The result was that 53,288 otherwise healthy men developed smallpox. The death rate was high."

• In what is now known as "the Great Swine Flu Massacre," the President of the United States, Gerald Ford, was enlisted to persuade the public to undergo a national vaccination campaign. The moving force behind the scheme was a $135 million windfall profit for the major drug manufacturers. They had a "swine flu" vaccine which suspicious pig raisers had refused to touch, fearful it might wipe out their crop. The manufacturers had only tried to get $80 million from the swine breeders; balked in this sale, they turned to the other market, humans. The impetus for the national swine flu vaccine came directly from the Disease Control Center in Atlanta, Georgia. Perhaps coincidentally, Jimmy Carter, a member of the Trilateral Commission, was then planning his presidential campaign in Georgia. The incumbent President, Gerald Ford, had all the advantages of a massive bureaucracy to aid him in his election campaign, while the ineffectual and little known Jimmy Carter offered no serious threat in the election. Suddenly, out of Atlanta, came the Center of Disease Control plan for a national immunization campaign against "swine flu." The fact that there was not a single known case of this flu in the United States did not deter the Medical Monopoly from their scheme. The swine breeders had been shocked by the demonstrations of the vaccine on a few pigs, which had collapsed and died. One can imagine the anxious conferences in the headquarters of the great drug firms, until one bright young man remarked, "Well, if the swine breeders won't inject it into their animals, our only other market is to inject it into people."

• The Ford sponsored swine flu campaign almost died an early death, when a conscientious public servant, Dr. Anthony Morris, formerly of HEW and then active as director of the Virus Bureau at the Food and Drug Administration, declared that there could be no authentic swine flu vaccine, because there had never been any cases of swine flu on which they could test it. Dr. Morris then went public with his statement that "at no point were the swine flu vaccines effective." He was promptly fired, but the damage had been done. The damage control consisted of that great humanitarian, Walter Cronkite, and the President of the United States, combining their forces to come to the rescue of the Medical Monopoly. Walter Cronkite had President Ford appear on his news program to urge the American people to submit to the inoculation with the swine flu vaccine. CBS then or later could never find any reason to air any analysis or scientific critique of the swine flu vaccine, which was identified as containing many toxic poisons, including alien viral protein particles, formaldehyde, residues of chicken and egg embryo substances, sucrose, theimorosal (a derivative of poisonous mercury), polysorbate and some eighty other substances. Meanwhile, back at the virus laboratories, after Dr. Anthony Morris has been summarily fired, a special team of workers was rushed in to clean out the four rooms in which he had conducted his scientific tests. The laboratory was filled with animals whose records verified his claims, representing some three years of constant research. All of the animals were immediately destroyed, and Morris' records were burned. They did not go so far as to sow salt throughout the area, because they believed their job was done. On April 15, 1976, Congress passed Public Law 94-266, which provided $135 million of taxpayers' funds to pay for a national swine flu inoculation campaign. HEW was to distribute the vaccine to state and local health agencies on a national basis for inoculation, at no charge. Insurance agencies then went public with their warning that they would not insure drug firms against possible suits from the results of swine flu inoculation, because no studies had been carried out which could predict its effects. It was to foil the insurance companies that CBS had Gerald Ford make his impassioned appeal to 215,000,000 Americans to save themselves while there was still time, and to rush down to the friendly local health department and get the swine flu vaccination, at absolutely no charge. This may have been CBS' finest hour in its distinguished career of "public service."

• Herbert M. Shelton wrote in 1938 in his book, "Exploitation of Human Suffering," that "Vaccine is pus—either septic or inert—if inert it will not take—if septic it produces infection." This explains why some children have to go back and receive a second inoculation, because the first one did not "take"—it was not sufficiently poisonous, and did not infect the body. Shelton says that the inoculations cause sleeping sickness, infantile paralysis, haemoplagia or tetanus.

• This story raises more questions than it answers. It also reveals the wide gap between the medical mind and that of the layman. A layman would say, "If all cases of polio in the United States since 1979 have been caused by the polio vaccine, isn't this a good reason for discontinuing?" Such reasoning is always called "simplistic" by our overeducated professionals. After all, one has to think of the national economy, and of drug manufacturers geared up to the continuous production of a vaccine for an epidemic which has disappeared. Think of the unemployment, and the diminution of dividends to the holders of stock in the Drug Trust. After all, most of their income is donated to "charity." If you cannot see the logic of this reasoning, you will never get a job with the U.S. Public Health Service.

To be Continued…

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