
This is a really Good must see Video for those who really want to understand the Disease Process and why focusing on Deficiencies should NOT be our Primary Focus!

Dr. Robert Morse - The Great Lymphatic System (better quality)

1:03:05 Minute Video

JR’s Notes:

1:46 MM

You don’t regenerate your Adrenal Glands with Corticosteroids. You’ve heard me over and over tell you that in Medical Naturopathic and probably Homeopathic, we all have the same understanding with Steroids, Hormones and Neurotransmitters and I might add Digestive Enzymes - you take these and you’ll Lose your Glands. If you get the PDR on Cortef and read it, you’ll find just the opposite - it Causes Hypo Adrenal Insufficiency meaning it shuts down your Adrenal Glands. Well, that’s what Steroids do. You can’t take a Steroid or a Hormone or a Neurotransmitter and expect your Glands to do better - it’s actually going to make them weaker. 2:33 MM

4:52 MM

And I thought the lack of understanding of the Body’s Major Fluid and focusing on the Minor Fluid, the Blood, is very inappropriate for any type of Health understanding because 99% of Man’s Suffering has nothing whatsoever to do with the Blood - it has everything to do with the Lymphatic System.

So let’s go over the Body’s Lymphatic System because it’s real easy to understand that System. The Theory Allopathically doesn’t fit if you understand the Body’s Lymph System and you start watching it work properly. When you get it fixed, you will start to confirm and see all of these things we’re going to talk about here.

So if you stop and think about the Human Body for a minute - the Human Body is just a bunch of Cells, a 100 Trillion Cells roughly comprise the Human Body head to toe. So if I’m looking at your Liver, I’m just looking at a bunch of Cells. If I’m looking at your Heart, I’m looking at a bunch of Cells. If it’s a female, I’m looking at the Ovaries or the Uterus or the Cervix, what am I looking at? A bunch of Cells. If I look at a man’s Prostrate, Testicles - a bunch of Cells. If I look at your Muscles, if I look at your Bones - a bunch of Cells. If I look at your Brain - a bunch of Cells. How about your Skin - a bunch of Cells.

So the Human Body is comprised roughly of a 100 Trillion Cells, so the buck stops at the Cell because everything you experience in the Human Body is because of Cells whether they’re producing your Hormones that make things happen, your Steroids that make things happen, your Neurotransmitters which turn on your Nervous Systems, all of these things make everything happen.

So your Endocrine Glands in the Human Body are really the bosses, they’re the best government that you ever had because this government helps all of the people by what they produce and everybody works together.

So the buck stops really at the Cell.

So if we took the Body apart and said, wow, everything is a bunch of Cells, what else is in there?

Well, 2 Major Fluids. There are 2 Major Fluids that flow around all of the Cells. These 2 Major Fluids are called Interstitial Fluids, which simply means Fluids that flow around the Cells, right?

Now that comprises the predominance of the Human Body. Outside of that you have some Bacterium, which is essential. Every Septic System I know of has Bacteria in it and you would Never Kill the Bacteria in your Septic Tank. You do that and you’re in trouble and we’ll go over that in a minute. People have some Viruses, hey, get rid of them, they’re easy, they’re proteins, they’re not single cell organisms, they’re like antigens, their job is to bond, if you will, to the Weaker Cells to create an Immune Response. You can have High Viral Loads in your Body and Never have a Problem. High Hep C, High HIV Viral Loads - No Problem. When they start bonding (now you have) to the Cell, now you have AIDS or you have deterioration of the Liver or whatever Virals are involved. HPV, it doesn’t matter. But till then, they’re just a protein that you can detoxify out of the Body - it doesn’t matter - Herpes - it doesn’t matter what it is - you can detoxify these out of your Body.

Now we got some protozoa, some people have worms and flukes, OK, clean these out of the Body, it’s not difficult and there is some Chemistry in the Body. But outside of that the predominance of the Human Body is simply Cells and 2 Major Fluids and these 2 Major Fluids, of course, their job is to take care of the Health of the Cells, right? And these 2 Major Fluids are very simple to understand because it’s easy to understand what one has to do to be Healthy. Every house that I know of has 2 rooms in them that matches these 2 Fluids, cars have these 2 areas in them so the motor can run efficiently, everywhere that I see in the world you have 2 things taking place. Creation is more or less a Consumption and Elimination Activities. Almost everywhere you see it’s Consumption and Elimination of Energetics of Chemistry and then, the Elimination of Wastes or By-Products from the interaction of Chemistry. Whenever Chemistry comes together, there’s always By-Products Eliminated from this.

So we see this in Industry and we call the By-Products of Industry - Pollution because most of the places dump them in the water, dump them into the air or dumped into the ground, so we like to call that Pollution. But Plants Eat and Eliminate, Animals Eat and Eliminate, Humans Eat and Eliminate, everything Eats and Eliminates at this level. Well, that could also mean that the Cells, right? Every Cell in your Body just about Eats and Eliminates as well.

9:52 MM

So we find that we have 2 separate issues that we have to deal with - the Eating or the Consuming of Nutrition, but then also the Eliminating of Waste because some people don’t stop and think that the reason why you Eat is to Feed a 100 Trillion Cells. Every Cell in your Body requires Carbon, which is Sugar and Oxygen, just like a car, Carbon is Gasoline. You got to have it or your motor doesn’t run. If you don’t get Sugar, if you don’t get Glucose or Fructose or Galactose as a baby, you don’t run, that’s not good, you’re going to Lose your Cells because Glucose or Fructose or Galactose is broken down into Carbon, which is Carbohydrates is Carbon Chain Constituents - that's why they’re Carbohydrates and you have Simple Carbohydrates and you have Poly or Complex Carbohydrates, which are called Starch. But Carbohydrates are simple Fruits and Vegetables - that is the requirement of most vertebrates on this planet is have some and our particular Species, the Homo Sapiens, is exclusively Fruit and Vegetable Eaters. Herbivores - exclusively Vegetarians. We’re Frugivores, so our Diet should be exclusively Fruits and Berries and maybe some Melons. Hard for Vegetables even for the Homo Sapiens, but we can tolerate them, but nothing else. 11:15 MM

12:07 MM

In other words, we don’t have anything aggressive, we’re not even like Primates, we don’t have anything aggressive that would show that we Destroy our Food before we Eat It. We simply have very simple Tools to Pick, Peel and Eat - it’s that simple. So we’re True Frugivores. Of all the Species, we’re the Truest of Frugivores and yet, we don’t pay any attention to raising our Fruits good. These farmers have lost their ability to raise Good Foods - they don’t care anymore - nobody cares. 12:38 MM

13:07 MM

But as vital as it is to Eat, it is also vital to Eliminate Waste.

13:33 MM

If you look at the Body, you have basically 2 Major kinds of Waste and 1 Sub-Major kind of Waste. One of the Major Wastes in the Human Body is Digestive Waste - that’s obvious - that goes out the Stool - goes out the Colon - that’s Digestive Waste.

What about Cellular Waste?

What about Waste from a 100 Trillion Cells - what happens?

Well, Medical Doctors pretty much believe in the theory that you @#$%& in your Kitchen - pretty much you dump your Cellular Waste back into the Venous System into the Blood.

So Message Therapy bought on that Theory and if you do a Lymph Drainage, they’re draining to the Inferior Vena Cava basically to your heart. 14:22 MM

14:35 MM

So you must understand that there’s another Channel for Eliminating Cellular Waste and it becomes very obvious and you can see this firsthand and you can see when you correct this problem of the Inability to Remove Cellular Waste and you can begin to see the effects of that.

So let’s look at the Great Lymphatic System because when we look in the Body and we cut a piece of Liver Tissue off and we put it under a microscope and we throw it up on the wall, what do we see? We see a bunch of Cells and 2 Major Fluids. One of the Major Fluids is moving fairly quick - that’s the Blood. Now the Blood only comprises 1/4th of this Fluid. Uh-oh, only 1/4th of the Fluid and Medical Doctors are fixated on that Fluid. Are we really?

What’s 3/4s of Interstitial Fluids?

That’s right, that’s your Lymph Fluids, your Lymph Fluids is your thicker lipid-based, probably Cholesterol-based, lipid-based Fluid, it’s a thicker, mucousy Fluid. The Mucosa that lines your Mouth, your Sinuses, it lines the whole Body, the Gut, the Lungs, the Bronchi, all that Mucosa is part of your Lymph System. Your Lymph System is the Body’s Gigantic Sewer System/Main Immune System. Even your Blood dumps into your Lymph System what it doesn’t want. It’s just like in the Kitchen, if you don’t want it; you throw it in the trash or put it down the food disposal. 16:00 MM

19:01 MM

Don’t be afraid of Bacteria - be afraid of Waste if you’re going of be afraid of anything.

19:32 MM

Biological Transmutation was introduced in the early 1900s and some Chemists are still going, uh, uh. Every Biochemist I know of disagrees. Every Chemistry Professor disagrees to some extent. So just understand that Science is already here, Science is God, Science is Nature - this is a large laboratory or Biosphere that is supporting untold amount of lifeforms on it. 20:01 MM

20:23 MM

So your Body does the same thing from the Cells to the Lymph Vessels to your Body’s Septic Tanks and you’ve got Hundreds and Hundreds of Septic Tanks in your Body - my house only has 1. And the Septic Tanks in your Body, of course, are called Lymph Nodes and your Lymph Nodes are full of Immune Cells that can take care of any Damaged Cells and Bacteria.

Now, what is the Role of Bacteria - to Break Down Sewage - the same Sewage in your Septic Tank is in your Body?

Absolutely, because what is in a Septic Tank? Urine and Stool and I just gave away where your Body gets rid of Waste, didn’t I? I just gave that to you because from the Lymph Nodes, Medical Doctors believe you reabsorb Wastes Back into the Venous System. Huh, they don’t even consider Lymph Nodes as a big deal. They just as soon Cut Out your Tonsils or Adenoids or Appendix or any Lymph Node you want. If it’s Swollen, Cut It Out.

OK, so let’s look at this. Let’s say that you got up in the morning, you used the Toilet, you Flushed the Toilet and pretty soon you go, oh my God, oh, this is backing up in my house - something is blocked.

So you call a Septic Man out, he comes out and says, well sir, your Septic Tank is full out there, going to have to Remove It.

Well, don’t I need a Septic Tank sir?

No sir, no, we can get that right out of there for you.

Well, OK. 21:49 MM

21:49 MM

So what if my Septic Tank was full and I had it Removed, instead of simply Cleaned Out, I had it Removed, but I keep using and Flushing the Toilet in the house. Do you think that would be bit of a problem for me in the house? Absolutely, it would start backing up and backing up in the house and run me right out of the house, wouldn’t it?

Well, when you take that Lymph Node out and you got Cells on the other side of that Lymph Node dumping their Waste to that Lymph Node. What happens to that?

Well, in many cases, the words was Lymphedema meaning your Lymph System backed up, your Sewer System backed up, but this isn’t just a Sewer System, oh no, we’re not to the best part yet.

So you Never Remove Lymph Nodes - you simply Clean them Out. And if you have a Cancer Cell in the Lymph Nodes, where else would you want the Body to take these Cells? You got any idea? Do you want to throw them in the Blood, something like that? You know, that’s obvious - that’s the System that Cleans you - that’s your Immune System - that’s the System that helps the Body keep Clean. Just remember that. This is a Vital System that’s 3/4s of Interstitial Fluids - 3/4s of the Fluids that flow around all of your Cells is your Lymphatic Fluids.

Now from the Lymph Nodes - where does your Waste go?

Not Back into the Blood System. You can convert some of these, this Chemistry, but most of it has to be Eliminated to the Outside World. Where do you think your Body does that - through the Liver? I’ve had people say through the Liver - through the Liver - the Liver doesn’t expel to the Outside World.

No, but your 3 Kidneys do - you have 3 Kidneys that are the Main Eliminative Organs of Cellular Waste, Not your Stool, your Kidneys. Your Right Kidney Drains your Right Head, your Right Arm, your Right Breast, your Chest, your Right Hip, your Right Knee, your Right Leg, your Right Ovary, your Right Testicle, part of the Uterus. Your Left does the same thing.

Well, wait a minute, I said 3 Kidneys, 3 Kidneys, oh, I forgot one - the Skin. This is your largest Kidney. 23:55 MM

24:42 MM

The average person has a Major Problem in the Lymphatic System. The Problem with the Kidneys - they must Filter these Cellular Wastes and there are a couple of Glands, one on each top of each Kidney called the Adrenal Glands - they Control the Kidney and when the Adrenals are Down, the Kidneys are Down. And it probably started the other way with all of these High Protein Diets, which are known to Damage the Kidneys and then, that of course Broken Down the Lymph System and that Backed Up into the Adrenals and now we have so much Adrenal Problems.

The Adrenal Glands are unbelievable to you. They run your Autonomic Nervous System - that’s all of your Neurotransmitters. They also, neurologically, affect your Elimination from Stool to Urine. Then you have all of your Steroids from Cortisol that is Sugar Metabolism hits hypo or hyperglycemia, all the way to Stibesterol - Breast Shapes and Sizes, all the way to Mineral Utilization, except for Calcium - that’s Parathyroid.

So you got tons of things going on your Estrogens, your Testosterones, your Aldosterones, you got all these sort of things that are all created in the Adrenals, so to have these Adrenals down, not real good. 25:51 MM

26:13 MM

It Weakens the Adrenal Glands - that’s why you don’t keep people on Steroids long - this is why a lot of Veterinarians won’t give Steroids to Animals because it Shuts Down their Adrenal Glands. What’s the wisdom in that? There is none. The wisdom is making the Adrenal Glands Healthy again.

So understanding this Gigantic Lymph System in your Body is vital and is pretty easy, right?

So far, your Body is just a bunch of Cells - 2 Major Fluids - One is Blood, which is 1/4th of this Interstitial or Fluid that flows around the Cells and 3/4s is the Lymphatic Fluids that flows around the Cells. Vital to understand that, right? The Kidneys, the 3 Kidneys are the Eliminative Organs of Cellular Waste, Not Digestive Waste. Very little Cellular Waste goes through the Colon; even the Colon dumps its Waste through the Kidneys. 27:02 MM

JR Comment: Pain and Swelling are 2 of the 5 Symptoms of Inflammation.

28:36 MM

And that’s when you start having Symptoms of Pain and Swelling. Pain and Swelling are some of the Symptoms of the Lymph System Backing Up.

Now lets’ go one step further. I think this is vital for everyone to understand this next step because it is also simple to understand, but vital to understand because this is the core to basically all life and creation and particularly relative to you on this planet right now. From a perspective of a Chemist, all life is nothing but Chemistry and Chemistry, all of these Chemical Compounds are all made from the Elements and we call the Elements - Elements because those are the Building Blocks of all creation. 29:21 MM

30:57 MM

So in Chemistry, we’ve made a lot of things - we’ve made Coal Tar Products, we’ve made Anti-Freeze Products, we’ve literally made Plastic everywhere, we’ve literally made all kinds of things, Ink, we’ve done all kinds of Chemistry out there. Of course, in doing that, we’ve had to Break apart the Chemistry that was created by the Supreme Being. Chemistry in Nature is all Bonded together where Arsenic in Nature is a Micro Trace Element is a Nutritive Element. If I bring it forward, like an Elemental, say like Calcium, and I take it at that level, I’m going to Die from it.

So God put everything in proper Ratios and Magnetically Bonded together. When we go in and we rip apart Chemistry, we Break the Magnetic Bonding. Now we have an Open End Magnetic Bonding - our Ability to Bond to something else. So what we’ve created is Free Radicals from the Bonding of Chemistry in ways that we don’t understand yet. We don’t know what’s Antagonistic Chemistry to another. We know some things, like Vitamin C is Antagonistic to Calcium, so we know some of these things, but we don’t know very much of them. I’ve studied Chemistry all of my life.

32:18 MM

So that’s a Problem, but there’s one thing you must understand no matter how much Chemistry we’re looking at - let’s say we had 10,000 Compounds in front of us and we had a 100 Elements in front of us - how many sides - how many sides can we divide all of this Chemistry into? How many sides are there to Chemistry? Of all of these thousands and thousands of Compounds and probably hundreds of Elements, how many sides can we divide this up into?

Most of you already know that - a lot of you don’t and that is simply 2 - 2! I don’t think there’s anything much more simple.

So what you see in God and you see in Creation is the simplistic and the complex. You must understand the simplistic before you understand the complex because if you jump into the complex, you lose; you lose the simplicity because the simplicity is the foundation of the complex. 33:30 MM

34:29 MM

Now there are 2 Sides to Chemistry - what are they?

Now the Nature of these 2 Sides to Chemistry is vital to understand. The 2 Sides to Chemistry can be compared to Male and Female. One Side of Chemistry can be considered the Men. The other Side of Chemistry can be considered the Ladies, OK?

Now the Male Side of Chemistry is by far the Aggressive Side of Chemistry. Men are Aggressive - they like to tear things apart. I was asking a guy in the other day if he had a screw driver because I wanted to tear this phone apart and see how it was made. That was the Male Side of me. The Female Side of me is going to take a paint brush and put flowers on my phone because the Female Side of Chemistry is the Healing, the Building Side. Females create - they’re the creative side. 35:24 MM

JR Comment: Morse confuses Male and Female with Red and Blue Personality Traits.

36:37 MM

Again, Male Chemistry - Inflammatory - Female Chemistry - Anti-Inflammatory. To make it simple, Male Chemistry is referred to as Corrosive Chemistry in Chemistry and, of course, the name for Male Chemistry is Acids. Acids are the Corrosive Side of Nature - very Aggressive. The Main Side or Predominate Side of Chemistry on this planet is called Base Chemistry or another word that’s highly used is Alkaline Chemistry. The Base or Alkaline Side of Chemistry is the Female Healing Side of Chemistry, which used to dominate this planet by 80% to 20%.

In other words, the atmosphere at this level in Fruits and Vegetables were predominately were 80% Base or Alkaline Chemistry to only 20% Acid. In other words, there was a lot more Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium than there was Phosphorus, Iron and the Acid Side. And this was very important because your Blood is predominately Base Chemistry. 7.4 is the pH of Blood or should be.

So you can’t dump Acids into the Blood without severely hurting yourself. A matter of fact, if your Blood becomes Acidic, what is the end result of that? Well, about 4 minutes from now I’ll probably be putting some flowers on your grave because your Blood cannot become Acidic without Killing you. It’s that simple.

So you can’t put Acids in the Blood. It must be regulated. So Phosphorus and the Acid Side, your Nitrogen Side of Chemistry is the Lowest Side of Chemistry. Man has turned it the other way. For some reason, Medical Doctors think Protein is the cat’s meow and the Body can’t even use it!

So what we have is a recommendation of High Acid Foods in Life - Grains, Beans, Meats, Cooked Dairy Products - all of these are Highly Acidic Foods into a Blood that is supposed to be Alkaline. You can imagine that doesn’t make the Blood very happy. A matter of fact, the Blood is shocked, oh my God! If you just Ate a piece of Meat, you could die from that because of the dominance of Acid Chemistry in the Blood you could bring that Homeostasis of the Blood down to the Acid Side - that’s it. But the Blood can steal something - the Body can take Calcium out of the Walls of your Arteries - out of the Walls of your Veins - out of your Finger Nails - out of your Bones, but particularly, out of the Walls when it’s your Blood, it will steal them out of the Walls of your Vascular System. And guess what your symptoms are going to be then.

Bruising easy, Varicose Veins, Spider Veins, Hemorrhoids, Brittle Fingernails, Osteoporosis, Scoliosis, you can just keep going right down a long line, Connective Tissue Weaknesses, everything starts Bulging, Herniations from Aneurysms, go right on down the road - the Body is Stealing from its Structure to Fight Acids because in this world, on this planet, if Acids Win, you Lose. 39:56 MM

39:56 MM

National Geographic…6 Legged Mutated Frogs…Acid Rain…because Pollution is Acidic. 40:28 MM

40:55 MM

So now you’re getting a good understanding that the Acid Side of Chemistry - Not necessarily our Friend. We need It - our Body produces a few Acids - Hydrochloric Acid - that’s Stomach Acid and it’s Needed to release Pepsin because your Body cannot use Protein. Your Body can only use what Proteins are made of and that’s called Amino Acids. You get plenty of Amino Acids in Fruits and Vegetables. All the Strongest Animals in the world do NOT Eat Protein. Notice that? Your Primate Families - very few do Protein whatsoever and that’s only where they’re trapped or forced to, unless it’s that Wild Primate Family right now that was released where Man got them stuck on Meat Eating and now they’re Eating other Monkeys - they’re cannibals - totally bizarre for that Species.

So your Primate Family and your Herbivores - your Elephants, your Horses, your Cows - some of the Strongest Animals on this planet don’t Lack in Endurance, we use them for their Power and, of course, very intelligent beings and they don’t Eat any Meat at all - No Protein at all. What’s that??? And our Species fits right in with the Frugivorous Species.

So this concept of Protein - I could go over that for hours - it holds no water whatsoever and only serves to Breakdown the Human Body. There’s been one study after another study through the years and last year, Shepard Smith was saying there was a 30 year study, I believe, linking High Protein Diets to Colon Cancer. 42:28 MM

42:28 MM

What they’re Not looking at is that same Damage to Kidneys. 42:32 MM

42:32 MM

If your Creatin in your Blood is more than .6, you’re starting to Lose your Kidneys. I don’t care if it’s within Normal Ranges. You know, we look at things a little closer here in Chemistry, so watch yourself. 42:49 MM

42:49 MM

So what about your Lymph Fluid, though?

Your Blood has to be Base Chemistry - Alkaline Chemistry.

Well, let’s first establish a Fact, most Cells, a matter of fact, all of them I know of, Eliminate Waste - got to - it’s Essential because they’re Consuming. When you Consume, you must Eliminate, correct?

So Cellular Waste - what Side of Chemistry do you think most of them rely on?

Absolutely, Acids. Acids are generally the by-products of Metabolism, Respiration, all types of Chemical Interactions in the Human Body, Outside of the Human Body, it’s everywhere, most of these by-products are Acids. That’s why you can’t have several pounds of Acids being created at the Cellular Level or Interstitially and Eat Acid Foods at the same time - that’s Man’s Problem and he’s going Down Hill on a Fast Moving Train. The Genetics are about to Kill us all.

If I sit here and I’m talking to you (while flexing his arm) and I’m working my muscle here, what am I creating? Lactic Acid, right?

Now, that’s OK if what - if I can remove that Acid. Is it my Blood’s job to remove that Acid (while shaking his head)?

What happens if the Blood gets Acidic?

And you can’t convert all Acids to Bases - that’s stupid.

Nope, you’ve got separate Eliminative Organs for that. You can see that when the Skin gets Backed Up Subcutaneously with Acids - Eczema, Psoriasis, all types of Skin Rashes, absolutely. These are all Acids - that’s why it makes the Skin Red. 44:30 MM

44:30 MM

What happens if you forget to Change your Baby’s Diaper in a timely manner? See a little Rash on the bottom. How come? Urine Rash - where did that come from? Acids - the same Acids at a Cellular Level, but hopefully, the Bacteria in the Lymph Nodes took that 3 pH Acids, like Phosphoric, Carbonic, Lactic Acids, and brought them up to about 6 and it’s far better to have 6 pH Acid hit your Kidneys than a 3 because it’s 3 pH Acids that Causes Cancer. Cancer is just simply a Damaged Cell by Acids. What Acids Damage Cells? Any of em - pick em - the Acids don’t differentiate. They don’t say, oh, you’re a good son of a gun, I’m not going to touch you, I’ll get this one over here. They’re Acids and Acids are Acids and they will always be Acids. The only way to stop an Acid is with Base Chemistry. You don’t stop Acids with an Acid.

When you come into an Emergency Room whether by ambulance or you’re walking in, most Emergency Room Visits is Acidosis. So we start an IV, we hang a bag of normal Saline or the guys, the EMTs did it in the ambulance and they start running Alkaline Chemistry through your Blood. Why? Because all Trauma and all ER Visits are Dietary related or Trauma, all Acidosis and, of course, we’re going to start cooling you down - that’s the same reason why we use Corticosteroids. Inflammation is Acidosis and we’re going to give you Steroids to back down that Inflammation. Not the right way, but certainly in a Stat situation, maybe possible, you should, especially in Spinal Cord stuff so you don’t Damage Tissue.

The Big Issue is your Lymph System has got to pull those Acids out of there - Not your Blood. Your Blood doesn’t Clean Up the Mess - your Lymph System Cleans Up the Mess - your Lymph System is the Janitor and that Cleans Up the Mess - Not the Blood. Your Blood is simply the Kitchen bringing home the goodies. But your Lymph has to Clean Up all Trauma Tissue - that’s why wounds don’t Heal Well - Surgery doesn’t Heal Well because they’re always done where there’s Acidosis - where there’s Trauma and you don’t Heal Well. You cannot Regenerate Cells in your Body in an Acid Medium. That’s why Medical Doctors have No Ability to Regenerate Tissue and that’s all we do is Regenerate Tissue and remember Cells Genetically because we know the Truth about Energy, Chemistry and how the Body works. We don’t work on these Antiquated Theories that hold no water and has Man Afraid to look outside - Afraid they’ll Catch something. Ridiculous - Crazy - Insane and it’s been the downfall of the Human Race Monetarily.

Look at what the Allopathic Community has done to the Monetary System of this Country. We have a Hospital down here that charges $9,000 for 1 EKG, which is $60, it’s OK, we’ll charge you 200. And a Chest X-ray, which is $70 and we’ll overcharge you 200, they charge $9,000. These people are being looked at, hopefully, by the State Attorney General’s Office - Faucet needs to be charged. That’s what’s the Problem. They’re Not the Solutions - they’re the Problems, so we have to correct that. 48:00 MM

48:00 MM

So it’s important that you understand Acids and the Vital Need of the Body to Remove them - that’s why the Lymph System is a thicker, mucousy, lipid-based Fluid because it deals with the Acid Side of Chemistry.

Now the Acid Side of Chemistry is like a little Pac Man, but what it does - Acids create what is called an Anionic Environment. An Anionic Environment is an Environment of coagulation and dehydration, so this Fluid has a tendency to get thick [Hacking a Luger].

Have you ever Coughed Up a real Big Mucus Plug and how think that is?

That’s what happens to the Lymph System in your Body - it gets Thicken, Harden, some of these Tumors get hard as a rock.

What’s a Tumor?

A Pocket of Fluid.

What kind of Fluid do you think you’re going to find in a Tumor - the same kind of Fluid you’re going to find in a Boil or a Pimple? Well, how about a Cyst?

Absolutely, you only have 2 Fluids in the Human Body, primarily. What are those?

Interstitial Fluids - Blood and Lymph - Blood and Lymph - the Dominate Fluid - a little Water, OK. Blood and Lymph Dominates the Human Body - period - End of Story.

[Lymph System…Pain and Swelling]

So real important to understand the Lymph System because that’s where 99% of all of the Problems - all of the Pain - all of the Swelling - I don’t care about what Arthritis it is - I don’t care Lupus, Lyme’s - I mean, they lump these as Auto-Immune. What’s Auto-Immune about any of those?

Nothing, that’s your Sewer System. And so what if you get a Viral, your Sewer System is a Dump. It’s your Cultural Medium - you have No Cultural Medium - you have No Problem - you have No Acidosis - you have No Pain and Swelling.

Congestive Heart Failure - Pulmonary Edema - these are all Lymphatic Problems.

Gangrene - Lymphatic Problems.

Of course, it just happens to be that the Kidneys are at the core of the Problem and now we got the Adrenals, so what do you see?

All the Diabetes, so now they Blame Diabetes [for] Causing Kidney Problems.

Are you serious!?

It’s the Reverse!

This is the Problem - what Medical Doctors Believe - if you Reverse it, you’d probably find the Truth and that’s one of them. The Problem is with the Kidneys and the Adrenals in the first place - that affects Sugar Metabolism.

There’s No such thing as Diseases. If you want to Empower yourself with Knowledge, get rid of this Idea and Fallacy and Concept, an Illusion of Diseases because they don’t exist. Everything is Chemistry and Physics in Action and you have Cause & Effect. And, of course, the overriding Principle is the Strong Survive, the Weak are Consumed and you must understand that Cellularly and what Nature does to Eliminate its Weaknesses. You also must learn in Chemistry what the Body does to Fight Acids and your Body has 2 Main Antacids in the Human Body and those 2 Main Antacids in the Human Body is #1) Cholesterol and LDL, of course, is what your Adrenal Steroids are made from. HDL is Phospholipids are all in the Cell Wall, why?

Protection Against Acids - your Body must Protect Itself Against the use of Acids. There is a Protection with Estrogen. Estrogen is Acidic, but what Protects the Body from too much Estrogen Burn?


How about Testosterone?


You can use any Corticosteroid would work.

How about Hydrochloric Acid in the Stomach?

Bicarbonate from the Pancreas.

So if you have True Acid Reflux, you’re going to have Bicarbonate Problems in the Pancreas, aren’t you?


So understanding this War between the 2 Sides and what the Body has to do to Win because if Acids Win, you Lose! And you can name any Condition there is out there and you’re going to always use the word - Acidosis - Acidosis - Acidosis.

There’s only 2 Sides to Chemistry - pick one!

There’s only 2 Major Fluids in the Human Body - pick one!

You’re going to be 50% right. How would like to go to Las Vegas and bet a Million Dollars and know you got 50% chance to win? 52:05 MM

52:05 MM

So real important to understand your Gigantic Lymph System and the Role the Kidneys and the Skin Play and the Elimination of this and that the Adrenal Glands are the Controlling Parties to the Kidneys. And, of course, the Thyroid Controls how the Fevers of the Body and can Control the Elimination through Skin.

So getting Healthy is Primarily focused on the Lymph. Blood is easy - just Change your Diet to Fruits and Veggies - you’ll Clean the Blood - everything’s Good.

But I got to go through the Blood to get to the Lymph. And Vegetables are Not Good to get to the Lymph. Only Fruit and Berries and Melons are Good to Move Lymph and especially, your Sub-Acid and Acid Fruits are the King of Moving Lymph. But you got to get the Kidneys to Filter - means you’ve got to get your Adrenals Up, so we use Herbs to help to do that. We use Herbs to Pick Up the Adrenals. We use Herbs to get the Kidneys to Filter. We use Herbs to Move the Lymph. Outside of that, you have Glandulars to help these Endocrine Glands to Pop Up and do better.

But it’s a trip - getting Well isn’t taking 1 Supplement - getting Well isn’t taking a Pharmaceutical - getting Well isn’t taking something Magic out there - getting Well is a Process of Unwinding what you’ve created, unknowingly, but what you’ve created in your own Body. And that, of course, rest on the Chest of Genetics and the whole thing. I have Videos in the front of these talking about Genetics and how Creation is put together. Understand how Creation is put together, which is very simple and you’ll get a good understanding of why there’s Memory and Memory in all things, including Plants, including Animals, including Cells.

So take time and understand this Lymph System and take a look at your Lymphatic System because it is the System that is Protecting you, but it’s also the System that’s Hurting you. You know, the ironic thing is most people Die on their own Wastes and these are Acids and you’ll learn to respect Acids. The pH Scale or what we measure Acids with - we measure Acids through the use of the Atoms of Hydrogen. So we have pH of the Potential of Hydrogen and so what we have is a Scale from 0 to 14. 0 to 7 is basically the Acid Side where 7 is Neutral and then, from 7 on is the Base or Alkaline Side of Chemistry. Very simple Scale, right? 54:30 MM

54:30 MM

Look at Coca Cola, Dr. Pepper, Pepsi, they all have a pH of about 2.8, 2.9, 3 pH, so let’s call it 3 pH - Pretty Hot Stuff. Put a Coke in your Mouth - spits it out - burn my mucosa because Acids burn - ouch. Or you can feel the heat from Acids, right? Gatorade, the Minnesota School of Dentistry found Gatorade to be 2.85. So I heard the National Football League got wind of that. I hope so because you don’t Re-Hydrate in an Acid Medium - that’s what De-Hydrates you. You Re-Hydrate in a Base or Alkaline Mix, so why would they sell Gatorade to anybody? 55:14 MM

55:35 MM

So you look at Hydrochloric Acid in the Stomach, 1.8 to 2 roughly - 2 pH - 10 times hotter roughly let’s say than Coke - Pretty Hot - Break Down Proteins, you know, Break Down your Skin, in other words, put a little Hydrochloric Acid, Muriatic Acid, somewhere in that same level. How about Battery Acid? We know Battery Acid we’d never put on the Skin - that would Burn that Skin right off, right, because that’s a pH of 1. So Battery Acid is Pretty Fringing Hot, right, 10 times Hotter than Hydrochloric Acid and a 100 times Hotter than a Coke. So imagine something 100 times Hotter or more Acidic than a Coke - Pretty Hot Stuff.

Now Chemotherapy, Chemotherapy has a pH, basically, 1.5 to 2 maybe 2.2. The earlier Chemo’s were closer to Battery Acid. The newer one’s more less Acidic should we say, but still right there with Hydrochloric Acid or a little Hotter. I say somewhere between 10 and 50 times Hotter than the 3 pH Acids that are Damaging the Cells.

So let me see if I’ve got this right - your Cellular Wastes are Acids - they’re roughly around 3 pH - when these Acids can’t be Eliminated Out of the Cell anymore because of Lymph Stagnation, you have Intercellular Acidosis. These 3 pH Acids is what creates an atypical or a Cancer Cell. We’re going to Treat that Problem with an Acid that’s 10 and 50 times Hotter because, because, well, I can’t come up with a reason. Well, let’s see, we’re certainly going to put it in the Blood. But wait a minute, the Blood can’t be Acidic because then you have to steal Calcium. I had a hospital administrator in one of my classes one day and he said, I know a statistic you don’t know I bet, and I said, what’s that? He said, do you know how many people die of Aortic Aneurysms from the use of Chemo being poured through a subclavian port right into the Aorta? I said, you know, I never even thought about it. 57:48 MM

58:16 MM

I mean, I’ve never heard of anything more insane than using Cancer Causing Treatments, Radiation and Chemo are one of the Top Cancer Causing Treatments. Why would you use a Cancer Causing Treatment to Treat Cancer, to Treat a Damaged Cell from Acidosis? Forget the word Cancer - that’s the Crap Department they use to get Money from you - this is a Damaged Cell by Acids. You’re going to take a Hotter Acid 10 and 50 times Hotter to Kill It! Well, whatever affects 1 Cell affects All Cells. Thank you very much for that.

So what’s going to happen?

You Damage a lot more Cells and anywhere you have Cells already being Broken Down by Acids - that’s your next Hot Spot - it already is a Hot Spot - that becomes your next Cancer. Cancer doesn’t get up and move on you. Are they smoking something in the backroom? You can’t take a Cell, pluck it out of the Liver, carry it to the Brain and make your Brain Cells Cancerous because a Liver Cell is Cancerous - got Damaged by an Acid. These guys are insane! You can’t do some of these things. This whole thing is just how they Control and Manipulate you. They Control and Manipulate you through Fear. If you Fear anything, you Fear an Acid and what you have to do to get rid of It.

So understand the Lymph System, understand that Fruits and Berries and Melons are the Best Foods for Lymphatic Congestion whether you got Sinuses, you got Tumors, it doesn’t matter what you got, it’s all Lymphatics.

Interstitial Fluid - Tumors are Interstitial Fluid - Cysts are Interstitial Fluid - Not moving anywhere very fast. And these Tumors will Break Up as the Body isolates this Acid Mix, the Body will Open Up and when the pathway is Open. Your Body is the smart one. We’re the ones that Clogged our Bodies, Acidified our Bodies and Broke Down our Bowels and our Kidneys, Clogged our Lymph Systems with all of this Crap Milk and now we have serious Lymphatic Problems. And you’re Not going to get rid of them in 2 weeks. Moving that Lymph from head to toe is miles long - you got some work ahead of you. But the Good News is there isn’t anything your Body can’t Regenerate. We Regenerate anything from Brain Cells to Toe Cells.

So it’s really cool to get on the Health Side of this. You lose that Medical Disease Dark Side that they’re totally lost in the woods somewhere. Someday maybe they’re find their way back. But you have to take care of your Body and your Health and you must Knowledge Up, please, and then, you’ll be OK, you’ll Protect yourself, your loved ones, your family and they won’t fall to this HUGE Machine that’s Killing people and no judge, nobody is looking or understanding this and putting them to task charging them with Manslaughter. No, it’s OK, we can Kill people. Is it OK to Kill 90% of the people you’re using your Therapy on? 1:01:20 MM


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