Interesting how there are times where I allow a little thought of fear based energy to creep in - I woke up this morning and my body was hot, I was burning up, for one reason and another and I suddenly thought "I feel claustrophobic" I went into a fear reaction of feeling hot. I then experienced the movement of energy within and as me of 'feeling trapped' within my own body, and then immediately went to a thought of " I am running out of time, my body is getting old" -- All in a few seconds I had talked myself into and experience that was steeped in paranoia, and I could see in a moment how easy it is to go down the road of FEAR, and allow to be how I experience myself, because from those few little thoughts a whole scenario is formed and lived, within and as myself.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to let fear and paranoia be the deciding factor on how I experience myself.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to let my mind direct me in fear in a moment, because I have let one small thought slip through the net of my awareness.
I forgive myself that I haven't seen/realised and understood that even the so called subtle moments need correction, because this is how the big systems start and accumulate as thoughts/feelings and emotions. So within this I see/realise and understand how everything starts somewhere in space and time.
I forgive myself that I haven't seen/realised and understood the connected - ness of everything, and that includes me, and within this I can now see/realise and understand for real how I create my own reality.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to brush over the seemingly insignificant points that come up within and as me, because I have defined them as such, when in reality nothing is too small to be forgiven, and everything that I create within and as my mind is always an illusion.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create a belief within and as me that if I am not in fear I am not alive, and within this I have to experience myself as energy, like it has become a part of who I am and how I experience myself in this life, in a state of preparedness.
When and as I experience myself as thinking ANYTHING that is not supportive for myself or best for all. I immediately stop and breathe and bring myself her in that very moment within and as myself in the breath, I become aware of my breath and stop my thoughts, before they go too far, and then within this create consequence within and as myself as an energetic reaction.
I commit myself to practice this - stop, breathe,introspect, forgive - I commit myself to do this each and every time I have a thought, that is not a 'practical 'thought, in that I am not the one directing the thought, within what is best.
I commit myself to stop at each and every thought and ask myself "is this thought best for me, and then within this best for all" and if the answer is no, then I stop and forgive the thought and release it with forgiveness.
I commit myself to walk out of the patterns of fear and judgement that I have created within and as myself, that has lead me to be the person that I have been, and I commit myself to walk a better way, a way that is non judgmental and equal to all that exists. And I do this through specific introspection and application of forgiveness for all the thoughts that are coming up within and as me.