Should Carnatic Music Transcend Mind ?
The excerpts from A Southern Music : The Karnatik Story by acclaimed Vocalist T.M .Krishna carried in the opinion page of the Hindu dated 13-12-13 entitled “No caste,no creed,no gender’ is a good augury and has prompted me to present my views more or less responding to the points raised in a suggestive manner. T.M .Krishna (TMK) speaks about the mental and the worldly layers only, but one has also to transcend beyond to get inspiration and not merely imagination and move down creativity, to orient the worldly level. Imagination is sufficient for correcting minor aberrations but not for reorienting. It is like amending Vedic statements through imagination. To realize this objective, any one has to attain or even try and tend to attain NADA BRAHMAN (NB) status through Nada yoga (NY) as per our scriptures. It can be seen from ensuing discussions, NY and many such Vedic concepts are also getting validated by recent paradigm shifting developments in sciences, post quantum physics era. It has all the merit and logic to add that artists of all shades should also tend to become yogis, emulating such greats as the Music Trintees, Kabir, Meerabai, Namdeo, Purandaradasa. Tukaram.Annamacharya, Arunagirinadhar, Sadasiva Brahmendral why even sages Naradha, Nandhi. The list is endless. Nada yoga is therefore is an unique concept. In this note Yoga includes NY and Brahmatajas (BT) includes Nada Brahman (NB) too unless specifically referred. Indian classical music, especially the karnatic, took early advantage of embracing these concepts as we did with Gjnana, Karma, Bakthi Yogas adopting Privirti or a Nivriti Marga. The scriptures never restricted these concepts to Hinduism only but were always open to all, irrespective of caste, creed, gender or religion including atheists.
Gayatri Mantra (GM) and Rig Veda 1.164.46). Taittiriya Upanishad (II.1.1) describes and defines Brahman as
satyam GYAnamanantaM brahma.
Meaning- Brahman is of the nature of truth, knowledge ad infinitum.
GM also speaks about the Primordial Force-
Note the above vedic definitions only speak about the Primordial force of nature and not at all about Saguna aspects like Siva,Vishnu, Saraswathy and all.
Only GM is advocated during Brahmopadesa
These mean irrespective of any one’s religious, gender and caste affiliation or even if one is a sworn atheist he has all the freedom to choose his own Self as that primordial force- which men usually reckon as God- or choose any statue by any name to focus his Buddhi towards that unifying force. This will progressively transform him to revere that force residing inside everyone and everywhere, fusing his Buddhi,Mind,Chitta and Ahankara complex (BMCA) with that force, Thereby the difference between him and Him can tend to narrow down to zero which ultimately means “him is Him” and none else. These apply to BT and NB. But what is practiced as NY in sabhas or in katcheri formats currently is a different story which calls for serious attention, rightly pointed out by sri.T.N.K. Even now, no body prevents any body in adopting these concepts, and no –body to be blamed if Indian classical took advantage. It is also a matter of significance, why Nada is attributed only to Brahman and not to other Gods and Godesses, the Suguna aspects of Brahman, like Siva or Vishnu or Saraswati and all. Our Scriptures and recent advancements in sciences discussed below should convince that it only attributes the Primordial Force, the Nirguna brahman.
One of the most important aspects of Brahman is Akasa, the Unified Field and its derivative Quantum Vacuum Fields of sciences, which is praGYAnaM– Consciousness which again is the know-how and know-why of everything for generating, sustaining, recycling and totally governing universes including you and me. Many scientists now admit that– Consciousness- praGYAnaM and not materialism is the ground of all manifested or unmanifested entities of nature and contains their respective DNAs. This itself indicates that materialism is an epiphenomenon and everything stems out of Consciousness only. Consciousness is composed of coded complex wave forms of energies of various kinds to lash out and to reabsorb various forms and structures of nature’s variegated entities on a time base, as DNAs do. Dr. John Samuel Hagelin presents theoretical arguments that suggest Vedic Akasa and the Unified Field of modern science (in which all forces of nature such as electromagnetic, weak, nuclear, gravitational and such presently unknown forces were contained just after Big Bang) are actually one and the same. ’Akasa is the cradle and grave of everything in the universes,’ says Ervin László. Both these observations carry a lot of merit and logic..The great truths propounded in the Vedas have hitherto been accepted as divine truisms, but there have always been bodies of scientists and logicians who have questioned their veracity. However, scientists of the highest caliber have begun to accept Vedic pronouncements. Such instances are only on the increase. Scientists have even gone to the extent of proposing that collapsing wave function as per Quantum Mechanics is divine intervention, reckoned as downward causation. Further it is only the Consciousness that collapses the wave function and creates reality based on energetic and coded wave forms. These concepts of the modern scientific genre establish deep roots and augur a radical, new thinking, providing the best metaphysical handle to further explore and sum up most of our experiences. Further, the quantum theory of consciousness developed by Dr. Stuart Hameroff, even goes to the extent of asserting that our souls are contained in Microtubules inside our brain structures complementing our brain’s neuronal assembly and also confirming that it is Consciousness—praGYAnaM-- that propels the universes. Relevant vedic staements are:
satyaM GYAnaM anantaM brahma
Brahman is of the nature of truth, knowledge and infinity.
praGYAnaM Brahma: (Ait iii 1.3)
Consciousness or Cosmic Intelligence is Brahman
praGYAnae pratishtitham:
It is that Consciousness which presides over creation, sustenance, and dissolution
praGYAnetro lokaH
Cosmic Intelligence or in Other words The Quantum vacuum field is the impeller of universes
And Brahman is Void;
That which is called Akasa (Brahman—The Quantum vacuum field) is the revealer and absorber of all forms and names; that within which forms and names are, that is Brahman
Chh. Up. VIII-14-1 and Brahma Sutras by Swami Sivananda, (September 8, 1887 – July 14, 1963) chapter one: samanvaya adhyaya Section 1:sutra 22
In addition, Vedas aver that Brahman is the void (Quantum vacuum state), the revealer of all forms and names and from which (Akasa) all entities and beings are born and are returned to it at dissolution, similar to the role played by DNAs. This means Akasa houses the DNAs of universes. Is it possible to tap the knowledge (secrets of nature called sukshmas) from Akasa and if so where is this Akasa? Yes every where around us.This is exactly what our Rishis and Nada Brahmans did establishing resonant recepitivity through Yoga, GM,NY et al. The downward causations of Consciousness which is reckoned as divine guidance or as inspirations are incessantly beamed out to one’s highly tuned BMCA (Budhi,Manas,Chitta and Ahankara) to pick up. Further, the capacity for Akasa to hold sukshmas is unlimited. Rishis of yore and such rakshasas (mythological terrorists) like Hiranyaksha, Ravana seem to have downloaded some of these sukshmas from Akasa. While rishis stood for totally selfless service in line with the Vedic dictum “idam na mama” the rakshasas were adharmic and used it for self aggrandizements through destruction of opponents.
A very low energy thought, say, one wants to play tennis activates a chain of other thoughts and directed actions, till the objective of playing is realized. I am inclined to believe that such Micro Energies (MEs) --as I reckon them-- are actualizing / controlling the universes. It is one of the most important points to be taken note of. Already experiments conducted by the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) indicate that and confirms the role of consciousness of seeing or recording. These experiments have shown that the ratio of the interference pattern’s double-slit spectral power to its single-slit spectral power decreases when attention was focused towards the double slit as compared to away from it. If not, such MEs which ones play such a role? Why than Nada, Mantras etc sung or chanted properly should not activate various links of the cosmic body acting as phonetic passwords to shake hands and to resonate with the Akasic fields? It is in this light that the approaches of our Rishis, NYs through Yoga, intuition, Mantra Saktthi and all for transcending the mental layer, must be seen. Vedantic lore has anchored its thoughts for benevolent use only. It seems to deny access to the for malevolent applications controlling through Mantras and Nada based phonetic passwords, thus providing access only to those ethics bound, evolved / evolving souls so as to prevent disastrous consequences. Mantras seem to yield their full benefits only to sincere, devoted, pious and austere souls and have a high degree of resistivity to others. There is a limit beyond which inductive logic fails and then it is the intuitive perception that takes over which can download sukshmas from Akasa. The intuitive perception is enhanced many folds through: Nada, Gayatri Mantra upasanas (Practice), control of BMCA, and through Yogic and Dharmic practices.We do know that a cosmological string can vibrate with its entire harmonics, overtones etc. as in a musical note in myriad aesthetic and pleasing ways. Such strings are said to be the tiniest subatomic bits that make up all the constituents of the universes, behaving like the vibrating strings of a violin. Why then, it is not probable that sound, speech, thoughts, feelings, smell, tastes, et al are also such entities that could subtly influence the cosmological strings and other energy links supporting the spiritual visions of our rishis? Does it not add some credence that, Yagnas, Mantras like the GM, Nadopasana et al can have benevolent effects and negative energies such as ill feelings, hatred, cheating, criminal thoughts and actions, can also have malevolent effects.
As we have also seen, GM opens the door of, say, Ashtanga Yoga, of which the first five steps, namely, Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama and Pratyahara are the preliminaries promoting ‘sAmAnya dharma’, elevating the personality of individuals. These five steps are within the reach of most of the people who wish to usher in, all its unlimited benefits. A group of such individuals in every nation and across the globe will truly be the eligible citizens of “vasudhaiva kutumbakam” which scientists reckon as “ Quantum Activism”. When such groups grow into a critical mass it will set up its own chain reactions, eventually at least minimizing if not eradicating ethnic, religious and political tensions that fuel violence and conflict between individuals, communities and nations. This trend is now seen picking up globally, stemming out of increasing frustrations. Many right thinking people and institutions are very earnestly involved in integrating a massive network of brains to input positive emotions and to cultivate “do good” attitudes in peoples across cultures as a global mass movement. Of them, the most prominent is the “Quantum Activists” movement catalyzed by Dr. Amit Goswami as Quantum Mechanics firmly states that it is Consciousness that shapes the worlds inside out, more so the collective Consciousness. GM makes it clear when it says our Buddhis and not mine alone be kindled. This view is further strengthened by Sheldrake’s theory of morphogenetic templates nonlocally guiding ie instant communication irrespective of distances at speeds more than the speed of light – which Einstein initially protested saying ‘spooky action at a distance’ but later agreed as a quantum phenomena
That is why it is said that in earlier Yugas (Hindus cosmological time cycle), there was profound happiness, peace, prosperity, health and all round fragrance as those who lived then are attributed to have lead a highly dhArmik life, creating a better world, each previous Yuga being better than the succeeding Yuga. Garbage in garbage out phenomena is thus conspicuous.
Anyone can profit from kindling his BMCA, gradually shedding his ego, greed etc. So in conclusion through Yoga,NY and Mantra sakthis any one can tend to achieve BTand NB status for the mundane world, collectively a better place to live in. In this context what Toynbee said of Hindu philosophy of life and its culture is very thought-provoking. He wrote: “We witness such unique mental approach and Consciousness among Indians as may help humanity progress like a family unit. If we do not wish to perish in this atomic age, we have no other alternative left.”To become BT or NB it is not necessary to become a sanyasi . Says Adi-Sankara in his Bajagovidam that it is enough one strictly follows the first 5 steps of say Ashtanga yoga(Pritivi Marga) which with minimum effort and devotion most can achieve
If the human Buddhi is imagined, say as computer system as a whole (on date far from it actually), then operating program / operating software is the mind; the input / output devices the Indrias; the memory Chittha; and output devices are the paths taken. The individual BMCA is a local IT system linking with Consciousness, which also functions as the Master Server of the universes, with its own complex networking strategies. Thus Buddhi of an individual is the head of this sub-system functioning in co-ordination with Manas, Chittha, Ego and Indrias, forming part of an integrated network of, the universal Cosmic Intellect can be cultivated to uplift and transform one’s personality, as in the case of Nada Brahman Thyagaraja, or can be destructive as in the case of terrorists. Akasa is flashing divine guidance,incecently through downward causation . Simultaneously the mundane, especially the Kali Yuga world tempts man with many enticements, (Maya’s role) to see whether one falls a prey, serving as real test beds. The steadfast individual pursues the path of Sanatana Dharma or NY without vacillation and attains BT or NB status. If one should tend to yield to allurements, a cultivated body-mind combine gets actuated to serve as a braking and guiding system. An uncultivated Buddhi cannot control its constituents from going astray. In this actual tug of war Karma balance sheet (kbs) plays a vital role in tipping the scale depending on the strength of one’s BMCA. If uncultivated BMCA prevails, it leads to the individual being born in a lower order, repeatedly, enduring various types of sufferings. NY as the name suggests is a form of yoga to attain the status of Nada Brahman. Scientists now say that every animate and inanimate entity in all universes are complex bundles of energies of waves, wavicles , at all freqency levels alluded as NADA by the Rishis of yore under the jurisdiction of Brahman only and hence it is Nada Brahman and not Nada Sivan or Nada visnu et al,in my view.Further the senses, thoughts, feelings, tastes, emotions and all, are composed of these energy waves, which are extremely subtle and I rekon them as Micro Energies (ME). In summary, our bodies are 99.99 % empty at the subatomic level and are complex network of waves, wavicles or dense foams of myriad types, of vibrating fields, rather than a solid physical one as we see it. Hence Adi Sankara’s jagan Mitya and Kayame idu poiyyada Karradaitha Poiyyada(Tamilian adage). We are all symbiotically and inter-connected and said to be entangled in quantum mechanical sense to all other entities in the universes through what is reckoned by physicists as Nonlocalaction at speeds exceeding the speed of light which Einstein initially protested and later accepted “as spooky action at a distance”. All the universes and all the matter in them from sub-atomic particles to the galaxies, is composed of energy fields, nuclear, gravitational and electro-magnetic forces. The birth of an universe at the Big Bang / Hiranyagarbha level is represented by AUM, the primordial sabdha, a very highly energetic vibration with a wave length of 10-33cm . In The Spiritual Dimension, Ann Beals reflects “Even the elements of the atom are only waves of energy, void of solid substance. The particles of the atoms are no more tangible substances than a thought or a feeling. Gradually matter as a solid thing, has vanished from our concept of the universe - replaced by a basic atomic unit, composed of space and non- material charges of energy. This non- material nature of the atom is a most essential point in relating the physical universe to the Spiritual Dimension”.
Scientists now recognize that, beyond the visible, tangible world reckoned as the Explicate Order, lies deeper, multi-layered Implicate orders arising out of inter-connectedness which in my opinion nudged by Micro Energies (MEs) unfolds into different Explicate domains of the mental and the material, one by one.These multilayered orders are in constant local and nonlocal communications directing the universes and everything in it to proceed as pre-laid in the DNAs of universes evolved through endless births and deaths of universes. It is believed that the entire creation began with sound: "By His utterance came the universe." (Brihadaranyaka Up 1.2.4)., Einstein had said that every matter in the universe is conglomeration of sound waves or wavicles in the mass sea of waves The Vedanta-sutras add that ultimate liberation comes from sound as well (Vednta-sutra, 4.22). Several religions also have spoken about the universe coming into existence from sound, which Hindus recognize as Omkara (AUM). This primal sound is referred to as Shabda Brahman - "God that is word". Closely related to this is the concept of Nada Brahman. Nada, a Sanskrit word meaning "pleasing sound", is related to the term nadī, "river", figuratively denoting the stream of Consciousness - a concept that goes back to the Rig Veda, Thus, the relationship between sound and Consciousness has long been recorded in India's ancient literature. In the case of Nada Brahman, that Primordial force is very manifestation of, soul stirring, mellifluous, elevating, sweet concordance of sound termed nada (music) and Nadopasana is worshipping that nada and ultimately melting down and fusing with Him (‘Brahman) through NadaYoga. Again a method of ensuring resonant receptivity which you can actually feel in your body’ reactions- a feeling of excited or elevated state. To illustrate, saint Thyagaraja. In his composition “Nadopasana” (raga ; Begada, tala ; Adi ) expresses that even the great gods practice Nadopasana They revel in creative melody (Raga), artistry of musical notes (Svara) and rhythmical patterns (Laya), the three fundamental aspects of music. Nadopasan is by itself a big field detailed out in several treatises and other published literatures. But it merits adding that as Shakespeare said (Of course in a different context) Nada is twice blessed, it blesseth him that gives and him that the origin and the end of all things, material or otherwise. Brahman is praGYAnaM –- Consciousness- the knowledge, total and absolute, the very source, the know-how, the know-why and the ground of everything that exists and perhaps existed and will exist in all universes. This Cosmic Intelligence contains all their evolutionary records covering the entire periods of all the Hindu cosmological time cycles, embedded in Akasa in a codified form as Consciousness. It is the Primordial Force which seeded its self- awareness and evolved the Consciousness to the present level through endless cycles of births and deaths of the universes. Saguna worships are steps to reach the Nirguna level to reap the benefits of Collective Consciousness,
As we have seen, Consciousness / Akasa / Brahman / Atman are eternal and infinite, and in summary the cause and effect verily. Consciousness seems to be bestowed in a limited way to all animates with the exception of the human beings enjoying a much better share than other animates. Is it a partiality? No, the fact of human birth by itself signifies that one had done enough of good things to have due credit lines in his karmic balance sheet (kbs) deserving such a birth. But it can get enhanced to the same level as Brahman’s or can get reduced to the lowest level, again in tune with one’s kbs and the spiritual strength gained or lost in the present Janma (life). Brahman / Consciousness is the only thing that exists from which alone all pre-evolved things are lashed out with shapes. structures, objectives etc and reabsorbed at the end of each cosmic cycle. The first book of the Hindus, Rig Veda proclaims ekaM sat viprA: bahudhA vadanti. There is only one truth, that is, Brahman, the primordial force. Men describe it in different ways. Therefore, paths could be different, but the end is always the welfare of mankind and of all its entities. Brahman is the reality behind everything in the universe. The Brihadaranyaka Upanishad, 1.4.10, asserts “Aham brahmAsmi” which means, “I am Brahman” and that I can also be as knowledgeable as Brahman. As we shall see in subsequent paragraphs this, Cosmic Intelligence or in other words Consciousness is present in all the Akasic fields, seemingly the vast empty space and in all atoms that any individual body is composed of, thus establishing continuity and omnipresence of cosmic knowledge and its free availability for anyone including the scientists of the day to tap, provided he acquires the required level of spiritual strength. As such by fusing one’s mind with the Cosmic Intellect, one can tap even the secrets of nature but only to promote global harmony and welfare and not for personal adharmic gains.
As we have seen earlier, clearly, a low energy thought led to intense physical activity. The same should hold good in the case of any of the entire gamut of mental and physical activities. This is akin-- a greatly miniaturized fashion of course, --- to the functioning of say a, low powered electronic control circuits starting, sensing, integrating, recording, guiding, controlling, monitoring and so on of very powerful devices / machineries. Mostly, it may be such Micro Energies which are actualizing the universe by tapping the energies of the operational links involved similar to the operational control systems of huge industrial setups through low powered electro-mechanical, hydraulic, pneumatic and such other hybrid control signals / devices and systems. This is one of the the most important points to take note of. If these premises are granted, then the logical question is why Mantras, Nadas etc chanted / sung properly should not activate various links of the cosmic body? Further, is it ever possible to obtain a comprehensive view of the roles played by each one of these Micro Energies purely by deductive / experimental means? It is in this light that the approach of our rishis through Yoga, intuition, (Mantra Shakti) and so on, must be seen as a possible – however remote it might seem at this moment – modus operandi for a solution. Mantras and elevating artistic performances can be conceived as phonetic passwords (Micro-Energy Password) to handshake with pre-programmed other Micro / Macro Energies to trigger and shower benevolence. A possible explanation in my mind seems to rest on two axioms. These are 1- that all things are complex, pockets of energies meaning bundles of frequencies with all their harmonics inaudible, audible, as manifested or unmanifested in the Implicate Enfolded and Explicate Unfolded orders and 2- the second one centers around the axiom that our human body in some way represents also the cosmic, body and is in concordance with it in respect of sound and other energy waves generated and acted upon by these bodies . On these considerations certain human sound and cosmic sound waveform may have some sort of compatibility and concordance requirements which if complied with is able to shake hands with each other using their passwords to trigger benevolent or malevolent effects. Out of thousands of Mantras yielding benevolent results 24 Bijaksharas of Gayatri Mantra with their specialized word and phonetic settings are said to produce such sophisticated pockets of waveforms from various locations to shower clusters of multifold benevolence, Hence the power, primacy and efficacy of Gayatri over other Mantras which prompted Sri Krishna to authenticate saying “Amongst Mantras I am Gayatri”
As such, Consciousness is universal, mind. It has two aspects. The first aspect is that it is an infinite Cosmic Intelligence that governs all the universes and includes the second aspect which is the Collective Consciousness of everyone and everything that exists in all levels representing the net totality, of all benevolent and malevolent minds in existence, and then moderated by certain divine algorithms.
Continuing the main theme, if one is uncomfortable to use the word Brahman (God), he can substitute it by the terminology “The Quantum vacuum Field” and see for himself the apparent clarity, in defining such a profound concept as Consciousness, in simple and more direct ways and so this concept is equally applicable to atheists too
I am also inclined to believe that the very essence of religion, its practices, the concept of Saguna Brahman have arisen to promote this mass effect of collective Consciousness as it is impossible to make every one follow the ultimate Nirguna aspect straight away Saguna worships are steps to reach the Nirguna level by a very few if only they are highly persistent
Also we have seen that in the mundane world how the collective Consciousness at the international, national, and other levels have mostly contributed to betterment: even though, most of them tainted with vested interests unlike the spiritually motivated assemblages: Examples, the UN, WHO, ISO, IEC, FDA, THE INTERNET, cooperative research programmes such as CERN’s LHC, SETI@home and all. Sometimes Collective Consciousness manifests itself in malevolent directions like that of NAZI movement with attended disastrous consequences ( may be the play of Maya, such a thought arising out of similarity in the mythological terrorism by the rakshasas) but ultimately it is the still larger benevolent Consciousness alone that prevails
Briefly, GM means: let that Omnipresent, Primordial Force, Brahman, (AUM), The Ultimate Reality or Akasa or the Unified Field and its derivative Quantum Vacuum Fields embedded with Consciousness or Cosmic Intelligence (call, Him or It, or by any name) which sustains and presides over the universes, kindle, our BMCA, (all explained below) enlighten and make us realize that all of us can also acquire Brahmatejas.
Only, when one synchronizes one’s awareness with the Consciousness or Cosmic Intelligence, he can attain that absolute power of Brahman, reckoned as Brahmatejas and gradually become Brahmatejesvin.or nada yogin As per Brahma Sutras (BS), AUM, Akasa, Gayatri Mantra, Vedas, Jyothi, Prana, are also the very Brahman. Hindus view the self-same Brahman as having either the impersonal aspect with no attributes at all as Nirguna or having personal aspects as Saguna Brahman to facilitate worship and meditate upon one’s Ishta Devata (Chosen God). Some people believe in Saguna and some in Nirguna. One has the option. Most people believe in Saguna Brahman as it is easier to conceptualise. On the other hand, Nirguna Brahman is difficult to realise. One can start with believing in Saguna Brahman and then gradually shift to-wards Nirguna Brahman, the ultimate goal. The male aspect of Saguna Brahman has various names like, Rama, Krishna, Ganesa, and Muruga and so on; the female aspect of Saguna Brahman is referred by names such as Durgã, Lakshmi, Saraswathi, Angala Parameswari and so on. These manifestations of Brahman will aid the spiritual aspirant both ways: the prayer going up and in turn receiving among other things, knowledge and power of such Brahma Sukshmas from Akasa. Theoretically a sadhaka (aspirant) can rise in the spiritual ladder, notch by notch, till he realizes Brahman. Reaching that level, he can administer over life, energy and through it matter, for the benefit of nature alone. Of course, at that level one would never use it to satisfy one’s ego or greed. Let us ponder over what this enlightening of our Buddhis by GM or NY mean and what benefits could accrue from such kindling.
Universes seem to be managed by the Unified Field, and its derivatives known, and presently unknown, embedding Consciousness- the knowledge total- containing DNAs of universes by Brahman and His agencies. The said management it appears, is ensured through manipulation of all types of energies in a centralized decentralized fashion in due proportion to the rita of the society and the degree of adherence to laid down dharmic rules in a given period. Sukshmas can be tapped for selfless service, from Akasa in tune with one’s spiritual strength. Thus there are enough logic, sciences and precedences to do so becoming Rishi Scientists complementing inductive with intuitive approaches.
Rishis of yore and such rakshasas (mythological terrorists) like Hiranyaksha, Ravana seem to have downloaded some of these sukshmas.from Akasa. While riishis stood for totally selfless service in line with the vedic dictum “idam na mama” the rakshasas were adharmic and used it for self aggrandizements through destruction of opponents. So all measures to protect and prevent sukshmas from falling into the hands of unevolved persons have been clamped by Devi Gayatri and by Sri Krishna, by enforcing very severely conditioned concepts of Brahmin hood, stipulating yogic cleansing and purification of one’s Buddhi,Manas,Chitta and Ahankara comple (BMCA) , and insisting adherence to very severe levels of ethics, austerity, etc. a process, similar to what the chief administrators of reputed organizations do in selecting their confidential secretaries. Surely Vedas do not grant exclusivity for anyone to attain Brahmin hood and it is open to all.
According to the Brahma sutras of the Vedas, Devi. Sabdha, Gayatri are also Brahman. Sri Krishna proclaims “Among mantras, I am Gayatri.” Read together, it means Gayatri is the controller of all mantras. It is She who initiates every aspirant through Brahmopadesha, the first baby step, towards attaining Brahmatejas. Besides that, She also plays a role in lifting up in stages (say as in the eight stages of Ashtanga yoga) as many people as possible up the ladder of Moksha (enlightenment) to the level of Brahman, subject to strict elimination of the unfit at each stage. As such let me reckon Her as the HRD head of Universes,
Gayatri mantra’s imperative clause “Let our Buddhi be kindled” holds the key to unlock the sukshmas. What happens when the Buddhi is kindled by yoga, mantras and Nada? The yogic disciplining and conditioning of man's complex BMCA, the practice of the Gayatri Mantra, Nada yoga, adherence to prescribed sanathana dharma and all, establish the needed resonant receptivity to handshake with each stage, ultimately enabling anyone, be he a householder, a sanyasin or a man or a woman, belonging to any varna, to tune up with the Akasic fields, subject to various other conditionalities.
There is a limit beyond which inductive logic fails and then it is the intuitive perception that takes over. The intuitive perception is enhanced many folds through Gayatri Mantra (GM), Nada upasanas (Practice), control of BMCA, and through Yogic and Dharmic practices.
Anyone can profit from kindling his BMCA, gradually shedding his ego, greed etc. So in conclusion through Yoga and Mantra sakthis any one can tend to achieve Brahmatejas and for the mundane world, collectively a better place to live in. In this context what Toynbee, said of Hindu philosophy of life and its culture is very thought-provoking. He wrote: “We witness such unique mental approach and Consciousness among Indians as may help humanity progress like a family unit. If we do not wish to perish in this atomic age, we have no other alternative left”
The lesson we should learn are: See, treat,sing, and love nature and every one as Brahman which alone will ensure Yoga, GM. NY, Vedas, Akasa and your own Consciousness based scriptures to yield their unlimited resources for greater peace, prosperity and global harmony. This is in line with the Rig Vedic aspirations. (1-3-4)
Conclusion- the above discussions indicate that what has been handed over to us by the risihs and NBs are inspired ones brought down from cosmic intellect and not mere pastime efforts which needs nurturing and preservations unless NY or of NB status take avatar. But many aberra tions from the ideals have cropped up which needs correction at the worldly level in line with the natural law of physics that entropy, the degree of disorder will certainly increase and needs corrective efforts to bring it back. Some such aberrations in our Karnatic which needs attension by musicologists and others concerened in my view by way of illustration are
1- Unsound / strained, sometimes squeaking instead of being sleek and being uniform and pleasant voice culture , glaringly harsh and loud presentations not aesthetically embracing the Sruti especially in vocals should get corrected or discouraged more so by vocalists
2 When Bavam is predominant mood , unnecessary brigas and speed should be discouraged
3- I have heard few renowned giants of karnatik say that in few phrases of a keertana the Raga Bava in its quintessence has to be presented which is conspicuous only by its absence, If you analyse great sahityas are of that mode
4- If one analyses, the main purpose of itihasas , puranas,short stories, neeti satagams, and all are only to amplify the vedic and Sanatanadharmas and to reach these to all categories and levels. Similarly varnams, keerthanas, layam et al are meant to amplify the Raga Bhavas and reach them to all levels.That is why in the earlier days raga delineation, lasted through hours building raga step by step, firstly showing the Ragabava in full form,then laying a solid foundation in Adamastayi and then taking the raga up in madyama and Uttara stayis with lot of sancharams in all stsayis and in all possible speeds etc. Sabhas have done yeomen services no doubt but owing to the time constraints of these days lyric, laya aspects have registered astonishing growth with admirable contributions but at the cost of Raganubhava. A solution has to be found for correcting the situation on top priority.
5 .In this website under Technical Discussions / Manodharma in carnatic music
by l.gopalan » 23 Nov 2011 11:16 be a I have tried to explain this aspect and can be taken into account
6 Others may add
By L.Gopalan,AGMGopalan, cell 9790937334,land line 044-24935559
AGM, BHEL Rand D, Retd, age 78 yrs
And ex jt secretary, kalasagaram, Hyderabad –mail- gopalan@gmail .com
NOTE- this note is an extract from my copyrighted book under final stages of printing in the next 15days if not earlier ISBN: 978-93-83271-46-7 titled DOWNLOADING NATURE’S SECRETS -From Akasa-The Quantum Vacuum Field A Study of how Yoga and Gayatri Mantra establish resonant receptivity with the Cosmic Intellect. Distributed by, Website -
Statistics: Posted by l.gopalan — 22 Dec 2013 17:18