
Everyone knows litter isn't good for wild life, and this video proves that. A man notices a little fox cub with his head stuck in a can. After filming the cub in the can for a bit, the man realizes the fox isn't getting out on his own. The man springs into action to free the fox cub. The man in the video approaches the fox, and frees him from the can. The small fox thanks the man by licking his toes. Without this man's help, the curious cub could've died.

Pollution in the form of litter is incredibly dangerous for wildlife. This little fox is a prime example of that.
Although this cub looks cute and silly, he was very lucky to be freed unharmed. To prevent other animals from being stuck in this way dispose of containers with their lids shut and crush metal cans. Also rinse out containers so animals don't want to get into them.

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