
God knows that Blake Shelton is typically a laid back guy that doesn’t get too upset about much. Yet, during a recent news conference minutes after “The Voice” Season 11 finale, even Blake sounded fed up.

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“I want to say one more thing here, because it’s important,” Blake said at the end of a half-hour long press conference. “I want to personally issue a challenge to Universal Records. This is Season 11 of ‘The Voice,’ and I’m sitting here right now next to a guy who has won over America’s hearts. He’s so popular. … He has proven that he sells tons of music. His biggest-selling song, arguably, is going to be the song he wrote by himself. I hope that we can all come together — meaning us and Universal Records.”

Blake went on to say, “This is the guy that I think can break the mold and become a star out of this show. And I give my word that I’ll put my work in, and I know [Sundance] will. This guy deserves to be a star, and there’s no excuses anymore. We need to make the record and put the work behind it that he deserves, to have this success that he deserves. And that has to start with Universal Records getting involved and behind him.”

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Blake has long fought for a number of his past winners, including Season 3’s Cassadee Pope and Season 4’s Danielle Bradbery. Yet, he has also seen past winners such as Jermaine Paul and Craig Wayne Boyd come away with no full album for their fans to support and enjoy.

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