
My latest post at Alpha Baskets looks at the huge error in putting the short term over the long term in building and then maintaining a portfolio and investment plan. As I mentioned a few posts ago the week the Fed finally hiked rates the S&P 500 had a 27 basis point move but how many people were motivated by something they saw on TV or read on the web to try to trade that news.

From the post;

To which I would add except for the times it doesn’t, which is to say that predictions are really guesses and like anything else, simply extrapolating the past cannot be correct 100% of the time.

So if past is prologue works, except when it doesn’t, then the focus needs to be more about the process and the person overseeing that process and this applies to individual investors managing their own portfolios.

Please click through to read the entire post.

The picture is from the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame from 2014, heavily filtered on Instagram. If you think my pictures are interesting you can find me on Instagram @rogernusbaum.

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