
Job Position: Content Writer jobs openings in noida

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Name of the Company: Wildnet Technologies Pvt Ltd

Job Location: Noida jobs 2013

Experience: 0 – 1 yrs

Salary: INR 1,00,000 – 1,25,000 P.A.
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Skills Required:
Interest in writing articles/blogs on different domains.
Strong English writing skills with an excellent vocabulary, grammar.
Ability to rephrase and modify articles and write -ups.
Able to edit content, search on Internet and get information.
Comfortable with web searching and other commonly used tools.
Freshers from Journalism/ mass communication , with excellent writing skills also preferred.

Qualification: Graduate/PG jobs vacancies in noida

Details of the Company:
We are an established ISO Certified 9001:2008 and Google Certified Partner. At present, we have regular clientele in US, UK, Canada, Australia and India. Our six year old entity is today a robust team of 300 plus employees.

Contact Number: 9560762626

Apply: Email your cv to rashmi.bansal@wildnettechnologies.com

Contact Person: Rashmi Bansal

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Noida Job For Freshers – Content Writer in Wildnet Technologies Pvt Ltd

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