
Blog On was back for a second time this year, and it was Christmas themed. So off I went to the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester, decked out in my bright red Christmas jumper and a sparkly Santa hat. Yes, all in September.

I thought I was going to be over-dressed and make a complete and utter fool of myself. But Blog On (and Laura, Tired Mummy of Two, by extension) never fail to deliver on a promise. We were promised a very Christmassy Blog On, and that is exactly what we got. From cheeky elves to mince pies and jingle bells to Christmas crackers, it was a great way to kick-start this year’s festive season.

Blog On is more than just a blogging conference. Of course, you do brush up on your blogging technique with the many resourceful sessions that are scheduled throughout the day. More importantly, it is a fantastic opportunity to meet fellow bloggers, most of whom you only meet via social media or blogs all year long. I was delighted to catch up with the lovely Mel (LeCoin De Mel), Jane (Hodge Podge Days), Tas (Not My Year Off) and Kara (Chelsea Mamma), among others.

Blog On MSI is also the perfect place to meet some fantastic brands and PR agencies. This one, being Christmas themed, had the biggest turnout of brands at a Blog On ever. There were holiday companies (Jet 2, Canvas holidays, Carnival Crusises), Pr agencies (Carousel, Evolution), toys, food, the list goes on and on.

Networking apart, I had a blast taking part in the various competitions and posting selfies that I would never normally take in a million years. And getting my nails done. Sparkly golden, in keeping with the festive spirit.

No, I did not win anything, not even a sticker book in the tombola, but it did put me in a very happy place knowing all the money was going to a very good cause (Team Cowley). Plus, I walked away with a goody bag to beat all others.

Amidst all the fun and games, wine and cake, I did actually manage to attend some of the blogging sessions. The ones that stood out for me were both the keynote sessions. They were not actually blog-related, but were incredibly inspiring all the same. Liv and her story of Recovery was an inspiration. She spoke of her struggles with addiction and how she now helps others with their recovery.

Darrell Woodman ended the day talking about the Art of Being Brilliant. I loved the positive energy he brought into the room. I especially loved the ‘Mood Hoover’ analogy he cited –people who suck the happiness out of everything. It reminded me a bit of the Dementors from Harry Potter, sucking life out of everything and everyone. His talk was a timely reminder to slow down and appreciate the positives in life, to count our blessings and to see the good in things. I have since pledged to make a note of 3 good, positive things that have happened through the day as part of my bedtime routine.

As for the blog-related stuff, I am hoping I have picked up enough tips to improve my You Tube and Instagram presence, and to make some money from my blog. Here are a few highlights from the presentations I attended:

Believe in yourself

Know your worth

Find your tribe and help other bloggers

Network, network, network

If you start behaving confident, soon you will be confident

You Tube:

Make it Your channel

- Use your voice

- Keep to your style
- Conside your audience
- Creat your schedule
- Remember your why

Plan, Produce, Promote

Engage with similar content


Pick your keywords wisely and use them everywhere

Use eye-catching thumbnails


Post regularly 1-3 times a day (but not too often)

Keep post subject consistent where possible

Join in with communities

Interact / engage

Think about your style consistency

Research your hashtags and use all 30 of them

Keep your favourite hashtags in notes, so they are easy to use

And here's a look a bloggers singing. The 12 Days of Blog On MSI parody will make you smile.

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