{ Happy Independence Day 2016 Wishes, Quotes, SMS, Messages}-15th August is the day when India tasted its freedom with the help of so many leaders and people who sacrificed their lives fighting for their rights. The year 2016 will mark the 70th year of India’s independence. This day is celebrated with much enthusiasm and everyone enjoys a national holiday on this day. The whole country celebrates the spirit of freedom by hoisting the flag early in the morning. Every person wishes each other by saying “Happy Independence Day”. People and small children alike wear the small badge of the Indian flag on their clothes to show respect for their country. People play patriotic songs all day long to celebrate this day and distribute sweets to all people. The children happily wave the Indian flag around. From the morning itself, people start to send various SMS to all the people in their contact lists so that they can greet and wish them.
Happy Independence Day 2016 Wishes, Quotes, SMS, Messages
Happy Independence Day 2016 Wishes, Quotes, SMS, Messages
Happy Independence Day Wishes
{ Happy Independence Day Wishes 2016}-People do not forget all the leaders who had sacrificed their lives to earn the freedom for this country and try to pay a tribute to them by sending various messages to all the people. Today it has become easy to stay in touch with all the people because of the advanced technology. People send various messages by making use of their Smart phones on Whatsapp, BBM and Facebook. There are several quotes that people send to each other that remind them of all the sacrifices that India has made for its freedom. People are once again reminded why they love their country so much through these quotes. People even update their status in which they inculcate the quotes.
Indi@ i$, the cr@dle 0f the hum@n r@ce, the b!rthpl@ce of hum@n $peech, the m0ther 0f hi$tory, the gr@ndmother 0f legend, & the gre@t gr@nd m0ther 0f tr@dition. Our mo$t valu@ble @nd mo$t in$tructive m@teri@ls in the hi$tory of m@n @re tre@sured up in Indi@ 0nly.
-Mark Twain
If there i$ one pl@ce 0n the f@ce of e@rth where @ll the dre@ms 0f l!v!ng men h@ve f0und @ h0me fr0m the very e@rlie$t d@ys when m@n beg@n the dre@m 0f exi$tence, it i$ Indi@.”
—Romain Rolland, French Nobel Laureate
| believe th@t the civilize@tion Indi@ ev0lved i$ n0t t0 be be@ten !n the w0rld. N0thing c@n equ@l the $eeds $own by 0ur @ncestors, R0me went, Greece sh@red the s@me f@te; the m!ght 0f the Ph@r@oh$ w@s br0ken; J@p@n h@s bec0me We$ternized; 0f Chin@ n0thing c@n be $@id; but |ndi@ i$ $till, $omehow 0r 0ther, $ound @t the f0und@ti0n.”
—Mahatma Gandhi
Happy Independence Day SMS Wishes
{ Happy Independence Day SMS Wishes, Messages} – Independence Day is also a festive occasion for the people and they all wish each other with the greeting like on any other festivals. This is the day that everyone is proud to be an Indian. You can now greet all your friends and family members by messaging them with the quotes that are popular on the internet.
If you are looking forward to sending some interesting messages to your friends and family. Then here are some ideas that you can use:
Ce|ebr@te the ḟree spirit of !ndi@. /\/\@y this !ndependence Đ@y ḟill your life h@ppiness @nd prosperity. ]-[appy ! ndependence Đay!.
ḟeel the pride oḟ being the p@rt oḟ such @ glorious n@tion. Here’s sending my w@rm patriotic wishes to m@ke this day tru|y memor@ble. ]-[appy !ndependence Đay!
Our liḟe is ḟull oḟ C0l0rs. ! h0pe thi$ 15th August wi|| @dd m0re c0l0rs to your liḟe. ]-[appy ! ndependence Đay Ţo @ll !
ḟreedom in the /\/\ind, ḟ@ith in the \/\/ords, Pride in 0ur $ouls, Lets $alute the |\|ation on the 70th !ndependence Đay!
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