A couple of years ago, I was listening to The Pleasant Home CDs from Nancy Wilson. (You can buy the CDs for $15.75 HERE or the download for $9.00 HERE.)
During one of the sessions, she asked a question I thought I would wholeheartedly answer YES to…that is, until she clarified what she meant. And then, I sort of hung my head in shame…
What did she ask? She asked if you were approachable and teachable.
Well, of course I am! I love learning new things. I’m constantly researching, asking questions, and listening to conversations about the things I feel will make me a better wife, mother, homeschooler, homemaker, Christ-follower, friend, and the list goes on and on. I am TOTALLY teachable!
But, then she went on to say that when someone CRITICIZES or CORRECTS us (whether right or wrong), as a humble Christian women, we need to be receptive and prayerful and willing to say, “Thank you – I’ll think about that.”
So, let’s see – when someone gives me an answer I wasn’t looking for or one I don’t agree with, I’m supposed to be willing to listen without being defensive?
We are quick to talk about iron sharpening iron (Proverbs 27:17), but most of the time we prefer an easier version of that verse. We’d like it to look more like a handshake and feel more like a hug than the spark of true sharpening. That kind of sharpening hurts, and we certainly do not like to hurt.
We go to women’s retreats and conferences to get refreshed, but what happens when we walk away challenged in a really painful way? Are we receptive and prayerful? Are we discerning enough to decide if the challenge was something we need to keep or discard? Are we able to stop ourselves from offering a rebuttal, in favor of offering a kind word and a humble heart? Are we willing to take the meat and leave the bones and still love the person at the end of the day?
Are we really teachable?
God has messages for you in your every day interactions. Sometimes His messages are great big hugs, the exact answer you need, the encouragement to keep going. Sometimes His messages are painful reminders that you’ve been on the wrong track or hurtful jabs from others that teach you to love even when people aren’t being nice.
Being “teachable” doesn’t always mean you DO what another person says. It means you LISTEN to what GOD has for you to learn with a spirit of wisdom and understanding.
Don’t be a wimpy Christian woman! Be like the Bereans of Acts 17:11 who went straight to their Bibles when faced with something they weren’t sure about. Unfortunately, we tend to go off of what we “feel” or our “experiences.” Those things lie. God’s Word does not. If we are studiers of the WORD, then when we are faced with something we don’t agree with or something that hurts us, we should consider it a moment of sharpening and head straight to the Bible!
Have you heard about the Homemaking Ministries Online Conference?
I am a strong believer in “continuing education” for homemakers. We need to be encouraged (and yes, challenged) in our jobs. Topics for the conference include the following:
The Ministry of Homemaking
Recovering Biblical Homemaking
Homemaking & Working from Home
Homemaking – The Juggling Act
Saving Time & Money in the Kitchen
Having a Plan for Keeping Your Home Clean
Prayer in Homemaking
Finding Joy in Homemaking
Spiritual Disciplines for the Busy Homemaker
Calm Your Chaos
Unrealistic Expectations
Bible Memorization
Conference Bonuses include:
Home Management Binder Printables
Digital Calendar Pages
And if you ORDER NOW, you not only get the Early Bird Discount, you also get these
Pre-Conference Bonuses:
10 Secrets to Finding Joy in Homemaking ebook
Getting It Together ebook
Praying with Your Kids Printable Kit
Creating a Schedule that Works
2016 Weekly Meal Planner
Write Through the Bible (Philippians)
And you don’t have to leave your home and family to attend!