
Traffic/income reports are one of my favorite types of posts to read. Seriously, if I see the word “traffic” or even the word “report” anywhere in your blog post title, I’m there.

However, I’ve been really hesitant to actually post my own for a variety of reasons. First, I’m not entirely happy with where my traffic is. There are times when I feel like I’m working my ass off but don’t have that much to show for it. Second, I like people to think my blog might be doing better than it actually is.

BUT: the whole point of traffic reports is to show how it is totally possible to grow a blog from the bottom. So, since I’m at the bottom right now, why not share my journey as I venture to grow it to the top? :)

So here goes. I’m going to start by showing the growth between my April blog stats and my May blog stats.

Traffic Report:

April 2015:

Sessions: 2,856

Users: 2,184

Pageviews: 4,393

May 2015:

Sessions: 3,503 (+22.7%)

Users: 2,900 (+32.8%)

Pageviews: 5,041 (+14.8%)

I’m happy with the growth that I saw within the past month and am hoping to continue to do better this month. I had a couple of really popular blog posts (including my post How to Brand Your Social Media which continues to be my most popular) so those have really helped my traffic.

Popular Posts:

– How to Find the Best Times to Post on Social Media

– How to Conduct a Pinterest Audit & Pin With Purpose

– How to Rock Your First Twitter Chat

It appears that I have a problem with starting all the posts with the words “How to.” I guess I just love a good how to.

My highest traffic channel is definitely social media at a whopping 46%. I got great results from sharing each of my posts to Facebook (with a $10 promoted post), Google+ Communities, and Twitter.

Social Media Stats:

Facebook: 120 (+43)
Twitter: 2032 (+136)
Instagram: 808 (+2)
Google+: 467 (+56)
Pinterest: 1559 (+87)

My favorite social media platforms are Twitter and Pinterest and that is definitely evident in my stats. I started my Facebook Page from scratch in March, so I’m pleased with where I’ve gotten it so far. Once I get to 500 or 1000 likes, I plan to post a case study on how to successfully grow your Facebook Page.

June Goals:

1. Finish my ebook.

I am so excited about this! I joined in on #InfoBoMo during the month of May to write my ebook for my email list opt-in. I planned to have it finished and to launch my email newsletter, well, yesterday, but I got so burnt out by the end of May that I haven’t been motivated enough to finish it yet. However, I am sticking to my guns and finishing it by this weekend so that I can launch my email newsletter next Wednesday, June 10.

2. Launch email newsletter.

Like I just said, this will happen June 10! You can sign up early in the sidebar or wait for the announcement and release of my ebook next week. :)

3. Create an email editorial calendar.

One thing that I’ve been dreading about adding an email newsletter to my already-full load is that it means there’s even more topics that I have to think of and write.

However, everyone knows the crazy importance of an email list and I think I’m at the point where I’m ready. This means that I need to get organized and begin to plan my topics out ahead of time so that I’m never unprepared for my newsletter!

4. Amp up my Instagram.

Instagram is one of my slowest platforms right now and that’s probably because you need to post more than once every week or two in order to be successful. It’s my mission this month to really focus on Instagram and get purposeful with my picture-taking.

Sessions Goal: 4200
Pageviews Goal: 6000

This is something I’d like to keep up with monthly. I always think it’s fun to look back and see how far you’ve come. Starting next month, I plan to add a section dedicated to the tips that helped my blog to grow that month so that you can also implement them into your own blogging strategy.

Once I get my email newsletter launched, my email marketing stats will also be added to this. What is something that you would like to see in a weekly email newsletter from me? Please give me some awesome ideas! :)

The post May Blog Traffic Report + June Goals appeared first on Chloe Social.

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