
Sparklepop is an off-shoot of Everybodyduck, fronted by that group's Tim Brinkman and Miranda Richardson. Ranging from bluesy pop to bubblegum pop, they demonstrate a knack for tongue-in-cheek satire and sarcasm that will delight fans of Steve Taylor. Their debut was released on True Tunes Records late in 2000. Songs include: 'I'm So Happy,' 'Hard Landing,' 'Sweet Forgiveness,' 'Sugarcoated Savior,' 'Miracle,' 'The Lies That Ate Bobby McWatkiss,' 'Happy Birthday Jesus,' 'A Woman's Place,' '(Are We Still Serving) the Same God,' 'What Happened When Jesus Went To Nashville' and 'Dying To Live.' 11 songs TT: 41:24 8-page insert w/lyrics

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