
We are seeking to interview entrepreneurial business leaders from around the globe to share their top strategies for entrepreneurs to Power Up for Profits to make money while impacting millions of people.

Our experts eagerly share their stories of challenges and successes to educate and inspire others. These leaders generously pay it forward, contributing to make the world a better place.

A benefit to you of being on our show is that we highlight you, honor your story and your business and introduce you to an audience hungry to hear and take action on the lessons you share. We also promote you and put your message out through our extensive social media channels that touch lives throughout the world.

Show Name: *

Power Up for Profits Podcast with Kathleen Gage

Show Description: *

Power Up for Profits is a Power Packed Podcast interviewing entrepreneurial leaders from around the globe who share their top strategies for entrepreneurs to Power Up for Profits to make money while impacting millions of people. Our experts share their challenges, successes and generously pay it forward to make the world a better place.

The featured entrepreneurs and experts have extensive experience on entrepreneurship, social media, making money online, social media marketing, Internet marketing, branding, and finance.  All have a proven track record of success on being successful entrepreneurs (many are "serial entrepreneurs" repeating their successes over and over) earning 6 figures and above.

Power Up for Profits Podcast is the place to be, to hear from the best of the best entrepreneurs on how to build a successful business while making a difference in the world.  Our goal is to consistently provide great information to our audience to Power Up for Profits. We publish 5 days a week.

Booking Contact for Interviews: *

Terry Loving
Podcast Manager

Email Address: *


Audience Demographics for Your Show: *

Conscious Business Entrepreneurs -
People passionate about launching and marketing their message through businesses and services online and off.

Authors, Speakers, Internet Marketers, Healers, Women entrepreneurs, Visionaries, People in Life transitions, Business Coaches, Product Developers, Artists, and more.

Audience Size for Your Show and Source for Your Claim: *

Launching April 21, 2014 on iTunes, we have over 17,000 downloads (currently averaging approximately 500 downloads a day and growing) mainly in the US and reaching world wide. Statistics are aggregated on Libsyn.com

Show Format *

Recorded podcast

Station Call Letters + Network(s) + Broadcast Schedule + Time Zone + Format: *

Daily, Monday - Friday, a 25 minute interview is released as a recorded podcast on iTunes. Scheduled release at 3:00 am Pacific time.

Website URL: *


Show URL: *


If you charge for interviews, request "donations", or otherwise upsell, how much and what do guests get? *

No fee is charged and we promote you! How cool is that?

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