
SB DX @ WW < KB8NW $OPDX.1242

Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin No. 1242

The Ohio/Penn DX PacketCluster

DX Bulletin No. 1242

BID: $OPDX.1242

November 30, 2015

Editor Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW

Provided by BARF80.ORG (Cleveland, Ohio)

Written From Strongsville, OH

Thanks to the Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society, Northern Ohio DX

Association, Ohio/Penn PacketCluster Network, AB5K & the AR TelNet Clusters

Network, K1XN & GoList, NJ1Q & W1AW, NG3K & ADXO, W3UR & The Daily DX,

N4AA & QRZ DX, N4THW, N5JR, N7NG, K8GI, K8YSE, W8GEX & 60m News, W9ILY,

CO8TW, DK8ZZ, DL1SBF, DL7UXG & The DX News Letter, DxCoffee.com, DXNews.com,

DX-World.Net, EI9FBB, ES1CW, F5NQL, F6AJA & Les Nouvelles DX, I1JQJ/IK1ADH

& 425 DX News, I2MQP & DX Italia News, IK7JWY, OZ6OM & 50 MHz DX News,

Pete Rayer (ISWL), RSGB IOTA Web Site, Sixitalia Weekly, SV1IW, VA3RJ

& ICPO, VHF-DX-Portal (MMMonVHF)? and VU2DSI for the following DX


** EDITOR'S SPECIAL NOTICE: This week's bulletin was sent out earlier

than normal to accommodate the late CQWW DX CW Contest announcements.

Also, we wanted to provide the readers with a consolidated listing

of the CQWW DX CW Contest participants.

DXCC COUNTRY/ENTITY REPORT: According to the AR-Cluster Network for the

week of Friday, 20th/November, through Friday, 27th/November there were

227 countries active. Countries available: 3A, 3B8, 3B9, 3D2, 3DA, 3V, 3W,

4J, 4L, 4S, 4U1I, 4W, 4X, 5A, 5B, 5H, 5R, 5T, 5V, 5W, 5X, 5Z, 6W, 6Y, 7Q,

7X, 8P, 8Q, 8R, 9A, 9G, 9H, 9J, 9K, 9M2, 9M6, 9N, 9Q, 9V, 9X, 9Y, A4, A5,

A6, A7, A9, AP, BV, BY, C3, C6, C9, CE, CE0Y, CE9, CM, CN, CP, CT, CT3,

CU, CX, D2, D4, DL, DU, E4, E5/s, E7, EA, EA6, EA8, EA9, EI, EK, EL, EP,

ER, ES, EU, EX, EY, EZ, F, FG, FH, FK, FM, FO, FP, FR, FS, FW, FY, G, GD,

GI, GJ, GM, GU, GW, HA, HB, HB0, HC, HH, HI, HK, HL, HP, HR, HS, HV, HZ,

I, IS, J3, J5, J6, J7, J8, JA, JD/o, JT, JW, JY, K, KG4, KH0, KH2, KH6,

KL, KP2, KP4, LA, LU, LX, LY, LZ, OA, OD, OE, OH, OK, OM, ON, OX, OY, OZ,

P2, P4, PA, PJ2, PJ4, PJ5, PJ7, PY, PY0F, PZ, S0, S5, S7, S9, SM, SP, ST,

SU, SV, SV/a, SV5, SV9, T2, T7, T8, TA, TF, TG, TI, TK, TL, TR, TT, TY,

TZ, UA, UA2, UA9, UK, UN, UR, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7, V8, VE, VK, VK9W,

VP2E, VP2V, VP5, VP8, VP8/h, VP9, VR, VU, XE, XT, YA, YB, YL, YN, YO, YS,

YU, YV, Z3, ZA, ZB, ZD7, ZD8, ZF, ZL, ZP, ZS

* PLEASE NOTE: The report "could" contain "Pirate/SLIM" operations or

more likely a "BUSTED CALLSIGN". As always, you never know - "Work

First Worry Later".

4S, SRI LANKA. Operators Bernd/DK7TF and Jurgen/DH6ICE will once again

be active as 4S7DLG from Sri Lanka until December 6th. Activity should

be on all HF bands, CW and SSB, using a TS-480 into a Hexbeam and GP.

QSL via DK8ZZ.

5J, COLOMBIA. Dr. Vilho "Ville", OH2MM, will be active as 5J1E during the

CQWW DX CW Contest (November 28-29th) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (10m)

entry. QSL via info on QRZ.com.

5K3/HK0, SAN ANDRES AND PROVIDENCIA. Carlos, N4THW, recently back from

Iraq (YI9HW), informs OPDX that a new DXpedition is being planned for 2016

to Roncador Island (NA-133) and Quita Sueño Bank in the Colombian


Sea. Activity will take place sometime between March or April 2016 for 2

weeks. Possible callsigns will have the prefix 5K3 or HK0 [currently

waiting to hear from the Colombian Minister of Communications]. They

will be looking for funds. Look for more details to be forthcoming.

7P, LESOTHO. Heli, DD0VR, will be active as 7P8VR from Lesotho between

January 4-7th. Activity will be holiday style on 40-10 meters (no WARC

bands). Heli will use a KX3 with the HL-1.1KFX amplifier by Tokyo High

Power with 500 watts or the RZ3AH PA with GMI-11tube with 350 Watts out

-- QRO SSB. For CW, he will only operate with 1-5 watts (G-QRP-Club --

NR. 7073). His antenna is a vertical. QSL via his home callsign, direct

or by the Bureau.

8P, BARBADOS. Ernest, J69AZ, will once again be active as 8P9JB from

Barbados (NA-021) between December 15th and January 5th (2016). Activity

will be on 80-10 meters QRP. QSL via his home callsign direct.

9K, KUWAIT. Faisal, 9K2RR, will be active as 9K2HN during the CQWW DX

CW Contest (November 28-29th) as a Single-Op/All-Band/Low-Power entry.

QSL via 9K2HN, by the Bureau, direct or LoTW. Visit the 9K2HN's Blog

page at: http://www.9k2hn.com

A2, BOTSWANA. Gopan, M0XUU/VU3HPF, will be active as A25GR from Kasane

and Gaborone between December 22-30th. This will be primarly a holiday.

He plans to be on air either in the mornings or evenings. Station will

be an Elecraft KX3 (+ 100 watts amplifier) and a G-Whip Windom/OSCD

antenna. Activity will be on 40/30/20/17 meters using CW and SSB. QSL

via his home callsign M0XUU.


from Pristina, Kosovo, date November 23rd [edited]: Combining the interests

of two countries with the same origin, language, religion and culture, an

international group will activate both of them toward the end of this week.

The group consisting of Fatos/ZA1G, Edmund/ZA1U, Dietmar/DL3DXX, Driton/

Z61DX, Hide/Z63HBF, Fehmi/Z62FB, Leena/OH2BE and Martti/OH2BH will activate

several stations, including ZA90IARU, ZA1WW and Z60A, Z60WW on the air from

their respective countries in the CQWWDX Contest.

The project includes in meeting telecom administrators of both countries.


QSL ZA1WW, Z60A and Z60WW via OH2BH (see Z6 and ZA info below)

AU2, INDIA (Special Event). Look for special event station AU2JCB to be

active between November 27th and December 13th. Activity will be on 40-10

meters using SSB. Suggested frequencies are (depending on the propagation):

7040, 7150, 14210, 14310, 21350, 28510 and 28545 kHz. If higher bands

are open, operations will be on those bands. The operator will be Surabhi,

VU2DSI. QSL direct (with 2 IRCs) to VU2DSI. Operations are to celebrate

the 157th anniversary of the birth (November 30th) of Sir Jagadeesh Chandra

Bose, India's great scientist and inventor who they consider the "Father

of Wireless Communication". For more details, see the following Web page

at: http://www.qsl.net/vu2msy/JCBOSE.htm

CO, CUBA. Juan Carlos CO8TW, will be active during the CQWW DX CW Contest

(November 28-29th) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (20m)/Low-Power entry.

QSL only via direct, info is OK on QRZ.com.

CR2, AZORES. Pertti, OH2PM, will be active as CR2X during the CQWW DX CW

Contest (November 28-29th) as a Single-Op entry. QSL via OH2BH.

ET, ETHIOPIA. Ken, K4ZW, will once again be back in Addis Ababa for the

CQWW DX CW Contest (November 28-29th). His length of stay is unknown at

this time. Look for him to operate from the ET3AA club station during the

contest weekend. QSL ET3AA via N2OO.

FH, MAYOTTE. Pat, F2DX, will be active as FH/F2DX from Mayotte Island

(AF-027) [before joining FT4JA Juan De Nova 2016 DXpedition] between

March 18-24th. Activity will be on 40-6 meters. QSL via F2DX, LoTW,

OQRS, direct or by the Bureau.

GJ/MJ0, JERSEY. Mat, MJ0ASP (aka-F5SHQ), will be active as GJ2A during

the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 28-29th) as a Single-Op/All-Band entry.

QSL via the LoTW. QSL also via ClubLog's OQRS.

GU, GUERNSEY. Bob, GU4YOX, from Guernsey Island (EU-114), will be active

during the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 28-29th) as a Single-Op/Single-Band

(15m)/Low-Power entry. QSL via GU4YOX direct.

HH, HAITI. Joel, N5JR, will once again be active as HH2/N5JR between

December 2-14th. Activity will be on 160-6 meters (including 60 meters)

with an emphasis on RTTY and the 79-WARC bands. QSL via his home call-

sign via LoTW, by the Bureau or direct. If possible, daily uploads will

be made to ClubLog.

HK, COLOMBIA. Jorge, HK1R, will be active during the the CQWW DX CW Contest

(November 28-29th) as a Single-Op/Single-Band (20m) entry. QSL via K6IPM.

HP, PANAMA. Tom, K6CT (CX7TT), will be active as HP1XT during the CQWW

DX CW Contest (November 28-29th) as a Single-Op/Assisted. Activity will

be FD style with a focus on 80/40 meters and part-time on the High Bands.

QSL via LoTW starting January 2016.

INTREPID-DX GROUP NEWS (Press Release-Seeking nominations for the 2015

Intrepid Spirit Award -- dated November 25th). [edited] The Intrepid-DX

Group is seeking nominations for the individual or group that most dis-

played their "Intrepid Spirit" this past year. The Intrepid Spirit for

purposes of this award is defined as:

An Intrepid Spirit is bold, courageous, dedicated, innovative, fear-

less, generous, resolute and visionary in their approach to Amateur Radio.

We are seeking to make this award to the group or individual that most

displayed their intrepid spirit in 2015, by expressing an unshakable

commitment to the Amateur Radio DX Community.

This award is made in memory of our friend, James McLaughlin,

WA2EWE/T6AF (SK), Kabul Afghanistan, April 27th, 2011.

Nominations may be submitted via email to:

All nominations must be received by December 15th, 2015. The Board of

Directors of the Intrepid-DX Group will evaluate the nominations and the

award will be presented at the International DX Convention in Visalia,

California, on April 16th, 2016.

The Intrepid-DX Group was formed in 2010 following our successful

Dxpedition to Iraq.

The 2014 Intrepid-Spirit Award was awarded to Dmitry Zhikharev-RA9USU.

You can view our website at <http://www.intrepid-dx.com/awards.php>.

Thank you, Paul Ewing-N6PSE -- President, The Intrepid-DX Group

IOTA NEWS..............

AS-112. Operators from the Royal Omani Amateur Radio Society (ROARS)

will be active as A43SI from Suwadi Island December 10-12th.

Activity will be on 40-10 meters, possibly 6m, using CW and

SSB. Operators mentioned are Adnan/A41LP, Younis/A41MA and

Muneer/A41OJ. QSL via A47RS. For updates, watch their Twitter

account: https://twitter.com/A47RS

OC-136. (Update) Steve, G0UIH, will be active as VK2IAY/3 from Phillip

Island between December 29th and January 1st (2016). Activity

will be on 20/17 meters using SSB only. QSL via G0UIH. ADDED

NOTES: On returning to Australia, he may also be active from

'Moonta' (a town on the Yorke Peninsula of South Australia) as

VK2IAY/5 between January 4-8th (2016) and from 'Monkey Mia

Resort'(in Shark Bay World Heritage Area, Australia's largest

bay) as VK2IAY/6 between January 10-17th (2016) [See OC-206].

OC-206. (Update) Steve, G0UIH, will be active as VK2IAY/6 from Monkey

Mia Resort/Dirk Hartog Island between January 10-17th (2016).

He will be operating holiday style (as it's the XYL's birthday

trip) from Lord Howe Island (OC-004) as VK2IAY/9 between December

16-23rd (See OPDX.1203). Operation will be SSB only concentrating

on 10/15/17m and 20m, although other bands are possible as he

hopes to utilize some antenna hardware from previous acti-

vations. The activation will also be using various antenna

hardware from Vortex Antenna Systems. QSL via G0UIH.

ISWL CALLSIGNS (For December). The following ISWL club callsigns will be

used throughout the month of December 2015:

GX4BJC/A - Operated from Walton on the Naze, in Essex, by Herbie, G6XOU.

(/A WAB Square TM22 - England, IOTA EU-005, WLOTA 1841).

MS1SWL/A - Operated from Macclesfield, in Cheshire, by Tom, M1EYP.

(/A WAB Square SJ87 - England, IOTA EU-005, WLOTA 1841).

Tom will also operate as: MX1SWL/P (England) & MC1SWL/P


ALL QSLs will be handled by Herbie, G6XOU, and NOT the individual

operator. The I.S.W.L. is a member of the European PSK Club. All QSL

info is on <www.iswl.org.uk> or <www.qrz.com> or via <www.eQSL.cc>.

NO LoTW. I.S.W.L. Awards are available to all Hams and SWLs, see

<www.iswl.org.uk> for full details. The eQSL.cc cards ARE welcomed for

their awards.

LX, LUXEMBOURG. A team of operators will be active as LX7I during the

CQWW DX CW Contest (November 28-29th) as a Multi-2 entry. QSL via LX2A.

Visit the following Web page at: http://www.lx7I.com

OH0, ALAND ISLAND. Jukka, OH6LI, will be active as OH0V from Aland Island

(EU-002) during the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 28-29th) as a Single-Op

entry. QSL via OH6V or LoTW (preferred). For a view on the antennas, see

several OH0V videos on Youtube.com.

PACIFIC TOUR. Freddy, F4FEC, will activate two islands during the month

of December in the Pacific Ocean. His tentative schedule is as follows:

December 3-9th - From Guam (OC-026); callsign KH2/F4FEC.

December 10-13th - From N. Mariana Islands (OC-086); callsign KH0/F4FEC

Activity will be on the HF bands. QSL via his home callsign direct or LoTW.

PROPAGATION FORECAST/REPORT (November 30th- December 6th)....

Nov/30th BN Dec/03rd DIS Dec/05th HN

Dec/01st DIS Dec/04th AN Dec/06th AN

Dec/02nd DIS



ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ NORMALITY GEOMAG K Values Alpha

----------------- ------ -------- ------

AN - Above Normal Quiet Kÿ1 0-7

HN - High Normal Unsettled Kÿ 8-15

LN - Low Normal Active Kÿ 16-29

BN - Below Normal Minor Storm Kÿ 30-49

DIS - Disturbed Major Storm Kÿ 50-99

VRY DIS - Very Disturbed Severe Storm Kÿ9 100-400

REALTIME BAND CONDITIONS WEB SITE <http://www.bandconditions.com>:

The purpose of this experimental Web site is to provide 24-7-365 actual

(REALTIME) band condition information to CW QRPp, QRPe and CW/SSB for

Contesters interested in increasing their scores. It can also be of

benefit to other Radio Amateurs to determine band conditions for Nets

and casual QSO's. This information is NOT based on any software pre-

dictions or any kind of satellite based readings. It is based on a

new Ionospheric sounding method called "HF Ionospheric Interferometry"

which operates very similarly to the PolSAR system used by NASA.

QSL INFO AND NEWS.....................

QSL-INFO from DB0SDX (November 27th) <www.qslinfo.eu>



C4I via LZ2HM (d) OP15N via ON-Bureau TI5/M0DXR via M0DXR

C92ZO via OH0XX OP4CAS via ON4CAS UN0OA via RW6HS (d)

CT7AEQ via LZ1WR OP7VA via ON7VA VI90IARU via VK-Bureau


HR5/G4IRN via G4IRN PZ5W via N0AT


(e) eQSL only (d) direct only (B) Bureau only (*-B) DX's- Bureau

(O) OQRS only (C) ClubLog only (L) LoTW only

Z21MG QSL STATUS. QSL Manager OK6DJ reports, "All received requests for

direct QSLs have been sent. OQRS direct uploaded to LoTW. Next info will

be on <www.cdxp.cz>, now full photo gallery link......"






KL7NWR (NA-070), P29FR, R7AL/0 (AS-172), S54ZZ, TM48B (EU-048), UA0SR,

UA0ZC/p (AS-203), UK9AA, VK6BP/P (OC-071), Z21MG, ZD7FT, ZF2AH and ZL3PAH


4X1UN, 4X1TI, 4X1SK, 4X1ZZ, 4X4JU, 4X4LF, 4X4PP, 4X5A, 4X6DK, 4X6FK,

4X6HU, 4X0A, 4X0WFF, 4X65LF, 4X75FOC, 4X130R, 4Z1PS, 4Z4AK, 4Z4DX,

4Z4LS, 4Z5AV, 4Z5JU, 4Z5LA/P, 4Z5MU, 4Z5NI, 4Z5OZ, 4Z5PF, 4Z5RR, 4Z5SG,

4Z5T, 4Z65LF, 4Z66NX, 4Z67LA, 7P8JR, 7Q7SB, 8P5A, C21EU, C6AGU, CE2/CX1E,


HG45HS, HG72QRP, HG400HV, HG460EV, HZ1FI, K9W, KH2/N2NL, NE9U/KP2,



and ZZ80TO

S7, SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE. Operators Lee/WW2DX, Ray/W2RE and Pat/N2IEN

will be active as S9TM from Praia between November 28th and December 1st.

The team is planning on taking a WRTC tri-band yagi for 10/15/20 as well

as a OCF for the lower bands. They will have an Expert 1.3K amp with them

for that station. The second station will be K3/KPA500 that will be used

on the 30/17/12m bands. A third station will be setup for LEO satellites

and they are going to attempt 2m EME, but this is new territory for this

group so don't set expectations too high. They will be posting to Twitter

<https://twitter.com/@ww2dx> and possible live streaming using periscope.

QSL via LoTW and paper cards to NR6M.

S79C FINAL PRESS RELEASE. All 6 operators have now returned safely to their

homes after many hours of traveling. We achieved what we set out to do -

and this was to put Coetivy Island on the air for the 1st time. Coetivy

Island is one of the new 11 IOTA groups that was added in July 2014 at

the 50th IOTA convention in Windsor, UK.

Coetivy Island is an active open prison and a rehabilitation center for

Drug abusers. It is 180 miles from anywhere and is only accessible via the

IDC (Islands Development Committee) who have full control of the island.

We were limited to a maximum of 6 persons and had to use the IDC private

airplane charter. The last 180 miles of our project cost over $20,000!

Early on in our planning stages we began a vast sponsoring program. We

needed the help of the IOTA/DX community to help to offset these high

costs. Many DX Clubs and foundations gave assistance for which we are

most grateful. Without the help of all individuals, this project would

not have happened. We had a clear vision of what our goals were, we

always intended to maximize the number of Uniques to give this New IOTA

to as many as possible. 9,808 Unique callsigns were logged!!! We also

realized that regular S7 was most wanted on the US West Coast where we

maximized our antenna farm to empathize into this area during limited

openings. In total, we worked 6,660 North American stations netting 31%

of all QSOs. Special thanks to the Western Washington DX Club who was

the only North American Club to help fund our project.

On Tuesday 17/Nov/15 at 18:00 UTC all 6 stations began CQing altogether.

Clive, 3B8CW, was the 1st into the log on 17m SSB. Our stations were planned

to enable us to be QRV with 2 stations per band. S79C went QRT at 02:19 on

22/Nov/15 on 30m CW with AA4BQ being the last in the log. Altogether a

total of 21,541 QSOs in 146 DXCCs were worked. The team noted excellent

pile-up behavior from all Continents and maximized our QSO count on all

open bands. We encountered daily electricity outages and often had to QRT

to interact with prisoners and inmates.

All supporting documentation has already been submitted, so therefore,

special thanks to Roger G3KMA and the IOTA committee who have already

approved and validated this operation. Our logs are now uploaded to CLUBLOG

and our OQRS facility is already buzzing with requests. We hope to begin

the initial QSL mailing in early - mid January, just in time for the IOTA

Honor Roll update. Logs will be uploaded to LoTW in the coming days once

the inevitable few log errors are corrected.

Sincere thanks to all our sponsors, to the DX Clubs and Foundations listed

below and to our corporate sponsors. Your help is what made our success -


Although S79C is now QRT, our work still continues with publications &

presentations and also, for our QSL manager Charles M0OXO, whose work is

now just beginning! Tnx Charles.

All information is available at http://af119new.com.

On behalf of EA3NT, MM0NDX, PA3EWP, SP5APW & VK5CE, vy 73. We could not

have asked for a better team!

As with all DXpeditioners, plans are already underway for yet another

new one! Stay Tuned!

de Dave EI9FBB (S79C Team Leader)

SX90, GREECE (Special Event). Manos, SV1IW, President of the Radio Amateur

Association of Greece (RAAG), informs OPDX to celebrate the 90th anniversary

of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU) members of the RAAG will

activate special event station SX90IARU between December 1-31st. Activity

will be on all amateur radio bands and modes CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK. All

contacts will be verified via LoTW. Paper QSL may be requested via ClubLog

at <https://secure.clublog.org/logsearch/SX90IARU>. Complete details about

QSLing can be found on QRZ.com. An award is available. See details also

on QRZ.com.

V4, ST. KITTS AND NEVIS. Ted, K8AQM, will be active as V47TR from Timothy

Bay Resort on St. Kitts (NA-104) between February 13-21st (2016). Activity

will be holiday style on 20-10 meters, including 17/12m, using CW and SSB.

He will be looking for SKCC members. QSL via his home callsign.

VR, HONG KONG. Alberto, IV3SKB, will once again be active as VR2XAN from

Peng Chau Island (AS-006) through December 3rd. His activity will include

the CQWW DX CW Contest (November 28-29th). QSL via info on QRZ.com.

YE1, INDONESIA. Team members of the Bekasi Club Station (YE1ZAT) will be

active as YE1ZAT from Bekasi (OC-021, WLOTA 1660) during the CQWW DX CW

Contest (November 28-29th) as a Multi-Single/Low-Power entry. QSL via

info on QRZ.com. Visit the YE1ZAT Web page at: http://ye1zat.wordpress.com

YE1, INDONESIA. Team members of the Bekasi Club Station (YE1ZAT) will be

active as YE1K from Bekasi (OC-021, WLOTA 1660) during the CQWW DX CW

Contest (November 28-29th) as a Multi-Single/High-Power entry. QSL via

info on QRZ.com. Visit the YE1ZAT Web page at: http://ye1zat.wordpress.com

YW4, VENEZULELA. Paolo, YV1DIG, will be active as YW4D during the CQWW DX

CW Contest (November 28-29th) a Single-Op/High-Power entry. QSL via LoTW.

He mentions that he will be on 160m before and after the contest between

November 26-30th.

Z6, KOSOVO. Driton, Z61DX, will be active as Z60A during the CQWW DX CW

Contest (November 28-29th) a Single-Op/All-Band entry. QSL via OH2BH.

Z6, KOSOVO. Dietmar, DL3DXX, will be active as Z60WW during the CQWW DX

CW Contest (November 28-29th) a Single-Op/Single-Band (40m) entry. QSL

via OH2BH.

ZA, ALBANIA. Martti, OH2BH, will be active as ZA1WW during the CQWW DX

CW Contest (November 28-29th) a Single-Op/Single-Band (20m or 15m) entry.

QSL via OH2BH.

ZF, CAYMAN ISLANDS. Stan, K5GO, will be active as ZF2ET from Cayman Brac

(NA-016) during the CQWW CW DX Contest (November 28-29th) as a Single-Op/

All-Band/Low-Power or QRP entry. QSL via K5GO.


The following stations are expected to be active in the

CQ World Wide DX CW Contest (November 28-29th, 2015)


Thanks to Bill, NG3K, for providing OPDX readers with the following

consolidated listing of the participants in the 2015 CQWW DX CW Contest.

For a more detailed listing (and up-to-date changes/corrections) in HTML

format, please visit Bill's Web page at:
http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/cqc2015.html (By call sign)
http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/cqcd2015.html (By entity)
http://www.ng3k.com/Misc/cqcz2015.html (By zone)

The CQ World-Wide DX Contest Web page and rules:


Contest DXCC CQZ Class QSL

Callsign Entity Route


3B9HA Rodrigues Island 39 SOAB LoTW

3V8SS Tunisia 33 SOAB LP LX1NO

4K6FO Azerbaijan 21 SOAB LoTW; QSL via DC9RI & (e)

4L8A Georgia 21 SOSB LoTW; QSL via K1BV

4O3A Montenegro 15 SOAB 4O3A

4S7SAE Sri Lanka 22 DK9PY; QSL via DARC


4X7R Israel 20 SOAB 4X6OM

4Z4DX Israel 20 SOSB 15M

5J1E Colombia 09 SOSB 10M

5W0IF Samoa 32 SOAB HP ZL1IF

8Q7DV Maldives 22 TBD UA8DX

9K2HN Kuwait 21 SOAB LP LoTW

9H3EE Malta 15 SOAB LP ClubLog

9M2M West Malaysia 28 M/S

9M6NA East Malaysia 28 SOAB LoTW; QSL via JE1JKL

9X0NH Rwanda 36 LoTW; QSL via G3RWF

9Y4/WJ2O Trinidad & Tobago 09 N2ZN

AH2R Guam 27 M/S LoTW

AH0K Mariana Islands 27 M/2 OH6GDX

B4T China 24 M/2 BA4TB

BY5CD China 24 M/M BD4HF

C92ZO Mozambique 37 SOAB HP LoTW; QSL via OH0XX (d)

CB1H Chile 12 M/? CE1DY

CE0Y/R4WAA Easter Island 12 ClubLog; QSL via direct


Sergey V. Azarov, 431a Marks St, Izhevsk 426000,


CE0Y/RZ3FW Easter Island 12 ClubLog; QSL via direct


Serge G. Yanovsky, ul. Shkolnaya, 3-56, Elektrougli 142455,


CO8TW Cuba 08 SOSB 20M CO8TW (d)

CR2X Azores 14 SO OH2BH

CR3L Madeira 33 M/2

CR3OO Madeira 33 SOAB HP W3HNK

CR6K Portugal 14 SOAB LoTW; QSL via CT1ILT

CU8FN/p Azores 14 SOSB 15M HB9CRV

CX4AT Uruguay 13 SO HP LoTW; QSL via CX4AT


DU1/R7KW Philippines 27 SOAB ClubLog; QSL via K2PF

DU1/YL3JM Philippines 27 SOSB ClubLog; QSL via K2PF

E2X Thailand 26 M/S LoTW

EA8/HA5PP Canary Island 33 SO HA5PP

EA8CUU Canary Island 33 SOSB OH6CS

EA8RM Canary Island 33 SOAB LP LoTW

ED1R Spain 14 M/2 LoTW; QSL via EC1KR

ED8X Canary Island 33 M/S LoTW; QSL via RN3RQ

EE3X Spain 14 SOSB 20M EA3KX

EF8U Canary Island 33 M/2 LoTW

ES9C Estonia 15 M/S LoTW; QSL via ES5RY

ET3AA Ethiopia 37 N2OO

FR/OH2YL Reunion 39 OH2YL

FY5FY French Guiana 09 SOSB 15M FY5FY

FY5KE French Guiana 09 SOSB LoTW

G2F England 14 M/S G2F

G4R England 14 SOAB HP G4POF

GD6IA Isle of Man 14 SOAB HP GD6IA

GJ2A Jersey 14 SOAB LoTW

GU4CHY Guernsey 14 SOSB 20M GU4CHY

GU4YOX Guernsey 14 SOSB 15M GU4YOX

HB9FKK Switzerland 14 SOAB HP HB9FKK

HI3/ND3F Dominican Republic 08 SOAB LP ND3F

HI3K Dominican Republic 08 M/S

HK1R Colombia 09 SOSB 20M K6PIM

HP1XT Panama 07 SO LoTW

HR2J Honduras 07 TBD HR2J; QSL via G4IRN

HS0ZAR Thailand 26 M/2 K3ZO

HS0ZIA Thailand 26 M/S LoTW

IH9R African Italy 33 SOSB 80M IZ1GAR

IH9YMC African Italy 33 SOSB eQSL

II9W Sicily 15 SOSB 20M LoTW

J6/K9AW St Lucia 08 K9AW

JD1BON Ogasawara 27 JA1UII

KH7M Hawaii 31 SOAB

LA4C Norway 14 M/S LA4C

LU8YE Argentina 13 M/S LoTW; QSL via IK2DUW

LX7I Luxembourg 14 M/2 LX2A

LY4A Lithuania 15 M/? LY4A

LY7A Lithuania 15 M/M LoTW

LZ7E Bulgaria 20 SOAB LoTW

MZ5A Shetland Island 14 SOSB 40M LoTW; QSL via ClubLog

MZ5B Shetland Island 14 SOSB 20M LoTW; QSL (C) or G3TXF


NP2P Virgin Islands 08 SOAB LoTW

NP4A Puerto Rico 08 SOSB 40M W3HNK

NP4Z Puerto Rico 08 SOAB LP N4AO

OA85O Peru 10 SOAB LoTW

OH5Z Finland 15 M/S LoTW

OH0V Aland Island 15 SO LoTW

OH0X Aland Island 15 SOAB OH2TA

OH0Z Aland Island 15 SOAB HP W0MM

OX3LX Greenland 40 OZ1PIF

P40C Aruba 09 LoTW

P40L Aruba 09 M/2 WA3FRP

P40W Aruba 09 SOAB LP LoTW; QSL via N2MM (d)

PJ2T Curacao 09 M/M W3HNK

PJ4A Bonaire 09 M/S K4BAI

PJ4Q Bonaire 09 M/S W4PA

PJ6/OH1VR Saba&St Eustatius 08 SOAB LP OH1VR (d)

PJ6/OH3JR Saba&St Eustatius 08 SOAB HP OH3JR (d)

PJ7/G4JEC Sint Maarten 08 LoTW; QSL via N0UK (d)

PZ5W Surinam 09 M/2 LoTW; QSL via N0AT (B/d)

RM3F Russia (Europe) 16 SOAB LoTW

S9TM Sao Tome & Principe 36 M/? LoTW; QSL via NR6M (d)

SN6O Poland 15 SO SP6PAZ

SU90IARU Egypt 34 M/S OM3CGN


SX8V Greece 20 SV1JG

SZ1A Greece 20 M/2 LoTW; QSL via (e)

TC0A Turkey 20 M/2 LZ1NK

TF2CW Iceland 40 SOAB LX1NO

TF3W Iceland 40 M/S LoTW

TI5W Costa Rica 07 SOAB HP N3YIM

TK0C Corsica 15 M/S LoTW

TO4GU Martinique 08 DL7VOG (B)

TO8M Martinique 08 SOAB

TX8D New Caledonia 32 M/S NI5DX

UA2F Kaliningrad 15 M/S UA2F

UI0L Russia (Asia) 19 M/S RW0MM

V26K Antigua 08 SOAB LP AA3B

V31WI Belize 07 LoTW; QSL via WI9WI

V47T St Kitts & Nevis 08 SOAB HP W2RQ

V6A Micronesia 27 SOAB JA7HMZ (d)

VK6LW Australia 29 SOAB

VK8NSB Australia 29 SOAB LP M0URX

VP2EAQ Anguilla 08 LoTW; QSL via (L/d


VP2VVV Br. Virgin Islands 08 SOAB K5WW

VR2XAN Hong Kong 24 VR2XAN

VU2PAI India 22 SOAB VU2PAI (d QSL preferred)


XV2D Vietnam 26 TBD LoTW; QSL via SM6LRR (d)

YE1K Indonesia 28 M/S

YE1ZAT Indonesia 28 M/S

YE2A Indonesia 28 M/S LoTW

YN2CC Nicaragua 07 SOAB LP AJ9C

YT5A Serbia 15 M/M YT1AD

YW4D Venezuela 09 SO HP LoTW

Z39A Macedonia 15 SOSB Z39A (d)

Z60A Kosovo 15 SOAB OH2BH

Z60WW Kosovo 15 SOSB 40M OH2BH

ZA/YT5Z Albania 15 SOSB 10M YU1FW

ZA/YT7DQ Albania 15 SOSB 40M YT7DQ

ZA/YU7CM Albania 15 SOSB 160M YU7CM

ZA1WW Albania 15 SOSB OH2BH

ZB2X Gibraltar 14 SOSB 40M OH2KI

ZD8W Ascension Island 36 SOAB W6NV

ZF2ET Cayman Islands 08 SOAB

ZF2MJ Cayman Islands 08 SOAB N6MJ

ZS4TX South Africa 38 SOSB 10M LoTW


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Tedd Mirgliotta, KB8NW - E-mail addresses:

> > >

Editor of the Ohio/Penn DX Bulletin (OPDX - DXer's Tool of Excellence)

President of the "Northern Ohio DX Association" (NODXA)

DX Chairman for the "Northern Ohio Amateur Radio Society

ARRL Assistant Director of the Great Lakes Division

Sysop of the "Basic Amateur Radio Frequency BBS" (BARF80.ORG)

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